AN: So, I'm hoping this fanfiction won't be a complete failure, and that I have enough knowledge of the characters to make this good. Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin. Clearly.

Jethro Cane had not been planning to go on an adventure with a time-travelling alien. The Doctor hadn't been planning to drag a thousand year old warlock along with him on a journey to Camelot. And Arthur hadn't been planning to find his best friend in the middle of the woods, when he should have been gathering herbs for Gaius. All in all, nothing went as planned on the day that The Doctor went to Camelot.

Arthur blinked, once, twice, three times. Merlin still stood there, in his odd clothing, next to a large blue box that read: POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX. "What is that thing, Merlin?" he glanced at Merlin again, taking in his dark top, made of thin material, and his black trousers, which were also too thin to be practical. "And what are you wearing?"

"Arthur!" Merlin shot himself towards the king, nearly knocking him over. Arthur's brow furrowed in confusion. Merlin was acting like he hadn't seen him just that morning. Arthur pried Merlin's arms off of him, attempting to break free of the younger man's grip.

"Merlin?" A man exited the blue box staring at Merlin and Arthur, a single eyebrow raised. He wore clothing equally strange as Merlin's, though made of a different kind of material. His hair spiked up in an odd way. "You said your name was Jethro Cane. You didn't say anything about Merlin."

Arthur interjected confusion clear in his voice. "Merlin, who is this man? And why does he think your name is Jethro?" He looked at Merlin, who had still not loosened his hold on Arthur.

Behind them, the sound of a twig snapping in two cut through the forest. While Arthur had been speaking with Merlin and the odd man, his knights had been instructed to wait for his return. But Gwaine had never been one for waiting, even when it was a direct order from his king. He had convinced the other knights to follow Arthur into the deeper part of the woods, rather than sit on the outskirts.

"What's going on?" Gwaine asked, a quizzical look on his face.

"This man seems to be under the impression that Merlin is named Jethro Cane." Arthur had finally forced Merlin out of the hug, and had drawn his sword. He pointed it at the man Merlin had arrived with. "I suggest you explain who you are, and how you know my manservant."

The man opened his mouth, hopefully to begin his explanation, but he didn't get very far. Right before he could speak, a familiar man stepped out of the woods. A man wearing a red scarf and a blue shirt. A man who looked just like the one who had just tackled Arthur into a hug. A man who was still standing in front of Arthur.


AN: So, I hope you enjoyed this, and if it's not too much trouble, please comment, favorite, or follow.