Sorry I haven't been updating; I went on a weekend visit to my parent's house and had a wonderful time with them. Regarding the story… Always leaving on a cliffhanger. What will happen when The Order finds out that Hermione and Draco are the parents? Now, that is the question! :P Let's keep going and see what happens. This chapter is kind of short – I apologize. I've been super busy with work, so hopefully it'll do.

Chapter 28:

Harry had come back into the spare bedroom to find Hermione's head on Draco's lap and Draco's fingers tracing over the pale fabric of her shirt. An uneasy feeling washed over him as he realized that Draco would be a part of their lives forever now… A year ago, a few months ago, even a few weeks ago… the thought never would have crossed his mind. He was more accepting of him than Ron was – but that was to be expected. Harry glanced back at Ron, who was making his way up from the rear, with a morbidly disgusted look on his face. Hermione looked up as the two boys entered the room and sat up slowly, peering at the wonder in their eyes.

"You found something?" she asked skeptically.

"Ollivander confirmed the Wand exists," Harry explained. "The history of it is bloody, though. Ollivander isn't sure if it needs to be passed onto the next owner by murder."

"That's barbaric!" Hermione exclaimed. Draco rolled his eyes around to meet Harry's.

"You want it." he said to Harry with raised eyebrows. Harry's lust for the Elder Wand was very apparent, and it was hard to go unnoticed.

Harry and Ron exchanged a glance before Harry slowly lowered himself down to the chair beside where Hermione and Draco were sitting. "It would be valuable."

"No!" Hermione shrieked and bound to her feet. Ron squinted his eyes at her while Draco watched her berate the boys in amusement. "Harry, Dumbledore gave you strict orders to destroy the Horcruxes! He never mentioned anything about The Deathly Hallows!"

"Maybe he wanted me to figure it out –"

"Because everything was just one big puzzle with him, right?" Hermione retorted Harry's argument like a stone across water. "If he wanted you to find The Hallows, he would have said so, Harry. You need to destroy the Horcruxes! I don't know how many times I've told you this!"

"Hermione, think of it, though," Ron started. Hermione turned to face him and Draco's gut suddenly felt sour. "An all-powerful wand."

"That won't do a damn thing to You-Know-Who unless the Horcruxes are destroyed," Hermione crossed her arms. "Seriously, Ronald? You were egging Harry on about this?"

"It's not Ron's fault," Harry piped in and stood up. "You're right, Hermione. But, we have to talk to Griphook in order for us to find the next one."

"Harry… it's an unbeatable wand…" Ron mused.

Draco knew he had to intervene. Even he wasn't stupid enough to realize that it was dire that Harry got the Horcruxes, not go after The Elder Wand. "I'll give it to you straight, Weasel. If Potter goes after The Elder Wand right now, he will be walking into a trap. I'll bet the most expensive broomstick in Diagon Alley that The Dark Lord is at Hogwarts right now. (he looked pointedly to Harry) If Potter does somehow get his hands on The Elder Wand and abandons destroying Horcruxes, then the wizardly world will fall to The Dark Lord. Do I make myself pristine or do I have to go over it slower so your pint-sized brain can catch up?"

Ron seethed through his teeth and turned as red as a tomato. "This does not concern you."

"It concerns him as much as anyone," Hermione defended Draco and put her hands on her hips.

"Hermione's right, Ron," Harry said softly. "Dumbledore didn't say anything about getting it; he didn't even mention it. We need to focus on the next target."

"Then go talk to that bloody Goblin," Draco demanded.

"Patience," Hermione laid her hand on Draco's shoulder and felt it slack. "I think this will take some time."

Harry nodded and walked out of the room, with Ron following in close pursuit. Draco pulled Hermione into a hug and smelled the scent of coconuts and orchids in her hair. "I don't know how they survived without you."

"Sometimes… I wonder that myself."

The next few days were full of arguments between Harry, Ron, Draco, and Hermione. Harry had not come to the decision not to go after The Elder Wand lightly, and it was eating at him bit-by-bit. Ron would bring it up to him when they were alone, telling him that he should have gone after it and that he could worry about Horcruxes later and that Hermione was just off her rocker because her dating Draco gave that away. In turn, Harry began to doubt his decision until he was around Hermione, who reminded him that he had done the right thing. Even Malfoy had put in his two cents and told him that Ron was high on having power and that he needed to do the right thing. In all, Harry was torn and confused. He knew both of his friends were right in their own regards, but was he?

That is where his thoughts took him as he stared out the window of the cottage's kitchen, watching Hermione and Malfoy walk along the beach in front of him. He longed for Ginny and missed her terribly… having a romance between Hermione and Malfoy made him homesick. He noticed how their fingers intertwined and the two held on like they would never let go. The way that Malfoy looked at Hermione was the same way Harry looked at Ginny. He was sure they were in love, and knew that it would be terrible when he had to go back to the Manor.

" 'Arry?" Fleur's delicate voice came behind him and she laid a small hand on his shoulder. "If you are ready, Grip'ook would like to speak with you."

Harry thanked her and walked to the door of the cottage to grab the couple's attention. "OI! Would you two come back in here for a moment?"

He allowed the two to get back to the cottage before grabbing Ron from the living space and walking up to the second floor to the bedroom Griphook was staying in. Hermione was apprehensive, and her heart was racing at the thought of being denied help from the Goblin. But, she knew they would make it through regardless – find another way. They always did.

The Goblin was waiting for them, sitting up in his bed. The curtains had been drawn, giving the room a shade of blood red to its walls. Harry closed the door behind them and came to stand next to Griphook, eagerly awaiting his decision.

"I have decided to help you, Harry Potter."

Hermione let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, we're so appreciative –" Harry began before the Goblin spoke again.

"But, I would like payment in return," Griphook told them firmly.

Draco shot Hermione, then Harry, and finally Ron a look of "I told you so", making sure everyone in the group had seen it before he knew it was his turn to negotiate. After all, he was quite good with these things. He stepped past Hermione and faced the Goblin full on, staring into his beady black eyes without remorse.

"What do you want?" he demanded. "I have gold."

"I don't want gold," Griphook said with a smile. "I have that already."

"Then what do you want?" Draco asked. His voice waved with authority, and he purposefully mimicked his father's tone when Lucius was negotiating.

"I want the Sword of Godric Gryffindor."

The words hit everyone except the Slytherin like fire to their soul. Draco was ready to auction the sword off immediately, but before he could agree to Griphook's terms, Harry spoke.

"You cannot have it," Harry said. "I'm sorry."

"We have a problem then," the Goblin said softly.

Harry went into a spiel about how the sword rightfully belonged to them because they were Gryffindor's, to which Draco rolled his eyes. Slytherins were never so arrogant. He met eyes with Harry multiple times, and knew Harry could tell that Draco was not amused. It was the same look the Slytherin had given his arch-nemesis all through their school years, and even though Harry was earning points and respect with Draco, he was beginning to lose them just as quickly with his stupidity.

Eventually, the meeting with the Goblin adjured so they could think of what to do. To Draco, it was quite obvious: give the little git the Sword and get into Gringotts. Problem solved, everyone was happy. But, to the three Gryffindor's, that clearly wasn't the case. Harry was pacing in front of the fireplace now, his brows furrowed and his eyes closed. Ron was talking about double-crossing the Goblin by using a fake sword which infuriated Draco.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Weasel?" he barked. "He would know the difference between the real sword and the fake better than we would! Be smart for once, would you? You're giving me a headache!"

"What do you purpose we do then since you're so quick so judge?" Ron demanded.

Draco sighed, the spotlight on him now. "We let him have the sword. But, since you need it to destroy the Horcruxes… be careful when you tell him he can have it."

Harry's eyes lit up. "Yes! He will get it, when we've destroyed every Horcrux. I'll keep my word."

Hermione's eyebrows crinkled. "Technically, you would not be lying. But, it could be quite some time before he gets it. I don't like this idea."

"Look at your boyfriend. He suggested it," Ron mused.

Hermione turned to Draco. "I don't like it."

"What choice do we have?" Harry asked and scratched the back of his head. "I don't like it either, Hermione, but we're backed into a corner here."

"Let's go tell him," Ron stood up and brushed past Draco, their shoulders barging. Hermione sighed in defeat hand they followed the redhead up the stairs.

They let Harry make the offer this time, and he worded it ever so perfectly so it didn't specify when Griphook would get the sword. The offer seemed to be good enough for the Goblin, who demanded Harry shook on it. He did, but was afraid that the Goblin would figure their game out. He didn't, however, but seemed enthusiastic about breaking into Gringotts. The four were unsure if it was a good or bad thing, but allowed Griphook his enthusiasm. After all… they needed him.

Thursday came before anyone knew it; they had spent hours locked in the bedroom with Griphook, going over plans, sketching layouts of the bank, and figuring out how their escapade would work out. There was problem after problem, issue after issue, for them to figure out and go around. Everyone in the cottage – including Dean and Luna who had remained quiet and out of their way for the most part – had begun to realize something was going on. No one had asked them what was going on – not even Luna or Dean had asked why Draco was there. They were all concerned, and their eyes and stances about them spoke the words even though their lips didn't. But, the four kept adamant about their secret and would not speak a word of their planning.

The worst part about that Thursday was that it was time for Draco to leave. Hermione had been dreading it since he had told her he was on a schedule and had to "maintain appearances." That seemed to be his choice of words to describe his predicament lately, and assured her that everything would turn out just fine. Harry thanked him awkwardly for everything that he had done to help, and Draco had just nodded in return and told him not to screw it up. Ron didn't say a word to Draco, but only stared coolly at him as he spoke to his best friend. Bill and Fleur told him to wish his mother hello and good wishes, and that Andromeda sent her love. As Hermione led Draco outside, she couldn't help but notice even the sky had turned a smoky shade of grey in protest of her love leaving her… again. The wind had picked up, blowing the salt from the sea across the beach, and pushed the waves roughly towards the sandy masses in front of them. There was a storm coming.

"What's your cover story?" Hermione asked as the two walked slowly down the waterfront.

Draco peered at her from beneath his eyelashes, noticing how uncomfortable she was. "My mother told me she would figure that out. You know I have to leave, Hermione. We've been over this."

"It doesn't feel right," Hermione mused softly, a twinge in her heart. "You should be here, you should be –"

"Allowing you to risk our son's life and your own by breaking into Gringotts and standing idly by while you do it?" Draco demanded crossly. Hermione clamped her lips shut. "I never said I liked the idea, and I truly don't."

"It's the only way," Hermione replied.

"I know," Draco said crisply. "But I won't be here to see you do it. Merlin's beard, Hermione… do you realize what we've just planned?"

Hermione nodded. "I do. But, it had to be done. I want to end this… I want a better world for our son, Draco. And it won't be where You-Know-Who has won."

Knowing he couldn't argue with her, Draco took her hand and spun her around to face him. He studied how her chocolate eyes examined his own, how her fingers were intertwined with his, and the softness of her skin. She made him feel like a thousand men, begging for her remorse and affection.

"I love you," he whispered and planted a kiss on her forehead. She closed her eyes. "I need to go."

"I know," Hermione breathed, careful not to disrupt their moment.

Draco pulled away from her and backed a few steps away, still holding onto her fingers as though he was holding on for dear life. "Take care of Scorpius."

He let her fingers drop, and it was like slow motion as he locked eyes with her. The last image he saw of Hermione was her brown curls sweeping across her face in the breeze, a grey sky in the background, and tears in her hazel eyes. Hermione watched as Draco spun on the spot and within a moment, he was gone. Just like that. Again.

She fell to her knees, staring at the spot Draco was not two seconds ago, clutching her stomach and feeling a tear slide down her left cheek. It hurt… her heart felt like it was shattered into a million pieces again. She knew that getting into a relationship with Draco was not going to be an easy challenge, but through all the pain and heartbreak she had endured, Hermione felt like she couldn't go through him leaving again. It would without a doubt, kill her.

Draco landed past the Anti-Apparation wards just outside of Malfoy Manor. When he opened his grey eyes, he noticed that there was a slight rain falling from the sky, just enough so a heavy mist hung in the air. It was nothing compared to the ocean breeze he had felt just moments ago, and with a glance up to the sky, he saw the grey clouds ascending upon his home as well. Draco took a breath, tempted to Apparate back to Shell Cottage, back to Hermione and his son… But, he knew he couldn't do it.

And did it hurt him. Every time he was forced to leave Hermione, it stung worse than the Cruciatus. Instinctively, the young man gripped the handle of his wand and walked up the stone pathway leading to the Manor. He passed through the wards as if going through a bubble, and with a flick of his wand, the black iron gates opened for him. There were guards surrounding the exits, and all he had to do was give the fearsome Death Eater's a look before they backed away to allow him entrance into the Manor.

Nothing had changed since he had been gone. In fact, he was welcomed by his mother and father, which surprised him. Narcissa was dressed in a long navy gown and her hair was down to her waist, curly as ever. Lucius looked tired, and only bid him hello before he took his leave, presumably to visit Voldemort again. Narcissa led her son to his wing of the Manor, and Draco noticed that she was anxious. She practically pushed him into his room before he could say a word.

"How did it go?" she demanded before Draco turned around to face her.

"You knew, didn't you?" he asked, his lips moving before he could process what he was saying.

Narcissa smiled, only slightly. "Of course I did. And it is true, then? She is carrying our heir?"

Draco slowly sat down on his bed, the sheets sinking beneath his bottom. He hadn't quite had the chance to process that Hermione was pregnant – not with the scheming to break into Gringotts, that was. He ran his hands over his blonde hair and down his face before taking a deep breath.

"Yes," he nodded slowly. "Yes, she is."

Narcissa almost squealed with delight, and she quickly crossed the room and sat beside her son, putting an arm around his shoulders. "Son, this is wonderful news!"

Draco looked at his mother. "How?"

"A child brought into this world, by any means, is wonderful," Narcissa explained to her son defiantly. "The time will come soon enough where you can raise the baby without interference. Did you decide on a name?"

Draco sighed. "Scorpius."

Narcissa smiled warmly. "After the constellation, I presume?"

"Scorpius Draco Malfoy," Draco tried the name out on his tongue and realized that he quite liked it before nodding. "Mum… Per Pureblood custom… I have to marry her, don't I?"

"Yes," Narcissa nodded slowly, yet gravely. "It is a requirement. Is that what you want to do?"

"As long as it keeps her out of harms way," Draco surrendered to his mother.

"Draco," Narcissa said sternly, squaring his shoulders so he faced her. Her eyes bore into his with the most intensity he had ever witnessed. "She won't be out of harms way until The Dark Lord is defeated. Of that, we can be absolutely certain."