Clint had gotten out of the pool and tried to catch up to Tony, but by the time he had made it to the elevator the doors were closed. He ran to the stairwell and started to climb as fast as he could. When he reached Tony's private floor he found the door locked.

"Jarvis, can you please open the door," he said with annoyance.

"I'm sorry, Master Barton, but Master Tony said that there should be no one permitted on this floor, though I am a bit worried."

"Please, Jarvis. I'll owe you big time," Clint pleaded.

"Well, I would hope so, Master Barton."

After hearing that, Clint heard a clicking sound coming from the door. He quickly walked through the door and onto the floor. As he neared Tony's bedroom he heard Tony yell, "Stop! Why won't it STOP!"

At hearing that Clint ran into his bedroom. When he didn't see Tony anywhere he slammed open the bathroom door to a horrid sight.

Right in front of the door was a bloody blade, in front of the sink was a broken bottle with blood footprints leading to a frantic looking Tony Stark trying to stop the bleeding coming from his arm and beside him laid an already soaked towel.

Clint rushed over to Tony, grabbed another white towel off the shelf, and knelt down next to him. Clint, then, slowly remove the blood covered towel from Tony's arm to see how deep the cut was.

When he saw the cut he immediately said, "Jarvis, get me a disinfected needle and thread. I'm going to have to stitch Tony up."

"Of course, sir."

After Jarvis had given him the things that he had asked for, Clint heard Tony muttering under his breath. As he began working on stitching Tony's arm, Clint leaned in slightly to try and understand what Tony was saying while at the same time realizing that Tony had no idea that Clint was there.

As he stitched Tony up Clint heard him say, "Oh God. It had been a whole year! God dammit! I promised myself that I'd never do it again! Now he's going to hate me. Howard was right, I'm a failure. I can't even confess my feelings for him, and then I go and have a panic attack in front of the team. God dammit!"

As Clint moved down to Tony's feet to remove the glass and patch them up he realized that the bathroom had gotten eerily quiet. He looked up and saw Tony had his hands covering his face and he was taking short, shallow breathes. He was crying.

As soon as Clint was done removing all the glass shards from Tony's feet he moved back up to kneel in front of Tony's face again. He took Tony's hand and pulled them away from his face. What he saw underneath was not what he was expecting. Tony looked so broken with the stream of tears going down his face. It also seemed as if he had been expecting it, like people had kept beating him down, which made sense to Clint since Tony hated Howard, but never knew why until now. Howard had put his own son down.

'I wish that I could bring Howard back to life so I could kill him,' Clint thought.

All of a sudden Tony snapped back to the land of the living and when he focused on Clint he started to panic. His breathing got shallow as looked down at his stitched arm and realization hit him.

"Oh God. Your saw didn't you? You hate me now. Oh God, I'm so weak!" Tony said as he began to panic more and more.

Clint pulled the other man into his arms and said softly, "I don't hate you and you're not weak. You've just been through a lot of shit, like all of us."

Tony looked up with hope in his eyes and whispers, "You don't hate me? Why? I'm disgusting. I'm weak. I'm in love with you. How could you not hate me?"

Clint was shocked, ecstatic but shocked. Tony had just confessed to him. So, instead of sitting there looking like an idiot he leaned in and kissed Tony, and when he leaned back he whispered, "I don't hate you because I love You."

The End

He guys, thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this story.

If you want go into the reviews and put the number of times I wrote a form of realize and notice. There's quite a few.