Au, Zoom has been defeated already. Barry never lost his speed and infact got Zoom's when he died. Barry takes second visit to Earth 3. About a month after he left. The battle with Non is over the party is going on, no pod arrives. Onto the story.

" Barry when you got your powers from Zoom you have been absorbing electricity, we want to see if you get the Tachyon device charged up enough if you can absorb that power. You can already run at Mach 3.3 without trying we need you to push yourself " Catlin says.

" Got it push myself ,run faster " Barry says running along the water the best place they decided for him not to run into anything. A breach opens up and he doesn't dodge it and runs straight through it.

He runs into what he recognizes as the DEO headquarters. The Tachyon device stops working and the electricity erupts from it surrounding him. He collapses as he sees a woman running at him. When the electricity settles he opens his eyes to find himself in a glass container his mask of but still in his flash uniform.

" What are you?" A woman with short dark brown hair asks.

" I'm Barry Allen what is your name ?" Barry asks.

" Alex Danvers " she replies looking him over.

" Danvers you must be the missing sister um could you call Kara tell her Barry Allen is here?" Barry asks.

" What do you know of my sister ?" Alex demands pointing a gun at him.

" Everything now please " Barry asks knowing if needed he could phase through the glass and be gone before she could pull the trigger

" Fine you better not be a liar " Alex says when his heart monitors flat line and he rolls his eyes pulling the cords out of his arm.

At Kara's party:

Kara leans in to kiss James when her phone rings.

" Kara there is a man here in a red suit. He said his name was Barry Allen " Alex says. Kara pulls away from James.

" What is it ?" James asks wondering what could be more important than them.

" Barry is here " Kara says a grin breaking out on her face. She flies from the house. The rest of the crew goes to their cars to get to the DEO as fast as possible. James has a scowl on his face how dare he come back into their universe to distract Kara from him.

" Kara I put him in the glass container he is alive but there is no heart rate " Alex says when Kara lands.

" No there is a heart rate the machines are too slow to pick it up " Barry says. He looks at the super girl and his heart beats even faster.

" Barry! " Kara says rushing to the screen of the glass cage. Barry stands up and grins at her. She smiles wider, a smile only reserved for him.

" I'm so glad to see you, but I could really use some donuts right about now just absorbed a lot of electricity and ran really fast " Barry says.

" We can't let him out " Alex says.

" Kara " Barry says a question in the name.

" Yes we can " Kara says softly.

" I won't allow it he is a danger " Alex argues.

" Kara's permission is all I need " Barry says phasing through the glass. Kara grabs him and pulls him into a hug. She can actually feel the bone crushing hug he is giving her. She knew he had a somewhat enhanced ability of strength no where near her but it was a first to feel from a human. It also made her feel better knowing if she did crush him he would be fine. He was making no complaint at the moment and she knew she was squeezing hard.

" You could of escaped at anytime why didn't you?" Alex demands.

" I didn't need to and once I learned you could get Kara here I couldn't pass up the chance " Barry says. He pulls always from Kara but they are still shoulder to shoulder.

" Come on let's get you some normal clothes and some food " Kara says pulling her friend along.

" Okay " Barry says scooping her up and speeding off with her. James rushes in to see Alex standing alone.

" Kara left that man Barry Allen he took her " Alex says. James's face twists with jealousy.

" We know him he's cool a friend of ours" Winn says from behind.

" She took him to get clothes and food. If he has never seen her eat he is in for a surprise " Alex says.

" Actually Barry can eat faster and more than Kara. He is the fastest person alive " Winn says.

" No way he is faster than Kara " Alex says.

" So Barry what brings you here?" Kara asks sipping her iced coffee.

" Absorbing energy. After I defeated Zoom I had the ability to absorb energy. I control my speed force now. A breach opened up and it was too wide to go around so I ended up meeting your sister by passing out and her almost shooting me for knowing about you " Barry explains finishing his fifth box of donuts. He then explains what happened to him and she clenches her jaw in anger.

" Wow I'm so glad to see you I have to tell you what went on after you left" Kara says sitting next to Barry on the couch. She fills him in on everything that happened and he his eyes flicker lighting as anger floods him.

" Are you ok?" Barry asks. She knew he didn't mean psychically.

" I'm not sure " Kara replies and he wraps his arms around her.

" I'm here and I can stay as long as you need I'm guessing I can travel worlds now that I have absorbed the energy to do so " Barry explains.

" Thanks Barry I've missed you " Kara says a huge grin on her face. He gives her one as well.

" I've missed you too " Barry says.

" You'll have to go back soon protect your city " Kara tells him and he sighs.

" I know everything has been so crazy as of late " Barry says and she leans her head on his shoulder.

" Trust me I know " she murmurs her exhaustion from the recent events catching up to her.

" Sleep Kara " Barry says rushing around the room cleaning up before he speeds Kara into her pyjamas. A blue tank top with red shorts.

" Cute Flash " Kara says curling up into bed.

" Not as cute as you Supergirl" Barry replies a grin on his face. A blush creeps up her face and she is glad it's dark in her room. Before he can leave he feels a soft hand on his arm.

" Will you stay with me ?" She asks.

" Of course " Barry says lying next to her. He misjudges how tired he got from breaking the dimensional border.

" We haven't found her" Alex says and the whole DEO groans.

" What if she is still with Barry ?" Winn asks frowning

" I thought you loved Barry " James says.

" Not if he is with Kara you saw how she was when he was here " Winn says. " She left you to go see him and it was only someone who claimed to be him. She is probably going to his Earth sometime " Winn adds.

" She wouldn't do that to us " James says very unsurely.

" You should have seen the way she smiled " Alex says.

" You see, she did have a different smile the entire time Barry was here " Winn says pouting.

" She is most likely fine then we can pick this up in the morning " J'onn says with a silent order for everyone to leave.

" Barry take off your jeans they are irritating me " Kara says softly. She can almost feel his smirk as she hears him slip them off before returning to wrap his arms around her.

" Goodnight Kara " Barry says.

" Night Barry " Kara says knowing her friend has already drifted off to sleep.

" Kara " Barry says shaking his... well he didn't know what Kara was to him anymore.

" What?" She asks.

" You slept through your alarm which I didn't think would be possible with super hearing, you have work soon " Barry reminds her.

" No I want to stay with you " she says turning to face him. They have matching grins, both of there eyes are lit with happiness.

" I have been wondering who is actually faster " Barry replies.

" You are you said you could reach Mach 3.3 without trying and that potentially can go the speed of light " Kara reminds him.

" Well then we will see Kara come on then " Barry says.

" We need a good open space " Kara

" I think we should run in the field we officially met " Barry says.

" Come on then " Kara says. He speeds out of the room and returns in his flash costume.

" Ready?" He asks as she is in her costume.

" Want me to fly you there?" Kara asks.

" Yes " Barry says bouncing in excitement. She grabs his hand and pulls him out the balcony. She flies into the air the sun bathing down on her.

" Ready?" She asks.

" I want to try something" Barry says he goes downstairs. He sprints and jumps into the air higher than her. She flies up and catches him.

" Great so you can also get into the air " Kara says frowning and he smiles.

" I remember something about a race?" he says and she smirks. She wraps her arms tighter around his middle and they fly towards the meadow. He laughs with amusement as they fly over the city. They land in the meadow and he gets in position.

" GO " Kara shouts taking off into the air. Barry starts off and much sooner than usual hits the sound barrier. Kara follows just a second after. The two booms are heard from miles away. He speeds towards the edge of the meadow and turns sprinting back with Kara in the end about a minute or two behind him.

" That felt so good " Barry says taking off his mask as she lands.

" I was going my fastest " Kara says out of breath while landing.

" Well at least I'm am still the fastest man alive " Barry says smiling at her. They have both moved very close to one another. In the same moment they move together lips connecting. It is slow, ironic for them, but it is. His arms go around her waist and he uses his strength and speed to pull her into his chest. Her arms go around his neck. She feels a shock on her lips but instead of in being painful it excites her. He starts to vibrate and pulls away.

" That was " Kara starts.

" Something I'm glad I worked up the courage to do. I'm sorry I know you and James but I " Barry starts rambling when she kisses him again.

" I don't just ask friends to sleep next to me " Kara replies a flirty smirk on her face.

" Let's go back before your sister comes looking " Barry says picking her up. They sprint into town to change. She puts on a black dress with flowers all over it. She puts on a light denim jacket with candy pink flats. Barry takes some of the clothes he bought her. A red sweater with jeans and converse.

" Food?" Kara asks.

" I'm starving " Barry says. He pulls her into kiss. She presses herself to him when the door bursts open. Barry moves in front of Kara, the invulnerable one.

" Step away from Kara" Alex says. Kara wraps an arm around Barry and before she can explain Alex fires. Barry catches the bullets and freezes time. He sprints around grabbing her gun dropping it at his feet. He goes back to Kara's side and stops having his brain speed faster than time it gave him a headache. Kara stumbles but he has his arms around her waist.

" What the " Alex says seeing her gun at Barry's feet.

" Sorry that trick takes a lot food please " Barry says his stomach grumbling.

" Of course here I'll just get what I have " Kara says pulling out all her snacks.

" Thanks " Barry says speeding to it.

" Leave him alone Alex I want him here " Kara says.

" I have to go. Let my team know I'm ok would you like to come?" Barry asks.

" Yes " Kara says at the same time Alex says no.

" No offence I know you two are close or whatever but Kara can make her own choices " Barry says finishing all the food.

" You don't have the right to say that " Alex says stalking forward.

" Alex back off he is right " Kara says but her sister ignores her and launches towards Barry. He dodges and in one swift move has her pinned the refrigerator.

" Oliver's training really did pay off " Barry says to himself.

" Alex this needs to stop Barry could really hurt you faster than I could react you saw him freeze time but he won't " Kara says signaling for Barry to let up. He let's go of the woman who glares daggers at him.

" What about James and Winn?" Alex asks.

" James will always love Lucy, Winn is a friend " Kara explains moving to Barry.

" We should probably go before the whole of DEO storms your house " Barry says.

" Yeah " Kara replies. They both change again into their costumes. Barry ties Alex up and apologizes. Kara gets what she needs and they run. Side by side hand in hand so she can match the frequency of Barry. They run through the portal and into S.T.A.R labs.