11-12-2004, 13:16 OWT
11-12-2004, 11:16 Zulu
It had taken four Team nights, three pizzas, two packs of Guinness, and one very large cake, mixed with lots of begging by a certain archaeologist, but they'd finally made it. Too bad all that time hadn't made Historic-Dust-Bowl-Whatever any more interesting.
With a sigh, Sam let her gaze drift from yet another monotonous stretch of desert to the pale sky overhead. The planet's twin suns had reached their zeniths. Not a breeze stirred the air.
The stillness made every word ring clear like cut glass.
"It's weather, Daniel."
"No, Jack, it— it's history."
"Oh c'mon. It's the weather channel in long hand. Who even does that?"
"I admit the subject matter isn't the most intriguing or relevant, but—"
"They didn't even take down the commercials."
"Those are the best part."
"One team. That's all I ask. We can have these stones tagged and cataloged in a day."
"Yes, and why are we supposed to do that again?"
"Because these texts are... amazing."
Silence. The first moment of silence they'd had since stepping through the 'Gate. Sam couldn't believe her ears. Had Daniel just won? Turning away from the horizon, she locked eyes with Teal'c.
He arched an eyebrow.
Together they looked toward their teammates.
One hand rubbing at the back of his neck, Daniel stood in hopeful anticipation.
Across from him, the General cocked a hip. Propping an arm on his P-90, he stared down at the tiles. His head tilted left, then right.
More silence.
Daniel shifted on his feet. "Well?"
"… Nope. Not seein' it, Danny."
With a huff, Daniel flew into a series of protests, arms gesticulating wildly.
Sam grinned.
So did Teal'c. With a slight nod, he turned his attention back to the horizon.
Sam followed suit. "You know, Teal'c, some things just never change."
Grin widening, Sam took a deep breath. The stale air entered her lungs, heavy and thick. She kept grinning anyway.
"Daniel, it's a checkerboard. A giant, weather scribbled checkerboard. Somehow I don't think we're gonna find the 'meaning of life' here."
"Oh, I don't know. We might."
"Aw, for cryin' out loud."
"No, no really, I mean, it's possible... not probable, but that's beside the point. The point is, it could be here."
"Daniel, so help me—"
Sam tuned out the General's threat and stared once more at the sky. For all its monotony, there were things about this planet she was starting to like. Maybe Daniel's theory wasn't so improbable after all.
Author's Note: Thank you all so much for reading! Your faithful support and encouragement along the way have meant more than you know. To anyone who has reviewed, faovorite'd, or followed this story... THANK YOU! In particular I would like to offer a special word of thanks to a very special fan: Smiffy11052. There were times during the writing of this story when, if it had not been for you, I would have given up. I would have walked away and perhaps never returned to finish what I had started. Your endless support and care made all the difference. Thank you, my friend!
And now a huge round of thank you's to my awesome Betas (listed in order of appearance)...
NoraAnne1929 - My grammarian and spelling expert
lbindner - My Comma Queen and story pacing extraordinaire
judybear236 - My amazing final proof reader, who helped me make this story as perfect as possible
Thank you all for your incredible support, patience, and willingness to help! You ladies rock!
But most importantly I would like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, without Whom I could do nothing. If there is anything good in this story, anything that touches those who read it, or moves them, it is because of Him.
Well, I reckon that's about it. Again, thank you all SO much for reading!