Continue? You Bet!

"Or 'I learn how memory loss feels and have a little heart-to-heart with Dust'!"

Aurora Village's infirmary was thankfully relatively empty in spite of the recent monster attacks. Currently, there was only one small patient lying on a bed within.

"Ugh. . . Continue?" the white and orange Nimbat said moaned out as she cracked her green eyes open slowly. She squinted at the light as she felt the subtle aching in her limbs and head. "Wait. . . this isn't the game. . ." she mumbled as she lay still, waiting for the throbbing pains to subside. Eventually, the pain faded, and she opened her eyes wide enough to look around the room. She sat up in bed and said, "Dust? Ahrah? Anybody?"

When she got no reply, Fidget pouted and said, "What's going on? Where'd they go? How did I get here?"

She gasped and put her fore-paws on the sides of her head. She shouted in a panic, "Oh no! I've lost my memories! I must have caught some kind memory loosing disease from Dust!"

Suddenly, Fidget brought her paws back down and paused for a moment. She drifted into some thought as she voice aloud, "But wait. . . Dust couldn't remember anything, but I still remember loads of stuff, like all those monsters, the creepy merchant guy, meeting Dust in the first place. . ." She looked around the infirmary room and said, "But I don't remember how I got here."

Fidget flapped her wings and hovered up into the air. She winced from the small aches she still had, but she was able to maintain her flying well enough. "Okay, it's a quest! A fanon, non-canon quest!" Fidget said with a determined smile, "Find Dust and Ahrah and figure out what happened during the time I lost my memory and why!"

Fidget flew over to the door and pulled, only to struggle in vain to pull it open.

"Oh, come on!" Fidget shouted as she threw up her arms in dismay.

Just then, the door opened and a rabbit infirmary keeper hurried in.

"Ooh! Thanks!" Fidget said cheerfully as she quickly flew out of the room.

"Wait! Stop you can't leave just yet! Wait!" the rabbit cried out in panic and dismay.

Fidget zipped out of the infirmary, looking over her shoulder as she called back, "Don't worry about me. I'm alive and frisky-"

Fidget suddenly ran into something, and fluttered back a bit to see the snooty looking Gianni glaring back at her.

"Do you mind?!" he said angrily.

Fidget sniffed and folded her arms, turned away from him as she said, "Oh, sure, be rude to a recently injured hero who saved your town from an army of monsters."

Gianni pointed his cigarette holder at Fidget and said, "Does that give you the right to assault me?"

Fidget rolled her eyes and said, "Gee. Touchy! Look, do you know where Dust is?"

Gianni turned his back to her and said, "I don't know. I don't care. Go bother someone else!"

Fidget glared at Gianna as he walked off and muttered darkly, "1,000-hit combos. . . on your face." She then turned and flew off the other way. It wasn't long before she spotted a familiar purple color ahead of her. The bearded, purple clad mayor of Aurora Village spotted Fidget and met up with her, a looking very much relieved.

"Oh, it is very good to see that you are in good health, Fidget," Mayor Bram said.

Fidget grinned and said, "Ah, that's more like it!" She puffed her chest out proudly and said, "So, would you mind refreshing my memory on the brave heroic deeds I performed which landed me in the infirmary?"

Mayor Bram frowned seriously and said, "Well, I don't know about all that, but I do now you were badly poisoned when Dust carried you back here."

Fidget seemed to deflate, and she brought her fore paws together as her eyes widened slightly. "Poisoned?" she repeated in a squeaky whisper.

The Mayor nodded gravely, "Yes. You should've seen how nervous your friend sounded. He said that you weren't conscious enough to eat a Blue Mushroom, and when we fed you mashed Blue Mushrooms, it didn't seem to have any effect. Dust practically begged us to find another way to help you, so the infirmary keeper said that she would do the best she could to use the herbs she had to whip up a stronger antidote, while Dust went out to find a special cure all herb in case her antidote didn't work." The Mayor cracked a smile and said, "But it turns out her antidote worked after all."

Fidget blinked, and then craned her neck to look at the village gates. "So, will Dust be back soon?"

The Mayor shrugged, "Hard to say. He left quite a while ago, but the location is far off, and the journey is certainly filled with monsters."

Fidget gasped in horror and put her fore-paws over her mouth. Dust had gone on a dangerous journey without her magic to assist him, all because he was worried about her. "I . . . I gotta go help him!" she exclaimed.

"Please don't!" the Mayor shouted quickly, holding his hands up, "Then you'll be in danger again! Or you might miss each other, and then Dust will have to go find you! Be sensible, please!"

Fidget breathed in and out slowly, realizing that the Mayor was right, and that she'd only be causing more trouble for her friend. She hung her head in shame and said softly, "He. . . he really cares. . ."

"Fidget," Mayor Bram said gently, "It's going to be okay."

She looked up at the Mayor, and her eyes widened as she just managed to catch sight of a figure that had just arrived. "Dust!" she cried, right before zipping off like an arrow towards the bluish-greenish clad warrior.

Dust let out a gasp of surprise as Fidget zipped over to him and said, "F-Fidget! You're . . . okay!"

At that moment, Fidget was thankful that Dust's hat covered his eyes, because she doubted she'd be able to look him in the eye.

"I'm so-," Dust began.

"Wait," Fidget interrupted as she held out a fore-paw for him to stop, "Dust, before you say anything or do anything, I want you to know that. . ." Fidget's lip trembled as she hung her head and said in a guilty tone, "I'm sorry. I know I screwed up, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I let myself get poisoned, and I'm sorry I made you go on a dangerous quest without me, and then got better while you were away so your quest was for nothing."

Fidget turned away from Dust and said, "Ahrah, I. . . I'm not worthy to be your guardian. I won't bother you and Dust anymore."

Fidget wanted nothing better than to just fly away right then and there, but a large part of her wanted to stay and hear what Dust had to say to her, so at the very least she'd have some closure on the whole matter.

"Fidget. . ." Dust began slowly.

Fidget closed her eyes. "Here it comes," she thought.

". . .what are you talking about?" Dust said, sounding confused.

Confused herself, Fidget opened her eye and turned to look at Dust's frowning face.

"Why are you apologizing?" Dust continued, "Getting poisoned wasn't your fault. In fact, it was my fault. I'm the one who got you involved in this dangerous journey. You were just doing your job, being the guardian of this sword, until I showed up with no memories of my past at all. I put you in danger, and for that, I am sorry."

"But, but, but. . ." Fidget stammered out, looking at Dust with wide eyed confusion, "But you went out to find that herb for me, and I don't even need it now!"

"That's okay, Fidget," Dust replied in a calm tone.

Shocked at how calmly Dust was acting, the only thing Fidget could say was, "Why?"

Dust gave a warm smile and said, "Because you're my friend, Fidget, and I care about you. Why kind of friend would I be if I didn't rush and give my all to help you in your hour of need? Especially after all you've done for me."

Fidget gently placed her soft fore-paw over her mouth, as her eyes shimmered as she stared at Dust.

"Fidget, you most certainly are worthy to be my guardian," Ahrah said, "You have proven yourself to be loyal, brave, and good at heart."

Dust gave a sigh and said, "From your duty as the guardian of the sword, you've fought through all the dangers I've dragged you through. I know this is the furthest thing from what you'd ever want to do-."

Dust was cut off by Fidget knocking three times on his hat.

"Hello! Is Dust home? Fidget's got something to tell him. Something he should really already know by now!" Fidget said in her normally cheeky manner.

"What. . . what is it?" Dust asked.

Fidget smiled sweetly and said, "I want to help you Dust, and it's not just because I'm the guardian of the sword, or because the dark and serious plot of the game needs my comic relief, well it does, but it's not just because of that," Fidget then said softly and earnestly, "It's because you're my friend, Dust, and I care about you. Why do you think I tease you so much or brag about you sometimes? You're really awesome, and I like being your companion. I tried not talking to you once, and I couldn't keep it up. I'm glad we met, and I don't want anything to split us up, because the truth is, well. . ." Fidget looked down at the ground and said, "I really wouldn't know anywhere else to go or anyone else to turn to, now that Ahrah's your sword now. I don't even think that I could go back to just sitting around guarding Ahrah. I mean, you're much better company and, um. . ."

"Hmmm," Dust said, then he smiled and said, "Fidget, you're the first friend I made after I woke up with all my memories gone. If I ever regain my memories, I'll still have an important place for you in my life. Forever. . ."

"Will you stop saying that!" Fidget cried out, backing away nervously.

Dust continued to smile as he took out the Fidget doll from his inventory.

Fidget winced uneasily, "Ehh. . ."

Dust chuckled as he put the doll away and said, "But seriously, Fidget. You don't have to worry about being alone. Not while I'm around."

Fidget blinked, then replied slowly, "Well. . . in that case. . ." She then got serious and leaned in close to Dust and said, "Don't. Die."

Dust reply was a nod as he said, "Well, okay. I won't if you won't."

Satisfied with the answer, Fidget smiled and turned to face the village and said, "Okay then. And speaking of dying, being badly poisoned made me hungry. Let's get something to eat. Right now. Come on!"

As the heroes made their way into Aurora Village, Fidget thought to herself, "You know what? I liked this a lot. This is canon, or at least headcanon! I mean, come on, it has to be!"