I am flirting with the idea of having a different take on whats usually written about the Richonne couple. Sure there are stories similar to what I'm thinking and properly written entirely better than what I'm writing. Of course there are plenty of wonderful writers and gorgeous smut that fills my/others sick desire to actually see it on the show, but alas we take what we must and expand my filthy desire. The story is based on my experience dealing with racism as Australian aboriginal. But I will set the time in 90's to early 2000's for me personally racism during that time was really bad.

I just wish people to enjoy this story and hope I do the characters justice. I also have a hate for Lori but I will make this a realistic as possible considering the circumstances. No apocalypse just everyday life. Leave me a review, criticism is welcomed if I stuff up let me know how else am I gonna get better and learn.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Walking Dead, I write like others for enjoyment.

Rick returned from a late night shift at the sheriff's office and was just barely dragging himself through the front door, when the light from the living room flashed on. Looking through his tired eyes he spotted his wife of eleven years standing in the living room.

"Lori, its late you should be resting." Rick spoke softly looking at her through tired eyes, he closed the door and as it clicked locked Lori spoke. "Rick we have to talk." She responded softly. Rick wanted to argue his eyes drooping in exhaustion. "Can't it wait till the morning Lori, I have been up for twelve hours."

"Please." Was the single word spoken through her lips. He looked in her eyes and nodded softly, he gestured to the couch for her to sit. His heavy footsteps conveyed his tiredness through out the silent house. He dropped into the chair opposite of Lori and sunk into it easing his back muscels and relaxing.

"You wanted to talk...so talk." He spoke softly looking into her eyes as she averted them looking anywhere but him. "Rick...its been three months since Judith was born that we have actually talked." She spoke in a whisper daring to look up into her husband eyes, his intense blue eyes stared back into hers.

"I know what I did was wrong...but this house is too quiet. Carl barely speaks to me anymore." Her eyes watered as she spoke in a harsh whisper, she gripped her hand together tight turning her knuckles white. "You don't talk to me like we used to anymore, you don't look at me anymore." Her tears streamed down her face as she rubbed them away furiously, staring into his blue eyes watching his reaction and receiving none.

"What must I do to have your forgiveness?... I'll do anything just please speak to me." She pleaded tears still streaming down her face. His eyes portrayed nothing but his calmness was suffocating. He rubbed his tired eyes and sighed into the quiet room. "I will always have a special place in my heart for you. Never doubt that I never loved you, Carl does too but..." Rick spoke softly his voice thick with his southern drawl.

"I can't forgive you... not yet." He stood from his chair and walked out of the living room, saying a good night his heavy foot falls followed him up the stairs and away from the quiet weeping in the living room.

Walking into his bedroom his chest hurt from the pain caused by Lori, his fist clenched his shirt just above his racing heart but immediately released it after the feeling of guilt that he had made her cry. He shook his head from those thoughts and got prepared for bed.

Walking down the stairs into the kitchen, Rick said the casual 'good mornings' to his small family. Grabbing the coffee pot and pouring into a cup and taking a sip before Carl started to speak.

"Hey dad is it OK if we can go to the park to play catch?" Carl asked after swallowing his cereal.

"Sure, why not. It's a nice morning lets go after breakfast alright." Rick said as he drained his coffee putting it in to the sink. Grabbing the newspaper Rick walked out into the front porch and sat down to read. Reading through the first few pages of the newspaper, when a moving truck pulled up across from his house catching his eye. 'Hmm, looks like someone finally bought the Hendricks old house.' Rick's thought as he saw a car pull up behind the truck.

Rick's eye brows raised up as he saw a African beauty with dreads step out, as she turned to the back seat to pull out a little boy around the age of five guessed Rick. He nearly jumped out of his skin when Lori spoke next to him.

"Oh we have new neighbors..." Lori said cheerily until she noticed the African woman with the little boy in her arms. "Why did those people move into our town." Lori spoke with disdain in her voice.

"Maybe she's the new teacher that I've been hearing about lately." Rick responded softly unable to keep his eyes of the women who instructed the movers. Rick looked to Lori as she hummed a 'hmm' in her response.

"Come on, we should introduce ourselves to our new neighbor." Rick stood as he put the newspaper on the chair. "You go I don't want to interact with them." Lori stated before walking back into the house. She called out from behind the screen door as it closed. "I'll send Carl out in a minute." Rick shook his head as a barely whispered 'yeah' was breathed out as he walked down the stairs towards the new neighbors.

"Excuse me, hello." Rick waved to gather the attention of the woman, as she turned Rick was taken back on how beautiful the woman was. She smiled back in response before saying her 'hello' back.

"Hi, I'm one of your neighbors. My name is Rick Grimes nice to meet you." Rick extended his arm for a handshake.

"Pleasure to meet you I'm Michonne Lawrence." Michonne shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you, my family and I just live across the street from your house. So if you ever need anything your more than welcome to ask for help." Rick said before squatting down to Andre's height and extended his arm for a handshake.

"And who are you?" Rick directed to the little boy.

"Where are your manners young man, introduce yourself." Michonne scolded light with a smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you Mr Grimes, I'm Andre Anthony." Andre said as he shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you Andre, are you looking after your mom?" Rick asked. "Yeah, I'm the man of the house." Andre said proudly standing in front of his mum.

"Are you now?" Rick shared a smile with Michonne before standing up again before they could continue Carl called out 'dad' before running across the street to meet him. "Carl how many times do I have to tell you to look both ways before crossing." Rick said frowning.

"Sorry dad. Hello ma'am I'm Carl Grimes nice to meet you." Carl said before waving to Michonne. "Nice to meet you Carl, I'm Michonne Lawrence." Michonne waved to the teenager.

"Wow is that a Superman comic." Andre stated as he walked to have a closer look at the comic in Carl's hand.

"Yeah, his really cool wanna check it out?" Carl said as he squatted for the toddler flipping the comic open for him to see. "Andre aren't you gonna introduce yourself?" Michonne scolded to the toddler. Carl and Andre introduced themselves before going back to discuss the comic.

Both parents shook their heads at the two children. Rick turned to Michonne to chat a little more while Carl was busy.

"So Michonne what made you move to Kings County?" Rick asked as they moved to the shade of the tree in her front yard.

"My aren't you nosy. You are cop or something?" Michonne replied playfully, before continuing. "I moved out here because I needed a change, also I'm a teacher. I heard that the school out here had a position opened. What about you Rick, what do you do?" Michonne questioned with a smile.

"Well you are a right I am a cop sheriff's deputy in fact. I have lived in Kings County all my life, its quiet out here. Nice place to raise a family." Rick respond as he looked into Michonnes dark brown eyes. As Rick really looked at Michonne, she was a beautiful woman going as far to say beautiful than his wife. Her dark skinned practically shined in the sun light that filtered through the leaves.

"Well Michonne we should leave you to unpack and get settled in, it was nice to meet you." Rick said as he backed away waving and walked towards the two children sitting on the grass. Michonne waved back walking towards Andre. "Come on peanut time to unpack, say good bye to Carl and Mr Grimes." Michonne held her hand out for him to grab. Andre grabbed his mothers hand before turning to both of the Grimes. "Nice to meet you Mr Grimes, bye Carl." Andre waved.

"Actually Mrs Lawrence, if its alright with you can I give Andre this comic?" Carl asked politely, before walking towards Michonne and Andre. "Carl that is so sweet of you, please call me Michonne. Andre what do you say to Carl." Michonne said to Andre as he let go of Michonne's hand to run back to Carl. Carl squat down to hand him the comic before feeling two little arms wrap around his neck hugging him tight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you Carl! " Andre said as he took the comic in his little hand before giving a Carl another hug and a kiss on the cheek. Carl blushed his face going red before hugging Andre back.

Rick then watched as Andre walked over to him and tugged on his pants making him squat down as well. "Thank you as well Mr Grimes." Again wrapping his little arms around Ricks neck hugging him tight also giving him a kiss on the cheek. Rick looked at Michonne with a smile before hugging him back letting him go back to Michonne.

"Come on peanut say goodbye. Thank you Carl, bye Rick." Michonne said again as she grabbed Andres hand and walked into the house all the while talking to his mother about the new comic he received.

Thanks for reading, please leave me a review. Tell me of you enjoyed it.