There I was, the failure the good for nothing , the one who was replaced .Never good enough, too clumsy, too angry and to emotional to ever be chosen. There I was climbing the stairs, up, up, up. No one cared, no one ever did, always second to something more important, more pressing. I did just go out of that room filled with happiness, not for me though, never for me.

No one noticed me when I walked the halls alone, no one asked my destination. And I think about my friends, no one is here thankfully, I wouldn't have liked them to witness this, never this. I wonder what would have they done if they heard what was said in the council, "I told you so, he can't be trusted Obi " probably.

The sun is setting and I still climb the stairs, and with each step I feel the anger , the sadness and the hate trying to burst. Am I crying? I keep going up,up,up.

I feel the cold stone under my feet and the sensation grounds me to this reality, my feelings tried to take over but I can't let them , that is not the jedi path. I must keep going , after all I have a clear destination and I cant be late.

When I finally arrive to the rooftop I inhale, but here on Concursant you can't really expect fresh air can you? But still the calm and the beautiful setting of the skyscrapers bathed in gold sunlight gives me a feeling of calm. Our bond is silent ,like it has been ever since we got out of that horrible reunion. Has he closed it ? Is this loneliness what awaits me ? I don't want it , I can't endure it for much longer. So I walk until I am at the edge and I ma tempted to sit down and enjoy the sundown like we used to do when everything was alright , when no prophecies were discovered , when my future was set in stones and the force rejoiced at our partnership.

Don't think about that Obi Wan , you are already crying , what do you want , to look like someone who belongs to the crèche? In the end he was right, the old apprentice , the dark and forgotten was right. How many nights did I dream with those dreaded words and cried myself back to sleep " He abandoned me in my time of need , he killed my dreams and then he replaced me with a better version" that was what Xanatos said and oh he was right , so right! I've been lying to myself all this time , I thought he cared about me , but was I more than a legacy ? Now I understand that I wasn't, just a little desperate boy to occupy his time until he found something better, well the CHOSEN ONE was better enough I suppose. For how long that I don't know.

I can't do this anymore. I weep for everything lost and I ignite my lightsaber for I want to end this lie as soon as possible. My braid falls to the floor and my lightsaber is tuned out. Whit care I put it near the braid and my belt, there is really no need for these valuable possessions to get damaged. I try to send love , care and admiration with our bond , but as before it is still closed . So I look down ,down ,down.

I wonder if falling feels the same as flying. I suppose there is only a way of finding out isn't it?

The sun is finally down and the force weeps for one of her children has returned to her.