
The plight of Dumbledore

"Harry Potter is gone!" Mrs. Figg was adamant.

The aged Headmaster was at best gob smacked. He began pacing his opulent office, questioning Mrs. Figg. She showed him her letters over and over, all of them unopened. Minerva McGonagall was livid. "I warned you, Albus. Not only that you've been lying to me about the boy all along.

For the first time in his life Albus to many names Dumbledore had no answers. He had put an owl ward directly on the boy to keep him from receiving any owls until Hogwarts letter; he charmed his family to hate him, to keep him pliable. It seemed to Albus that all was lost.

Minerva was not finished. "You will find that boy and bring him to me! I am on this list of his acceptable guardians The DAMNABLE DURSLEY'S are not!" She then stormed from his office.

Arebbella took the floo in Albus office back home at the same moment.

Mean while in the Virgin Islands, with the companions help Harry and Dudley were soaking up knowledge like a sponge. Harry was a natural at charms, potions and defense, while Dudley excelled in transfiguration and herbology. The boys were also becoming more like brothers and could be found streaking around the property on their brooms almost every weekend. The television stations from the British islands kept them abreast of what was going on back home. Grunnings, which turned out to be owned by Harry, took care of the home on Privet Drive.

Companion also kept the boys up on their mundane studies. The small school on the island was private and exclusive, the boys would be fully qualified wizards by English standards long before they would be called to Hogwarts. In fact they were in the six months they had been on the island well into their second year at of the Hogwarts curriculum. The school only had forty students and required that you keep up or you are out.

Harry was reading ahead in ancient and modern runes, it seems he had quite an affinity with them and should have a future in enchanting. Dudley was nowhere near Harry but was an over all good student and was keeping up.

The first Christmas on the island just did not feel right so they decided to go home for Christmas.

When they arrived on Privet Drive, Harry could feel something was off. "Uncle Vernon, please don't stop…Some thing is wrong."

Vernon was about to start blustering when he saw a pair of shoes moving about the driveway, with nothing attached to them. "I see what you mean Harry." They just kept on driving up the street. Harry looked at Dudley. "Should you do it or should I?"

Dudley just giggled. "Let me!" Dudley opened the car window pushed his wand out and quietly said. "Accio invisibility cloak!"

As the cloak flew in the window, Dudley half yelled at his father. "Let's get out of here!" Vernon turned the next corner quickly as Harry and Dudley laughed in the back seat.

They Headed back to the airport, and caught a flight to the Swiss Alps. There they spent an enjoyable Christmas learning to ski and Toboggan. Gifts were exchanged and fun was had by all.

Alistair Moody was not a happy camper; he lost his invisibility cloak and the boy when his tracking spell hit the wrong car. He headed back to Mrs. Figg's House to floo back to Hogwarts.

Albus Dumbledore was even unhappy when he heard what happened. "You mean to tell me they Stole your invisibility cloak and got away?" The look in Dumbledore's eyes was cold with no twinkle at all.

"The cloak was flying to that damn muggle contraption and turned the corner before I could get a spell off properly! I could hear them laughing as they turned the damn corner!" Alistair growled. "Who the hell is teaching 6 year olds to control their magic? And fifth year spell on top of that!"

Albus was scratching his chin under his impressive white beard. "Who indeed?" Then his twinkle turned on full force. "I need to call Mrs. Figg."

Alistair was growling again. "No need Albus; I was registered in the area. The ministry would have thought it was me."

Albus Dumbledore being thwarted by a six year old was not supposed to happen, and Moony the best Auror the ministry had on top of it. These two wizards were supposedly the best in the country, and were beaten again.

Harry and Dudley were enjoying the invisibility cloak. Petunia on the other hand was not. Dudley's head keep appearing out of nowhere giving her quite the fright. When then set Vernon up to do the same she about had a heart attack. Needless to say she was glad when the Holiday's came to a close and the boys were back to school.