Hey guys Everlark2004 here, no need for a long authors note. hope you enjoy

Peeta gives me a confused look.


"Like you said, we help each other, and I can't get through the nights I have nightmares without you" I say.

"So what are you saying?" he asks.

"Can you live in my house with me?" I ask.

He has shocked look on his face.

"Katniss I don't know" He says.

"Please, you have always been there for me" I plead.

He thinks for a while but finally he says "Ok, I will".

I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Thank you" I say.

"It shouldn't take me that long to pack" Peeta says.

"Ok I will help" I state.

I follow him upstairs to his room. He hands me an empty cardboard box.

"Can you pack my art supplies? My art room is across from mine" I nod and take the box.

I pack his sketchbook, drawing pencils, paints, paintbrushes, and canvases. I pick up the box which is quite heavy, and bring it downstairs. When I get to the last step the phone starts ringing.

"Could you get that!" Peeta shouts from upstairs "probably Dr. Aurelius or something".

I set down the box and rush to the phone.

"Hello?" I ask

"Hi, this is President Paylor, who is this?" the lady on the phone says

"Oh hi, this is Katniss" I reply

"Oh hi Katniss, how are you?"she asks

"I'm doing good" I answer

"Good, how's Peeta?" Paylor asks

"He's good too" I reply.

"That's good too hear, now the reason I called is we are having a ceremony to celebrate the end of snow's reign, and we want to have the remaining victors to give a speech" she states

"Oh" is all I can say

"Do you think you and Peeta would be able to do that?" Paylor asks

"I..I don't know, um can you give us sometime to think about it?"

"Of course, the ceremony is this friday" Paylor says.

"Ok, thank you, bye" I say.

I hang up the phone before Paylor can say anything else. Peeta comes downstairs.

"Who was that?" Peeta asks.

"President Paylor" I reply.

"What did she want?".

"There having a ceremony to celebrate the end of snow's reign" I answer.

"And what did you say?" he asks.

"That I will think about it" I reply.

"Well what do you think, do you want to go" He asks.

"I don't know" I say sitting on the couch "I don't really want to go back to the capitol".

Peeta sits beside me "I don't want to go back either, but I think it mean a lot to them if we came" he says.

"What about you?" I ask.

"What about me?"

"what if you have a flashback" I say.

"I think I will be fine, I'm getting better aren't I?"

"Yeah, you are" I say.

He pulls me close to him.

"It will be alright" He says.

We took the rest of Peeta's stuff to my house and so now I'm just helping him unpack. I cleared the guestroom, which is now his. Peeta called Paylor and told her we would be coming. I really don't feel like going, but Peeta is right. I'm just worried about him, I'm scared that the capitol will set him off, remind him of his torture.

"Is everything ok?" Peeta asks.

"Yeah why?" I ask unpacking some of his art supplies.

"You seem frustrated" He answers unpacking some clothes.

"I'm fine" I say.

"No you're not, you're worried about going to the ceremony, aren't you?".

"Of course I'm worried about the ceremony, Peeta!" I exclaim "The last place I want to be is the capital, and I'm afraid that you will have a flashback!".

"Katniss, it will be okay, I promise" he says.

He wraps his arms around me.

"Don't worry, everything will be ok" he whispers into my ear.

We finish unpacking and Peeta goes downstairs to make dinner. I go pack for the ceremony. I'm halfway done when the amazing smell of what I'm hoping is dinner fills my lungs.

I rush downstairs to find a table set with wild rice and lamb stew. My favorite capitol dishes. I sit down and dig into the rice.

"I'm thinking of starting a bakery" peeta blurts out in the middle of dinner.

"Really?" I ask uninterested.

"Yeah, I really like baking, and now that district twelve is starting to be put together again, people will need a bakery" Peeta replies.I nod.

"You're not listening are you" Peeta asks.

"Nope" I reply. I look up from my meal. "Sorry, I think it would be great if you owned a bakery" I say.

He smiles. "What do you think you would name it?" I ask.

"Probably Mellark's" he says.

"Creative" I say sarcastically.

"Well what would you name it" Peeta asks.

"Everdeen's has a nice ring to it" I tease .

We soon finish dinner. I help Peeta clean the kitchen and then I go upstairs to get ready for bed. I as i climb into bed a think about how nice it is to have Peeta back. I drift off to sleep and sure enough, the nightmares come. But Peeta comes to comfort me. As always

Hope you liked this chapter, please please please please please please review. It helps me feel more motivated to write.

Shoutout to




