
The news hit Damian like a ton of bricks. Damian couldn't believe the news that Alfred had just told him. The Young Wayne had brain Cancer there was no way that could be right. He was in perfect health this was impossible.

After sitting there in silence for a while Damian reflected on the symptoms he had been having.

He had thought nothing of it when he had suddenly felt dizzy and fell, in the middle of a fight during patrol as Robin.

Damian just thought it was exhaustion from not eating for several days. The young Wayne had not been feeling like himself the past couple days but he had just dismissed it like always.

He was perfectly engineered and trained by his mother Talia Al'ghul.

After several failed patrols his Father had decided to get Alfred to run a few tests on the Teen Boy and he now realized how necessary those tests had been.


Bruce was extremely worried to say the least. To be honest Damian had looked like crap the past week but, he thought it was just the boy being stubborn like he always was and assumed he was sick with the flu and would be over it in a couple days. It was his personality after all to hard headed for his own good.

Bruce was pulled out of his thoughts once Alfred delivered the news with a worried face. His son, his blood son, his little boy had cancer in his brain.

The Dark Knight turned to his son and wrapped his arms around Damian.

This would be a long journey and not just for Damian but the rest of the Family to.

Bruce didn't know how much time he would have left with his son and Bruce was determined not to leave his side through it all.

-Time Break-

It had been several days and Damian had not come out of his room to talk to anyone. The young boy was so devastated he couldn't even look in the mirror. He thought of himself as pathetic and week and not worth living and taking up space. So he was going to stay in his room until the cancer killed him or at least that was his plan.

"Damian we need to get going you start treatment to day at Gotham General today," Richard Grayson says from outside of the door. He had a sad look on his face and just like Bruce was going to be there for his little brother. Even if things took a turn for the worst.

"No Grayson I'm not leaving this room!" He yelled but it sounded more like a sob. Damian was not acting like himself. Once the news hit him it broke down his wall and let all his emotions out.

"Damian I will kick the door down and carry you to the Hospital cause I'm not losing you again little D." Richard said from outside the room still.

Damian got up out of his bed and opened the door for Richard," Why Grayson you Father and Pennyworth are the only ones who even care about me. No one else would miss me. They all think I'm some sort of Demon." Damian cried he was such a broken boy and it angered Damian that Richard the brother who respected him the most was seeing him so BROKEN. "You probably don't want me as your brother I'm so weak and pathetic" He cried.

"Don't think that Damian you have been with us for 5 years and yes many people are unhappy with you but you're getting better," Dick says and runs his fingers through Damian's pitch black hair.

"Let's get going Damian and before you know it the cancer will be gone and you can suit up and be Robin again." Richard Grayson says and takes one good look at the muscular 15 year old knowing that over time he would lose muscle and become a lot slimmer.

He will support his little brother through the good and the bad no matter what happens he will never leave his little brothers side.