How I Became an Amine (YUGIOH! Style!)

(Part 1)

Billie: Okaies, I'm going to start another ficcy.

Shadowen: Sweet! Am I in it?

Billie: No.

Shadowen: ;_;

Billie: But you can host most of the time!

Shadowen: SWEET!!

Billie: I knew that would cheer you up, Okay I don't own YGO! I don't even own a motorcycle. ;_; But I do own my friends, me, and Shadowen-

Shadowen: The host.

Billie: *sweat-drop* Okay…well, let's get started then shall we? (By the way, I'm 16 in the fic, but I'm really 13, I had to make more sense of the story in YUGIOH! Got it?)

***********************AT BILLIE'S HOUSE***********************************

~*Billie's P.O.V*~

I was exhausted, sleeping on the couch with my eyes closed, I had my friends, Tricia and Katie, over for various reasons, but none of those various reason are why I invited them. True, I said my parents went to the Philippines and left me to take care of the house for a while. Hey, I was sixteen, I can take care of myself. They both wanted to come over sometime without my dad nagging on us every time we turn around. So I gave them a chance. But that's not the reason why they came. They came here and now I'm going to let it all spill.

I nodded and yelled "Tricia! Katie! Get over here!" I heard footsteps approach me as sat up. I turned around and saw my two friends.

Katie, the attention and guy lover. She had shoulder length brown hair with single blonde hairs at either side with blue cat-eyed glasses, that shined on her brown, well, almost auburn eyes. She was taller than me and Tricia, but we were older than her. She was wearing a silver leather jeans and a blue-purple shirt that had a cool design on it. She also had a white hat on that she got in Florida that says 'Katie' with a butterfly on it.

Tricia, the boy lover and good listener. She had shoulder length dirty blonde hair. She had crystal blue eyes. She was the shortest, but the oldest. She had tan flare jeans and a yellow shirt that says '2 cute' on it.

Me, the kind and sort-of-rich and computer wiz. I had chin length brown hair. And what everyone says adorable brown eyes. I was tall, but not as tall as Katie and I was the one in the middle. I was always in the middle with those three. I was wearing blue denim flare jeans with a white ¾ cut shirt with roses on them. I also had a blue hat on with a red, white and black star on the side of it.

I looked at both of them, thy both seemed concerned about my tone in voice. They known me for years and I knew that they were pretty anxious of what I was about to break to them. "You guys. I got something to tell you."

"What's that?" Katie asked

"I made something."

The room was dead silent. Katie and Tricia looked at me as though I grown a third eye.

"You what?" Tricia asked me, she never looked at me like she was doing now, besides the time I poked a pencil in a plug socket. I was never the same after that.

"I made something and I want to show you both"

*I ran out the door with my cat-eye sunglasses on, I could go blind if I didn't cuz' I have sensitivity to light. The three of us ran to the worn out mobile home and opened the now rusted metal door. I ran inside and showed them a necklace that seemed to have a gold compass rose on it*

"Okay, to tell you the truth, I found it."

"It's so shiny!" Katie said in interest.

"What's it do?" Tricia asked.

"I don't know-" *then suddenly the compass glowed and we all disappeared*

*********************END OF PART ONE*******************************

Billie: Okay, that sucked.

Shadowen: No it didn't. Okay everyone R/R.

Billie: If you liked this story, then you'll like Clash of the Elementals!

Shadowen: IT HAS ME IN IT!!!!! ^_^

Billie: *sweat-drop*