Chapter 1

The club is fogged up from the cigarette smoke that is hovering near the lights, and I refuse to break eye contact from the guy who is currently holding five fifty pound notes in his hand. I swing my hips around, my thong riding up my ass even more than it already is. I wink, bending over and then I feel it- the money slide against my skin held in by my skimpy underwear. I blow him a kiss and then I walk off,ready to find another sleeve ball with money in his pockets.

Being a stripper; it's always the same shit, just a new day. I've happily chugged a bottle of vodka before this shift, everything is a comfortable blur. I can still dance well enough to get hefty tips but at the same time I'm drunk enough to not hate my entire existence. So it's a win-win.

I find a new guy with heaps of cash in his hands, but I also notice his eye on the cheap blond dancing on the pole. I offer him a dance nonetheless and it appears any naked lady, blond or black hair, will make this gentleman giddy as he begins to embarrassingly drawl over me. But I'm not complaining; he is a breathing bank to me.

With a sudden sense of uneasiness, I feel my cells quiver as three mutants enter the club. It's not unheard of, a mutant here they will come in- usually in despair hating their existence (just like me!) but something feels different. I can sense their mutation from a while away and usually when I'm intoxicated it keeps my mind at rest. This time, it isn't. I sense them- but I cannot see them.

'Oi, am I getting this dance or not?' The guy yells at me. I try to distract myself with the dance as I lower my cleavage into his face- trying to ignore the sensation I am being hunted. But then my cells shake harder, my blood begins to boil. I turn to my right and I see three men, looking around the club- eyes prying onto each individual. My mind is too blurry to decode their abilities right now.

I ignore the customer yelling at me and I stand up, staring at their faces who still haven't spotted me. Idiots, don't they realise I'm not on any radar they can find. I see one man raise his fingers to his temple staring blankly into space and then suddenly I feel as though a swarm of bees have entered my ears, stinging my thoughts. I then realise that, that mans a telepath; the bastard is trying to read my mind and find me.