A Changeling in Erebor
Dedicated to the readers that stuck with me through the journey of writing 'Donnabelle', and especially to Calenthion and Nikolai who helped me so much with Khuzdul.
Eight months later…
Thérin knocked on the door way of Balin's office. When the advisor called out that he could enter, the young dwobbit entered and looked around the room. "Balin, do you know where Uncle is?"
The counsellor frowned. "He had requested his schedule to be cleared for today."
"Did he give a reason why?"
Balin shook his head. "Other than wanting to spend time with you and Donnabelle."
The young prince frowned. Since coming to the mountain, Thérin had spent the time learning the skills of being advisor to the king and therefore, had spent many long hours with both Thorin and his cousins. But for Thorin to make changes at the last moment to his schedule was virtually unheard of to the dwarfling. "That's the first I've heard of it."
The old advisor smiled. "You should also know that family is important to our king. More so now he has you and Donnabelle to think of."
Thérin returned the smile. He'd grown to love the importance of family among the Darrow society. "Where can I find them?"
"In the king's chambers. Oh!" Balin reached down and pulled out a small stuffed bear he'd hidden in one of his drawers. "You may want to take this with you." He handed over the toy to Thérin, who frowned ever so slightly before realising what the significance of the bear meant. The young prince's eyes widened before a wide grin spread across his face. Without bothering to excuse himself, Thérin dashed from Balin's office and made his way up to the royal suite.
He slowed to a stop once he reached his parents chamber. It had taken him months to consider Thorin his father, though he still called the older dwarf 'uncle'. Yet, the young dwobbit was nervous. Would Thorin and Donnabelle still want him after having a child of their own? He raised his hand to knock on the door and waited. He knew deep down they wouldn't leave him, but the old doubts still lingered from when he was still a slave. What if they did? Shaking his head, he cleared his throat. What he was thinking was silly. Both his mother and Thorin and repeatedly told him that he was loved and wanted within the mountain, and their new child wouldn't change that. He forced himself to knock on the door. Then he waited. And waited for what seemed like forever.
The door opened, revealing his aunt, Dís. She smiled and stepped aside so the young prince could enter the chamber. "They're looking forward to introducing you to your new sister, Thérin."
"It's a girl?"
Dís nodded. Thérin shyly walked past his aunt and toward the bedchamber where he was sure to find his mother, step-father and his baby sister. He swallowed hard. He'd never thought he'd ever be a big brother. Stopping at the open door, Thérin's eyes took in the sight of Thorin sitting on the bed with his arm around Donnabelle and both parents' eyes were on the child held in the mother's arms.
There was an actual wriggling little babe there!
Thorin raised his eyes. "Now our family is complete, Thérin. With you here."
"Uncle?" The king upraised an eyebrow and Thérin quickly corrected himself. "Adad?"
"Better. No little sister can survive without a big brother there to love her and guide her. Just ask Dís." Thorin could hear his sister laugh from the other room.
"And no big brother can live without the teasing from their little sister," Dís shot back.
Thérin gulped.
Donnabelle looked up and gave her firstborn a wide smile. "Would you like to hold Florís?"
"I may break her," the young dwobbit protested. "What if I fail her?"
Thorin stood up and gathered up the sleeping child from Donnabelle's arms. He walked over to where Thérin stood and looked deep into the son of his late brother. "No matter what happens, Thérin, no matter where you end up, you will always, always, be Florís' big brother. And our son." With that, Thorin handed over his daughter to Thérin's awkward hold. Thérin looked down at the little girl he held before returning his attention to his father. And Thorin could see the tears forming in the dwobbit's eyes. He gave the boy a gentle smile. "Wherever your journey may take you, you will always have a place amongst us, my son."
Thérin nodded and returned his attention to Florís. No matter what…