Disclaimer! I do not own Kingdom Hearts nor do I own the characters. All rights go to Disney and Square Soft/Square Enix

A/N: Yes I am aware that this is a rather strange pairing but I Think Its adorable. Any way Imagine Saïx and Axel to be closer to Xion's & Roxas' age…and have Xion and Roxas have a (somewhat) basic understanding of the world.


It was a normal morning in the Castle That Never Was…well as normal as it can get. A certain blue haired nobody woke up early and he was really cranky. He did his normal routine by checking his blue bangs in the mirror to make sure the dye was not fading. Saïx made his way to the kitchen where he saw a hooded figure eating cereal. "Awake early again? Puppet?" Saïx put as much venom in the word as possible.

"Shut the hell up, you damn blueberry!" Xion yelled

Saïx was taken aback by this outburst. He never thought anyone, especially a puppet, to speak to him this way. "You dare speak to your superior like that!?", yelled Saïx angrily.

"Hell yeah I do! Just because your second in command does not mean you have the right to be an ass!"

He had not been spoken to like that since…since Aerith in Radiant Garden. Saïx just stood there, speechless. After a few minutes Xigbar had walked into the room and Saïx had snapped out of this daze and stormed out the room. He would have to deal with the puppet later.