Hello all, just a quick thing I'm posting here to have it in place for later. This is an idea I've been kicking around since I thought of some funny short interactions between different Kamachi characters. Honestly, this first part proved to be really tricky to write since I busted it out in just a couple hours of boredom but a boring introduction was needed for the backdrop. I don't know how often I will be updating this, and rather than focusing on any characters in particular, it will float around all over the place, so bear that in mind. Anyway, I have a few ideas in place that will be posted at some point or another as I get around to it. They most likely will be short for the most part, so don't get too disappointed at brief updates.
Ramblings aside, read and if you can, enjoy this boring introduction to the Kamachi Crossover Bar.
Now that I look, there is no category on this site for Zashiki Warashi from what I saw. How would I go about getting one up? I have a couple ideas in mind for that series once the translations are finished.
The possibility of alternate or parallel realities has been something that has piqued the interest of humans around the world for uncountable generations. To think, a world just like our own but with some sort of massive difference in history, or perhaps a world where magic has always existed. A simple curiosity, only now some people are living it due to the reality bending power of protagonists.
"Hey, where is this place anyway?"
Sitting in the stylish dark blue parlor of a dimly lit bar was a young man with spiky black hair. He wore simple black slacks and a white button down shirt covered by a grey hooded sweater that, in turn, was covered by a black school jacket. He looked around the place and took in the sights.
The dim bar had a simple, but somewhat fancy, motif of dark blue and wood. On one side was the main bar that he sat at with a large variety of drinks and mixes organized behind the bartender. The bartender himself seemed to have some sort of identity hiding magic since while his face was not covered, the young man could not make out any details whatsoever. As well, behind the bar was a loose door with a small kitchen sign above it. In front of the bar were many simple padded stools, and further out from there was the main dining area filler with tables, chairs and booths. Everything there kept with the same style of dark blue and wood, and the lighting was handled by some stylish electric(?) chandeliers.
The boy at the stool was interrupted from his observations by the bartender finally addressing him. "Hello boy, welcome to the Hero's Bar & Grill at the Edge of Time and Space…We really need a new name for this joint, I guess just calling us the Hero's Bar works. Anyway, you're a new face around here, introduce yourself to me." The young boy sat there blankly staring at the featureless bartender before finally recovering and replying.
"Uhh, my name is Kamijou Touma, going by the Japanese standard of family name first, so I guess depending on which way your culture or language is it'd probably be easier if I just said my given name is Touma." Despite not knowing where he was exactly or how he got here, he couldn't help but politely introduce himself. He felt that the bartender probably smiled, and the man in a fancy bartender outfit spread his arms and asked for an order.
"Welcome. Well, anyway now that you're here why don't you get a drink? We have all sorts of stuff from all sorts of realities and times, so if you want it we should have it. Oh, and don't worry about paying or anything, if you've made it here you've no doubt earned it in some way or another." Kamijou blankly stared again before ordering a simple soda. He idly sipped at it when a door opened in one of the walls and two young men in grey patterned camouflage uniforms walked in.
Kamijou faintly remembered the pair from the time he was thrust into a fantasy land that seemed to be based on Norse mythology. As one who has seen all sorts of, for lack of a better term, shit, he couldn't help but wonder just why he always got involved in weird situations. He continued to drink his soda if only to keep something in his life "normal" as the bartender greeted the new arrivals.
"Welcome, to the Hero's Bar & Grill at the Edge of Time and Space, or 'Hero's Bar' for short. Come, come get a drink we have all sorts of good stuff, paid for in advance by your heroic deeds and valor. Oh, before that why don't you introduce yourselves, we all should get along here yes?" The two young men exchanged a confused glance before walking up and sitting to Kamijou's right. First, the blonde one introduced himself.
"I'm Quenser Barbotage, battlefield student and combat engineer of the Legitimacy Kingdom's 37th C.M.B." After he finished, his brown-haired and more muscled partner further to the right spoke up and introduced himself as well. "And I'm Heivia Winchell, allegedly a radio operator of the same unit but I spend more time keeping this idiot alive on the front lines dealing with giant death bots." The two ordered some simple beer as they struck up conversation with Kamijou.
"Hey come to think of it you were there when we got stuck in that weird fantasy land weren't you? I guess being sent to other realities is something we're gonna have to get used to, huh." Quenser started up when he recognized Touma from their previous excursion into another realm. Before they could actually start talking, however, another door popped out from a different wall and another blonde young man walked in. Yet unlike Quenser, his hair seemed to be dyed blonde rather than natural. The new arrival blankly looked around, saw the bar and seemed to decide to roll with the situation as he walked up to the bar and took a seat as he started talking.
"Hey, hey, now this is interesting. I haven't seen you guys since that weird time I got frozen and woke up in some weird fantasy afterlife then got brought back into the middle of a battlefield. How's it been, your good friend Jinnai Shinobu is here!" Shinobu took a moment to shake the hands of the people he was somewhat familiar with before sitting down and addressing the bartender.
"So, uh, where is this anyway? I saw a door in the middle of the road and walked inside on a good feeling. It's a pretty nice place though if I say so myself." At the inquiry, the bartender started to say something when Heivia cut in. "The bartender said it was some sort of 'Hero Bar' or something, I'm not too sure myself but we've all gotten involved in reality hopping before so who knows." The bartender seemed to pout at being interrupted despite the fact that he didn't actually seem to have a face. After Shinobu looked his way, he cleared his throat and started up his introduction again.
"Welcome, to the Hero's Bar & Grill at the Edge of Time and Space, or 'Hero's Bar' for short. We have all sorts of food and drink completely paid in advance by your heroic deeds and valor. We have all sorts of stuff from all sorts of realities so order what you want and we'll make it work. On a slightly different, note, I believe you guys are all who were invited for today, so I guess I should finally explain a bit better." The guests all looked at each other before wordlessly encouraging the bartender to go on.
"Ahem, this place is one for heroes such as yourselves to sit down, relax, and share some stories. Think of this place as a bastion of respite to get away from your hectic days of whatever crazy situations you ended up in. Other people recognized for their deeds will find their way here sometimes, so you can pass some free time sharing stories or tips on how to get out of your jams. Do not worry about paying for any of the food or drink here, since as I said earlier it is paid for by your heroism. That said if you make a mess I will have you clean it up with your bare hands." The boys obediently nodded at the warning tone of the bartender at the end of his jovial explanation. "Oh, before I forget here are the whistles to make your way here. Just find a place nobody will see and blow on them to call the door. Time is relative here, so you will find yourself back when you originally left, and you will find that you do not age here, though don't get any ideas about abusing that." The bartender handed the young men some plain silver whistles that seemed to vanish when they grabbed them. "Oh, right, they attune themselves to your soul, or something along that line. When you wish to come here, they will manifest, so don't worry about it. That also includes your right hand, young Imagine Breaker, so don't worry about it."
After the explanation and introductions, the guests all ordered some food and started chatting. This would prove to be a much welcome time of relaxation, friendship, and quite a bit of scheming for those currently present and the other various heroes that would come to the Hero's Bar & Grill at the Edge of Time and Space.
They still need to find a shorter name for the place though.