What part of 'don't touch' does the savior not understand? She should be grateful I even offered to help teach her. Surely if she had gone to Gold he'd be anything but understanding. He never coddled his students and if he tried to teach you how to swim and you couldn't learn, you drowned.

I continued my rant about the insufferable blonde as I cleaned up my vault, returning everything to its proper place. Of course she had to move every single potion to another part of the shelf! Didn't her parents ever teach her to return things to their...never mind. Well, someone should have, at least.

After placing a full vial of bat's blood back to its proper location, I pulled my arm back, accidentally knocking another vial off the shelf. Damn it. That wasn't just any vial...it was a-

Before I could finish my words, blue smoke rose from the floor and swallowed me whole, knocking me out cold. When I awoke, I was on the ground.

Damn you, Swan! This is all your fault! I burst into tears. Am I...crying?

I looked down to take in my new form. I was no longer the beautiful, sexy mayor of Storybrooke/Evil Queen. I was now a tiny little toddler, barely of two years of age.

I also observed that I was very, very naked. I need to change myself back. I struggled to use my magic, but it was no use. It was gone. Of course it was, I didn't develop my powers until I was older. My cries now turned into wails. I can't control this body, how am I supposed to get help? Who would help me?

Surely not Gold, he'd just laugh and I can't give him that satisfaction. That damn blue fairy is the last person I'd ever go to. Maybe Tink would help. Yes, Tink. Perfect. No, wait. She's out of town, some vacation or something. Damn it. That just leaves one person...Emma Swan.

But how to get to her? I glanced back to the stairway leading into the vault. Our next lesson isn't supposed to be for two days. I can't wait in here that long, I'd starve or freeze to death. Maybe I could climb out of here. No, I don't want to risk falling and hitting my head. Maybe there's something magical I could use in here to transport me to Emma.

I look around and see nothing of any help...until my eyes meet with a certain fairy's magic wand. That would do the trick. Without pixie dust I couldn't transform myself back, but I could use what little magic it possesses without the dust to bring me to Emma.

It's been about four hours since my magic lesson with Regina and I'm still exhausted. Using magic really takes a lot out of you, especially when you're not used to using it at all.

As I lay on the couch, David is sitting next to me flipping channels on the television in Mary Margaret's apartment. Every second there is a bright flash of light and you can hear noise start and stop start and stop start and stop start and...Okay! I am so done with this. I get up from my seat and head over to the coat closet.

"Emma, where are you going," Charming questioned, pulling his eyes off the television.

"Out." And with that, I shut the door behind me. I know I shouldn't have been rude about it, but it gets annoying when they're always around. They hover and I like my alone time. As I walk out near the street, I hear a quiet noise to my left. I stop for a second to listen, then resume walking. It was probably just the wind. Two steps later, I hear something, no someone, crying. I turn to see a little baby looking at me with pleading eyes, shivering in the cold. I feel bad for the kid and I pickā€¦um, her up. The poor kid's probably all alone.

As I hold her in my arms, I take off my scarf and wrap it around her small frame. Then, I start heading back to the apartment. As if she sensed where I was going, she made a noise, almost yelling not to walk another step. I looked at her with questioning eyes and said, "Well you don't expect me to let you freeze out here, do you?"

That's sweet, she doesn't want me to freeze. Snap out of it, Regina, she thinks you're a child. Of course she doesn't want you to freeze. I didn't mean to yell at her, but I didn't want to be manhandled by the two idiots, which is definitely something that would have happened if she brought me in their cozy home.

Now we are heading toward her yellow monstrosity she calls a bug. Oh, no. We are not-

"Don't worry, I had to pick up baby Neal from daycare earlier," she said, unknowingly calming my nerves. "I have a car seat."

She straps me in and drives a short distance to, wait...is that my house? Why is she bringing me here for?

She gets me out of the car seat and I mold comfortably to her hip as she closes the car door behind us. I clench onto her hair, afraid that she might drop me. That's crazy, Regina. Why would she do that? She has no idea it's you.

"That's weird. I thought Regina would be home by now."

I would've if you hadn't been so careless as to-wait, that look...it almost looks like she's concerned about me. No, of course not. She just cares about Henry. That's the only reason why she would care to mention my absence. Henry's with Mary Margaret on a class camping trip. He's fine. Safe.

We wait by the door a few more seconds and still no answer. Of course, because I'm right here. I look over to the savior's face. She looks like she's debating something in her head, and before I know it, she's reaching under the door mat and-no, she is not! She's breaking into my house! That idiot!

"It's not technically breaking in if I got a key, right?"

Yes, yes I'm sure it's still illegal, Miss Swan! We go through the doorway and head over to the stairs as she turns on lights on her way. Just make yourself at home in my home, why don't you? Regina rolls her eyes.

Once we make our way to one of the closets in the upstairs hallway, Emma stops. Oh, I see. How did she know that I kept Henry's old baby clothes in here? Not bad, savior. Not bad. That still doesn't excuse you for breaking into my home.

"I'm sure Regina wouldn't mind if we borrowed some of these, right?"