Summary: After being beaten up by a mob, Naruto discovers the Dark Tower, connected to Castle Gromgard and to The Netherworld Tower; in where he discovers that he is the heir of the Overlord. In the Tower, Naruto is informed by Gnarl, the Minion Master, of his legacy. At the Tower, he finds that The Tower Heart is missing, as are the Forge Smelters, but the Minion Hives and the other Tower Objects are there.
Naruto embarks in a journey to find the Objects that belong to his domains, conquer the lands of the Overlords and remind everybody that the Overlord of Balance is back!
Overlord (Kuudere) Naruto/Dark Tower/CastleGromgard/NetherworldTower Lord Naruto/Grey/Tensei Juubigan/Rikudo Senjutsu User Naruto/Magic/Chakra user Naruto. Naruto x Big Harem and more. Elements of Overlord, Naruto, Metroid and other universes.

Chapter 1 - My Pain

(Konohagakure No Sato - Leaf Academy - 2nd Year)

"Next match Naruto Uzumaki Senju!" A scar nosed woman called out a bit warmly, she had a decent figure for someone of the kunoichi profession.

A calm cold royal voice sighed in utter irritation, it belonged to a 6 year old boy who stood 1 and a half inches taller than an average kid. His red hair reached to his shoulders is slightly short at the sides, ruffled, and spiked, with two strands of hair near the opposite sides of his head falling over his face, he had streaks mixed with red, black and white.

His eyes were peculiar, one was green emerald that sparkled like a gem, while the other was a blue/gold that glowed briefly with power manifested. His face had a scar that went from his brow to his cheek.

He wore a long sleeve fishnet under a white and and black unzipped hoodie with nine tomoes around the collar stretching from the back, black pants with white flames down the sides, medical tape tied around his ankles with a pair of black shinobi sandals, he had jewelry mostly silver on his neck that depicted the symbol of Ouroboros (Infinite), on the back of his hoodie was the marking of a purple eye with a ripple motif. He had a piercing on the upper part of his right ear that was colored slightly red.

(Red Reaper Of Murder: Not telling!)

"VS Kira Inuzuka, Sakura Haruno, Hinata Hyuga and Satsuki Uchiha...?" The grounds were so quiet and silent you could hear crickets chirping before everyone exploded shouting expletives children shouldn't know, profanity that was the stuff of legends to sailors and threats of bodily harm and disembowelment it made Iruki Umino blanch before shouting over them.

"SHUT IT YOU LITTLE BASTARDS!" They cowered much to a stoic Naruto's slight bemusement and annoyance at the loudness.

"Can you guy's be any louder i'm sure half of Iwa heard your loud yelling by now?" Naruto shot them irritated glares evidenced by the tic-mark on his stoic face, Iruki and Mizumi blushed red in embarrassment as did the academy students.

"Besides Iruki-sensei, Mizumi-sensei why should i spar with my fellow comrades? hmm? not a year ago all of you were whispering behind my back like conspirating scientists watching me like i'm some bizarre specimen trying to see what makes me tick, i do not seek companionship nor friendship as i have suffered enough betrayal." Naruto said coldly, eyes sharp and cold as the iciest blade.

Many looked at Naruto with varying amounts of shock, disbelief, hurt and some anger and indignation, Iruki slumped feeling his voice alone was causing pricks of pain in her heart because she did the same, Mizumi frowned deeply trying to hide her feelings on his words, she knew they were true and felt sad for him now.

She could taste the bitterness, the hate, the depression from his own voice all she could think was how badly the village messed with him.

"N-naruto-san you didn't exactly help by being completely distant and professional the whole time." Ino spoke a bit meekly but bold only getting a look from him that said she was a moron.

"And you think after living n the red light district for so long that i can't tell or detect when someone is trying to control me?!" Naruto's eyes widened a bit before shutting his mouth leaving everyone wide-eye'd with looks of even more shock before they stepped forward hesitantly.

Naruto snarled to himself mentally punching himself for letting his emotions control him! He stood up and walked away with a dark glare on his face, and would've had a headstart if Satsuki didn't grab his wrist causing him to stop as a black aura of malice sprouted around him. He was restraining himself from taking off his classmates hand at the wrist level.

"Uchiha-san take your hand off of me now." He turned his head showing his visible eye was now glowing a venomous red, "Naruto-kun give everyone a chance to prove themselves." Naruto laughed darkly at that hypocritical statement coming from a spoiled princess like her.

"Oh that's real funny coming from you Uchiha give everyone a chance of redemption..." Naruto turned back to them showing he had a venomous sneer on his face, "Not in this fucking life or the next." He yanked his wrist free and stalked off ignoring the shouts to come back while Satsuki stood there shocked at the hate and negative emotions in his eyes.

"Naruto if you do not come back here!" Naruto turned his head to see Sakura scowling at him with Kira and a frowning Hinata and Sasumi Uchiha only for him to flip them off rudely.

"Like i give a fuck about some academic grades in this piece of shitty kid school!" He shot back and left muttering darkly leaving the whole academy silent.

"Naruto wait!" Iruki and Mizumi ran out to the front entrance only to blink not seeing Naruto in their vision, they checked the sides and back, even the roof and didn't see him.

He however was simply walking down the street appearing in a pixel like formation (Super Janemba style) with a sour expression, "I fucking knew it, i just had to open my damn mouth and spill where i lived now they'll never live me the fuck alone." Naruto snarled to himself while twitching feeling a random bout of happiness spring within him before he ruthlessly tore it apart not knowing it was a goddess's doing.

(Kami's Realm)

"Kami-imouto will you stop trying to piss Naruto-kun off with causing his positive emotions to flare up when he clearly doesn't want to." A black haired dusk skinned bombshell said in an outworldly female tone filled with irritation crossing her arms under her J-cups, glaring at what looked like a slightly tan skinned look alike of her with silverblonde colored hair and radiating warmth and happiness, her face twitched into a cute frown.

"But i want Naru-kun to be happy not a sarcastic witty ass!" Kami sniffed turning her nose up at her older sister Shini making the said Shinigami rub her face furiously in irritation and annoyance.

"And who's fault is that those high and mighty yakuza frogs are allowed permission to make prophecies." Kushina Uzumaki garbed in her jounin attire from years ago sneered walking into view, Kami looked away silently admitting that wasn't one of her greater moments.

"It was a necessary evil Kushina-chan." Kushina's expression turned cold and venomous, "Oh really and look what pain it caused my soichi you stupid arrogant little bint!" Kushina's eyes swirled into a purple ripple patterned pair of eyes with a six sided buzzsaw shuriken in the center.

"Silence Kushina!" Kami growled eyes crackling with white lightning, she would not let this woman step over her even if she was Naruto-kun's mother!

"What? gonna throw another temper tantrum like you always do bitch! It's your fault my soichi suffered!" She jabbed the big breasted goddess in her forehead with a finger eyes glowing with rage and hatred.

"IT IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT YOU ARROGANT BITCH! IF I HAD MY BLADE WITH MY I WOULD FUCKING CUT OFF YOUR FAT ASS TITTIES THE SCALP YOUR BITCHY ASS WITCH!" Kami paled when Kushina's k.i. kept rising and rising making the other goddess's very nervous and afraid.

"Kushina we have a problem, those clan heiress's are more stubborn then i thought!" Kushina's eyes locked onto the sprinting girls asking around for her soichi-kun and her eye twitched silently turning her head to glare coldly at a sheepish looking Kami and one of her little sister Fate who was sweating since she and a few other goddess's tried to decide the chosen one's love life and didn't expect to see a crimson cloak of energy faintly crackling around him. Kushina's lips quirked up into an evil sweet smile.

"Yes~ my soichi-kun has the Overlord bloodline unlocked~" Kushina's eyes glazed over with glee and pride, her hands twitching at the front of her jounin vest as the seductive whispers of delicious Incestual Love wormed their way through her ears and mind. Shini and Yami along with Destiny plus the other goddess's that disliked Kami's plans blushed knowing what was going through Kushina's heads and wouldnt blame her, they all had a thing for Naruto after seeing his drive, his passion for being the absolute strongest and his desire for revenge in such a calculating ruthless manner.

They winced watching Naruto switch from heading home to going to what looked like a mixed bar/brothel, they're eyes teared up when he started drinking without a care in the world. "Soichi-kun..." Kushina stared at his depressed image with tears dropping from her eyes.

(With Naruto)

"Another one please Kisuke..." A blond haired man wearing a green and white striped bucket hat covering his eyes with a green gi and green coat with a white diamond pattern around the cape, wore geta sandals looked at a depressed Naruto with sadness.

(Hollywood Undead - Pour Me)

"Overlord-sama what has you in such a state?" Kisuke former gotei captain looked at his young lord softly, Yoruichi who stood by her friend Kukaku and student Soi Fon looked at the young academy student with equal sadness.

Naruto may put up a strong front but they all knew even those closest to him that Naruto was a drinker that drinked heavily but not so much like Tsunade, he drunk to keep away his suicidal tendencies and to keep his violent urges at bay. "I just want to drink till i pass out, why...why do people continue to pester me for supposed village has burned every bridge of me even forgiving them, i don't see why i should connect with my peers since they're nothing but bigoted sheep." A slightly buzzed Naruto grunted knocking back another drink with a sigh, looking at the liquid in his glass forlornly, showing an armored figure with glowing red eyes making him let out a very dark echoing chuckle.

After the last beating of his young age Naruto's secret bloodline burst free and in a berserk-like state he slaughtered the ninja mob like pigs to a slaughter, after that he fell unconscious and was taken away by several tiny figures.

Soon he awoke to find himself in a very comfy bed with the finest furs, sheets, decorations and beastly trophies hanging on the walls, he was shocked to see himself in such a royal looking yet ominous bedroom, he nearly went back to sleep if not for an aged looking creature walking in flanked by creatures with red, blue, green and brown skins bowing to him.

He asked who they were and the elderly one named Gnarl explained to the confused jinchuuriki about his TRUE heritage and bloodline, he was shocked at the fact that he was the true heir to the Uzumaki, Senju, Uchiha clans even the fabled Otsutsuki clan that lived many decades ago before the Bijuu came to existence.

When Naruto asked about the Overlord bloodline he was shocked when suddenly archaic glowing crimson lines spread all over his body changing him, this caused him to feel like he was being drowned in acid but bared through it as he was a survivor and survivors do not kneel!

After the transformation Naruto held his head and demanded in a cold imperious voice about the status of the kingdom, as he listened to an overjoyed Gnarl about the status of the minion pools he wasn't pleased or impressed in the slightest at the fact that his kingdom was in shambles under the control of greedy so called light aligned Kingdoms.

He went to take back the pools only to stop and look at Gnarl before telling him to bring him his armor, and like his namesake he decimated the forces holding his land singlehandedly all the while swaying the people to his allegiance, no need for mutiny.

Though there were so who thought they could pull backdoor deals without him knowing of it, well the new skulls in his bedroom rafters said otherwise. During his wandering getting the Minion pools he encountered many beings, the one's he met first were Shinigami, Arrancar and even Vaizard's.

He heard they're tales of hurt, betrayal, being on the run hunting and scavenging for food, they were all about to lose themselves having to watch over their soldiers for they're former comrades and friends, they even told him of what they're madman of a comrade Mayuri did to his own subordinate/daughter. If Naruto wasn't as hardened as he was he'd puking his guts out at the list of experimentation's performed on innocent beings, it made him realize that humans weren't the only one's that could be capable of abusing familial bonds.

He took them in, they were surprised and shocked that a child was wearing such ominous armor but when they saw his eyes, the orange haired elder teen called Ichigo felt like he was staring at a somewhat human version of a more bitter cold Ulquiorra, as an Overlord Naruto's mind was forced to mature and understand the unbearable truth.

It was a complete and utter bitter pill for someone as strong willed as Naruto, to admit he had his faults and look himself in the mirror.

His overconfidence got him the scars along his face when he used to be a very powerful man in his previous life, someone who could crush gods without any effort.

Kaito...his former name was Kaito...Naruto...he didn't know who he was half the time he looked at himself in the mirror.

Now all those years gaining allies, power, training, territory was weighing down on him like massive weights the size of the world, he was more distracted than normal, temper on a hairtrigger and alot more cruel then normal with the Yakuza he had under his control in the red light district.

No one knew except the Hokage and Danzo that Naruto controlled and ruled the red light district with an iron fist, he had a blood clone acting in his stead in his kingdom giving him regular on the dot updates, he had the minions searching for the wherabouts of Minato Namikaze his fucking traitor of a sperm donor. He learned about the prophecy and discovered it was completely FALSE! His life was manipulated at birth all because of that retarded toad asshole Sennin Jiraiya, Naruto put those two at the very top of his shit list right in front of Kami and the other goddess's, that's right he knew who was causing those unneeded spikes of happiness and he was going to give that bitch a tongue lashing!

'Just thinking of that bastard Namikaze-teme is making me want to kill something!' Naruto chuckled sinisterly with a twitching left eye, Kisuke and the one's behind the bar eye'd the slowly cracking glass with growing sheepish expressions.

'Overlord/Oyabun-sama is getting ticked off~' The former residents of Karakura saw the yakuza's bolt like the hounds of hell were on they're heels which they could give them credit when knowing not to be in Naruto's cross hairs if he's pissed off!

"Naruto-kun! Naruto-kun!" Naruto's ear twitched upward hearing the sound of his 'classmates' before his left eye twitched twice causing Kisuke and Ichigo to pale before ducking down slowly behind the bar, followed by other patrons flipping over tables making makeshift barricades around themselves.

"Um Oyabun-kun might i suggest you hear them out before you go all cold ice cube on them?" Yoruichi coughed with a light smile only causing Naruto's right hand to flicker into a clawed hand briefly crackling with red lightning before stopping.

"Yoruichi-senpai in case you do not know, i trust only a select group and i despise every other human in this shithole with as paying as much attention to the home of a cockroach, they want to befriend simply because of my tragedy oozed childhood." Naruto said sarcastically and bitterly, "They only care about being the one's to mend my saddened heart!" He spat crushing the glass in his open fist shattering it, but it bled from how tightly he was grasping the sharp shards.

Yoruichi, Nemu and Soi Fong looked at him sympathetically, but they had a gut feeling that these girls genuinely wanted to get to know him and be his friend, but they knew that Naruto's views were distorted on genuine friendship or deceit, it took even them quite awhile to gain his trust not that he went out of his way to be extremely rude like many would to make they're lives harder.

If Naruto wasn't learning how to rule his kingdom, he was training in using the Overlord gauntlet, increasing his territory, sparring against Shadow Clones or them, learning forging, Ninja Arts and whatever other thing he could get his hands on, it was worrying even for a serious person like Ichigo himself. No one so young should be training like they were preparing for a war.

Naruto simply told them they had no need to concern themselves with him, and just do their own thing, they sighed at how driven he could be to becoming stronger, he wasn't power hungry nor willing to give up his freedom to another just to become stronger.

"Naruto..." Naruto took a few deep breaths calming the raging killing intent inside of him and turned to look stiffly at his female classmates.

Hinata gazed at him worriedly taking note of his stiff posture and his cold gaze that told them he was only tolerating them but could feel the curiosity.

"May i help you Hyuga-san?" He stated only looking at them from the corner of his eyes, Hinata and the others glanced at each other.

"A-ano Naruto-kun we wish to get to know you no prying into your secret life or anything we just wish to get to know you since there's something about you that calls to us." Hinata said somewhat timidly at his imperious gaze that flashed a bit with unknown emotion.

Shiki sighed muttering under her breath, "Naruto-kun as troublesome as this is Hinata-chan is correct we only wish to get to know you and want to make amends for following the label everyone gave you years ago." Satsuki, her sister and the others nodded in determination looking at him and managed to barely not flinch when his gaze sharpened with an even colder edge, his eyes gaining a cyan green-like glow, his hair floated up slightly whereas his body flickered somewhat with cyan green flames briefly.

Hinata felt sweat gather on her forehead as did the others seeing that brief flicker that made something within them recognize it as familiar, but ignored trying to keep themselves from falling under his gaze.

Naruto grunted and brought more of his presence to bear down on them, their knees buckled shakily from the increasing pressure.

'I-is he releasing his own physical presence out!? he's just as old as us how can someone like him bring out such a deadly presence?!' Satsuki bit her lip as what she saw was a tall man that looked like Naruto bearing a flowing orange gold aura staring down at them stoically.

" actually withstood my presence without submitting to me...not many have done that in a long while." Inwardly they sweated a bit mildly at his casual admittance to have made others submit with just his physical presence.

Yoruichi and the others had raised eyebrows but had a bit of sweat marring they're brows regardless, 'This kid is going to be something as he gets doubt about it...i am honestly afraid if Nozarashi were to find a partner, he's more of an Oni then even Zaraki!' Ichigo shuddered remembering how vicious the man was with that massive axe in the war against the Vandenreich, he just didn't die even after Ywhach decapitated him, he just kept fighting like an undying demon with a grin on his face.

Ichigo carried Nozarashi because the man wanted her to go to someone who can wield her better than even he could, now looking at Naruto he can already see Nozarashi would accept Naruto.


Ichigo's head snapped up to where Nozarashi rested, the blade's edge glinting with power almost like it was pulsing itself to where Naruto was.

'Nozarashi are you saying the boy is almost ready?' Ichigo thought to the zanpakuto he had a minor connection with to hear her thoughts, he got a stronger glint in return as if getting a rapid nod.

Naruto's eyes stopped glowing and suddenly sharpened looking behind Hinata and the others with a dark frown, his classmates spun around in offensive stances only to see a familiar silver haired man in jounin attire standing next to a black haired woman waring the same jounin outfit except with red pants.

"You two again?" Naruto facepalmed tiredly ignoring the glares aimed at him.

"I believe the ANBU stated to you last time Uzumaki-san that you are not to leave the academy just to be by yourself especially in a place like this." Kurenai Yuhi a new Jounin and Genjutsu specialist said sharply and sternly.

Naruto raised his head and glared coldly at Kurenai, "Oh how interesting Jounin Yuhi-san, you think merely because you are a fresh Jounin you can overstep your boundaries by case you didn't know Sarutobi-sama who is the Sandaime Hokage is the only one allowed to give orders to Konoha ANBU, the only one who they might listen to is Hatake-san, but if he is seen as a threat to my wellbeing not even his former Captain rank will save him from being subdued." Many tensed hearing the sound of swords being unsheathed slightly.

"Hmm and if i were to guess..." Naruto's eyes glowed with the same cyan green glow while looking at Kurenai who looked nervous and uncomfortable. He merely smirked like a shark smelling blood water. "Oho? seems someone has been a little naughty goody two shoes...spying on me and attempting to stunt what i can learn for the civilian council is it? so the demon doesn't get too powerful for his Betters to control." Naruto said with cold hiss causing the temperature in the area to plummet as killing intent started to radiate from a purple haired female ANBU with a Neko mask and several others including Naruto.

"It's a good thing i brought Zangetsu with me to work!" A pissed Ichigo scowled bringing out the gleaming cleaver looking ready to butcher the two Jounin that were joined by more of the council lapdogs looking for a fight.

"S-so what that thing in your gut makes you dangerous and you need to be under watch as alway-" Kurenai went to say like her actions and orders were just but Naruto pinched the bridge of his nose and suddenly...


Everyone got wide eyes of disbelief at the sight of Naruto appearing in front of Kurenai with a cold furious expression, a red handprint across Kurenai's face that held nothing but shock, hurt and anger.

"You listen to me you fucking bitch of a kunoichi!" He clamped his hand around her throat, Killing Intent flaring from him causing everyone to shudder and shift back which he ignored or didn't care about, his temper reached an all time high.

"NO ONE! AND I MEAN NO ONE FUCKING CONTROLS ME! MY BLOODLINE IS BEYOND WHAT YOUR LIMITED HUMAN BRAIN COULD COMPREHEND YOU THINK JUST BECAUSE I AM A CHILD I WON'T KILL YOU JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE MY MOTHER'S STUDENT WRETCH!?" Naruto's eyes turned a venomous orangish red with slitted pupils that glowed like the fires of hell lived within them, his eyes scared Hinata and the others but Kurenai was feeling the worst of the glare as she weakly pulled at his hand around her throat, but the grip was too strong for even a child jinchuuriki to have.

"If any of you fools take a step closer i will snap this oath breaker's neck for her transgressions against my mother Kushina Uzumaki." Naruto said coldly, his eyes flashed a deadly warning showing he was not joking around one bit.

The Jounin hesitated looking at one another than at Kakashi who sighed looking defeated just this once, "Stand down, it seem's Young Naruto here knew we were coming and prepared for it." Naruto chuckled darkly, "My forgotten clan's allies took me to safety in a different plane of existence and used many things to get rid of the weakness's in my body no thanks to this stupid village." Kakashi frowned but said nothing resolving the desire to make sure Naruto is on his team to reinforce the seal on his sensei's son so he can become what he is meant to be.

"And Hatake-san...if you ever try to blackmail or go behind Hokage-jii-sama's back...i will hunt you down." Kakashi stilled sweating at the look of cold promise none of the warmth for his godbrother at all.

"Mark my words Yuhi-teme i know my mother isn't dead, when she comes back to me i am going to savor your screams as she punishes you for breaking your oath." Kurenai paled at the slightly insane smile on Naruto's face.

"Oyabun...that's enough you're frightening Hinata-san and the others..." Soi-Fon leaned down whispering in his ear causing him to pause and looked at Hinata and the others expressions of slight fear and merciful looks which he merely stared with an apathetic expression.

"Very well...tell your clanswomen to stay away from me Yuhi-san, they're presence annoys me even more." Naruto said neutrally letting his grip loosen and Kurenai fell back breathing in gulps of air.

Naruto walked past her and the others sent by the council, "Kisuke keep an eye over the place will ya? i'm going to Okaa-chan's home so i can rest this day has been very tiring for me." He called back with mental and emotional exhaustion in his voice, Kisuke nodded understanding in his grey eyes before looking at Kakashi, Kurenai and the others with cold piercing eyes pointing at the exit.

"You people can leave now, your presence is disturbing bouya's place." They all shivered and slowly backed out eyeing the blond haired mysterious man warily mentally reminding themselves to bring this to the council.

"The council will hear about this rest assured Kyuubi brat!" One fresh jounin that looked young shouted with a smug smirk causing Naruto to stop and slowly look at the jounin with glowing eyes.

"And you do realize speaking about that is an S-class offense right newbie?" Naruto smiled with eyes of pity and growing bloodlust at the sight of the newbie jounin's face turning extremely pale.

"W-w-w-wait hang on a sec i take it back!" Naruto shook his head regaining a stoic look as a black orb floated up which he grasped tightly channeling chakra into it causing it to gain a white cyan green glow, he said coldly, "Raiton: Ginrin Tensei Baku (Lightning Style: Silver Wheel Rebirth Explosion)" The glowing orb shout from his hand with a white green streak of light, confusing them before it turned to shock and horror when a proverbial lightning bolt slammed down on the fresh jounin.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" To they're further shock they got a glimpse of him before he was instantly disintegrated into nothing but ash.

Kakashi's eye was fixed on the ash's with his mind numbed from shock of seeing his sensei's son turn an ill guided youth into naught but ash and shakily looked at Naruto as did many others to find him looking back at them coldly and unwavering.

"I am no one's toy, meal ticket, prisoner, punching bag or stud i rule my own life and no one will take that away from me no one!" Naruto declared with glowing red eyes again throwing down the gauntlet between him and the bigoted shinobi and villagers who had wide eyes of disbelief and growing fear.

"Oh boy something tells me there's going to be alot of bodies piled up." Satsuki said grimly putting that rookie ounin's death out of her mind but she still had the case of the shakes.

"Now you see why Naruto-kun is so cold, ruthless and unyielding to adults? he has gotten so skilled and powerful from training himself to near death and fatal injury many more times then even that girl Rock Lena and he taught himself to never show weakness, now i don't know what you ladys think of him but if you wish to be his friends you have to learn not to try and talk of morality to Naruto, he has made himself ready for the world of Shinobi, that display is a result of him having unprecedented mastery over his bloodline, he suffered physical and mental pain to get stronger and stronger, you might think he is being foolish to overtrain himself at such a young starting age but Naruto-kun doesn't care, some of us think he has some suicidal tendencies to where he hardly worries about his health despite his very healthy body stature. I will say this again girls do not try to talk him down to follow the path of the righteous because he will show you why it is stupid and naive to believe in the goodness of the human race." Kisuke said sternly looking over them with a very serious expression no glint of playfulness or mischief, this shocked them imaging what Naruto put himself through to become this strong.

"Kisuke-san we will prove to Naruto that we are not like mindless sheep." Sakura declared with determination cutting off whatever protest Hinata and Ino would've said.

"You might wanna hurry up if ya want to talk to him, he is usually down by the river with his guy friends and Ichigo smoking." Kisuke said turning back to the bar nonchalantly.

"SMOKING!" Sakura and Hinata shrieked with wide eyes before blasting down the road to find Naruto followed by the other snickering heiresse's.

"Maybe i shouldn't have said that?" Yoruichi sniggered while Soi-Fon sweatdropped thinking, 'I am so glad Oyabun-kun isn't blond like this idiot.' The former onmitsukido commander blushed with a smile.

(With Sakura)

Sakura and the others marched down the road, following Naruto's chakra trail which left a distinct feel to it, Shina commented that it tasted the most delicious of all chocolate to her Kikaichu.

"Where is he, tracking him shouldnt be this difficult!" Hinata groused uncharacteristically bold like her twin getting raised eyebrows.

"Hinata-chan quit sounding like a control freak that would offend Naruto-kun badly." Kira said sternly getting a cute huff.

"He shouldn't be smoking that could mess his lungs up and weaken him." Hinata tried to pitch them the medical health concerns.

"Hinata incase you have forgotten when was the last time Naruto-san was ever sick with anything or even had a single cold?" Shina said in her normal bland dry tone that vibrated bemusement getting Hinata to flush with embarrassment forgetting that for a moment earning snickers or chuckles from everyone else.

"My bad but still he shouldn't be smoking and you guys know that." Hinata still refuted getting groans in return.

"hey Naruto show me how to do that dance again?" A somewhat mature half hyper half serious voice asked curious causing them to perk up and moved down a different road leading to the river.

"Alright alright Armeni-nii i'll play the song again and follow my movements, jeez you're a chaotic sarcastic troll with reality warping powers and you can't follow a simple dance." Naruto's voice held a sarcastic mocking feel to it, Hinata frowned sternly making a note to tell Naruto not to be so rude to others.

"Oh hahaha! real smartass words, i can see why my sister Fiametta is so enamored with you despite your young physical age kid hehehe, to think even Scoutit found out you have a heat mode just like Scoutit hahahahaha!" Armeni wore very classy casual clothing with his shades and headphones and a black cap, he stood at the optimal height for an adult but wickedness and mischief shined behind his eyewear.

"Oh come on Armeni must you bring that up again for goodness sake how was i supposed to find out that i had such a thing like that!" Naruto squawked in embarrassment getting hearty laughter all around.

"Oh i don't know kiddo me thinks your cold persona is having the opposite effect hahahaha!" Shogun Heavy gave out a belly laugh causing the others to laugh gaining a glare that would've froze over even Makai itself several times over.

Hinata and the others listened to Naruto laughing and joking with these strange clothed guys and were even joined by a russet haired woman and a brown haired woman wearing identical clothing in red and blu respectively, they steamed silently when they took to flirting and hanging off of the powerful reincarnated recluse of a boy.

"My name is Piss Cakehole!" They jumped spinning around to see a RED Sniper grinning at them holding up a medical looking saw.

"I'm gonna carve you!" He grinned wider, Satsuki scowled flipping through handseals and answered back.

"Here's my answer creep! Katon: Goukakyuu No Jutsu!" The others yelped in shock when Sasumi's younger sister fired a stream of flames making the man yell in pain patting his face that was covered in flames before freezing shaking, much to their confusion they watched silently as an aura of pure malicious evil started to radiate from the man and he gave a yell as his turned even more twisted and demented, his whole body even his clothes and skin turned green even his eyes!

"Let's see how much blood's in ya!" Satsuki and the others screamed in fear as the man lunged at them like a bullet his saw descending on them slowly before an angry chakra barreled into the man.

"PISS CAKEHOLE WHAT THE FUCK DID I SAY ABOUT GOING AFTER CHILDREN! RASENGAN!" Naruto held out his left hand as a blue/red basketball sized orb swirled into existence before slamming it into his general's side with a similar sound to lasers going off (It sounds like Minato's rasengan from Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4).

Piss Cakehole yelled in pain before Naruto shoved his palm to the man's back causing a red glow to go off before vanishing in a red lightning bolt appearing under him Rasengan swirling dangerously again. "HAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The orb expanded as blood left the freak's mouth, ears, eyes and wounds before blasting off like a cannon bullet.



Hinata and her friends eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as their jaws dropped nearly cracking the earth as the freak slammed into the 4th Hokage's stone head causing the nose to break off and crash down below with a massive boom, with half of it's left side cracked in many places.

'I-is this Naruto-kun's power?!' They jumped when they heard footsteps and looked up only to gulp when blood red eyes crackling with black electricity glared down at them with displeasure and sternness.

"I think i need to personally explain to you girls why it isn't wise to try and spy on me." They gulped at his clipped tone and Satsuki tried to put on a brave face to hide the anxiety from nearly dieing in what would've been a bloody and gory matter.

"N-n-naruto-kun i think we'd like to know who that lunatic was damn your secrecy!" Satsuki jumped up with fire in her eyes only for it to dim down at the cold glare Naruto sported that surpassed even her mother when she was pissed off.

"One, that lunatic is one of my personal bodyguards who i make sure takes out enemies to my wellbeing or enemies to my clan that i do not see worth my attention, Second i was discussing clan business with my associates as you can see, Third do not lie to me i can detect when someone is attempting to lie to my face or try to find out information about me." He said seriously getting grimaces, they opened their mouths to speak but tensed when he turned his head throwing something out in the sky the most acidic glare of all times they had seen.

Naruto wasn't paying attention to them, what he was looking at was the sound of something tearing and saw the sky briefly gained what looked like a mouth opening to inky black darkness briefly and he saw a flash of golden sun yellow colored spiky hair and blue eyes.

'NAMIKAZE!' Naruto and something within him growled/snarled before he calmed down, his cold eyes still staring at the spot where he knew he saw his supposedly 'dead' father watching him and knew things were going to get even more hectic than ever.

Turning back to Satsuki and the others, "Go home Satsuki and the rest of you and sleep, i will speak to you all soon, this however doesn't mean that we're friends!" He huffed at their hopeful looks turning away with a grunt.

Hinata blushed poking her fingers, the girls were thinking, 'Naruto-kun is a bipolar Kuudere? Kawaii!~' Naruto's eye suddenly twitched three times wondering who was talking about him before walking off.

"Matte!" Naruto groaned turning back only to catch a scroll that held a note tied to the middle of it, looking at it he realized it was a formal invitation to the party hosted by the Fire Daimyo inviting all of Konoha's clans and some of its famous shinobi to promote tranquility between them all, this event was always held when Genin graduated.

Naruto frowned the look making him look more lazy than they thought, finally he sighs in slight resignation not wanting to get into an annoying argument with clearly stubborn girls, "Fine whatever i'll be there, however don't expect me to show respect to those who haven't earned mine." he said dismissively yet saying it all with amusement like he was assured that no one would pass his tests before walking off leaving Hinata and the others to stare after him in silence.

Shina suddenly spoke up, "He's got a nice butt." The Aburame heiress quipped getting scandalized gasps or lecherous giggles from her friends.

"SHINAAAAAA!" Naruto's eyebrows raised as did Armeni's at the screeches of embarrassment and laughter before shaking their heads sighing in unison, "Ugh women!"

No truer words have ever been spoke...

Naruto just KNEW this party was going to be a headache!

There is chapter 1 for Awakening Of The Whirlpool Overlord, note this is the last new story i am doing before focusing on updates ok, please remember this, as you can see Naruto is very Kuudere, he dislikes being around Hinata and the others seeing them as annoyances but secretly inside him feels affectionate for them but refuses to act on it.

I would say more but that would ruin the story, yes Minato and Jiraiya along with kakashi, kurenai and several others are on Naruto's shit list, plus he was serious about his threat of killing anyone who attacked him regardless of who they were, now i'll try not to make this a gary stu type shit but i dont have experience with slow gradual training, mainly just the timeskip training stuff shit like that.

If anyone has any advice on how i can slowly show Naruto's true godlike strength please PM me suggestions and what not please

Armeni and the others in this fic for chapter 1 are from TF2 Freakshow Wiki

Peace out!

Red Reaper Of Murder!

Your Soul Is mine!