Everyday we go through the motions of our life, setting our path on the paved road of sweet, slow agonising monotony. The question many have yet to ask is why we do what we do. The answer to this is simply to live. To waste away, forever justifying our existence. At the end of the road, we tell ourselves that we fought for what was right, or for what we believed in, or what we wanted most in life. And what a life it was, mindlessly conforming to society, letting society shackle us, to be accepted by our fellow grovellers, trying to make their mark on our long, ungainly history.

The only true accomplishment we can boat is our thoughts and those fleeting moments of satisfaction, as we live on the edge, the never ending saga of love, hate, revenge, rage, euphoria, betrayal and so much more. Humanity was never free of the seven cardinal sins, and will forever be shackled with pride, greed, lust,envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. The reasons will always vary, be it money, sex, power, revenge, or any other such, mankind will always have these sins. The poor will always be greedy, the rich will always indulge in gluttony, the other sins following, never far behind.

So here we are reading and writing, to escape this world of sin, to break the chains of society and to explore a new world of words each time, to imagine the impossible, to alter our reality, and for those precious moments, we soar above humanity and into the realm of gods.