How I Became Amine

(Yugioh Style!)

*Part 3*

Billie: *sleeping* I. Do. Not. Own. Yugioh. End. Quote.


~*Billie's POV*~

It really took me a while to process what the heck was going on….okay…I haven't told you yet, this is how it went.

Yugi asked me, Tricia, and Katie, if we were new here and needed a place to stay, I told him that we moved from America and we were not very _familiar_ to our surroundings and just ended up at the mall….lame excuse….it was Katie's idea I tell you.

Yugi didn't seemed satisfied, but dropped the situation instantly. He asked me if I wanted to stay at his house and asked Joey if he could watch Katie and Tricia can be watched by Ryou. We looked at each other. I settled it with a shrug. Both Katie and Tricia were absolutely confused, who was Ryou and who was Joey…True I said that Katie like duel monsters, but _that_ doesn't mean she watches the show altogether.

I sighed and accepted Yugi's offer to stay at his house, even though I did have enough money to support myself and my friends with no problem, but I thought it was safe to save the money until I really needed it.

Katie And Tricia agreed to stay at Ryou and Joey's houses, Ryou and Joey didn't seemed to mind, except I could read what was going through their minds. as long as those two are not together at one house.

I silently giggled to myself and laid on the guest bed that Yugi and Solomon *Sorry, dunno the Japanese name…Gomen Nasi!* offered me. I wondered how Tricia and Katie were holding off. I kinda felt sorry for Tristan, he told me he had a slight crush on Tricia….but I kinda told him….trust me, she's not your type.

I pulled the necklace from my shirt. It glimmered in the moonlight that was shining through my open window, with white see-through curtains floating gently in the breeze. It had eight points, looking like a compass rose. On the center, it had a carving of the Egyptian symbol on the center with a ruby on the eye.

I looked at the center more closely and saw that the center looked like it could be a little compartment. I placed my hand on it and pulled it gently, afraid if it might break. But it opened with ease, revealing a compartment with a hole, something big enough to fit about three pencils in. I examined it, looking at in interest. One thing was replaying in my mind: I wonder what is supposed to fit there.

I sighed and I put the necklace under my shirt again, put my hands under my head, and looked out the window. Gazing at silver light of the moon. I closed my eyes and stared into the black space around me. I wondered if the necklace was something that had something to do with the show.

I tried to fall asleep, but I couldn't I felt like I was sensing someone was watching my every move. I couldn't push the feeling down, so I got up, put on something , and went downstairs. I reached for the door, but something stopped me. What the hell am I thinking? Where am I going anyways?

Go to the Domino Museum

I was confused at the voice, it sounded vaguely familiar. I scratched the back of my head and opened the door, but when I turned the handle, I felt someone grip my shoulder.

I whipped around, about to flip the guy over, but gravity crimson hair stopped me from knocking the daylights out of him. I was lost in a pair of ruby eyes. Full of mystery and concern.

I noticed that we were both inches away from each other, I could feel his breath brush my face. I shivered a little, since I was wearing a tan Capri pants and a blue camouflage shirt. God damn, since when did it get so cold in here? I thought briskly. I noticed that when I turned around, I opened the door in the process. I sighed and closed it. The boy was still looking at me as though I was the first girl he saw in the planet. (*Sweat-drop* like that would ever happen)

That's when I noticed the Millennium Puzzle around his neck was glowing, he was then has his hand gripping my arm. The Sennen (Spelling?) Eye was glowing on his forehead. Looking at my amber eyes. I felt a tingle at my head as though someone was squeezing my brain. Then I figured out he was reading my mind: He was concerned. But why?

I felt that he released my arm and looked away, the Sennen Eye disappeared. He was just lost in his own world. I was going to take a chance to make a run for the door, but something had my feet rooted to the floor. He looked at me and narrowed his eyes. I knew my idea to run for the door was a very good option. I thought with anger. He looked pretty pissed.

I backed away and ended up leaning on a wall. My eyes were locked into his crimson eyes. He noticed my fear and relaxed…it seemed like the death toll seemed to relax through the room. I relaxed my tense muscles, they were aching from trying not to collapse.

"Where are you going, Billie?" he asked to break the silence. He looked at me with concern. What was in mind? Well, if you were at my spot right now, you wouldn't understand either.

I shrugged. I was completely lost in words. He sighed and looked at me again, this time with seriousness in his eyes. He placed a hand on his Puzzle and picked it up. He looked at me, then the puzzle, then me again. I raised my brow. He saw my reaction and stopped. I wanted to break the silence and took a deep breath.

"Is there anything you need, tell me today." I said in an annoying tone. He chuckled and shook his head, I didn't buy it at _all_. I frowned and continued, "Yami, is there something wrong?" He just shook his head and sighed.

"I thought you were here to take the puzzle" He said as he looked at the puzzle that was still in his hand. He just looked at me and asked something out of the blue. "Do you have anything in _particular_?"

At first, I was confused at what he meant. And then it hit me. But I immediately shook my head and pasted my fake-smile-that-fooled-all on my face. But it seemed like he _wasn't_ fooled at all. He lunged and grabbed my arms. Crap, he knows I'm lying.

"I know you're lying, now tell me the truth" He said in a more threatening tone. I was about to kick him on the stomach. But I was completely frozen to the spot.

"Alright! Alright! Calm your hormones!" I said loudly, but loud enough not to wake up Solomon. Yami just tightened his grip. I winced at the pressure. I felt as though I was cornered.

Yami released me again, this time, he walked a little closer to me. I frowned and looked down. I felt tears about to fall, why am I crying? Am I hurt?

I felt a forefinger and a thumb support my chin and lifted my head up, I was eye-to-eye with Yami. I felt his breath near my cheeks. I felt his other hand wipe my tears from my eyes. He sighed again and said, "Billie, tell me the truth, do you have anything?"

I sighed and nodded. I place my hand on my neck where the chain was. About to pull the chain out….until sharp pain stung my stomach.

Yami gave a shocked yell and backed away and saw the scarlet blood appear on the floor. I screamed in pain, not knowing what hit me. I looked down and saw a silver arrow, impaled in my stomach. On the arrow was a note. I breathed heavily. The room was starting to change color and started to spin. I fell to the floor, only to be caught in someone's arms. I closed my eyes , before I blacked out I heard Yami call my name countless times.


Heheh, cliffy. I'm evil. I can't believe I did this to myself! *bangs head into a wall* I'm okay. Anyways, who was that mysterious voice? What was Yami thinking about me? *thinks* Dunno either ^_^;;;;. Anyways, please R/R!!!