Author's Note: Well. Although I have read many Fairy Tail fanfiction, this is the first one that I am actually writing. I have no clue whether anyone will like it or not. I suppose it may be too dark for some readers, some messed up stuff happens. I don't know. I just came up with this idea one day and rolled with it. Anyway, I would appreciate some nice reviews or some constructive criticism on anything I may improve upon.

Disclaimer: Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail. I don't know if I have to put that anywhere or not, but I've seen it on most of the stories I've read.

I also don't know how often I will update, but I plan on it nonetheless. Hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading!

Chapter 1: Waking Up

Lucy POV

Pain. All I feel is pain. My arms are so sore! All I see is black. Was it enough? My insides are boiling, I just want to rip them out! I smell blood. A lot of it. Where am I? Did I do it? Am I finally free? I see a white light. It's very dim, but it's there. I think I can hear someone calling to me. Is that you? Are you here, Mommy? I wish I could have known you. Wait. Pink hair? Who is that? I can feel my body moving, but I can't move myself. Where is Mommy? Why can't I finally meet her? I was so close! I'll be back to see you later, Mommy…

~July 2nd At the Hospital~

I could faintly hear the steady beep of one of those heart monitors nearby. The noise became louder as slowly drifted closer to consciousness. I keep my eyes closed for a few minutes as I listen for any other sounds and try to determine where I am and why. Being as how I can't seem to remember, I decide to open my eyes. White. The entire room is white, and its relatively barren. I must been in the hospital. Again. Did He go too far again? Wait, didn't He have a business meeting to get to? All I remember is that it was my birthday and I couldn't stop throwing up my empty stomach. But what happened after that?

Before I can answer my own questions, I hear something move a little, to my right. As I look over there, I see my trusty maid sleeping on the couch. She's been like a mother to me for as long as I can remember. With a smile on my face, I just watch her sleep, not wanting to wake her up. But then, I again wonder why I am hooked up to these machines. More importantly, I wonder what He will do when He sees me again. I still feel so weak right now, I can't handle what He would do to me.

My maid, Virgo, stirs a little before waking up. When she notices me watching her, she immediately gets up and calls the doctor in to see me.

"Princess! I'm so glad you're finally awake!" she hugs me as she says this. "I'm sorry I had to go to the store on your 16th birthday, yesterday. You may punish me when you get better."

"Ow, " I reply when she squeezes me too tightly. "It's okay, Virgo. Um, what did He do to me this time?"

"Princess, I'm not sure if you want to hear this right now, but it wasn't Him this time. He is still away on his business trip."

I sit there to process what she just said to me. Then, as the nurse steps into the room, my eyes widen in sudden realization. I start to shake at the memory of what I had done.

"Ah, you're awake, Ms. Lucy," the doctor begins. I think her name is Dr. Ophiuchus. She is a long-friend of Virgo; also, she is the one that usually tends to me when I am in here. Which happens a lot. "We have managed to stabilize your condition, so you should be able to leave here sometime within the next few days." She then looked at Virgo. "Do you want to tell her about it now, or later?"

I was a little worried at this. "T-tell me what?" my voice was a little shaky.

"Lucy," Virgo began, "You are healing nicely, but the… um… the reason that you finally tried this no longer exists."

I looked at her slightly confused before I finally remembered the reason why I finally attempted it. "Y-you mean… You're saying it died?" Even though it had caused me so much pain, I couldn't help but feel a little remorse for causing it to die, too. It didn't deserve that. I did.

"Yes, Lucy. You are no longer pregnant. All of those pills you took, plus how much blood you lost, was just too much for the baby. Besides, it was still pretty young; you were only a couple of weeks pregnant," explained the doctor.

"Will He… Do you guys think He will be mad at me? Maybe we shouldn't even tell Him that I was pregnant," I suggest. I visibly shuddered thinking about what He might do to me if he finds out that I caused someone else to die. I'm too afraid to face Him.

"Princess! You don't need to worry about that, and it's not your fault," Virgo tried to comfort me as I lay there, crying. "He doesn't deserve to call you his daughter! After all the pain He has put you through, I'm taking you away from Him for good! We won't let Him touch you in any way, never again."

"Virgo, what… What are you saying?" I'm confused. What does she mean by 'taking me away'? I tried to commit suicide when I learned I was pregnant; I have tried to get away before. Apparently, it never works. So, what could Virgo mean? What could she do that I couldn't?

"Princess, Ophiuchus and I have talked it over. We won't let that bastard be near you any more. When you get released from here, you and I are moving to Magnolia together," the pinkette spoke with such conviction, I almost believed that we could escape His wrath. Every single time that I tried to escape before, He managed to catch me; each time that happened, the punishment was more agonizing than the usual treatment.

I started sobbing uncontrollably. It was hopeless, I'll never get away… "Ms. Lucy," the doctor interrupted my thoughts. "We haven't told your father, yet. And he won't be back for a few more days. While you were still out, Virgo went back to the mansion and gathered some of your things."

"Yes, Princess. I also took enough money for us to use, but not enough for Mr. Heartfilia to notice any missing. We will be ready to leave as soon as you are well enough." Virgo had such confidence; all I could do was nod in agreement. I couldn't bring her hopes down.

"But, what if… *sob* what if He comes looking for us? There won't be any way to stop Him. When He finds out, He'll beat me again!" I burst into another fit of tears. It was getting hard to breathe like this.

"Don't worry, Princess. We can convince him that you didn't make it. With all that blood on the floor, I will just tell him that someone came in and attacked you. You know that he wouldn't give a damn if you died." Virgo was also on the verge of tears. "I can also send in my letter of resignation, and I'll get a new job in Magnolia."

"Okay, Virgo. But, where would we stay? And what would I do all day if you have a job to go to? I can't be left without you everyday," I sobbed. "You mean too much to me!" I shouted the last part, feeling a little guilty that I tried to leave her. I hugged her tight.

"Don't worry, Ms. Lucy," Ophiuchus said, patting my back. "Virgo and I have a few friends that live there if you two can't find a place for yourselves."

"Lucy," Virgo leaned out of the hug a bit," I think that, when summer is over, you should start going to the local school there." Again, I looked at her with a look of confusion plastered on my face. "Princess, it would give you a chance to get your mind clear and focus on something else for a change. I'm sure that school would help you recuperate from all the things that bastard did to you. You didn't deserve any of it. You're a good girl, Lucy."

I feel fresh tears streaming down my face as I hug the woman that's been like a mother to me. "What… whatever you say, Virgo. I'll think about school, though. How long do I have to decide?"

"As long as you need, Princess. However, it would be best to start school at the beginning of the semester." Ophiuchus has already left us to talk alone together.

"I-I… I'm so sorry I did this! If only… If only mom were still alive! Why… *sob* Why did she have to die when I was born? Tell me why, Virgo." I wept into her shoulder; we never really talked about my mother, much. Dad forbade it a while ago.

"I don't know, Princess. I don't know." With that, we spent the rest of the night talking about our future lives in Magnolia. We didn't mention my abusive father again.