A/N: I do not own anything from the Harry Potter series or Marvel Franchise. All ownership goes to J.K. Rowling and Marvel (or Disney). I also make no revenue from this story at all. It's mainly for fun.

A/N: I think the only rights that 20th century fox has over x-men is film. Please correct me if I'm wrong and I will change it immediately.

(********)- Location

Chapter 5


His gauntlet could do a lot of things. It could take control of the minds of others, make his mind an impenetrable fortress and best of all, it allowed him to control the very fabric of reality with the slightest gesture. But the one thing it couldn't do well was engage in a good conversation. The gauntlet could send signals that hinted at things, but the act of speaking was actually not something it could do. This led to where he was now. He walked up to the front doors and decided to knock instead of just teleporting into the mansion like he did last time.

*knock* *knock*

The door opens to reveal the weather controller that he encountered the last time he was here.

"Ah miss…"


"Yes, miss Storm, how nice it is to see you again." Harry put on his winning smile and continued, "May I ask if Jean is in right now?"

"No, she is currently busy with the professor right now meeting with another child in need of our help."

"That's all I needed to know."

Traversing the astral plane, he found Jean's mental marker and decided to transmit himself there.

(Orphanage in Omaha, Nebraska)

"Scott, you see, you are a mutant." Xavier continued on, "Your inherent powers cause beams of energy to emit through your eyes; I have something that will allow you to see without the beams threatening to hurt anyone." Professor X. pulled out a pair of shades made of a ruby material and handed them to Scott.

"As you can see, you won't be the only child at the mansion; I have brought Jean with me to help you understand that."

Just as Jean was about to introduce herself, a loud clap emitted through the area.

*sigh* Professor X. put his hands on his head because he knew the signature of the mind that just entered the vicinity.

"Hey Jean, I got bored so I decided to come looking for you." Harry's smile was infectious, because Jean quickly started smiling along with her best friend.

"Mr. Potter, we are in the middle of trying to help this child get past his trauma with his powers."

Harry finally took the time to look at Scott.

"What's wrong with your eyes buddy?"

Scott winced, and looked down at the ground.

"I got it!"

Using the reality gem, he forced Scott's body to quickly process the skill that would allow him to control when his eyes would shoot out optic beams.

He moved closer and snatched the shades off of Scott's face and forced him to open his eyes.

"Wait, I don't want anyone to get hurt."

"No one will," Harry said as he looked directly into the uncovered eyes of the fearful Summers brother.

"What, my eyes aren't emitting the beams anymore!"

Harry just smiled at the baffled face of Xavier and said, "I told you I had it."

"Well, I suppose I'm slightly less bored now."

Harry walked towards Scott and Xavier while holding Jean by the wrist.

"Let's take the short cut back." Harry's sinister smile threw off the two male mutants.


The four landed right in front of the Xavier mansion.

Professor X. was amazed; the ease of how Harry traveled such a long distance astounded him.

"But what about the jet"

"Wait for it…"

Barely any time passed after Harry spoke before the jet appears behind him.

"See, I didn't forget about your little plane."

Walking to the mansion, Harry and Jean spoke to each other while the Professor was still trying to get Scott to familiarize himself with his new home.

"So has the Phoenix spoken to your since our last encounter?" Harry was always ready to add to his ever increasing knowledge of the cosmos. Though the mind gem was always giving him more info, his knowledge about cosmic entities was still sorely lacking. The best and really only source of info he had was Jean and the Phoenix which dwelled inside of her. This was not to say that he didn't like Jean as a person, Jean was his best friend; it was just convenient that she was also one of his biggest sources of knowledge about the vast universe.

"No, she hasn't spoken to me again since our last meeting, it seems like she is almost afraid of making someone angry."

The two friends had no idea how correct they were.

They sat in the living room of the mansion just making small talk.

But inside Harry's thoughts, he was tired of just staying on Earth; he wanted to explore the wide array of planets that were available in space.

'Maybe, I should pay Thor a visit on Asgard.' Harry sat in deep thought. 'Odin is powerful, but he doesn't really pose a threat to my reality gem.' He nodded to himself. The final reason that solidified his decision to go to Asgard was the space gem which was still locked in the Tesseract. But Harry was completely confident that he could break it out and it would join his 'siblings' on the gauntlet.

Having determined his next goal, he decided to spend the rest of the day at the mansion with Jean before heading to Asgard.

The sun was setting, and so Harry decided it was time to freak out some asgardians. Concentrating on the knowledge that the mind gem bestowed upon him about the location of Asgard, he used the reality gem once again to teleport.

(Asgardian Pub)


In an unseen corner of the pub, a teenager with a golden gauntlet appeared.

Keeping himself hidden, Harry moved out of the pub and headed toward the giant golden building that was obviously the palace.


"My king, I speak the truth, Malekith and a squad of his dark elves has been turned into what the humans classify as 'blobfish'.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but what could have possibly done that to them?"

Harry quietly listened to the conversation, before deciding that it would be too much trouble to confront Odin on the matter of the space gem and just moved towards the vault to find it himself. After searching for a while (and digging through the head of a patrol guard), Harry located the vault door that led to his long awaited prize. Utilizing the gauntlet, Harry made the door vanish on his command; however, he was unaware of the silent alarm that Odin had set up in the actual room of the vault.

As Harry made his way to the Tesseract, Odin and Heimdall rushed to the vault.

"Ah, you will finally be reunited with the gauntlet." The Tesseract glowed a brilliant purple as it responded to the call of the Infinity Gauntlet.

"Halt Intruder, stop what you are doing or I will show no mercy!" Odin stepped into the vault, Gungnir blazing with the power of the odinforce. Harry didn't stop; he started the extraction of the space gem from the cube while using the reality gem to combat the mighty offensive that Odin was sending at him.

The odinforce was mighty. The allfather had used his power to slay Ymir and Surtur. It was said that the odinforce at its highest point could shatter entire galaxies. It could bring life or herald death. Odin had used it to bring peace to much of the nine realms and his enemies feared its wrath.

But the odinforce could not match the reality gem.

The reality gem could warp the very nature of existence. The laws of the universe are like putty to a master of the reality gem. Logic meant little to it, because logic was bound by the gem. What is logical one moment could be rendered completely fool hardy the next. The reality gem could stop life and undo death. Even cosmic entities could be bound by its mighty power. Dimensions have risen and fallen because of the use of this gem.

And so when the two forces collided, it was obvious which would falter.

Odin was pushed back while Harry finally ripped the gem from its shell.

Odin looked at the purple gem and the gauntlet with fear.

The purple gem was inserted into the golden metal glove.

And for one moment, all of space distorted. Worm holes appeared and disappeared throughout the universe. Gateways to unspeakable universes opened and closed. Planets crashed into each other and stars died. The power of the space gem echoed and the laws of physics were butchered as distances shifted and turned. Things that were once trillions of lights years away from each other suddenly collided.

Harry's mind slowly adapted to the power of the new gem.

Odin thought it was a good opportunity to defeat him.

Odin was wrong.

Odinforce light ripped its way towards Harry, it was too bad that all of space was now Harry's to control. The light was absorbed into a spatial distortion which shot the energy back at Odin. Surprised by the speed at which Harry obtained control of the space gem, Odin had no time to prepare for the counter attack. The strike nailed the asgardian king in the chest and sent him tumbling towards the wall. Heimdall smartly backed away knowing that a fight with Harry would merely end up with him losing.

Preparing to leave, Harry was stopped by the voice of someone he knew.

"Stop, son of Potter," Thor's voice found its way to him and he wasn't surprised.

"I mean you no harm, but I must ask you to stay and speak with my father about this."

Harry appeared behind Thor with no warning at all.

It turns out that the space gem gave him the ability to be anywhere he wanted at anytime. At least its more convenient than using the reality gem to travel everywhere.

"Very well, but if he attacks me, I'm sending him straight into a black hole." Harry's voice did not falter. "I'm serious, if he attacks me; he ends up in the black that resides within galaxy M87."

Thor nodded, and they walked back into the throne room of the asgardian palace.

(throne room)

*Waking grunt*

His vision was blurred, likely from the energy that was shot back at him.

He realized he was on his throne and standing before him was the intruder and Thor.

Odin wanted the Infinity Gauntlet, not for himself, but because he felt that no one should have that much power. He was able to fight against beings that terrorized galaxies; he was able to unite many worlds under the banner of Asgard. But he was rendered completely useless when faced with the power of an incomplete Infinity Gauntlet.

As much as he wanted the gauntlet safe, he knew that trying to take it from the boy would be a senseless act. He realized that to resolve this situation, patience would be the leading factor.

"What are your intentions with the gauntlet, human?"

"Harry, my name is Harry." He was not afraid to look Odin in the eye. "My intentions are my own, but for now, I intend to learn more about the vast multiverse."

Odin's hand clenched around his spear and Harry's gauntlet formed a fist. As tensions almost seemed to devolve the situation back into a fight, the two relaxed again.

"Very well, you may leave in peace; but if you return again as you did today, you will be considered an enemy of Asgard."

Harry just smiled and looked back at Odin. "I already have everything I want from Asgard. Lifting the gauntlet, three gems glowed in their slots and illuminated the room.

Without saying anything, Harry left Asgard via worm hole (because he thought it looked cooler that way).

He had never felt so complete, yet he knew the journey to complete the gauntlet was halfway done. Reality, mind and space belonged to him, but soul, power and time still eluded him. But he would retrieve them in time, he was sure of it.

Unsure of what to do, he went to the one place he knew he had to visit.

(Avengers Tower)

His fists broke another punching bag. Stacking it next to the others, he hanged up a new one and got back to his practice.

"Impressive captain, that punching bag sure learned its lesson." Steve turned around to the sight of a teen with black hair and green eyes slowly clapping. "Nice workout, I really am impressed though."

Not knowing what to say, Steve went with the one thing that has never failed him.

"Hello, what's your name?"

"Wow, you're pretty straight forward with your questions captain."

"Well, I'm mainly here to see Tony, but I thought I would make a pit stop to see the living legend."

Stepping into a portal, the boy disappeared; Steve just looked baffled for a second and went to look for Tony.

By the time he got to Tony' floor of the tower, the boy was already there; it appeared that they were in active conversation.

"So you can control space now?"

"That's right, and no, you can't have my control over space."

"I'm just saying, my suit could really use the upgrade and you could really use the money."

"What use is money to someone like me?"

"I suppose you're right… You think you can give me a little demonstration of your new power?"

Harry contemplated it for a second, and then got a smile that sent bad vibes all over Tony.

Snapping his fingers, he sent Steve colliding into Tony; the now floored genius was about to say something when he noticed the space between the door and where he was had shrunk. Sticking his hand towards the space, he realized his arm was bending in strange angles.

"That's just the spatial distortion." Harry snapped his fingers again and the space returned to normal.

"Well you know, this tower does have a lot of rooms… and you did say that you needed a place to stay."

"And I being here would allow you to look at the effects of the gauntlet some more…"

"And that," Tony agreed.

"Fine, set me up with a room and you got yourself a deal."

"I'll set you up with an entire floor if you show me some more things you can do with that gauntlet."


The two shook hands, completely ignoring the fact that Steve was still in the room.

"Tony, you can't just let a teenager live here; what would his parents think?"

"I'm an orphan and I can look after myself captain."

"Yea capsicle, you heard the man, go back to your training."

Steve had nothing left to say, and decided to go back to his room mumbling about Starks and weird teens popping out of nowhere.

"Well, if we're done here, I have better things to do somewhere else."

"That's absurd… What could be more important than spending time in the presence of a Stark?" He asked half joking, half serious.

"Pretty much everything else," Harry replied.

Leaving a gaping Tony behind, Harry decided to do the one thing any reality warping teenager would do.

"Flying is not as amazing as I thought it would be." Harry was speeding through the air like a bullet, his journey's destination almost at hand.

It felt really strange to be heading towards the Xavier mansion all the time; but that's where his best friend lived, this led to Harry always making the trip to the large manor to see Jean. Not even bothering to slow down, Harry entered a portal that suddenly appeared in front of him and came out the other end lazily floating above ground in the kitchen of the X-mansion.

At this point pretty much everyone in the mansion was used to his constant coming and going, and so they were not shocked when he arrived. But Jean's reaction was a little more explosive. She leapt forward to embrace her friend and he reluctantly accepted, but deep inside he knew that she was just trying to butter him up for something.

It turned out his intuition was correct. She was going to school. And she wanted Harry to go with her. The response to her request was a long, blank stare. But she was ready for this moment; her lips swelled up and her eyes started to water ever so slightly, Harry took one look at her face and instantly regretted it.

She looked like he had just kicked her puppy, told her he didn't want to be friends with her and also informed her he didn't like mutants all in one go. So now his option to refuse was all but blocked off. He couldn't just manipulate her mind to forget about it. One, she was his best friend; two, she had a cosmic bird that was on fire protecting her mind. He glanced at the others for help and received only looks of amusement.

He would get them back for this.

"Well, you see Jean, I can't go to school here because… I'm British." Harry nodded to himself, "And British kids go to school in Britain." He told himself that it was just a small lie and that he would make it up to her later. His plan was going so well until professor X. decided to completely dismantle it.

"Nonsense, I will have your papers moved to here immediately; don't worry about it, I have friends in high places." Xavier's eyes gleamed with delight as Jean practically choked Harry with her hug.

'I'll get you for this Xavier,' Harry was already plotting his revenge.

Now that Jean knew, he could no longer refuse because he couldn't manipulate her thoughts. He breathed in heavily and took the small consolation that regular school should be easy for someone with the Infinity Gauntlet. It wasn't like the teachers could tell him what to do anyway.

Nodding tiredly, he agreed to this request and at the same time wished he avoided coming to the mansion today.

He and jean once again started talking about what they did recently. Harry, in a stroke of genius, decided to leave out the part where he got in a fight with Odin and obtained the space gem.

"I hope we end up in the same class."

"I'm sure we will." He was already planning to use the mind gem to force the principal to put them in the same class.

He was sure of one thing.

Middle school was going to be one heck of a ride.

/three years later/

(Bayville Middle School)


'Why would anyone sat in these constricting plastic chairs for so many hours in a day?'

He sat on his chair tapping idly on the desk while the teacher in front taught them algebra. He was wasting time here at this spend when he should have been elsewhere searching for the other gems. But the problem was that Jean would roast him alive if he left school and decided never to go back. The only consolation prize was that the space gem allowed him to be almost anywhere he wanted at any time. But that still didn't excuse the fact why middle school was so long.

'Seven hours in this building is spent every day learning the same basic skills over and over again.'

His pencil snapped and the teacher turned his head around.

"Is there a problem Mr. Potter?"

"No, Mr. Turner, everything is fine." Subtly, he used the mind gem to nudge the man's thoughts back to continuing the lesson.

/six hours later/

He was waiting for Jean to show up so they could return to the mansion before he had to go back to the Avengers tower.

That was when he felt it; metal from all over the city was being pulled into a central location. People were panicking as they saw cars, trains, signs, etc. being lifted through the air. As he was scanning for the source of the metallic attraction, his Avengers card started going off.

"Hey Tony, shouldn't you be busy right now?"

"Well, I just wanted to ask you if you've already seen all the metal floating towards the center of the city."

Not even bothering to respond, Harry simply turned the card's camera towards the sky above him.

"Oh… so you know." Tony continued, "Well you know the drill, Avengers assemble!"

*sigh* "Well, I should probably tell Jean that I'm going to be busy for the rest of the afternoon."

Waiting for a few more minutes, he eventually saw Jean walking towards him with Scott following behind her like a puppy.

'I really hope this doesn't become a problem in the future.'

Shaking himself out of his thoughts, he chose to speak first.

"Jean, there's a problem that I need to take care of with the avengers, so unfortunately, I can't go to the mansion with you guys today."

Jean looked disheartened, but nodded anyway. Scott seemed somewhat glad for this outcome.

'Oh... this should be interesting.'

But what was important now was the fact that half the city's metal was floating away for some reason. Trying to find a solution to this problem, the quickest answer that came to mind was using the reality gem to rewrite the laws of the universe. He could make it so that metal was no longer able to be magnetized (ignore the fact this makes no sense because it's the reality gem), but that would undoubtedly create a giant string of problems elsewhere in the universe.

Arriving at the center of the commotion, he saw the source of all the trouble that New York was experiencing that day.

A man clad in a red suit with a cape was gathering all the metal above him. 'Huh, it's Magneto.'

Getting closer to the mutant, he found that merely trying to probe his mind didn't grant him any information. Scouring the minds of the world for info, he eventually found out that Magneto's mind was protected by his helmet.

~Magneto's perspective~

'Finally, mutants will reign supreme over this world.' He was already basking in the feeling of victory that was coming over him. 'Charles will be too busy with Mystique and Sabretooth to come deal with me right now.'

Gathering the metal over the center of the city, he would utilize it to destroy at least half of New York by dropping it at the appropriate height in the sky.

Then his eyes caught a boy slowly walking towards him.

Confused by the presence of this child, Magneto was about to speak when the little hooligan decided to interrupt him.

"You missing something?"

Now that he mentioned it, Magneto did feel a lack of weight on his head.

He turned back to the boy only to find his helmet being commandeered by the child.

"Man, this is a nice helmet… kind of heavy though." The boy looked back up, "By the way, say hello to the other prisoners for me."

That was all he knew before his vision was consumed by blackness.

~Harry's perspective~

'Well, that should take care of it.'

That was when he noticed the shadow which was covering the surface of the city started to grow.

Looking up, he realized why it was happening.

Magneto had been gathering the metal from all over the city for nearly an hour, without his hold on the metallic pseudo-island it decided to fall.

Harry wiped the falling metal from existence with barely a glance.

'I wonder what's for dinner.'

A/N: Sorry for the wait guys. So as you can see, Harry once again demolishes another villain with no trouble at all. Don't worry; this won't always be the case. The first portion of this story will be spent with our protagonist ripping through the iconic villains that most people know about. The next portion is going to be the interesting one. Harry will eventually venture into the vast Marvel multiverse and discover that the Infinity Gauntlet isn't the most powerful thing ever.

Now to see some of those reviews.

William: Well… there goes one of my main story villain groups. Yes, the beyonders will be one of the main groups that challenge Harry (Thank Stan Lee that I have more super cosmic villains ready for use). P.S. Don't throw out super cosmic entity names, because you'll ruin the plot. XD

But no, I do appreciate your review and the fact that you support the comics.

Wow… that was a short review response section.

Come on readers, I know you can get me more reviews.

I want you to leave me all your questions, comments and concerns.

And as always … Thanks for reading.