Just wanted to thank everyone for their reviews and support, it meant so much to me! Special thanks to bluebloods82 for helping me when I got stuck. Enjoy :-)

Jamie held Eddie's hand leading her down the stretch of sand under the Boardwalk where they met. Earlier he set up a large blanket with a wood basket in the middle stocked with food for a picnic.

Eddie gasped seeing the surprise looking at Jamie with teary eyes as he sat on the blanket pulling her on his lap. Behind them the sun began to set painting a mix of yellow, pink and red across the darkening sky.

"One year ago you came storming on the beach. At first I took you as some smart mouth, stuck up, rich daddy's girl but I fell for you. I couldn't get you out of my head and I knew you were for me. I love you so much and hope you'll do me the honor of marrying me."

Eddie gasped again watching Jamie reach into his pocket, pulling out a gold ring holding it out to her eyes dancing nervously with each passing second she didn't answer. "Will you make me the luckiest man and marry me."

A small sob escaped Eddie's lips and hot tears stinging her blue eyes. "Oh Jamie, yes if course I'll marry you." Eddie wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him hard continuing to sob as he slipped the ring on her finger.

"I love you Jamie," Eddie cried happily.

"Love you too, now we can eat since you said yes," Jamie joked laughing when she playfully smacked him.

With Eddie sitting on his lap, Jamie pulled the basket closer offering him a dish of pasta he'd cooked and kept warm on the heater until they were ready, garlic bread and a salad.

"You made this, it's really good and you know I love food but this is really good," Eddie complimented finishing up her dish. Jamie paused to smirk sarcastically eating all his

Once they both filled up Jamie pulled out a blanket wrapping it around them before pulling Eddie back on his lap cradling her with his arms around her waist letting their hands interlock watching the sun set.

They sat together cuddling until Eddie's breathing began to slow tiredly. "Come lay down babe," Jamie whispered in her ear gently guiding her down laying behind her. He pulled the blanket around her and gently placed his arms around her waist. His warm breath hit the back of her neck as he fell into a peaceful sleep.

He next morning Eddie woke slightly turning over cuddling into his chest sleepily, not ready to move away yet.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

The voice forced Jamie out of a deep sleep jumping up in confusion. A police officer from the Brooklyn precinct stood over them hands on his hips.

"Sorry we must have fallen asleep here, we're on the job out of the 12th," Jamie explained.

The officer Carter narrowed his eyes mostly at Jamie. "On your feet, get your hands up where I can see them," he ordered.

Without looking at Eddie trying to stay calm he got up hands in the air making sure to sweep his shirt aside revealing his badge. Carter walked over patting Jamie down carefully eyeing his badge. "Wait Reagan, you're the commissioner's kid?"

"Yeah I am," Jamie answered looking back hopefully.

Instead Carter grinned pulling off Jamie's weapon and badge. "You do know what you did is against the law right? Even your last name can't help you now kid your under arrest." Eddie looked up shocked and angry this officer was flaunting his power.

"Actually we are fully clothed and not engaging in anything other than sleeping which makes your arrest a bad collar. You can take me in but I'll be walking right back out and you will be faced with an harassment charge."

Carter scowled under his breath handing Jamie his gun and badge walking back up to the Boardwalk to continue his shift.

Eddie stifled a laugh when Jamie returned to her side. "I thought we were done for how'd you know that?"

"It's in the guidebook rookie, plus I graduated from Harvard with a law degree so it does come in handy once in awhile. We have to go though or Renzulli will have both our heads." Jamie picked up the basket and gave the blanket a shake before walking with Eddie back to his car.

Placing both items in his trunk Jamie got in the driver's seat leaning in to kiss her softly before driving to the precinct. "So what are we doing this weekend," Eddie asked while he drove.

"Anything you want, we could go to Cony Island to the aquarium if you want."

Eddie nodded her head acceptingly wishing they had more time to sleep. The ring on her finger made Eddie smile intertwining their hands as they left the beach where their relationship first started.

As they returned to Jamie's car a pair of eyes set upon the couple scowling under his breath. "It's not over."