Extra long chapter! YAY! anyway if you missed the first authors note Xion and Roxas are a little older than they are than in the games and have a (some what) basic understanding of the world.


Approximately 2 minutes later…

A dark corridor opened up in Xion's room and out stepped Axel. Xion was fast asleep and she looked so cute like that Axel contemplated whether to wake her or not. Axel decided to shake Xion's shoulder, Xion jumped out of bed startled by Axel waking her up. "Axel! What are you doing-" Xion was cut off by her realizing she was wearing nothing but her underwear and her eyes went as big a saucers. Before Axel could get a chance apologize a dark corridor appeared behind him and out came an extremely pissed Saïx. Saïx put Axel in a choke hold and then took note of his surroundings.

Puppets room, half naked puppet, Axel sq- wait. Saïx looked at Xion and all the blood in his body rushed to his face and he hoped that the darkness would hide his blush. "I apologize for this intrusion, I was just retrieving this idiot from doing something stupid." For emphasis he tightened his choke hold on Axel, "Did he tell you anything?" Saïx asked. Xion just shook her head. Saïx, with Axel, slowly backed into a dark corridor leaving a very flabbergasted Xion.

In the kitchen…

"What the hell were you thinking, Axel!" yelled Saïx.

"Well excuuuuse me princess. I was just going to tell Xion the good things about you so she might go out with you!"

"I asked for advice! Not for you to do it for me you idiot!



"…fine" muttered Axel, "be like that…blueberry."

this time Saïx actually struck axel upside the head with a frying pan.

The following morning…

As Xion came up to collect her mission form Saïx thought about what happened last night. Xion, still flustered from the night before, held out a shy hand for a mission sheet. "Xion, you have the day off today."

"What? Why?" she asked

"It is an apology for what happened last night"

At this Xion began to hug the luna diviner.

"T-thank you Saïx" Xion said.

"Yo, Saïx, do I get a day off? Asked Axel.

"Actually you do get something from this" Saïx said with a glint in his eye.

"Really?" Axel looked like it was christmas day.

"Yes. You get Xion's work load for today." Saïx said with a smug look.

instantly Axel's smile fell from his face. "W-what did she have to do today?"

Saïx grinned and said, "Two dark followers and a leach grave."

if you were to look closely you could see a non existent tear flowing down Axel's cheek. "Xion?" Saïx said.


"Could you stop hugging me now" Saïx said a little out of breath. Xion finally released her vice grip.

"geez, for some one only two years younger than me you're sure as hell strong.

unaware to anyone Xigbar was once again filming all of this and with the help from Luxords time powers he was able to get it all.

Later that day…

As soon as Saïx returned to the castle he checked every room to make sure the puppet didn't destroy anything in his absence. When he was sure that nothing was amiss he went to his room where there was something off, but he could not place it. Saïx observed the room from where he stood and looked towards his closet. it was slightly ajar. Saïx summoned his claymore incase there was an intruder. He slowly made his way to the closet, when Saïx opened he jumped in expecting Xigbar setting up a trap, but instead he found a small blue cupcake with a note next to it. He picked up the note and read it. It was a thank you note with a smiley face on it. Saïx picked up the cupcake and observed it, he then gave a little nibble to make sure it wasn't poisoned. Saïx's eyes went wide. this was the best food he had every tasted. a million things ran through his mind and then his train of thought stopped when he thought of Xion. He no longer though of her as a puppet he thought of her as a human being. He loved Xion.

the next day…

Saïx couldn't stop thinking of Xion last night. the way she talked, the way she walked, she was just so mesmerizing. "Xion" Saïx said in a cold emotionless voice.

"Y-yes?" Xion said, a bit scared.

"I would like to speak with you…privately"

Xion didn't know what to do, so she just followed Saïx all the way to the alter of naught. "what is it, Saïx?" Saïx didn't reply he was taking in her beauty. the pale light of kingdom hearts reflecting of her creamy skin. Cold, yellow, observing eyes met Xion's shy, blue eyes. with out a word Saïx leaned forward and softly pressed his lips to Xion's. When the two parted Saïx said, "I love you, Xion"

"I love you too" Xion whispered in his ear.

The two nobodies made there way to Saïx's room and fell into a night of passion. As it turns out the walls were not as sound proof as they thought they were and a certain pyro did not get any sleep that night.


This is the end of the main story but there will be a little more. just antics that follow after the hook up.

Hope you enjoyed!