A/N: Hello! I only have a basic outline for this story so I'm pretty much winging it and writing whatever comes to mind. I'm looking forward to see the results. Enjoy!

Beca was jolted awake by the sound of her blaring alarm. She looked over to see the time and groaned. If only her alarm didn't go off so she wouldn't have to go to school although her second alarm, that being her mother, would make sure she goes anyways.

"Beca! Get up! It's time to get ready for school!" The young brunette heard her mom yell. She rolled her eyes and got out of bed, ready for another day of hell.

After showering and getting dressed, Beca made her way downstairs and found her mom in the kitchen eating breakfast.

"Morning Mom." Beca said before she got an apple and took a bite out of it.

"Morning Becs! Ready for another day at school?" The young girl just shrugged and continued to eat her apple. Beca's mom shook her head to herself, she had no idea why her daughter despised school so much. Her grades were fine, above average even and she rarely got into trouble. Seeing her daughter about to leave, she dismissed the thought, chalking up to teens just hating school and said goodbye.

As Beca walked to school, she contemplated just skipping it altogether but she knew she had to go back eventually. Why couldn't she just stay home and educate herself there? It'll give her more time to work on her remixes too. Instead, she had to go to where all of them were. Beca shook herself out of her thoughts as she saw the school come into her view. She sighed and tried to push all the fear away as she walked into the school with her head down.

"Oh great! The goth's back!" Was the first thing Beca heard when she was in the hallway. She ignored it and headed straight for her locker which was only a few feet away. What she didn't expect was to be tripped up and to fall straight to the ground. Immediately laughter was heard, it sounded like the entire school was laughing at her but it really was only a few people since it was still early in the morning. If this happened at any other time later in the day then the whole school would indeed be laughing at her. Beca picked herself up and as soon as she was standing properly, she got slammed right into the wall behind her.

"Nice fall you had there. If only it made you crack your head open." Bumper, the leader of the group who tortured her everyday, said to her, causing his group to snicker. His hands were still on her shoulders, squeezing them harder as he made that comment.

Beca knew to not reply as that just made things worse for her. She also decided to never let the pain they cause her to show. She didn't want to give them the satisfaction. So she stood there with a blank face even though her shoulders were aching with the intentional firm grip Bumper had on her.

"So tell me, is this the day you're gonna be any less of a freak?" Bumper asked mockingly, causing a round of chuckles again.

"I will the day you become less of a douche." Beca mentally berated herself as soon as the words slipped out of her mouth.

There was a short silence before Bumper slammed the girl back into the wall, "You're so gonna regret that you-" He was cut of by the bell and Beca silently sighed in relief. He glared at her, "This isn't over freak."

Beca's eyes followed Bumper as he walked away with his followers until they disappeared around the corner. She sighed and quickly walked to her locker as she realised she was going to be late for the first class of the day.

It was the second class of the day and Beca was sitting at the back as usual. She thought it was best to be out of nearly everyone's sight and she could still see and understand the teachers from there so it was a win-win. When the teacher turned around to get something, she felt someone pinch her shoulder hard. She jumped and quietly whimpered at the unexpected contact and heard a few snickers. She assumed they were laughing at her. When the brunette turned her head to look at her offender, she confirmed her assumptions. The boy next to her shoved a folded piece of paper on her desk before glaring at her and turning to speak to his friends. Beca looked down at the folded paper, contemplating whether she should open it or not. She sighed and unfolded it.

It was a picture of what she assumed to be her. She was dressed in black and there was a bomb on top of her head. Around her were the words 'Freak' 'Loner' 'Goth' 'Waste' 'Vampire' and a few others, some repeating. Beca folded up the paper, put it at the corner of her desk and looked back at the teacher, trying to ignore the disgusted stares and the insults people were whispering about her. She just hoped for the rest of the day to go quickly.

It was lunch and Beca went to the bathroom before she went to the school Library. The place she went everyday to get away from everyone. She saw Bumper again after the second period talking to his girlfriend Aubrey Posen. She pretty much ruled the school even though she was a Junior and if there was one thing Bumper and her have in common, it was their hatred for Beca. When he noticed her, he whispered something into Aubrey's ear and her head whipped around to give Beca a cold glare that immediately made the brunette divert her eyes. She has avoided them successfully since then.

Just as Beca was about to leave her stall to wash her hands, she heard the bathroom door open and the unmistakable voice of Aubrey which immediately made her stop in her tracks. She seemed to be talking to her minions that followed her around all day. She waited for about five minutes before she heard the bathroom door open then close again. Deeming the coast clear, Beca stepped out of her stall only to be met with a familiar cold, green glare.

"What was taking you so long, freak? Wanted to hide from us? Well that's not going to happen." After Aubrey's cold words, two of her minions grabbed Beca and threw her onto the floor. Her knees smacked hard against the floor and a shot of pain was immediately felt.

Aubrey walked closer to Beca and roughly dragged her hair to make the brunette look up at her, "Bumper told me what you said to him. Do you want a death wish, freak? Cause if you keep talking like that, you'll get one." At this, Aubrey kicked Beca in the stomach. Hard. Beca gasped and her hands immediately went to the new area of pain. The two minions behind her kicked her in the back which made her fall forward. The brunette clenched her jaw and tears started to fill her eyes. She stared at the floor, refusing to look at Aubrey out of fear and because she doesn't want to show how much pain the blonde caused her. Aubrey and her group finally left and Beca released a shaky sigh before standing up.

What did I do? Why do they hate me so much? All these questions were racing in her head but the sound of the bell signalling the end of lunch pulled her out of her thoughts. She was a little shocked. I spent the entire of lunch in here? It was a little uncomfortable to breathe but she ignored it and left the bathroom, on her way for her last lessons of the day.

Beca's last classes before the end of the day were surprisingly calm and she couldn't be more grateful. She left the building and started to make her way home but she was immediately met with Bumper and his group. She tried to go a different direction but a few of them were behind her. Soon, she was surrounded by a large group of boys looking down at her with hatred.

"Isn't this great! I'm glad we found you. Now we can finish where we left off." Bumper spoke.

Beca's eyes darted around, taking in all of the faces. She only recognized a few; Bumper, Jesse and a guy she thinks is called Uni. She didn't have much time to think because immediately she felt something large and strong come into contact with her jaw. She stumbled back and fell at the contact, tears were rising to her eyes again as the pain only got worse. She looked up to Bumper seeing him lightly rub his fist he used to punch her with before walking up to her. He slammed his shoe to her collarbone, preventing the girl from getting up.

"I'm sure Aubrey gave you your lesson from her but I couldn't help giving you a little something from me too. After all, you were the one who said it to me and not her." Bumper said with a cruel smirk on his face. He gave her a hard look that made Beca look down in fear before addressing his group, "Have fun boys! I think she still hasn't learned her lesson yet."

That was the last thing Beca heard before receiving a round of kicks to the back, stomach and ribs by Bumper and the rest. She couldn't hold in the pain anymore and tears started to come out of her eyes at a hasty pace. She started to gasp and scream in agony as the torture only continued and got worse. It felt like it was going on forever but eventually they stopped, not before yelling insults at her but she barely heard it. Her mind and body were too focused on the pain she's received throughout the day and if the kicks were to continue any longer she probably would've passed out. Beca lied there wheezing while the tears were still leaving her eyes. She coughed and her mouth was filed with the copper taste of blood. She laid there for another minute or two before weakly standing up and stumbling her way home.

Beca was relieved to see her mother wasn't home and most likely at work. Her mom doesn't need to know how she's being treated at school, that'll only cause more problems and stress. She quickly left a note saying how she wasn't feeling hungry and is going straight to bed before leaving it on the table and making her way upstairs. She looked in her mirror and saw that half of her face was already starting to swell up but fortunately there was no bleeding. She slowly changed into some pyjamas before crawling into bed, her body aching with indescribable amounts of pain. She regretted not taking any painkillers before but she felt too tired and weak to go and get some. She just closed her eyes and hoped for the next day to never arrive.

A/N: So that was that! Who feels incredibly bad for Beca? I do. You can tell me what you think if you like!
