Tenrou Island

Natsu Dragneel:

The red and black flames clashed one against the other. This guy was especially good at hand to hand combat, my equal. His fists clashed against my body hitting it excessively. I brought my arms up to defend and each fist was caught. It was like a pointless game of ping-pong where each side was hitting back and forth with no end.

"Have to admit dragon hunter. You actually have some skills worth noting", Zancrow told me through the barrage of fists. "Thank you, I've always wanted to be complimented by no good scum", I replied back, punching the guy in the face. He didn't even flinch as he returned the blow.

I guess I would like it to two male dancers of similar genres facing each other. I had to admit, he was giving me a hard time as I was now. "I've always wanted to know, how does someone like you believe that the only way forward is condemning yourself to a life of crime", I asked with a smirk.

That comment actually made him drop his shit eating grin. "I ain't condemning myself to anything. I pledge allegiance to Master Hades and no one's going to be able to defeat me while I'm under his command". "Those are some big words, I can't wait for you to eat them", I shot back.

Zancrow ran up at me with an increased strength and speed. My eyes were caught off guard by this new speed. As his fist hit the bottom of my chin, I felt the true power of a god slayer as he sent my head back. That was the first real fist he threw and it marked the true start of this fight.

Both of us separated, leaving a gap between each of us. The flames around us began to consolidate and then disappeared. The arena was suddenly still as our hands gathered flames and then hit together.

Fire Dragons Brilliant Flame

Flame Gods Kagutsuchi

The black and red flames hit together creating immense damage to the whole ground that they stood on, burning the ground to ash and even setting any grass nearby into a quick burn making them disappeared.

Suddenly the flames dissipated in another explosion. As soon as the devastation disappeared it was clear that both men were at equal levels. Natsu had been pushed through the ground as well as Zancrow. "Shit, shit, SHIT", Zancrow yelled as he punched and kicked the ground. "I'm going to admit, this is a challenge. Seems like my magic is a trump to yours. But annoyingly, your power evens the playing field", Zancrow admitted.

"But let me make this fucking clear, this ain't a compliment", Zancrow yelled at me. "I'm going to take it as one". "You shouldn't. You are WAY too confident in your abilities. But you forget. It wasn't dragons or humans who created fire. It was the GODS", Zancrow announced as he gathered his black flames into his mouth.

I complied with his motive by gathering the same amount of flames into mine, no matter what he was about to do. I was determined to meet it with equal power and pressure.

Flame Gods Howl

Fire Dragons Roar

The absolute force of both breath attacks blasted the both of us into the forest below. I landed in a dense part of the forest where I didn't even know where I fell from. But I wasn't about to let up on the fight I was having with that guy.

This was actually a challenge; this guy's fire was even hotter than Serena's and that was saying something. I imagined those black flames and saw its uses within the field of battle. It even reminded me that it can even be used to save lives if I was able to get him to join the emergency unit.

As I journeyed further I was able to see the guys back. It was like he was speaking down to someone. I didn't waist anytime running up, as I got closer I could see that it was Master Makarov barely moving and getting treated by a fool by this guy. "So Maka-rov, how does it feel to know that each of your fairies are being beat down one by one", Zancrow taunted with his wicked grin.

"How dare you insult Makarov", I screamed as I jumped up and slammed my feet into Zancrows back sending him flying. "Ahhh, Natsu. What the hell are you doing here", Makarov was surprised by this development but I only held up my hand. "Council matter, don't talk to me right now".

"You wanna know what makes the flames of a god special. They can actually manifest a form", I hear a voice from the forest speak.

Flame Gods Scythe

Suddenly the whole area changed as trees where sliced in half and began to topple down leaving an open forest battlefield. Then Zancrow leaped at me with extreme force. We exchanged a bunch of blows, I kicked him hard enough to send him back more. Then with my leg kicked forward with flames licking at his body. "You're an idiot to believe that those flames will do anything".

He was right, he was even eating my leftover flames like it was nothing. I knew just through the sheer heat of his flames, it was a stupid idea to eat those flames. Suddenly Zancrow brought his flames around his. "I'm sick of this, it's time form the gods to eat".

Flame Gods Supper

I was consumed by the flames and trapped, it actually felt like the flames were eating my body, as it trapped my hands and continued to burn. There was absolutely no way to escape the hell that I was feeling. Think Natsu, you son of a bitch. What has Igneel or Serena told you. Then I remembered a day when I was younger.

I was flopped onto the ground like it was nothing for the wizard saint, and it probably was. "This isn't fair, I want a rematch", I whined as my head was placed next to his on the grass. "No Natsu… You are too tired", I bit my tongue, long since used to my teacher's eccentrics.

"It's not fair, you have so many powers. I only have one, and there's no way to add onto that", I continued my childish theatrics. "Well there is… in a weird sought of way", Serena answered looking to the sky. "How?".

"You see, slayers stomachs have a special lining that allows us to eat our element. It feeds off our magic to make sure what we eat is good for us. However, if someone was to empty all their magic power and eat another element, you could fool your own stomach into combining it with your magic. I call it the hybrid practise", Serena explained with an extraordinary amount of continued exposition.

I looked to the sky considering the information. But in my head, I quickly dismissed it. It was a stupid idea.

I suddenly burst with the red-hot flames, making holes within Zancrow's magic, until there was nothing left but my empty stomach. Zancrow's eyes burst as he saw the sheer stupidity of my idea. But that's when I started sucking everything in filling my stomach. It burnt, it burnt so bad that I don't think an inch of my insides were left unscathed. But I felt my slayer stomach come to terms with the power.

This wasn't my normal flames and I would have thrown up if I was full. But something clicked together like this was how it was supposed to work all along. Combining each of the powers in my hand I gathered it up.

Dragon Gods Brilliant Flame

As the black and red flames disappeared from the intended target it was clear, they hadn't even damaged Zancrow, but he was a bit dazed. "are you kidding me, those were a mixture of mine and your flames. What did you expect, combined they would defeat all?", Zancrow questioned as he tried to regain full composure.

"No, but it did daze you long enough to not notice this", I replied and grabbed the biggest tree trunk with the combined black and red flames. As if the whole tree was as light as a feather, I used the smooth end to slam it into Zancrow's body. As I walked forward I could see that the battle worn mage was now unconscious.

"Go for a sleep, by morning you'll be at the council prison", I told him and grabbed my magic cancelling handcuffs. I locked his hands behind his head and began to walk back towards the ship. I wasn't going to risk letting this guy walk around or else someone might get killed, he might get killed as well.

Tenrou Island Grimoire Ship

Erza Scarlet:

Was it really impossible to defeat this man that stood before me, Hades the invincible. Laxus laid on the ground unconscious, Gray tried to get up but was already beat down, Gajeel was hanging on trying to munch on the metal interior of the ship but spitting it out. Lucy had exhausted all her magic energy and Wendy was very injured. I was feeling tired from the battle and I could hardly continue to look at the man. "Look at what has happened to this generation of Fairy Tail mages. I have to admit, the one they call Titania, you are a strong soldier. But it looks like it was all for nothing", Hades commented.

"I look towards that island and wonder how many I have lost today. I heard Zancrow was taken in to the magic council, Ultear is somewhere adding insult to injury for me. Azuma, I haven't heard from him in a while. Just a terrible day for Grimoire heart, but I guess it's even more of a terrible day for Fairy Tail. I'll make this quick for you Titania. Hades put his finger onto my forehead. "Say hello to Yury when you get there, Titania", Hades said and I closed my eyes ready form the end.

"GET YOUR FILTHY OLD MAN HANDS AWAY FROM, ERZA", a familiar voice shouted. I opened my eyes and saw that Natsu was standing right in front of me, holding Hades arm away from my head. "Hello boy, what do you think you are doing", Hades looked at Natsu. "Erza, what do you think you're doing. Never accept defeat, never say die", Natsu said. "I'm sorry Natsu", I admit that it was a moment of weakness for me.

"Since it's quite obvious that you can't fight, I guess I'm going to have to do it for you", Natsu commented rolling up the sleeves to his captain's uniform. "You don't have to Natsu, you're not part of the Fairy Tail guild", I said trying to talk him down. "Well you can't fight. So just for today, can I be a Fairy Tail member", Natsu asked. "Alright". Natsu looked at Hades up and down. "This is going to be difficult. Especially at my current strength", Natsu stated from just looking.

"Master Serena told me to never do this, but I guess I have no choice against you. Hades", Natsu spoke with a mysterious sound to his voice. His left hand reached for a metal bracelet around his right arm. It looked like nothing, he always had it with him but it was such a minor detail that I always glanced over it. "Sorry Hades, but today you're not winning. Crack. Natsu broke the iron bracelet, and for a second nothing happened.

Suddenly an over-whelming amount of magic energy leaked into the area, "What is this, no child should hold this power… THIS WOULD CLASS AS ONLY OVERWHELMED BY THE GODS OF ISHGAR", Hades yelled as his eyes grew wider.

Fire Dragons Iron Fist

Natsu's arm became covered in flames. Running towards Hades at a high speed the first hit and sent the old man flying into the side of his ship. "Did that hurt old man, because that bruised my knuckles a bit", Natsu said shaking his fist a bit. "Don't get cocky, just because you knocked me off my feet. CHILDREN SHOULD'T THINK OF THEMSELVES TOO HIGH", Hades shouted sending a barrage of magical bullets at Natsu.

Natsu took them to the forehead and didn't move one inch. Natsu travelled close to Hades and began punching the old man. With each hit, Hades tried to defend himself against the punches of Natsu. Each hit laying heavily and sending him back a few metres. Hades kept on becoming more shocked at the power this one boy was outputting. "You are clearly stronger than five of the fairy tail mages and Makarov's grandson.

"And I definitely am stronger than you, since I don't even have the Fairy Tail mark, like that has to be some major points hah", Natsu bragged enlarging his own ego. Hades jumped up into the air, only for Natsu to jump higher and hit him into the ground of the airship. "This is one battle you're not going to win old man", Natsu stated with a grin on his face.

"It occurs to me that I may be aiming for above what this power can achieve", Hades commented as he rose up from the ground. "Perhaps this eye has gotten stiff without seeing the outside world, I'll make sure it can see it with all the beauty. OF DEVASTATION", Hades yelled and tore off his eye patch to reveal a black and red glowing eye. His power increased and flooded the area.

"The Devil's eye opens! The Depths of Magic! You've entered a region beyond the reaches of your imagination!", Hades muttered. "I'm not scared, your facing someone who's kept his magic inside of him for so long. My power right now is explosive", Natsu commented with a smile.

Hades propelled a chain that attached itself to Natsu, whipping him like a ball and chain around the room. Hades pulled right sending him into the right wall, left sending him left, up making Natsu hit the celling, down Hades feeling a sense of pleasure from hearing the boy hit the ground. Finally, hades pulled the chain towards him. Natsu was sent towards Hades at full strength, but Natsu was ready.

As soon as he was close, Natsu punched the face of the man with all his strength, sending the man further away than ever. Hades got up from the attack, sending more bullets at Natsu, this time each one exploding upon impact with Natsu, the devastation that these powered up bullets were causing was terrifying. "NATSU", I screamed out for him. I was terrified for the life of the man who saved me so many other times.

"Erza don't worry, Serena hits harder", I heard a voice through the smoke. "Although, Serena does hold back". When the smoke cleared Natsu stood tall with the worst injuries being several scratched on his flesh. "Hades, is that all you've got, cause it's feeling lack-luster", Natsu commented.

Hades rage very prominent on his face. "YOU WANT POWER, BOY. YOU GET POWER", Hades shouted and his fingers flashed crazily around.

Amaterasu Formula 100

The spell was sent straight at Natsu, and he didn't even blink as the spell hit him. "NATSU". "Erza, I told you don't scream, everything's going to be alright", Natsu said appearing after the spell dissipated. From here Hades cracked, his eyes started to twitch as he went into a blind anger. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU, COUNCIL SCUM".

Amaterasu Formula 100

Amaterasu Formula 100

Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade

The explosions evaporated by the massive amount of flames that were produced by Natsu's one move. It broke away most of the ship and would have erased a quarter of the island if he was facing that direction. But from where I was the sea had a road going straight through it until if filled itself again. I quickly looked at Natsu, he was bleeding, huffing and puffing. He looked completely destroyed from all angles, but he still stood tall without falling. In his hand, he held the collar an even more injured Hades. I quickly rushed up to him only to hear mumbling from Hades, that formed incoherent sentences. "Grimoire's heart… Devils heart… Destroyed… Over use of power… Stupid boy… Death to all".

"Shut up, you stupid old mahhhhhn", Natsu began but he began to collapse and fall over. From his hands, Hades was dropped and fell down the from the destroyed ship, his body descending to a point I couldn't see. I quickly grabbed Natsu and held him tight to my body to make sure he was secured.

"Sorry, I'm feeling a little sickly", Natsu commented and he smiled at me. "You can continue fighting right", I asked with a grin spreading on my face as well. "Thank you so much Natsu, we couldn't have defeated him without you", Erza said for the whole of Fairy Tail. "Oh, be quiet, I'm sure if I didn't bust through the door you would have beat the old man to a pulp", Natsu joked with me, but the truth was that I needed him in my life, to save me.

"AAAHHHHHH, god Erza. Thank you so much… But I think you need to take me to the council boat", Natsu asked me. "Alright, when do you want to go". "When my lungs stop hurting", Natsu said and then I heard a small laugh. "It hurts to laugh".

Natsu decided to take Wendy with him back to the main land due to her injuries. Natsu held onto her tight as he was ready to take her to the council to treat the wounds and then send her back to the guild. Natsu had heard Master Makarov plead to him to at least leave Hades to be punished by Fairy Tail. After a little bribing, Natsu let Master Makarov keep him.

I stood at the cliff face were Natsu and his army supposedly landed to get to Tenrou island. "This is it, Natsu", I asked Natsu as he stood close to my shoulder. "Yep, this is the area, although Dantalian probably cloaked the ship", Natsu stated as he slowly gained his strength to stand on his own. "SHOW THE SHIP DANTALIAN", Natsu shouted, and out of nowhere a giant council ship began to appear on the coast. "WOOOAAHH", I stared as the ship got closer to the cliff.

"Erza, you should come with us. Be a part of the council and make the world great through your actions", Natsu stated and walked to the tip of the cliff. "No, I'm fine with just being a Fairy Tail wizard. I can't see myself in the council", I stated to the man before me. "Well, too bad. See you when I see ya next time Erza. Knowing you. It's going to be a lot sooner than we think", Natsu said with a winning smile. "Just before I go, I need one thing". "What?". "This". He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. The kiss lingered for a few seconds before he stepped back and jumped off the cliff.

"I'll see you soon, Natsu Dragneel". I wish that would have been true, that he would meet me once more before the end. I wish. But just like that, we didn't meet for a long time.

Tenrou Island

Erza Scarlet:

Walking slowly back into the Fairy Tail camp site was amazing. Around me I saw Lucy, Gajeel and Gray already bandaged and nursing their wounds and talking to Elfman. Mirajane was finally awake and serving food to the rest of the guild mate with Lisana, giving each of them bright smiles. Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen were already fawning over the now recovered Laxus as well.

Cana, Juvia and Levy were talking to each other. With Guildarts and Master Makarov back to a good health and sitting and eating the food provided. It was finally over, the war of Fairy Tail and Grimoire Heart had ended with Fairy Tail winning, with a little help from another person. Lucy saw me as I made my way over and waved while running to me. "So Erza, how was your big strong dragon?", Lucy asked with a smirk over her face.

"He was a bit weak from helping a guild that he wasn't even a part of, Lucy", I snapped back with a little anger, but a few raised their eyebrows. "Wait, who came to save the day? I thought Laxus and you guys defeated Hades. Although there was that giant fire explosion", Mirajane interrupted with a questioning look. "Erza boyfriend saved the day", Lucy teased while I sent a death glare at her.

"I told you, he's just a good friend… Although… Actually, I'll leave that for me", I thought about the kiss we shared, but that was quickly dismissed from my mind as my friends all looked quizzical at me. "Everyone, stop staring at me", I once again scolded, sending the guild into work.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Gray asked as he picked up a bowl of food. "I guess we can't continue on with the trials anymore. We are just going to be going back to the guild", Makarov committed making all the S-class contestants fall back in complaint. "BUT I WAS GOING TO BECOME S-CLASS", Gray yelled.

The guild then slowly started to move around as they got prepared to leave. I mopped about, thinking about when the next time I was going to see Natsu was, if I was going to be able to see Jellal was another question. But for some reason, Natsu quickly overwhelmed any thought of the blue haired man. His pink hair, strong body, cinnamon scent, blazing personalities, soft lips. It kept coming back to my mind making my checks become warm and red.

Lucy, Levy, Mira and Cana sent each other a gaze at each other as they commented about me. I pretended not to hear to prevent many Fairies deaths, but I was also to consumed within my thoughts to care about it. Suddenly a roar penetrated our ears and made us all shoot looks towards the sky. High above was a black dragon, opening its blue moth towards us.

Outside Tenrou Island

Dantalian Hyberion:

I watched from the side of the ship as Natsu got angry at the projection of Lahar. "So, you're telling me that we need to move quickly because there is a terrible danger heading for that island?" Natsu quite angrily asked Lahar. "Yes, that is indeed what I am telling you, Captain Natsu". "THEN WHY THE HELL DID WE LEAVE FAIRY TAIL THERE", that was definitely a yell from our fearless leader.

"Because they declined the offer Doranbolt gave them", Lahar calmly answered back. I could see from his eyes that he was losing patience with Natsu. "Well than we need to go back there and save them", Natsu quickly interjected and was about to leave. "Wait, wait, wait. We can't go back. Then you're going to be in danger. Just leave it or else more people will be killed".

"What could possibly cause that much disaster?". After a small pause from Lahar, he let out a breath. "The council told me to never mention this to you, but you'll find out today anyway. Natsu, there is a dragon that is known to cause havoc". "Impossible, I've been searching for dragons everywhere. I don't think this one would have slipped my eye", Natsu retorted, but his interest was definitely peaked.

"Thats because the council wanted to hide its existence from you, or else would chase it and get killed. The dragons name is Acnologia, its heading straight for Tenrou Island", Lahar continued, concern deep within his voice.


All the crew looked towards the way we came, we were all so oblivious to what was happening. A large black shape was on the island and firing massive breath attacks at the island. "THATS THE LAST STRAW. I'M KILLING IT", Natsu yelled as he broke the communication lacrima. "Dantalian, you're in charge", Natsu yelled at me as he ran to the bow of the ship, ready to jump of.

I couldn't let him be a fool, I raised my left hand and outstretched two fingers leaving the rest of my hand in a fist. Instantly, Natsu became paralysed and then fell down unconscious. Seig ran up next to me and examined my work. "Vampire magic?". "Yes". "How in hell did were you able to overpower the magic that was coming off Natsu?", Seig asked looking concerned. "Natsu's john is to protect his unit, my job is to protect Natsu. I need to be strong to do that", I quickly answered.

"Get him into his cabin, Seig", I asked the blue haired man and he leaped into action. Then I turned to the rest of the crew. "You heard Natsu, I'm in control right now. I'm going to need Knight to spawn the teleport unit right now and then come with me to the bow. The rest of you, prepare the magic supplies for instant teleportation", I yelled and the crew obediently jumped into action.

From the back of the ship a medium sized device was spawned by Knight. He then let other people start to plug object into it and see the device light up. He quickly ran towards me as I watched the dragon tear up Tenrou. "What do you need from me Dantalian?", Knight asked as he stopped near me.

Knight was a fit guy, he stood a little shorter than most men and his gold hair was shaved at the sides and left wild on top, his teal eyes lured the eyes as well. "Knight, I need you to spawn some kind of projectile", I asked as I looked at the dragon rampaging. "I think I have the thing".

Long Distance Anti-Matter Cannon

A large cannon appeared along the bow of the ship. The cannon was lit with lights as it was fully charged and ready to fire. I kept my eyes on the dragon, waiting for the moment to fire. From the side of my eye I saw Knight put on his goggles, patience was one of Knights greatest traits as he stood very still. That's when he saw the dragon raise up into the sky, mouth open and sucking in the surrounding area.

Sparks began to form in its mouth. "FIRE", I yelled at the top of my voice. Knight pulled the trigger and a massive orb shot out, moving at a high speed towards the dragon. As soon as the dragon began to fire, the orb hit shooting the trajectory off, sadly it hit the island. After all the smoke disappeared it was clear the island was gone, but that wasn't the biggest of my worries as I saw the dragon hurtling for us.

"Alright people, we've done all we can. We have to escape, man the teleport", I yelled at all of the forces and they obediently spread out across the ship. "How are we going to shed our smell?", Knight asked panting. "You know my magic, wind is kind of my element", I replied back and just when the dragon was close enough I got my magic ready.

Exodus Vortex

I surrounded our ship in a giant hurricane that completely shrouded our boat, sending our scent everywhere. "NOW", I shouted and the teleport got into gear as our ship was surrounded by magic energy and teleported, but at the last second I saw the dragon's claws tear through the hurricane, then we disappeared.

We then appeared on the side of Hargeons port, letting me breath as I we let go of the tension. As I breathed, I could see the door to the captain's quarters open to reveal Natsu. "Dantalian, were we able to save them?", Natsu pleaded towards me, looking distressed. "I'm sorry Natsu, we couldn't", I told him, utter shame resonated in my voice.

He looked shocked, as well as Seig. "Erza… died", Natsu stated in disbelief. "We… tried to save them", I began but Natsu quickly gained the most composure he could and walked up to me. "I am so lucky to have a captain who's as perceptive of the situation as you are… I would have died if not for your thinking". I couldn't accept his praise, not when I failed to save his friend. "We need to go to Magnolia and drop off Wendy… and tell the rest about this disaster".

Magnolia Fairy Tail Guild

Natsu Dragneel:

"You can't be serious, can you?", an aged man with blue hair stared at me with a look of confusion and anger. "Because it sounded like you just said that a bunch of our members died, but I don't believe you", he continued while the rest of the guild was standing behind him and giving me the same look.

"I am not lying, it was a disaster. My whole unit tried to save them, but we couldn't", I told them while looking down on the ground. "No, I don't think you understand who you're talking to", the older gentleman said. He grabbed the collar to my shirt and yanked me up. He held me high and stared at me, releasing a wave of anger right at me.

"We're Fairy Tail. We never die, no matter what happens. Death isn't a thing that happens to us, especially not to that group". "I don't want to say it either. I lost someone special as well", I tried to tell this group. But it only made their eyes light more with rage. "WHO THE LIVING FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE FOOLING HERE, WHO THE HELL WOULD YOU GRIEVE", he yelled in my face.

"Erza Scarlet. She was what I would call… someone I was romantically interested in". The rest of the guild fell silent and I was put down. "So, you're that Natsu, the one that saved Erza a few times…" The man in front stated and looked to the ground. "Yes".

Thats when he hugged me, placing his hand on my back and tightening his grip on me. "I'm really sorry for your loss", he spoke. Those lines broke me down. I fell to the ground and started weeping, my head in my hands. "She was the only one who understood me, she tried so hard to protect, like me".

"It's alright boy. Loss is something apart of life. We can't change who we've already lost but we can remember them, deep within our hearts", this man seemed to be full of wisdom as he gave me the wise words. Around the rest of the guild was in mourning. "What's your name sir?". "Macao Conbolt".

"There's one happy side to this, I was able to save one of your guild mates", I told them as Wendy walked inside, tears leaking from her eyes and a face of utter despair. Suddenly the whole guild swarmed around Wendy and brought her in for a group hug. While that was happening I slowly walked out, closing the door to the guild and making my way back to the others.

Suddenly the door burst open and Wendy stood from the guild. "Thank you, Natsu Dragneel. For saving me", she shouted. I didn't look back, I just raised my hand in conformation. I wasn't going to let her see the tears that I had.

Fiore Branch Magic Council Prison

Natsu Dragneel:

I stood in front of the raging man's cage, as he beat all sides without stopping. It was useless, since the cage could only be broken by magic power, but the blond man didn't look like one to consider reason. "Are you going to stop?" I asked rather bored. This was the third time this week I had tried to talk to him, but he was as brash as ever. "Nah, I know Grimoire Heart is going to save me".

"Zancrow, Grimoire Heart ended. Hades died". I told him for what must have been thirteen times. "No, no, no, no. You captured him, or he beat you off the island…" This lacked the conviction that Zancrow used to speak with, his words became less powerful. He had accepted the truth.

"I didn't capture him. I honoured Fairy Tails request and kept his punishment up to them. They let him go and… Zeref killed him". This finally made the raging beast stop and put his head down. "Why did he have to die… He fucking promised me". Once more Zancrow slammed his head into the cage, but this time he kept it there.

I saw red liquid begin to flow from his forehead and clear liquid begin to drop from his eyes. "He was supposed to be invincible… He promised me". Zancrow cried into the cage, his voice was thin. "Zancrow, what exactly did he promise you?". I asked, it interested me to know how this man ended up the way he did. "Why the hell should I tell you, dragon hunter?"

"I want to know what that loser Hades did to make you the way you are. He fucked up your life for his own end". I replied, instantly his expression of sadness turned to anger. "How dare you insult Master Hades. He did so much for me to the point where I would be dead without him". "Tell me then".

I saw the caution within his eyes as he was trying to decide, but finally I saw him break. "Okay, but this is a long fucking story… It doesn't even occur within this country". Zancrow started and I only nodded. "This goes back to my child birth, I was born in a village of warriors called the Yakuma. The Yakuma people were fearsome warriors that cause much havoc as they were named the war gods… However, years of marriage outside the Yakuma family caused pure bloods to be legends and referred to as demi-gods".

"My father was a man named Qrow, he led the village in a time where there was a problem. The main issue was that with no pure bloods, there was no one that could caste the true magic of the Yakuma War Gods, only cheap and less powerful spells that they alone could perform. My father was the last known pure blood of the village, until he met an outsider called Zaylia, she was the daughter of two pure bloods that escaped the village years before".

"The biggest problem was the fact that the Yakuma clan was just made up of people who came to worship those warriors and yearned for that power they held. The Yakuma name was extinct and only held by my father and mother. They were worshiped because of their blood and thought they could do no wrong… until I was born."

"The typical warrior of the Yakuma had black hair while the purest had purple and their eyes were said to reflect sapphires and amethysts, so when I was born they took one look at my blond hair and evil red eyes and saw it as being a sin towards the Yakuma name, they called me the red eyed demon. So, they treated my mother and father as sinners and locked them up."

"Throughout my whole life, it was an endless cycle of torture, eat, sleep, torture, eat, sleep, rinse and repeat. It got so over bearing that the only thing I could do is laugh, laugh at how pitiful they were, at how weak they were. I came to admire my strength and will to continue through the pain. The only pleasure I got was pissing them off, it became a habit of mine".

"My mother got sick and died within that cell. The clan was taken over by extremists who would do anything to gain the legendary Yakuma power. I even remember one who burnt his face for a chance to be able to summon a god. So, they came up with the idea that if a pure blood with that magic were sacrificed, they would gain it. So, they killed my father when I was four. I stayed in that cell for another three years until I showed signs of magic and so they were going to kill me as a sacrifice as well".

"Right before they did that, Master Hades interrupted. He was there because he also wanted to know the true power of the lost Yakuma magic. He slaughtered the village leaders and then took me away, to prevent the true extinction of Yakuma magic. He took me in as his child and wanted me to learn the Yakuma… but I really didn't want to honour the gods that caused me pain. So, he taught me magic to perform my revenge, God Slaying". Thats when Zancrow finished and let out a huge breath of air.

"I'm sorry you had to experience that Zancrow". I began, looking at his pained face. "No you're not". He spat at me. "I wasn't finished. I'm sorry that was your childhood. But the fact of the matter is that Hades used you. No matter how kind he was, no matter how willing you were, no matter how grateful he was… He still used you. Used you to commit crimes… massacres." I stated, no look of empathy or anger, completely neutral.

"You're such a smart shit, aren't you? What do you want me to do? Un-kill all those people, un-destroy all those buildings?" His reply was angry as he lashed out with eyes full of hate. "I don't want you to do anything. I work for the emergency unit within the council, we're the ones who get into danger the most, but we save the most as well. Getting into danger allowed me to accept what the council has deemed "Unfavourable people" into my unit".

"Like me?" He replied with his anger at full force. "Prisoners, who want to change", I simply answered. "I don't want to reform, I don't care about my sins. Look at me, I'm the definition of scum. And you know what, I'm fine with rotting here, cause the only people who cared ABOUT ME WAS HADES, SO I'LL ROT IN THIS PRISON AND FADE INTO OBSCURITY". Zancrow yelled while beating his fists even more into the magic prison. Then it faded out, dropping him to the ground, and I caught him in a hug.

"It's alright, Zancrow. I lost someone very precious to me on Tenrou as well. I'm not going to forget you, because you've made an impact on me today… I swear I'm going to save you". Through Zancrow's cries I hear the frays that brought light to me. "Please do…"

Fiore Branch Magic Council

Natsu Dragneel:

I sat quietly at the table as I was seated around the other ten wizard saints. At the head of the table sat Serena, Hyperion, Wolfheim and Sequin. While at the bottom of the table I sat with the lesser known saints of Jura Neekis and the two-female member Empusa Are'ani and Karoline Saysong.

Empusa had long blue hair, placed in a bun while she wore a west that exposed her stomach as well as wearing a long dress cut at the seams to expose her legs on the side. Karoline however was a darker skinned woman with short wild blonde hair. She wore a long coat with baggy pants and a skin-tight shirt.

It was clear as day that one seat of a newly dead wizard saint Makarov Dreyar. As well as the open seat that was left like that after Jose Porla. Around us rose the magic council who had all called us to be a part of a situation that was not yet announced.

"I know you might all be wondering why we called each of you here today", one councilman said looking at all of us. "To bore us", Karoline yelled as she hung half in and half out of her chair playing with a small lacrima. "No, surprisingly we have other objectives", the voice continued. "Ahhhhh, Karoline exclaimed.

"Karoline, at least conduct yourself in an educated manner", Empusa scolded her with a furrowed brow. "Everyone… Calm down while… our good man of the council… preaches to us the reasons", Serena posed in his several dramatic stances. I smiled from my chair as I remembered the many training sessions with him. "No, they have no reason to talk", Warrod commented. "Please Mr Serena, they may have many great reasons", Jura told Warrod. "It was just a joke", Warrod explained. "Be serious, you wretched tree", Wolfheim growled at Warrod with exposed teeth.

"Wolfheim, this is not something you should be getting angry about", Hyperion calmed down the two fighting Gods. "Just tell me who I need to destroy", I added to the cluster of voices. "EVERYONE SHUT UP", the council man yelled at all of us. After a minute of heavy breathing, he was able to tidy his clothes and look at us again. "Alright, now the important reason will be told".

"After the stripping of the title of wizard saint from Jose Porla and Seigrain Fernandes as well as the recent loss of Makarov Dreyar, there has been three seats that have opened up. At this moment, Natsu Dragneel has taken residence in Seigrain's seat becoming the ninth member", the councilman gestured to me and I did a small wave.

"We will not be filling Makarov's chair anytime in the near future. However, we have decided on a new man to take the position of Jose Porla. Welcome to the position of tenth seat, Calibane Gesualdo", the councilman finished and out from above walked a new man.

The man had olive skin with wild, spiky, short, white, hair. His eyes were a piercing red and his mouth was odd. Instead of a normal mouth, a scar extended from both ends making his mouth look wider. He wore black boots and bright red pants with a messy, black button up shirt. To finish it up, he wore suspenders and a tie.

"Hello everyone, I just want to tell you to enjoy the positions you hold right now. Cause you aren't going to be holding them for much longer considering that I plan to raise to the rank of the 1st wizard saint", his voice was both pompous and piercing as he gave his grin towards each of us. I didn't like the guy, not even a little.

I actually really liked how I've expanded on this world. Right now, I'm setting up for a short arc within the magic council so that I can set up the world around Natsu, because that really wasn't explained. The reason why I gave Zancrow a back story is because he actually deserved a good story, he was a real challenge that didn't get given enough recognition in the manga. I hope I made the interactions with Natsu and Erza very sweet and there is definitely going to be more development when they come back, especially with Natsu's power.