I have a "theory" about Middle Earth and Narnia. This theory is that they are apart of the same world. My story will be about an instance when Narnia helps Middle Earth. I am thinking about doing another story when Middle Earth helps Narnia in a time of need after I'm done with this one. That may or may not happen. I am just going to see how you guys like this story.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Tolkien's or C.S. Lewis' amazing works of literature. However, I do own my idea of combining these two worlds into one world like this.

Many know of the stories of Middle Earth. Most commonly known are the journeys documented by Bilbo and Frodo Baggins. Widely heard of is how the Ring found its way to Bilbo Baggins on his journey to help a company of dwarves reclaim their kingdom, and how a terrible battle was fought that was called the Battle of the Five Armies. People have read Frodo's account written after these events and how darkness had awoken in Middle Earth and how he managed to destroy that powerful darkness forever.

Many also know the histories of the fair land of Narnia, of its creation by the Great Lion, Aslan, of the of the White Witch and her hundred years rule. They know of the kings and queens of Narnia, the four siblings of a prophesy and how they ruled Narnia in its Golden Age. Some also know of the doings of Aslan in the times afterwards, and how he brought the Friends of Narnia to help it in its time of need.

But what most people do not know is that both lands are one land and their histories have been intertwined. On a map, the lands of Middle Earth face the western shore and yet the eastern shore is not shown. On a Narnian map, the eastern shore is seen but not much farther west. The reason for this is, in the first ages, those two lands knew of each other's existence and would call upon the other's help in times of need. But when a watchful peace had come upon both lands, the knowledge of their allies was forgotten. And so, on both of their maps, both countries had failed to mark the ways to the other. Only ancient maps have all of the details. The truth is that separating these two lands is a great forest the Narnians call Westerna. This forest is little explored by neither Middle Earth nor Narnia.

Aslan, the Great Lion of Narnia, Son of the Emperor Over the Sea, created Narnia and has aided it over the ages. His father, who is called Illuvatar in Middle Earth created Arda (another name for the world Middle Earth is in) and everything else, for he is the creator of all worlds. Deep magic has been interwoven through these two lands, and when one is in peril, the other is affected.

A few examples of the connection between Middle Earth and Narnia are the Ents, the Arkenstone, the Calormen, and the two Blue Wizards. According to legend, the Ents originally were Woodsmen and Woodswomen (also called dryads) from Narnia who traveled west. Over time they settled in the young Fangorn Forest but they eventually hid the trees and fell asleep. Centuries later, some elves woke the dryads and taught them to speak. However, the elves did not have strong enough magic to return the dryads back to their original form and so the spirits of the trees had to stay in semi-tree form and semi-spirit form, now called Ents. The Arkenstone, a famous gem of the dwarves, came from Archenland, just south of Narnia, as a tribute to the inhabitants of the deep lands of Bism. The lands of Bism are inhabited by Earthmen and other such creatures who live far deeper in the earth than we can imagine. The lands of Bism stretched even to under the Lonely Mountain and the Arkenstone was lost to the inhabitants of this realm and somehow was found underneath the Mountain in the outskirts of Bism by the dwarves of Erebor. As for the Calormenes, a large group of Easterlings from the lands of Rhun in Middle Earth wandered across the Westerna Forest and founded the empire that we now know as Calormen. As for the two Blue Wizards, legends say they journeyed East. They did journey East and were drawn to Narnia by the magic that resides there. These two wizards wandered in those lands and helped the people there much like Gandalf in Western Middle Earth.

In the Third Age of Middle Earth, and in the Golden Age of Narnia, darkness woke in the West. This darkness was Sauron. He planned to gather his strength and find his One Ring so he would conquer the lands of the Free Peoples. This time, the inhabitants of Middle Earth had grown ignorant in their time of Watchful Peace. This threat posed a serious danger to the West as only the Grey Wizard, Gandalf or Mithrandir saw the signs of Sauron's rise and took heed.

This is the little known event that connected Narnia and Middle Earth once again after thousands of years. At this dark hour, when the Dark Lord was about to strike the peoples of the West starting at the Lonely Mountain, Aslan came to the West and called two of the kings and queens to aid Middle Earth. This is the story of how East and West united to defeat the growing darkness and evil magic.

In ancient Narnian times, a prophesy was written about how the Narnians and people of the West (Middle Earth) would be drawn together again by the Great Lion and drive out the growing darkness that was beginning to cover the Western lands.

When Aslan bears His teeth

Winter meets its death

When He shakes His mane

We shall have spring again

When His roar echoes across the lands

From East to West a journey stands

In foreign lands perils lie

The Line of Durin stands and dies

Fate be changed etched in stone

In western lands Aslan's face is shown

When long forgotten friends form and fight

When darkness returns so does the light

The King of Gold the King of Stone

To whom death's cold face is shown

Fate be changed and kingdoms come

Echoes of war ride on the beats of a drum

When all hope for West seems lost

Gold and red banners fly across

Lands bear journeys long and bold

All to stand before the Mountain of Gold

Kings meet and things are learned

Ancient powers and magic returned

Five of the White Ones journey far

Two Rings of Power one like a star

Two Staffs of Magic one that shall break

The Grey One knows Darkness is awake

Fate be changed battles will be won

Some deaths shall be undone

East and West make a stand

Aslan moves across the land

So there you have it! I obviously did not write the first stanza of the prophesy, that's CS Lewis. I did write the rest of it. I have been coming up with what I like to call my Two Lands Same World "theory" for a few months now. In my mind Middle Earth and Narnia fit together really well into one world. Take a look at the map for each of them, put Middle Earth on the left and Narnia on the right. Add in something in the middle, my guess is a forest, and there you have it!

Anyways, please, please please review! I need reviews to keep me going in a multiple chapter story. PLEASE tell me what you think, if this is a good idea, did I explain it well, constructive criticism, and all that. If you didn't catch it from the prophesy, this story will be about how Narnia helps in the Battle of Five Armies. In the story, Sauron in Dol Guldur and the orcs, wargs, and goblins marching on the Mountain is a very big danger.

Next chapter will be actual story. Thank you so much for reading this far! I hope you enjoy the start of my story, again, please review!