an. hey everybody, long time no write. Sorry things have been busy and I have been extremely unispired... but I'm slowly getting my inspiration back so, hopefully, time permitting, I will be updating more. I know I have a few ongoing stories and I am not anbandoning them... this story was just begging to be written and Cristi (xlighersintheair) and I worked really hard planning it. So I think I've waited long enough to write it and she has waited long enough to read it! Hope you guys enjoy it.

How to Fix a Heart
When It All Falls Apart...

Bye, Bye Miss American Pie, drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry; and them good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye singing this'll be the day that I die

This'll be the day that I die!

"You are God awful, bro." Roman laughed, clutching at his side as his best friend continued to sing – loudly and off-key – along with the radio. "Seriously, man, tone-deaf."

Dean reached over from the driver's seat and punched him in the arm. "What a great friend you are." He laughed, returnig his hand to the steering wheel and turning his gaze back toward the deserted highway.

The duo was returning from a baseball game. They had had a fantastic time, drinking beers and wastching the game. It was there big send-off before Dean left for his three mothing training at the police academy.

"Dude, I'm going to miss this." Dean said.

"Oh c'mon. You're only going to be gone for a few months and you'll be so busy getting your ass handed to you by your instructor it will go by just like that..." Roman snapped his fingers and laaughed.

Dean shot his friend a dirty look, which only encouraged his laughter. They passed an exit sign for a city just before the state line, "About an hour left."

Roman nodded and cranked up the radio, which was now playing Scorpions, Rock you like a hurricane.

They were both singing along and laughing when the first wail of the siren sounded over the radio. Dean glanced in the review mirror and cursed under his breath as the steady gleam of red, white and blue light filled the car.

He glanced at Roman, then back at the police car in his rearview mirror, then at the road in front of him. "Roman, we're fucked man."

"You probably just have a tail light out. Pull over he'll probably only give you a warning."

"No, we were both drinking at that game... and you know what I have under the seat. What if he searches the car?'

"Pull over. He's not goint to check the car." Roman insisted, a lot less confident now.

Dean sighed and pulled over and cut the engine. He leaned back in the seat and took a deep breath. If this cop thought for one minute he was drunk he could lose everything he had worked so hard for.

The officer approached the car and Dean rolled down the window. The officer held a flashlight and leaned over by the window, "Evening boys. Do you know how fast you were going?"

'I thought I was going the speet limit." Dean replied, hoping that his breath no longer smelled like the several beers he had drank at the game.

"I clocked you going 70 in a 55." The officeer stated, "Can I see your liscence and registration pleaase."

"Of course," Dean reached into his pocket and got out his wallet while Roman searched the glove box for the registration. Dean turned to the window and handed both over to the officeer, "Here you go."

Dean regretted it as soon as the word exited his mouth. He knew the cop could smell the alcohol on his breath. The cop gave him a knowing look before stepping away from the vehicle.

'Roman we're screwed. He knows." Dean flopped his head back against the seat. "We're so fucking screwed."

Roman raked his figners through his hair. Unsure of how to confort his friend. He glanced through the rearview mirror and watched the officer calling in Dean's information over the radio. Dean was right. The cop had an inkling. The cop got out of his car and was approaching the car again, carrying a machine with a tube and a mouthpiece.

"Dean, promise me something." Roman eyed the cop through the rearview mirror as he approached the car.

"What?" Dean glanced over at his friend, confusion etched across his face.

"Promise me you're gonna quit, that you're not going to get any more." Roman leaned forward and reached under the seat, grabbing the small parcel that sat hidden just behind is feet.

"Roman, what the hell are you doing?' Dean leaned forward, looking equally shocked and irrritated.

"Just promise." Roman said as the cop reached the driver-side window.

"I promise." Dean muttered as the cop ordered them out of the car.


5 & ½ years later


"Has he come to visit you at all." Seth asked, leaning on his elbows. Roman sat across from him, his long hair tied back and his hands cuffed in front of him.

"No, I guess he is angry at me for what I did." Roman shrugged. "I could have ruined his career having those drugs in his car."

"No, I don't think he is angry. Besides, you'll be out soon and I know you're not going to make that mistake again.

"No, you're right. I'm not." Roman muttered, "I've been counting down the days ever since I got here."

"I bet. It will all work out. We'll find you a good job and get you back on your feet, okay?" Seth smiled and, for a moment, Roman smiled too.

"Thanks man."

"No problem. That's what friends are for." Seth had visited Roman every Tuesday and Thursday since his conviction for pocession of a controlled substance. "I'll be here on Friday to pick you up and you can put this behind you, alright?"

Roman forced and smile and nodded, "Yea, I'll see you Friday." Roman and Seth both stood up and Seth waited as Roman was escorted back to the large metal door in the far corner of the room, the guard that oversaw their visit clutching his elbow the entire way.

He nodded goodbye before leading the way back toward the cell block. He didn't have the heart to tell his friend that there was absolutely no way he would ever be able to put this experience behind him.


"Hey you want anything to eat?" Seth asked, leaning into the car through the driver-side window. He had just finished filling up the undercover patrol car.

Dean looked up from the radio he was fiddling with, attempting to clear up some of the static. "Nah but, I'm gonna hit he head." He said, climbing out of the car.

He followed Seth through the front door of the small convience store, his hands buried in the pockets of his leather jacket.

His eyes shifted from side to side as he scanned the small store before heading to the back where a large sign read: restrooms.

Seth had turned in the opposite direction, heaading for the hot food and coffee. Dean ducked into the men's bathroom and locked the door. He sighed heavily and leaned over the sink, one hand on each side of the cool porcelain. He gave himself a once over in the mirror and grunted, dismissing his disheveled look. He raked a shaky hand though his already unruly hair before grabbing the small plastic bag out of his pocket.

He dumped the contents on the edge of the sink, lining it up neatly, before leaning forward and inhaling deeply. He stood up and clutched the sink, heart pouding. He breathed in deeply and let out a shaky breath. Slowly his hands stopped shaking and he smirked.

He grabbed the edges of his leather jacket and pulled it forward before dumping the plastic bag in the toilet and flushing it away. All evidence of his little indiscretion gone for good.

He was washing his hands when he heard the first scream, then the sound of his partner's voice echoing though the small building - "Police, drop your weapon."

Dean grabbed his gun out of the holster and reached for the door handle, the sound of gunfire reverberating in his skull. He ran out, ducking behind a display, and looked around the corner, just in time to see a man in a black stocking cap, black hoodie, and jeans run out the front door. He stood up, ready to chase after the perpatrator when a noise to his left caught his attention.

He glanced sideways and cursed. He holstered his weapon and stepped past the ever-growing pool of blood. The clerk reached for the phone with shaking hands and nearly dropped he headset. Dean grabbed the radio out of his pocket, "We need an Ambulece at the quickstop on North and Main. We have an officer down. I repeat, officer down." He dropped his raido and pressed his hands firmly over the wound in his partner's chest. "It's okay, the ambulence is on the way. Just hold on, Seth. Just. Hold. On." He urged.

Seth reached up, grabbing his wrist with one bloodied hand, "Dean - - not going – not going to - make it." He tried to take a deep breath and choked. Blood tricked slowly from his mouth as he breathed. Dean's hands shook as he pressed down on the wound. The blood was hot and sticky and the sound of his friends shallow breaths and gurgles only made his hands shake hearder.

"No." Dean shook his head furiously. "No, you're going to be alright." Dean insisted, some relief settling over him as the ambulence pulled into the parking lot, sirens wailing.

"Tell, Lydia, I love her." Seth whispered, his eyes fluttering shut.

"You can tell her yourself." Dean practically shouted as the EMT's rushed in. The Medic's pushed him aside and fell back, watching as they rushed to stabilize his friend, "You will tell her yourself." he repeated.

an. well, that is it for chapter one. Poor Seth ='( I really hope you guys enjoyed it! We will meet some more characters next chapter, so stay tuned! :)

Cristi - this is a little treat until I finish your birthday present. I really hope you like this and it lives up to all of our planning and excitement.
