Chapter 22 - End of the Beginning

The Sun's rays shone into a room in the school. Inside it, five individuals were sleeping, exhausted from the events of yesterday.

One of the individuals, the only male in the room, opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling, mildly dazed over the situation. Lifting the upper half of his body from the couch he's lying at, he took notice of the fact that his right hand was tightly held by another member in the room. Her hair was pink-coloured and she seemed to be sleeping with her head placed on his body. Her face looked so peaceful that he almost didn't want to wake her up, content just with staring at her figure. Out of habit, he placed his left hand on the girl's head, rubbing on it a little.

A short distance from the two, three other girls were also fast asleep with their backs against some boxes. The one with brown hair sat in the middle, at her sides were a purple-haired girl and a white-haired girl, both with their heads on her shoulders. The white-coloured one then winced in annoyance as some locks of hair from the middle girl tickled her nose. Opening her eyes, she rubbed them to get any sleep out. Observing the room, she saw the male one already awake and her heart was filled with happiness upon seeing him.

"Yuuta-senpai!" she exclaimed. The other two beside her immediately moved in their sleep due to her shout. Looking wildly around them for a few seconds, their sights eventually fell on the person sitting on the couch.

"Yuuta!" "Yuuta-kun!" both of them also said his name in relief. The purple-haired one and the girl with the white hair then rushed to his side, the person with brown hair staying behind.

"Kurumi, Miki, Ri-san, yo," the boy, Yuuta's his name, greeted casually at the three.

"Hey, you all right now?" "Were you hurt anywhere, senpai?" "You gave us a scare you know, fainting in front of the broadcasting room." "Is the vaccine working fine, senpai?"

Question after question was asked by the two, Kurumi and Miki, that Yuuta didn't have a chance to answer them. The girl who was sleeping by his side, her slumber disturbed by the noise, awaken and she blinked twice to register her surroundings. Then, her eyes fell on the person in front of her, Yuuta, also looking at her with the smile that she loves so much.

"Yuu-kun…" she muttered.

"Yes, Yuki," responded Yuuta.

"Yuu-kun…" tears were welling in her eyes now.

"Yuki, good morning."

"Yuu-kun!" screamed Yuki before she lurched towards Yuuta's form. Tears flowed freely from her pink orbs as she cried into his chest. "Welcome back, Yuu-kun," she managed between her sobbing. "I miss you."

"Yeah, I miss you too," patting her back, a single droplet could be seen falling across his cheek.

"Thank goodness, right, Yuuri-senpai?" spoke Miki to the club president.

Yuuri nodded with a smile. "Yes, it's good that everything's fine in the end." The five then heard the sound of an animal coming from inside a box. Written on the outside was 'House of Taroumaru', which pretty much tells you who the occupant is.

"Taroumaru!" Kurumi walked to the storage box. The three others minus Yuuta followed her.

"Ri-san, Taroumaru's going to be okay too, right? Right?" asked Yuki.

Yuuri averted her eyes from Yuki's gaze. "I gave him the vaccine, but his symptoms might have progressed too far already," she answered.

"Taroumaru?" Miki called out the pup's name. The dog proceeded to stand up but with very much difficulty. "Do you recognise me?" He then tried jumping out of the box. "No, don't! You shouldn't move so much!"

"Maybe he's hungry?" suggests Kurumi. The dog woof'd. "See?"

"That's Taroumaru for you, always up to eating," Yuuta spoke.

"I'll go get it," Yuuri stood up to fetch the dog's meal.

Placing his bowl on the floor, the pup walked slowly and weakly to it. "Give him just a little at a time," informed Yuuri to Miki who's holding the dog food.

"Right," pouring very little food on the bowl, the girls watched around him as Taroumaru proceeded to munch on them… until he made a coughing sound as if the food was stuck in his throat.

"Senpai, water!" called Miki.

"Here," Yuuri have her a bottle of mineral water. Miki then went over to Taroumaru and placed him on her lap.

"Hang on, okay?" unscrewing the bottle cap, she poured a little of the water on her hand. "Here's some water," then she let Taroumaru drink from her hand.

Tears well in her eyes as she watched the pup. "Welcome back, Taroumaru." Rubbing his fur, Miki said to him. "Yuki-senpai told me what happened. You saved her, huh? You really are amazing. Back in the mall, too, you led the others to me," the others looked sadly at the scene. "It's all thanks to you that I'm here now, Taroumaru. So you don't have to worry anymore," the droplets fell from her eyes while she continued rubbing him. "We'll always be together."

Opening her eyes, she found that Taroumaru was staring right at her face. "Taroumaru?" The dog let out a small sound and smiled. "Jeez, what now?" Miki wiped the tears in her eyes before they widened as she gazed back at him.

There, Taroumaru lay still, unmoving and lifeless.

Sobs and cries were heard from the other members, even from Yuuta. Miki stayed frozen, unable to accept the turn of events, even as Yuki went and hugged her body.

'To such a faithful and brave dog, I give you my respect and blessing,' Yuuta clasped his hands in a prayer. 'May you rest in peace. I will never forget about your deeds.'

"Is that enough?" asked Kurumi after she finished shovelling.

The club members were now at the rooftop, more specifically in the now-destroyed garden area standing in front of a shallow hole next to Megu-nee's grave marker.

"I think so," spoke Yuuri. "Miki-san?"

"Right," stepping forward, in her arms a bundle containing Taroumaru's body wrapped with a cloth. Carefully, she placed the bundle inside the hole.

She sat in front of the opening a few seconds more before Yuuta, his shoulder still covered with bandages, called out to her. "I think it's time to say our goodbyes."

"Ready?" said Kurumi to Miki.

"Yes," she replied while holding Taroumaru's dog collar.

"Mii-kun, are you okay?" Yuki inquired as Kurumi began filling the hole back.

"I'm fine. Taroumaru saved my life. I need to send him off with a smile, right?" replied Miki. Her gaze wandered around the surroundings and for a moment, she saw Taroumaru's form perched right on top of Yuuta's head.

Then, Yuki held her hand and said to her. "That's not true at all." Walking forward to Megu-nee's grave, she removed her bowtie. "If you bottle up your feelings too much, you'll forget what they are in the first place," tying the string at the cross, Yuki remembered the last words uttered by her teacher. "I'd forgotten Megu-nee's last words for a long time. So if something bad happens, it's okay to feel sad. When something good happens, it's also okay to feel happy. You don't always have to be 'fine' or 'worse'," finishing her task, she turned around to face Miki. "So don't forget Taroumaru's last words, okay?"

"Words?" Miki muttered jokingly. "Taroumaru didn't say…"

"Sure he did!" exclaimed Yuki. "He looked at you and said… 'Thank you!'"

Miki started to realise the truth of her words and her heart began to fill with sadness. Tears came rushing out of her eyes uncontrollably, then she surged forward into Yuki's arms. "I wanted… to thank him too…" she wailed. Kurumi and Yuuri went to her and also hugged her. Yuuta came nearer and patted her head until she calmed down.

Taroumaru's grave now finished and his collar placed on the cross, the members sat in front of the two graves and prayed for their peace.

After that, Miki stood again and surveyed her surroundings. For some reason, she could still see a silhouette of Taroumaru perched on top of her male upperclassman's head. Somehow, she felt the scene to be comical and giggled, surprising everyone.

"What's so funny, Mii-kun?" inquired Yuki.

"Yeah, there's nothing weird on my face, right?" Yuuta proceeded to touch his face to look for anything out of the ordinary.

While Yuuta was checking his face, Miki saw that Taroumaru's form also moved it's front paws as if in accordance to Yuuta. She smiled at the scene before her feet began moving forward, compelled by something she's not certain of. The others just watched curiously at her.

Standing in front of her senpai, Miki lifted her right hand and, standing on the tips of her toes, promptly placed it on Yuuta's slightly spiky hair before moving her hand across it. The action lasted for a few seconds before the others realised what she's doing.

"M-Miki? Wh-What are you doing?" a flustered Yuuta asked her.

"H-Hoi, did you just did what I think you did?" spoke Kurumi.

"My my, Miki-san, I didn't know you were so bold," Yuuri said.

But the greatest reaction of all came from Yuki. "Mii-kun!" quickly crossing the distance between them, she snatched Miki's hand from Yuuta's head. "Doing embarrassing things to Yuu-kun are prohibited!"

"Sorry sorry," Miki apologised before turning her head, hiding a smirk with her hand. "I just want to see if I can get Yuuta-senpai to be my pet, but I guess he's already taken."

"Wha- Mii-kun, you pervert!" embarrassed from Miki's words, Yuki proceeded to hit her lightly with her fists.

The person that was being hit laughed at her action. Soon the others also began to laugh along with her, including Yuki.

"There wasn't much food left in the underground shelter," exclaimed Kurumi as she lowered a box filled with emergency rations.

"And since we can't use the refrigerators anymore, we need to eat the perishable foods before they spoil," Yuuri said.

"We should start with the frozen food," suggested Yuuta.

"All right! First come, first served!" shouted Yuki as she went over the other boxes in the room. "Oh, I found a bunch of Nummy Sticks!"

"That's not a frozen food!" Miki reminded.

"I can't have them? Okay, fine. I'll have one of these other snacks."

"Snacks are for after!"

"She's still the same as always, isn't she? Yuki, I mean," Yuuta spoke to Yuuri while Yuki and Miki bickered about the snacks.

Yuuri let out a giggle. "She sure is."

"Does the stove still work, Ri-san?" sitting on a chair next to Yuuri, Kurumi asked.

"It will while the emergency power supply lasts, but that won't be much longer," Yuuri informed.

"The water supply's in danger, too," stated Miki as she took a seat across Kurumi.

"Yes, since it was pumped up from underground using electricity after all," stated Yuuta.

"I guess we really have to leave…" said Kurumi.

"But, there won't be another place as well-equipped as here, though," Miki told them.

"Actually, take a look at this," Yuuri reached to her sides and procured a piece of paper. Placing it on the table revealed that it was a map. "I read through the manual again and found this," she pointed to a place on the map that was circled with a bear shape. "Do you think this symbol is for shelters?"

"Did… Did Megu-nee leave this?" Kurumi inquired.

Yuuri nodded. "They're all a bit far from here, though."

"Well, we still have the car we used for the club outing," stated Kurumi again.

"Megu-nee was already thinking about where you all should go next," Miki spoke.

"Of course. She was our teacher." "Yup." Replied Yuuri and Kurumi.

"Let's see… the closest place is the College of Saint Isodore," read Yuuri.

"This company, the Randall Corporation, is close as well," pointed Miki.

'What?!' Yuuta suddenly woke up from his current slumber and lifted his head. 'Randall Corporation?!' he repeated the word. 'If I remember correctly, that's the name of the place where Dad works. And he never really did arrive home that day. So… does that mean that, no matter how small the chance is, he could still be alive?'

"College or the workforce, huh?" while Yuuta was in deep thought over the sudden information, the other three were also thinking about their next course of action.

"Either way, there could be other people who evacuated before things went bad," said Kurumi.

The two realised the truth of her words. "Yes… I'm sure there are," Yuuri agreed. "Do you think they'll take us in?" asked Miki. "We have no idea what kind of people they'll be…" spoke Yuuri.

"Since they'd actually understand us, it could be even worse than dealing with 'them'," Kurumi stated the possibility.

"We can't deny that possibility," agreed Miki.

The air at the table began to stand still as the members were in their own thoughts, until Yuki suddenly shouted, alerting everyone.

"Hey, everyone! Look at this!"

"What now…" Kurumi was annoyed before she saw Yuki munching on some crackers. "I knew it! You're eating snacks!"

"Forget about that. Look at this!" she waved the matter aside and placed a packet of frozen meat on the table.

"It's got bite marks," noticed Yuuri.

"Senpai, I know you get hungry, but…" Miki said with an accusing tone.

"I-It wasn't me!" Yuki denied the accusation.

"I see. They're not from human teeth," Yuuta peered closer to look at the marks.

"Was it Taroumaru?" inquired Yuki.

"No, whatever did this was smaller than him," Miki informed.

"Maybe there was another dog somewhere underground?" proposed Kurumi. The five were shocked with realisation.

"This whole time, I've been wondering why Taroumaru was down there in the first place," voiced Miki.

"That's it! Taroumaru must've gone to visit the one that did this!" Yuki told her idea.

"Yeah, that must be it!" exclaimed Kurumi. "Otherwise, he'd never go somewhere that dangerous."

"He must've been worried about the puppy and gone to check on it…" Miki added as she also stood up like Kurumi.

"Yeah! Taroumaru did love to care for others!" continued Yuki as she joined the two.

"But you didn't see any animals when you were down there, did you?" Yuuri asked.

"No… And if it ran outside, who knows if it's still alive…" Miki's voice lowered.

"I'm sure you three are correct," Yuuta rises from his seat. "After all, Taroumaru's our dog, right?"

"Yeah… You're right," smiled Miki. "Taroumaru was a really brave dog."

"You couldn't be more right than that!" Yuuta chuckled.

"You know, we should quit worrying about what'll happen after we leave," spoke Kurumi. "Taroumaru would laugh at us, just like Yuuta."

Yuuri mulled it over for a second before replying. "Yes." Then, she stood up. "Then, I guess it's time to say goodbye to this school, too."

"Hey, before we go…" Yuki spoke to draw the attention of the others. "Let's have our graduation!"

"Graduation…" Yuuta repeated the word.

"That's right, we still have the ceremony left," said Yuuri.

"Even now… you still act like you always are, senpai," Miki remarked.

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" Yuki inquired.

"It means you're fine just the way you are, Yuki," a hand landed on her head and Yuki looked up, finding Yuuta next to her.

"Wait, do I need to graduate, too?" asked Miki.

"I don't mind if you want to stay another year here, it would be easier for everyone," Yuuta grinned. "Ain't that right, Yuki?"

"Indeed, you're right, Yuu-kun," Yuuta's grin was mirrored by Yuki. "It would be a lot less trouble for us if we left Mii-kun here."

"Hehehehehe…" a sinister aura began to emanate from the two as they chuckled evilly together.

"O-On second thought, maybe I really do need to graduate after all," Miki corrected her statement earlier after seeing her two upperclassmen's evil persona. "I don't want to be left alone in this school."

Yuuri giggled non-evilly before clapping her hands together to gain the others' attention. "Then it's settled. The School-Living Club's final activity will be a graduation ceremony."

"Yeah!" cheered energetically the four, minus Miki.

All through the morning and afternoon, the members get on doing their tasks to prepare for their graduation ceremony. Writing certificates, making paper flowers, decorating the specified classroom with said flowers and drawing on the blackboard. Working together, they managed to finish the preparation just before lunch.

"The graduates of Megurigaoka Private High School will now be awarded their diplomas," spoke Yuuri, leading the club members in the ceremony. Each of them also had a flower pin placed on their chest. "The underclass farewell address will be read by Naoki Miki."

"Yes!" Miki exclaimed before marching forwards into the front of the class. Bowing to her upperclassmen who responded with the same, she then opened her prepared text.

"Time certainly flies," she began her speech. "It feels as though I've just met you all, yet it's already graduation season. Beyond the walls of this school, a vast future stretches out before us. As I think that I'm about to set sail into the tumultuous waters of society, I feel both proud and afraid. You all let me join the School-Living Club, where I learned what it is to believe in your own strength and work hard, how to be brave in the face of adversity, how the heart can remain bright and optimistic, even in the darkest times, and to know when to rely on the others around you. Because of that, I am no longer afraid," Miki bowed again to her senpais "I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Underclass speaker and graduate, Naoki Miki," wiping some tears in her eyes, she finished her address. The other four gave her an applause.

"Next, graduating class speaker Kiriha Yuuta," Yuuri spoke again.

"Yes!" it was now Yuuta's turn to talk. Walking to the place Miki previously stood, he bowed a little before picking his speech address. "Naoki-san, thank you for that moving speech. I could really feel your emotions in them, not to mention it's rare for you to be honest with others."

"Yuuta-senpai!" Miki interrupted him.

"Eheheh, sorry," his playful personality aside, Yuuta took on a more serious expression. "My friendship with all of you is very important to me. Thanks to you guys, I can enjoy my life here at school to the fullest extent that I've never known. Truly, I would never regret meeting Yuki on that day, the moment where our time together started. My relation with her is one that I will always treasure," Yuki blushed crimson as he said those words. "You know, for a long time, I've always thought that fate is something that you cannot control and that you'll eventually submit to its workings. However, the time that we spend together has made me think that perhaps destiny is not so bad after all since it's one of the reasons we're still alive and well in this moment. Of course, many peoples are now gone, but I believe we carry inside us their unfulfilled hopes and dreams, a proof that they were once here. Because of that, I'm so glad- no, happy that we all get the chance to graduate together," his eyes obscured by his hair, a few droplets fell onto the paper. "That's why, I hope we'll always stay together," Yuuta parted away the hair covering his eyes with his right hand, revealing several tears flowing from his two blue orbs. The others were surprised and went over to him. "Graduating class speaker Kiriha Yuuta."

After the speech was given, next is the giving of the school certificate. Each of the members took turns presenting them to the other members, going on until Kurumi was last, given by Yuki. At least that was what supposed to happen before Yuki decided to tease Kurumi by not giving her the paper. She eventually caught her, though.

Then, the five stood at their seats. "Bow to the teachers," Yuuri instructed and they followed, bowing in front of them. "This concludes the presentation of diplomas and the Megurigaoka High School graduation ceremony."

One by one, the group filed out of the room with Yuuri the last one to exit. Before she did, she turned back to the room and could faintly see the form of their club teacher smiling at her while holding the card that they signed to her.

"Thank you," she muttered. Then, she went to join the others.

Reorganising the contents of his mysteriously spacious backpack, Yuuta took his time inserting back all the things that he'd taken out. 'There's nothing to rush for, after all,' he thought.

The club was getting prepared to move out of the school that evening. Before that, however, they need to manage their resources and supplies. Particularly, deciding which things that are important to their survival and can be taken with them inside Megu-nee's car. The food supplies have to be brought along, of course, but not all of them can fit inside the trunk. The girls chose to take care of that matter along with the issue of their personal belongings. So, all Yuuta needed to do was organise his own belongings.

While performing this task, Yuuta's eyes caught on something shiny among the scattered things on the floor. Approaching the place, he reached his hand to pick the thing. Bringing it close to his face turns out it was the box that contains the other necklace that he bought. Smiling, he decided to shove the box into his pocket and went on to resume his cleaning.

"I think that's all of them," said Yuuta several minutes later. Standing up, he stretched his body to remove any fatigue. "Now, time to see if the girls are also done with their work."

Grabbing his backpack and sword, Yuuta exited the room and made his way to the clubroom. Arriving there, he slides open the door and addressed the inhabitants. "Hey, you all set to go?"

"Ah, Yuuta," Kurumi greeted him. "You finished already? That's fast."

Yuuta placed his belongings on the floor before replying. "Yeah, I don't have many things, to begin with. Just some clothes, my sword and some small personal things." Then, he turned to Yuuri. "So, Ri-san. Is everything good here?"

"Yes, everything's okay, I believe," said Yuuri. "We've already packed all the remaining supplies that we have inside the car. Now, we're just deciding on the other things that we may need."

"Nothing left out, I suppose?"

"No, Yuuta-senpai," Miki answered. "We can handle matters quite well here."

Yuuta nodded. "I see, so you don't need my help then." Glancing around the room, he finally noticed something missing in the scene. "Hey, where's Yuki?"

"Ah, Yuuta-kun. If you want to find Yuki-chan, I'm afraid she already left the room earlier," informed Yuuri.

"Any idea where she went?"

"I think she may go to the rooftop," Kurumi spoke. "I saw her going in that direction a few minutes ago."

"I'll go get her then," voiced Yuuta as he stood at the entrance. "Don't want her to be late."

"It will be much appreciated, senpai," Miki remarked.

Walking through the hallways, Yuuta moved quickly to the informed place. Climbing the stairs leading to the rooftop, his heart surged with happiness at the thought of meeting her.

Arriving at the door, he pushed the entrance open. Almost immediately, he was assaulted with the bright rays of sunlight from beyond. After a second of adjusting his eyes, he saw her. Her short body, her bright pink hair that corresponds with her bubbly and cheerful nature, the distinct headwear that he had started to think as cute, and most of all, her face that clears his mind of any worry. Especially her eyes, those pink orbs that always manage to captivate him and contrasts greatly with his own blue eyes.

Standing at the edge of the roof with her hands on the railings, she had a wistful expression at the moment, differing from most of the moments he had seen her. Because of that, all he could do was stare at her, not daring to interrupt the serenity of the scene.

Suddenly, maybe noticing him from the corner of her eyes, she turned around to greet him. Her short hair flowing in the wind, a smile was plastered on her face. "Ah, Yuu-kun. What are you doing here?"

Her voice finally brought Yuuta back to reality. He blushed as he scolded himself for staring too long at her. "Ah, n-nothing, Yuki. Just coming to see how you do."

"Is that so…" content with the answer, Yuki went back to gazing from her position.

His embarrassment from the blunder earlier gone, he marched to Yuki's place, standing a little distance from her right. Resting his arms on the railings, he also stared at the school's courtyard. "They're really gone, huh?"

"They all went home," Yuki replied.

"You're right about that."

"Is it weird to think it feels a bit lonely?" inquired Yuki.

Yuuta chuckled. "Very weird, indeed." Then, his eyes fell on the face of his companion once more. In his mind, he felt thankful that he was given the chance to know this person, being able to interact with her and shown, even if a little, of the wonderful life this world can still provide. 'I hope this time would never pass.'

However, this time Yuki noticed him earlier and asked him about it. "What is it, Yuu-kun?"

"You know, recently…" he paused for a moment. "Recently, I haven't hated this school anymore. In fact, I've come to really love this school."

"Really? That's great," replied Yuki. Then, her eyes caught on something poking out of the pocket of Yuuta's trousers. "Aah! What's there you got in your pocket, Yuu-kun?"

"What?" Yuuta looked downwards and, true enough, the box containing the jewellery was sticking out from his sides. 'I'm getting a really massive case of déjà vu here,' he remarked. "Oh, it's nothing, Yuki. Just something not important from-"

"Can I see it?!" Yuki interrupted, her eyes glinting with curiosity and excitement.

Averting his gaze to the side, Yuuta tried resisting her stares. After ten seconds of holding on, he gave up and relented. "Fine, I was going to show you, anyway," he took out the box and showed it to Yuki.

Accepting the package, Yuki asked him. "Can I open it?" Yuuta nodded and she proceeded to take off the cover. "Woohh!" screamed Yuki in amazement as her eyes lay on the piece of jewellery inside. "What is this?"

"It's a necklace," answered Yuuta. "I bought it not so long ago and I've always kept it with me. I didn't know what to do with it though since I already have one," he reached into his shirt and took out his blue heart-shaped necklace.

"Then, can I have it?" Yuki inquired. "I-I mean, if you don't mind, that is."

Yuuta shrugged his shoulders. "Sure, it's not like it'd be any good if I just store it inside my bag."

"Yay~" carefully picking the necklace, Yuki then brought the string behind her neck. Struggling for several seconds, she finally managed to hook the ends together. Looking fondly at the pink heart shape of the pendant, Yuki beamed a bright and cute smile towards Yuuta. "Thanks, Yuu-kun. Now we match with each other."

However, the smile had a strange effect on Yuuta and a red colour appeared on his cheeks. Unable to look at her in the eyes, he turned around with his back on her. His mind then remembered something that she said.

"You know, Yuki," he said. "These necklaces were actually a pair, intended for couples."

"Couples…" it took a few seconds before the meaning of the word sank into Yuki. As a result, her face turned bright crimson.

"Plus…" continued Yuuta, still with his face away from her. "I never did answer your confession, did I?"

"Ehh?" Yuki panicked as she was reminded of her action the day before. "Y-You don't have to say anything, Yuu-kun. I-I'm fine."

Taking a deep breath, Yuuta turned around and confronted Yuki. Clenching his fists, he gave his reply. "Please be my girlfriend, Yuki. I love you, too. That's why, I want us to always be together," his emotions pouring out of his heart, he looked at Yuki's reaction.

Yuki was understandably surprised and shocked at his answer. Nevertheless, she brought her hands to her mouth, unable to believe that Yuuta would reciprocate her feelings. Tears welled at the corner of her eyes before they flowed uncontrollably as she smiled at him, happiness written all over her face. Taking a step forward, she closed the distance between them and wounded her arms around Yuuta's abdomen. Smothering her face at his shirt, she spoke to him.

"Yes, Yuu-kun. Yes yes yes, I'll be your girlfriend, and I'll always stay by your side, no matter what happens."

Yuuta also brought his arms around Yuki's short frame. "Thank you, Yuki. Thank you," he said as droplets of tears also fell from his blue eyes. "I'll never ever leave your side."

Separating a little from each other's hug, they stared straight at the other's eyes. The distance between their face was close, so close, that they could feel the respective other's breath. Their mind thinking of the same thing, they brought their face closer and closer until finally, their lips touched.

For a minute, they just stayed in that position, appreciating the warm feeling of each other's lips and comforting embrace. When the need for air emerges, only then did they removed their mouth from the other person.

Instinctively, Yuuta touched his lips with his hand. Rubbing them together, he commented. "That was, kind of sweet, I guess?"

"Hehe," giggled Yuki. "I love you, Yuu-kun!"

"Yes, me too," then, Yuuta glanced behind him and suddenly yelled. "You three can come out now!"

Yuki looked at him, puzzled over the meaning of his words until the door to the rooftop opened and three figures fell on the floor.

"Ouch, that hurts, Ri-san."

"Sorry, Kurumi. It seems I got too excited."

"Senpais, please hurry and get up. You're crushing me."

Slowly, Kurumi, Yuuri and Miki rises from the floor, dusting the dust from their clothes.

Meanwhile, Yuki just stared at them, mouth gaping wide open as her cheeks flushed red. "W-W-Wha… What are you all doing here?!"

"Well, we've come to check up on you two, of course," Kurumi answered. "But we decided to not interrupt your very intimate moment," she smirked at Yuki. "That said, how did ya notice us, Yuuta?"

"I didn't," replied him. "However, I've seen enough animes to know that scenes like this tend to have someone watching over the couple." Then, Yuuta pointed to his ear. "Also, I can somehow sense your presences from here."

"Is that so. You're really amazing, Yuuta-senpai," commented Miki.

"That matter aside, I'm so happy for you, Yuki-chan," said Yuuri to the still unresponsive Yuki. "You finally found someone that you loved."

"Yeah, congrats Yuki," Kurumi spoke. "Never thought you both had the guts to confess to each other."

"Yuuta-senpai, Yuki-senpai, congratulations," Miki bowed a little. "I wish you both happiness."

Yuki took a few more seconds before she displayed her reaction. "Hawawawa," by making a weird noise. Then, she felt an arm slung over her shoulders, pulling her body close to the person. Looking upwards, she saw Yuuta, smiling at her.

"Looks like things are going to get more interesting for us, don't you think?"

Even with the embarrassment, she's currently feeling, Yuki managed to beam a smile at him. "Hai!"

Starting the car's engines, Kurumi asked the others. "Everyone ready?"

"Ready!" They replied.

"We're off!" The car moved and Kurumi steered it to head for the school gates.

Staring through the windows, Miki looked outside before Yuki spoke to her.

"Did you forget something?"

"Oh, no," she answered. Yuki smiled at her and leant her head on Yuuta who's sitting on her left.

Then, Miki saw a lone undead shuffling into the school courtyard. What's more, the undeads looked very similar to her friend, Kei.

As the car passed the figure, she stared at it, unbelieving of what she just saw.

"What is it?" Yuki asked her again.

"Nothing… some tears appeared in Miki's eyes before she wiped them. "Just thinking about how we really do love our school."

"Ne ne, so, this is like our graduation trip, huh?" cheerfully, Yuki stated.

"It is. Where should we go?" Yuuri inquired.

"America!" yelled Yuki.

"Another country?" Kurumi exclaimed in surprise.

"Kurumi-chan, where do you want to go?" Yuki asked for her idea.

"If it's our graduation trip… Kyoto, maybe?"

"Kyoto… you sound like a ninja," commented Yuki.

"Why a ninja?!"

"An apprentice geisha, then?" Yuuri suggests.


"Ah, you were considering it, weren't you?" teased Yuuri. The girls began to snicker at her.

"You guys!" shouted Kurumi.

"What about you, Yuu-kun? Where do you want to go?" Yuki directed her question to Yuuta next.

Yuuta put on a smile on his face and, calmly spoke. "I don't mind our destination. As long as you're there with me, Yuki, I'll follow you anywhere."

Yuki blushed over his comment while the others giggled at the almost-too-honest response.


Yuuta closed his mouth as he tried to pay attention to the road. When night came, he offered to take the driver's place from Kurumi as they all rested. Yuki, wanting to accompany him, sat next to him but had already fallen asleep an hour ago.

His hand firm on the steering wheel, Yuuta kept a lookout for any dangerous horde of undeads and a safe place to rest. Suddenly, he felt a movement from his side.

Glancing to his left, he saw Yuki moving in her seat and rubbing her eyes. Partially awake, she took notice of Yuuta beside her.


"Good evening, Yuki," replied Yuuta. "Did you have a good sleep?"

"Yes…" her voice drawled out, indicating that she's still not quite awake. "Ne, Yuu-kun," Yuki spoke after a minute of silence. "We'll always be together, right?"

The question surprised Yuuta, wondering about what caused her to brought this topic up. Thinking that it was maybe due to a bad dream that she had, he answered quickly with firm resolve in his voice. "Of course. I'll always stay by your side."

"Thanks," said Yuki before she closed her eyes again, drifting to sleep once more.

Yuuta giggled at her behaviour, finding it cute. However, a second later his mind was filled with thoughts about the future. 'I wonder what awaits us in our journey. The future is unpredictable, changing the lives of peoples as time goes by. Maybe I shouldn't tell her that so quickly, after all, we might get separated sometime later.'

The car kept moving and Yuuta's thought also kept moving. 'However, if that were to happen, I would make sure that I always find my way back to her at the end. No matter how hard it is, I swear that I will never die until I return to her. This is my promise to the world and I will keep it.'

Until the very end.

Chapter 0 : Cover of the Great Saga

Finally, the end. I've had a lot of fun writing this fic, what's with being my first and all. But firstly, let me express my deepest gratitude to those who had read and reviewed this story. Thank you.

Did you like the confession scene? I was inspired to write the part from a certain very popular show that is, in my opinion, the greatest romance/drama anime I've ever seen. They were never shown kissing in the show, though, of which I'm slightly confused.

Moreover, to quote a certain author, 'that chapter 0 thing is kinda acting like an incentive *wink* *wink* * nudge* * nudge*'. Also, the title is exactly what it says on the tin. This is just the cover people!(again, I'm borrowing the concept from a certain popular novel)

I hope this story get recommended on TV Tropes.

There will be a sequel to this story, titled(appropriately enough) Outside-Life. I'll start on it soon so be sure to read it. That's all, I guess from me. See you later~