Hello to all my lovely readers!

I want you all to know I have not forgotten about my stories. It has been a rough 2 years and things are finally settling down (I hope). I've started writing again and I just need to get together with my beta to hash out a few things and you should see me posting here soon. I cannot guarantee multiple chapters per week for each story seeing as how I am back to college to finish the degree I put on hold when my dad passed away. After my dad passed away, my boyfriend and I had broken up, so I moved back to my hometown to be closer to my family. I ended up getting custody of my younger sister so, this last year has been pretty much adjusting life with a teenager. Between work and school, I used some of my free time to write for some of my stories. I must admit, taking this break has given me new perspective when it comes to my writing. Some of the story lines are going to be different than what I originally pictured for them, but I am happy with the outcome so far and I hope you all will be too.

I still receive notifications from people reviewing my stories and I want you all to know just how much I appreciate it! It makes me happy that people are still interested in the story and have not given up on me. I hope that I can make it up to all of you for the period of time I have been away.

Much Love,
