The Forgotten
By Red Turtle
Formalities: I do not own nor intend to own the Ninja Turtles. My brain just wanted to borrow them a while. I did create all non-ninja mutant turtles in the story (who are briefly discussed in my bio if your interested), and the plot surrounding them. Also, this is taken a little off the Archie version of the turtle world, and a little off the Mirage world, and probably a little off other stories I've read here that have subtly influenced me by now.
By the way, I thrive off of reviews.
Donatello and Raphael were out on a routine check of the sewers. One of the alarm systems had been set off, but it was pretty far from their lair and they weren't too concerned. It usually turned out to be a rat. Raph in fact resented going to check it out, but he knew that the one time they ignored it would be the one time it was Shredder or some such enemy coming to kill them.
They approached the section in question. At first they didn't see anything amiss, and Donatello started resetting the controls, but suddenly Raphael signaled him. He didn't speak out loud, but his eyes spoke volumes. He moved hesitantly down one of the tunnels.
"Donatello, come here", he yelled, in a concerned tone Donatello had never heard him use before.
Don quickly joined his brother. Lying in a heap before them was a mutant turtle like themselves, except unconscious. He was directly under one of the lights, but half submerged in mud and water so they couldn't see his features very well other than that he was a turtle, and apparently injured.
"Is he...?"", Donatello started to ask. He was too shocked to think.
Raph took the initiative to check the other turtle's vital signs. Very weak, but alive. It was too shadowed and muddy for Raphael to determine anything else about him, and a quick search for clues as to how the turtle got here turned up nothing, so they gingerly picked him up and carried him back to the lair.
Half an hour later all the turtles were gathered anxiously around the unconscious figure who now lied in Splinters bed. Splinter had done all he could to tend to his wounds and revive him, but it was uncertain he would ever wake at all. The other turtle had no clothing or anything with him. There was a dart wound on the back of his ankle, indicating to Splinter that this turtle had probably been escaping, and was shot at with some drug to put him down. Leo and Raph went back out to thoroughly investigate the area he was found in to see if they could learn who his attackers were and where they went.
Leo and Raph returned two hours later with nothing. All of their training had been of no use at all. Leo didn't tell them this, but he was so confident in his tracking skills that he didn't believe the turtle could have gotten there and a fight could have occurred with out him being able to find any traces of it. He believed that either Raph was mistaken about where they found him or that the fight occurred somewhere else and the turtle somehow just materialized right there.
The other turtle had not woken up yet. Donatello was very concerned. They didn't have access to the kind of equipment to help him. He might die right here in the lair, without them even learning his name. What if he had family? They couldn't even find them with out some clue to his origin.
Three hours after that was dinner time, and they reluctantly broke watch to eat. They even started watching TV. It felt so weird to be watching TV while the only other known member of their species lied in the next room, but they couldn't just stand around his bed all day either. Raph was pretty pessimistic about the out come already, and wanted to watch TV to distract himself from the pain he would feel when the other turtle died. Only Splinter stayed, but he fell asleep.
"Hi", a voice woke him up. He forgot for a second about the other turtle he was guarding, and woke up with a start.
"Hello", he greeted back to the now alert turtle lying in the bed, "How are you feeling?"
The other turtle gathered his thoughts a minute before answering. There wasn't much to gather, and that was worrying him. His head hurt, and various parts of his body stung, but he wasn't sure from what, and he didn't want to relate all that to the talking rat.
"I'm okay", he answered quietly. Splinter picked up a trace of an English accent. A British turtle wondering around the sewers of New York, this just got weirder and weirder.
"Are you hungry?"
"Hayir", he replied automatically in Turkish, further baffling Splinter. His body ached for food, but he couldn't think of eating before learning what was going on. All that his brain offered him was a horrifying thirty- second vision of terror, and all he could figure out from that was that his name must be Simon, because it was being yelled over and over again.
"I'm sorry, I did not understand you", Splinter said.
"No", Simon said again in English. He couldn't remember anything about himself, but he apparently knew more than one language. But he couldn't remember learning any of it, or ever speaking any of it.
"I am known as Master Splinter", Splinter introduced, extending his hand and relieving Simon of any doubt that he might know the giant rat and just not remember, "You may call me Splinter."
Simon shook his hand, but didn't offer a name. He was waiting for things to start to make sense, and he didn't want to say his name was Simon if it turned out he was wrong.
"Bilir misiniz-do you know how I got here, Splinter?", Simon asked, again correcting himself from Turkish. He understood Splinter's English perfectly well, but kept wanting to speak Turkish. He knew that he also spoke some Arabic and German, and that Splinter was speaking an American form of English and he was speaking a British form. Where the hell am I from?, he wondered.
"I do not. My sons found you unconscious.", Splinter explained.
"Right here?", Simon asked, looking around the room. Was this his room?
"No. They found you in the sewers and brought you here to recover."
"Oh. Thanks, I guess."
"Allow me to get my sons. They are very anxious to talk to you", Splinter told him and left for the living room.
Simon tried to force something to come to him in the period he was alone. He analyzed the vision he had, in it other turtles like himself were fighting with some other creatures, humans maybe, and the humans were after him, and the other turtles were yelling, "Run, Simon, get away", and then there was sharp pain in his ankle and that was all. He examined his ankle and found it wrapped up, and it still stung. Something definitely happened to it, that was real. He couldn't believe that nothing else existed in his head at all, no memories. Looking at himself, he judged he must be a teenager, so he should have lots of years of experiences. He knew these different languages, so his head wasn't a total blank, but all efforts to know his name failed, other than the vision. Were the other turtles his friends? Actually, they felt like brothers. But how many did he have? What were their names? What happened to them? Was this vision a memory or a dream? How long ago was it?
He unconsciously held his head from the effort of thinking so much. Then the noises at the door to the room alerted him to the presence of Splinters sons. Four teenage turtles came in, and at first he was overjoyed because they might have been the ones in his vision. But quickly he realized the ones in the vision were different, one at least was a couple years older, there were two that were alike and none of them moved that way, and one, come to think of it, was a sister. Yeah, I have a sister. But how many brothers anyway? I think more than four...
"You're not my brothers, are you?", he asked them sadly.
They were not expecting a greeting like that.
"No, were not", Leo answered, "I'm Leonardo."
"Michelangelo", Mike introduced.
Splinter came back in.
"You have not yet told us your name, young one", he pointed out.
"I", Simon stammered, "That's because I'm not sure. I think its Simon."
"Your not sure?", Raph inquired.
"I don't remember", Simon sighed. He was so embarrassed to tell these new friends he didn't even know his own name.
"Well, we shall call you Simon for now then", Splinter said, sitting down next to him, "Perhaps you should eat and rest more. That may help you recover."
Splinter made a slight motion to Michelangelo to go prepare some food, which he hurried to the kitchen to do.
"Maybe we could help you", Donatello offered, "Do you remember anything?"
"Yes", Simon answered, but instead of elaborating he settled back into Splinters bed. He suddenly felt so tired, and he didn't want to talk to all of them now. He didn't know them, and talking to Splinter had been hard enough. 'I must be shy', he thought, 'or at least I am now. Maybe I used to be really outgoing.'
"What do you remember?", Leo pressed. He was a little alarmed that the new turtle was going back to sleep with out telling them anything.
"I think my brothers are in danger", Simon replied sleepily, and closed his eyes. Splinter prevented Leo from asking any more questions.
"Leave him to rest now", he told him.
"But, Sensei, shouldn't we rescue his brothers? Shouldn't we-"
"The drugs they used have affected his mind. He will be of no use now. Perhaps you should go investigate the city, see if you can find anything related to this."
"Yes, Master Splinter", Leo agreed.
Raph and Don went with him. Mike stayed behind to relive Splinter and finish preparing a good soup for Simon. He secretly hoped that his cooking could revive the other turtle and save the day. He added hot pepper because it supposedly helped mind functions, and ginger and garlic for the same reason. Garlic could cure anything. He gave it a chicken broth and added egg and spinach so the turtle would get these vital nutrients and recover sooner, and also because all they had to add to the soup was old spinach. He did find half an onion and threw that in based on a movie where a starving child was able to subside off of onion broth. It was bond to help. All the research into food medicine also kept his mind from wondering too much on where the turtle came from, whether there was a whole secret race of turtles like them, and the ramifications of that.
Simon woke up an hour later. Mike was keeping watch now, and he was eating some of the soup he had made. Splinter was asleep and the others were still out searching the city for clues about Simon. Seeing that there was only one turtle now (and he remembered his name from the orange bandana, Michelangelo), Simon decided to be social.
"Hi", he greeted shyly.
"Hey", Mike greeted back, "Want some soup?"
Mike quickly poured some soup and gave it to him.
"So, remember anything yet?", Mike inquired.
"Hayir", Simon replied after sucking down half the bowl.
"What?", Mike asked.
"No. Sorry, I speak Turkish."
Simon finished the soup and Mike automatically got him some more.
"You speak Turkish? And you're British or something, right?"
Mike let Simon finish the second bowl before barraging him with more questions.
"So, you said something about remembering your brothers? Maybe we could help you find them", he offered.
"I...really don't remember much, Michelangelo. I know that I have them, or had them at least, and there was a sister. But I don't remember how many or what there names were or where they are. I think they're in danger but I don't know. I can't believe I don't remember anything."
"Here, have some more soup", Mike insisted. He wondered how long it would take for the garlic and everything to work, if it was going to work.
"Okay", Simon agreed. He was hungry, and grateful for the food, but it tasted kind of weird. He wondered if he had ever had soup like this before.
"It must suck to not remember anything", Mike said, trying to sympathize. He really couldn't imagine. How could one forget something like brothers and sisters.
"It does", Simon agreed between gulps of soup. He was going slower now.
"Do you think anything would help? Like, maybe if we talked about your brothers it would jog your memory?"
"Actually, it just makes me sad", he replied.
"Oh. Sorry."
"It's okay."
Mike tried to think of something not-sad for Simon to do.
"You want to watch TV?"
Here Simon had a strange thought. He knew what a TV was, but it wasn't the same familiarity as, say, a bed or soup. His mind only knew it as something he had read about somewhere. He didn't think he had ever actually watched one, so this would be a new experience. Course, everything was like a new experience now.
They went to the living room. Mike had to help Simon; his foot was hurt badly so he couldn't walk on it. Then they turned it on, and Simon forgot all his troubles, all his inability to remember his brothers who might be dead. He was totally absorbed in the sheer wonder of the television. He was sure, definitely sure, that outside the vision he had never seen human beings, but they were all over this. And he had never heard so much American English, and he had never seen such graphic violence. He didn't know any American swear words, and he learned four in the first half hour. He repeated them to himself so he could use them later. The only insults he knew really were in Arabic, and most of them related to his sister being a whore, which he didn't want to say. Mike enjoyed Simons' enthusiasm. He had successfully fed him and entertained him.
Splinter came in as Simon was repeating "Mother Fucker". Although he would never let this on, he had to admit that somehow the English accent made the vulgarity sound respectable.
"Simon, please do not swear in this house."
"Sorry, Splinter. I am learning more English."
Splinter sighed. He realized that the scene on TV was about to display some graphic nudity, and gave Mike the look that demanded he change the channel. Mike quickly obeyed, switching to a cartoon. More wonder for Simon. Oh, the colors!
Leonardo, Donatello and Raphael came home several hours later. They had found nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Leo was really starting to believe that Simon materialized right there in the sewer.
By this time Simon was asleep again. Mike updated them on his television watching, but they had learned nothing of value from it. The others went to sleep.
It turns out Simon definitely has a sister. Her name is Molly. She was locked in a cold, dark room isolated from all her family. She had been kidnapped along with her siblings, and their father killed. Who ever had done the kidnapping was thoroughly prepared. All six of the turtles in the family had inherited mutant powers along with their mutant turtle genes, making them sort of mutant mutants. The twin brothers could teleport, Simon could teleport through light, another brother could ignite fires with his mind, the oldest could actually kill through his eyes, and Molly was potentially the most powerful. She was psychic.
Ever since she was little she was terrified of her powers. She practiced them with Simon, but only little things like reading his mind and entering his dreams, and only so that they wouldn't one day rage out of control like in comics and books she had read (Carrie, in particular, terrified her). She suspected that the kidnappers did not know what her powers were, because although they were quick to overwhelm all the others (especially Nikki and his killing ability), they didn't do anything special with her. In her whole life, she had never used her powers outside of training. She was doing it now though. She had managed to imprint that last moment into Simon's mind, so he had something to go on when the drugs wiped out his memory. But she hadn't realized just how devastating the injections would be. She had honestly thought that, when she approached him in his dreams her very presence would bring all his memories back. They were twins, and they had a link through her psychic practice that formed a bond between them. She couldn't imagine that being broken.
She concentrated on reaching out to Simon. They had never been so far apart, but she was sure she could do it. One of the benefits of the dark room was there was no distractions. It was the kind of sensory deprivation that drives people crazy after a while, but it worked out well for psychics.
Molly managed to reach Simon in his sleep. She could read his mind with out him feeling it, and she knew he didn't remember her at all. Boy, so much for counting on him to save them all, he didn't even know what had happened to Akira, their adaptive father. She introduced herself in his dreams, and tried to explain who he was and what had happened and how he needed to save them. Instead of bringing his memory back she just induced a nightmare.
"AAAAAAA", Simon woke up, screaming. Everyone woke up with him and ran to the living room where he had been sleeping.
"What?! What happened?"
"Kizkardes! Benim kizkardes!", Simon tried to explain. Molly had just been talking to him in Turkish because it was their native language, so he was still all in that.
"What?!", Leo demanded, panicking. Were kizkardes enemies or something?
"Sister! My sister was talking to me. Her name is Molly! She was trying to tell me everything!"
"Well, where is she?", Mike, Leo, Don and Raph asked at once. That's all they really needed to know. Once they found these mysterious siblings they could find all the answers.
"I don't know. It was too scary. She didn't know where she was. She was trying to get me to remember, but it was all too weird. There was a cat on the floor, a mutant like us, but a cat, and he was dead. She was trying to tell me who he was, and I didn't know. Aman!"
"Hey, calm down, everything's okay", Donatello soothed him. Him and Mike got on the couch with Simon, who was crying now.
"My poor sister! I can't help her! I didn't even know her name until she told me!"
Meanwhile, Molly was now passively observing through his mind. She didn't actually talk or interfere when people were awake, she had rarely tried it and was scared by what it might accomplish. But she could see through his eyes and know what he was thinking. She was amazed by what she saw, there were other turtles. All her life she thought her family was the only one. And they looked like fighters, which was good because they needed some fighters. But that was of no use if Simon couldn't tell them what happened and lead them to the rescue. He didn't even know who to rescue, and there wasn't time to try and go through his life history with him. He was already so overwhelmed with trying to learn everything. And he was injured, she realized. No, Simon was not going to be able to help them.
She watched helplessly as Simon explained the little bit he had learned from the dream to them. She realized now that, perhaps showing Akira's murdered body was not the best way to go about explaining what had happened. He was totally freaked out now, and he hadn't learned anything in the process. She felt bad scaring her brother like that. It was nice that the other turtles had taken him in and were comforting him now.
As Molly watched, she started to feel an inclination towards one of the other turtles. Something, well, special about one of them. 'Maybe he's just cute' she thought to herself, embarrassed by both seeing other boy turtles and her intuition. As Molly had no other alternative, she figured it couldn't make things any worse if she practiced her mental ability some, and followed this intuition.
Immediately she started feeling a connection between this other one. And it suddenly occurred to her, he must be psychic too, or at least had some psychic ability. She didn't dare try to talk to him, it was just too much for her right now. But after a little bit he went to sleep with his brothers (Simon absorbed himself in television for a while). She steeled her nerve and tried to contact him through a dream. Maybe she could tell him everything, and with him being a fighter and knowing this country maybe he could rescue them all.
Donatello (how many of you all guessed it was Donatello?) usually had pretty odd, abstract dreams. So, as he closed his eyes he started a dream along that path, something about the moon coming down on the Earth, and he was watching it, when suddenly all that dissipated and there was only a blank blue color. And a mutant turtle standing before him. A girl.
"Hi sorry to interrupt my names Molly can I talk to you?", she blurred out nervously, remembering that he spoke English.
"'re Simon's sister, right? Where are you?"
That was still the most important question in his mind. After all, so many different entities had introduced themselves in various ways to him that he no longer found it at all surprising. The fact that it was a girl turtle didn't faze him either.
"I don't know for sure. We were kidnapped, and I haven't seen any of my brothers in at least a day. I'm in a dark room, and my eyes were covered before so I didn't see how I got here. I can show you the last place I saw, in this country."
She flashed him a visual, the same one Simon had playing over and over in his mind. Donatello could tell they were in a harbor, and near the city because he could see the city lights. He could see that there were six turtles including Simon, and he could sort of see the capturers, but not enough to ID them.
"Thanks, that's helpful", he told her, "Do you know who kidnapped you?"
"Humans", she answered.
"There are a lot of humans. Can you be more specific?"
Her dream image shook her head.
"Where are you from, originally?"
"Turkey. It's very far from here."
"I know."
'He's so cute when he knows things', she thought, and really hoped he couldn't pick up on that.
"What's your name?", Molly asked. She was so embarrassed she could die, but she really needed to know.
"Are you psychic?"
"No. I just, I don't know, just attract metaphysics."
'You sure attracted me', she thought to herself.
"I have an idea", she said out loud, "Since I don't know where I am, I think that the only way you could find us is if you could tune in to me, like a homing beacon. I know psychics can do that with other psychics. Can you do something like that?"
"I don't know. Maybe, now that I'm aware of you, I could try. My brothers and I would sure like to help you."
"Thanks", she answered.
"Okay. I better wake up and get started on this", he said by way of saying goodbye.
"Sure. Okay. We'll keep in touch, right?"
"Right", he replied, although he did not really want to dream about her every night. It would get a bit awkward after a while.
Donatello woke everyone up, gathered them in the living room and explained the whole discussion he just had to them. Simon was relieved that Molly could contact someone besides him, because he sensed her frustration with his inability to remember anything and dreaded repeated attempts on her part to visit him right now. What was that dead cat about?! He really didn't want to ever know.
The ninja turtles quickly prepared themselves for battle with an unknown enemy. Donatello found he could indeed hone in on her, he sort of felt a pull in a certain directing. It was a faint pull, but he didn't know if that was because she was far away or because he just didn't have a strong psychic ability.
Simon started getting up to go with them too.
"Hey, Simon, you can't go with us", Leo argued. Simon could barely walk on his foot. He also had bad cuts on his arm and a small but worrisome stab in his stomach.
"I have too. I have to save my brothers."
"Well, we can do that, dude", Mike assured him.
"No, I have to be part of it. I'm sure. I need to be there."
"I will go as well", Splinter announced, ending the debate about Simon.
So they all left together, following Donatello. Simon used one of Donatello's bos as a crutch for his injured foot. Nothing would keep him from being a part of this rescue.
The turtles traveled for seven hours, headed south along the ocean. Donatello couldn't sense what obstacles were between him and Molly, so sometimes they had to back track and find another way to go in her direction. They crossed isolated wildernesses, and had to rest even though time of the essence. After that, they traveled another day or so, into another city that wasn't New York. Here Donatello finally narrowed in on a large, formable building. He circled it just to be sure. Molly was definitely in there.
They had some experience breaking into formable building like this. There were only windows on the lower floors, than the rest was all reflective steel. They scaled up a nearby high rise, and planned to skillfully jump to the roof from there. Except for Simon.
"Uh, look, Simon, I really don't think you can do this with us", Leo tried to explain delicately.
Simon didn't answer. He was too preoccupied with determination. He knew he could do this. He didn't know how he knew, but something in his brain was saying 'This is no problem. You can get there easily'. It just wouldn't tell him how. He thought of his sister, and the three or four or five brothers he had, and how they needed him. As he thought, he absently focused his eyes on a flash of light from the sun glaring off the roof of the building.
And suddenly he was there, on the roof where the sun was.
"What?!", Leo demanded.
"Simon!", Mike almost yelled to him, but quickly stopped himself. It wasn't wise to go around yelling like that when they were trying to sneak in.
Simon, for his part, quickly went about immobilizing the two cameras up there. They weren't pointed where he landed, and he had the perfect opportunity. Then the rest all jumped on the roof.
"Wow! Simon, why didn't you tell us you could-oh", Mike himself almost forgot about the whole amnesia thing.
"That's why we couldn't find in traces of you in the sewers!", Leo cheered, proud that he was right, Simon did materialize right there under the light in the sewer.
"Yeah, I guess", Simon agreed. He was amazed at his ability himself. 'That must have been how I got away from the humans', he realized.
They proceeded to breach the building through the roof, and using Donatello quickly located the rooms the other turtles were being kept. There was not so much security inside, they found they could use the staircase with no problem. But on the floor there were guards and cameras. Using all of their speed and skill, they took out the cameras at once and the guards. But the broken cameras were sure to alert more guards, so they had to act quickly. Splinter and Leo kept guard while the others worked on the locks to the rooms the other turtles were in. It took less then five minutes, but that was still more than enough time for more guards to arrive. None did though. The security arrangements of the building were not much.
The first room to be opened was Nikki, the oldest brother. Being in isolation for so long, he had no idea what was happening. He guessed that, if they were breaking down the door they were here to free him. He didn't know who would come rescue him. He didn't even know if Simon had escaped or was imprisoned with the rest of them. But he found out soon enough.
"Simon!", he gasped, "You got away! And you rescued us. Good job!"
He hugged his little brother, who returned the hug even though it felt like embracing a stranger.
"Molly helped", he explained.
"Molly? Oh, I don't believe it. Saved by my little brother and sister."
One by one the others were all released. Molly transferred all her energy and excitement to hugging Simon. She really wanted to hug Donatello.
At this point it had been almost ten minutes, and finally two more guards had wondered up to find out what was happening. Leo and Splinter immediately dealt with them. The ninja turtles thought that now they should all escape through the rooftop, but Nikki had other plans. His family was a powerful force to be reckoned with, and these humans had killed their father. They were going to pay. Besides, if they all ran away now they would have to live in fear of being caught again. All but Simon ran downstairs, towards the enemy.
"Where are you going?", Leo asked.
He didn't get an answer. Molly flashed one to Donatello, to the affect of avenging their father by destroying this building and every human in it. As an afterthought, she told him to meet them in the sewers nearby.
The ninja turtles and Simon (who besides being injured did not feel as personally involved in the revenge) decided not to partake in the chaos ensuing below, and they left out the rooftop, and over to the other building. From there they witnessed the lobby explode in a ball of fire (insert Matrix visual here). That was the only clue as to what was going on inside.
The End
I know, I know, abrupt ending. See, I get excited about these ideas like, what if the ninja turtles found another turtle that was in extreme danger and couldn't remember any of it, and I write around that idea, but then I've expressed the idea, and I can't find a decent way to close the story. I mean, obviously tons of stuff has to go on after this, the turtles have to get back home, Simon has to get his memory back, and the other turtles have to find somewhere to live, ect... I figured, I got the heart of the story down, and instead of getting bogged in these details I'll end it with a sort of sad interesting way, where their watching this destruction and wondering. I hope that's okay.
Of course, if the masses demanded it, I would find a way to elaborate on the story.
By Red Turtle
Formalities: I do not own nor intend to own the Ninja Turtles. My brain just wanted to borrow them a while. I did create all non-ninja mutant turtles in the story (who are briefly discussed in my bio if your interested), and the plot surrounding them. Also, this is taken a little off the Archie version of the turtle world, and a little off the Mirage world, and probably a little off other stories I've read here that have subtly influenced me by now.
By the way, I thrive off of reviews.
Donatello and Raphael were out on a routine check of the sewers. One of the alarm systems had been set off, but it was pretty far from their lair and they weren't too concerned. It usually turned out to be a rat. Raph in fact resented going to check it out, but he knew that the one time they ignored it would be the one time it was Shredder or some such enemy coming to kill them.
They approached the section in question. At first they didn't see anything amiss, and Donatello started resetting the controls, but suddenly Raphael signaled him. He didn't speak out loud, but his eyes spoke volumes. He moved hesitantly down one of the tunnels.
"Donatello, come here", he yelled, in a concerned tone Donatello had never heard him use before.
Don quickly joined his brother. Lying in a heap before them was a mutant turtle like themselves, except unconscious. He was directly under one of the lights, but half submerged in mud and water so they couldn't see his features very well other than that he was a turtle, and apparently injured.
"Is he...?"", Donatello started to ask. He was too shocked to think.
Raph took the initiative to check the other turtle's vital signs. Very weak, but alive. It was too shadowed and muddy for Raphael to determine anything else about him, and a quick search for clues as to how the turtle got here turned up nothing, so they gingerly picked him up and carried him back to the lair.
Half an hour later all the turtles were gathered anxiously around the unconscious figure who now lied in Splinters bed. Splinter had done all he could to tend to his wounds and revive him, but it was uncertain he would ever wake at all. The other turtle had no clothing or anything with him. There was a dart wound on the back of his ankle, indicating to Splinter that this turtle had probably been escaping, and was shot at with some drug to put him down. Leo and Raph went back out to thoroughly investigate the area he was found in to see if they could learn who his attackers were and where they went.
Leo and Raph returned two hours later with nothing. All of their training had been of no use at all. Leo didn't tell them this, but he was so confident in his tracking skills that he didn't believe the turtle could have gotten there and a fight could have occurred with out him being able to find any traces of it. He believed that either Raph was mistaken about where they found him or that the fight occurred somewhere else and the turtle somehow just materialized right there.
The other turtle had not woken up yet. Donatello was very concerned. They didn't have access to the kind of equipment to help him. He might die right here in the lair, without them even learning his name. What if he had family? They couldn't even find them with out some clue to his origin.
Three hours after that was dinner time, and they reluctantly broke watch to eat. They even started watching TV. It felt so weird to be watching TV while the only other known member of their species lied in the next room, but they couldn't just stand around his bed all day either. Raph was pretty pessimistic about the out come already, and wanted to watch TV to distract himself from the pain he would feel when the other turtle died. Only Splinter stayed, but he fell asleep.
"Hi", a voice woke him up. He forgot for a second about the other turtle he was guarding, and woke up with a start.
"Hello", he greeted back to the now alert turtle lying in the bed, "How are you feeling?"
The other turtle gathered his thoughts a minute before answering. There wasn't much to gather, and that was worrying him. His head hurt, and various parts of his body stung, but he wasn't sure from what, and he didn't want to relate all that to the talking rat.
"I'm okay", he answered quietly. Splinter picked up a trace of an English accent. A British turtle wondering around the sewers of New York, this just got weirder and weirder.
"Are you hungry?"
"Hayir", he replied automatically in Turkish, further baffling Splinter. His body ached for food, but he couldn't think of eating before learning what was going on. All that his brain offered him was a horrifying thirty- second vision of terror, and all he could figure out from that was that his name must be Simon, because it was being yelled over and over again.
"I'm sorry, I did not understand you", Splinter said.
"No", Simon said again in English. He couldn't remember anything about himself, but he apparently knew more than one language. But he couldn't remember learning any of it, or ever speaking any of it.
"I am known as Master Splinter", Splinter introduced, extending his hand and relieving Simon of any doubt that he might know the giant rat and just not remember, "You may call me Splinter."
Simon shook his hand, but didn't offer a name. He was waiting for things to start to make sense, and he didn't want to say his name was Simon if it turned out he was wrong.
"Bilir misiniz-do you know how I got here, Splinter?", Simon asked, again correcting himself from Turkish. He understood Splinter's English perfectly well, but kept wanting to speak Turkish. He knew that he also spoke some Arabic and German, and that Splinter was speaking an American form of English and he was speaking a British form. Where the hell am I from?, he wondered.
"I do not. My sons found you unconscious.", Splinter explained.
"Right here?", Simon asked, looking around the room. Was this his room?
"No. They found you in the sewers and brought you here to recover."
"Oh. Thanks, I guess."
"Allow me to get my sons. They are very anxious to talk to you", Splinter told him and left for the living room.
Simon tried to force something to come to him in the period he was alone. He analyzed the vision he had, in it other turtles like himself were fighting with some other creatures, humans maybe, and the humans were after him, and the other turtles were yelling, "Run, Simon, get away", and then there was sharp pain in his ankle and that was all. He examined his ankle and found it wrapped up, and it still stung. Something definitely happened to it, that was real. He couldn't believe that nothing else existed in his head at all, no memories. Looking at himself, he judged he must be a teenager, so he should have lots of years of experiences. He knew these different languages, so his head wasn't a total blank, but all efforts to know his name failed, other than the vision. Were the other turtles his friends? Actually, they felt like brothers. But how many did he have? What were their names? What happened to them? Was this vision a memory or a dream? How long ago was it?
He unconsciously held his head from the effort of thinking so much. Then the noises at the door to the room alerted him to the presence of Splinters sons. Four teenage turtles came in, and at first he was overjoyed because they might have been the ones in his vision. But quickly he realized the ones in the vision were different, one at least was a couple years older, there were two that were alike and none of them moved that way, and one, come to think of it, was a sister. Yeah, I have a sister. But how many brothers anyway? I think more than four...
"You're not my brothers, are you?", he asked them sadly.
They were not expecting a greeting like that.
"No, were not", Leo answered, "I'm Leonardo."
"Michelangelo", Mike introduced.
Splinter came back in.
"You have not yet told us your name, young one", he pointed out.
"I", Simon stammered, "That's because I'm not sure. I think its Simon."
"Your not sure?", Raph inquired.
"I don't remember", Simon sighed. He was so embarrassed to tell these new friends he didn't even know his own name.
"Well, we shall call you Simon for now then", Splinter said, sitting down next to him, "Perhaps you should eat and rest more. That may help you recover."
Splinter made a slight motion to Michelangelo to go prepare some food, which he hurried to the kitchen to do.
"Maybe we could help you", Donatello offered, "Do you remember anything?"
"Yes", Simon answered, but instead of elaborating he settled back into Splinters bed. He suddenly felt so tired, and he didn't want to talk to all of them now. He didn't know them, and talking to Splinter had been hard enough. 'I must be shy', he thought, 'or at least I am now. Maybe I used to be really outgoing.'
"What do you remember?", Leo pressed. He was a little alarmed that the new turtle was going back to sleep with out telling them anything.
"I think my brothers are in danger", Simon replied sleepily, and closed his eyes. Splinter prevented Leo from asking any more questions.
"Leave him to rest now", he told him.
"But, Sensei, shouldn't we rescue his brothers? Shouldn't we-"
"The drugs they used have affected his mind. He will be of no use now. Perhaps you should go investigate the city, see if you can find anything related to this."
"Yes, Master Splinter", Leo agreed.
Raph and Don went with him. Mike stayed behind to relive Splinter and finish preparing a good soup for Simon. He secretly hoped that his cooking could revive the other turtle and save the day. He added hot pepper because it supposedly helped mind functions, and ginger and garlic for the same reason. Garlic could cure anything. He gave it a chicken broth and added egg and spinach so the turtle would get these vital nutrients and recover sooner, and also because all they had to add to the soup was old spinach. He did find half an onion and threw that in based on a movie where a starving child was able to subside off of onion broth. It was bond to help. All the research into food medicine also kept his mind from wondering too much on where the turtle came from, whether there was a whole secret race of turtles like them, and the ramifications of that.
Simon woke up an hour later. Mike was keeping watch now, and he was eating some of the soup he had made. Splinter was asleep and the others were still out searching the city for clues about Simon. Seeing that there was only one turtle now (and he remembered his name from the orange bandana, Michelangelo), Simon decided to be social.
"Hi", he greeted shyly.
"Hey", Mike greeted back, "Want some soup?"
Mike quickly poured some soup and gave it to him.
"So, remember anything yet?", Mike inquired.
"Hayir", Simon replied after sucking down half the bowl.
"What?", Mike asked.
"No. Sorry, I speak Turkish."
Simon finished the soup and Mike automatically got him some more.
"You speak Turkish? And you're British or something, right?"
Mike let Simon finish the second bowl before barraging him with more questions.
"So, you said something about remembering your brothers? Maybe we could help you find them", he offered.
"I...really don't remember much, Michelangelo. I know that I have them, or had them at least, and there was a sister. But I don't remember how many or what there names were or where they are. I think they're in danger but I don't know. I can't believe I don't remember anything."
"Here, have some more soup", Mike insisted. He wondered how long it would take for the garlic and everything to work, if it was going to work.
"Okay", Simon agreed. He was hungry, and grateful for the food, but it tasted kind of weird. He wondered if he had ever had soup like this before.
"It must suck to not remember anything", Mike said, trying to sympathize. He really couldn't imagine. How could one forget something like brothers and sisters.
"It does", Simon agreed between gulps of soup. He was going slower now.
"Do you think anything would help? Like, maybe if we talked about your brothers it would jog your memory?"
"Actually, it just makes me sad", he replied.
"Oh. Sorry."
"It's okay."
Mike tried to think of something not-sad for Simon to do.
"You want to watch TV?"
Here Simon had a strange thought. He knew what a TV was, but it wasn't the same familiarity as, say, a bed or soup. His mind only knew it as something he had read about somewhere. He didn't think he had ever actually watched one, so this would be a new experience. Course, everything was like a new experience now.
They went to the living room. Mike had to help Simon; his foot was hurt badly so he couldn't walk on it. Then they turned it on, and Simon forgot all his troubles, all his inability to remember his brothers who might be dead. He was totally absorbed in the sheer wonder of the television. He was sure, definitely sure, that outside the vision he had never seen human beings, but they were all over this. And he had never heard so much American English, and he had never seen such graphic violence. He didn't know any American swear words, and he learned four in the first half hour. He repeated them to himself so he could use them later. The only insults he knew really were in Arabic, and most of them related to his sister being a whore, which he didn't want to say. Mike enjoyed Simons' enthusiasm. He had successfully fed him and entertained him.
Splinter came in as Simon was repeating "Mother Fucker". Although he would never let this on, he had to admit that somehow the English accent made the vulgarity sound respectable.
"Simon, please do not swear in this house."
"Sorry, Splinter. I am learning more English."
Splinter sighed. He realized that the scene on TV was about to display some graphic nudity, and gave Mike the look that demanded he change the channel. Mike quickly obeyed, switching to a cartoon. More wonder for Simon. Oh, the colors!
Leonardo, Donatello and Raphael came home several hours later. They had found nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Leo was really starting to believe that Simon materialized right there in the sewer.
By this time Simon was asleep again. Mike updated them on his television watching, but they had learned nothing of value from it. The others went to sleep.
It turns out Simon definitely has a sister. Her name is Molly. She was locked in a cold, dark room isolated from all her family. She had been kidnapped along with her siblings, and their father killed. Who ever had done the kidnapping was thoroughly prepared. All six of the turtles in the family had inherited mutant powers along with their mutant turtle genes, making them sort of mutant mutants. The twin brothers could teleport, Simon could teleport through light, another brother could ignite fires with his mind, the oldest could actually kill through his eyes, and Molly was potentially the most powerful. She was psychic.
Ever since she was little she was terrified of her powers. She practiced them with Simon, but only little things like reading his mind and entering his dreams, and only so that they wouldn't one day rage out of control like in comics and books she had read (Carrie, in particular, terrified her). She suspected that the kidnappers did not know what her powers were, because although they were quick to overwhelm all the others (especially Nikki and his killing ability), they didn't do anything special with her. In her whole life, she had never used her powers outside of training. She was doing it now though. She had managed to imprint that last moment into Simon's mind, so he had something to go on when the drugs wiped out his memory. But she hadn't realized just how devastating the injections would be. She had honestly thought that, when she approached him in his dreams her very presence would bring all his memories back. They were twins, and they had a link through her psychic practice that formed a bond between them. She couldn't imagine that being broken.
She concentrated on reaching out to Simon. They had never been so far apart, but she was sure she could do it. One of the benefits of the dark room was there was no distractions. It was the kind of sensory deprivation that drives people crazy after a while, but it worked out well for psychics.
Molly managed to reach Simon in his sleep. She could read his mind with out him feeling it, and she knew he didn't remember her at all. Boy, so much for counting on him to save them all, he didn't even know what had happened to Akira, their adaptive father. She introduced herself in his dreams, and tried to explain who he was and what had happened and how he needed to save them. Instead of bringing his memory back she just induced a nightmare.
"AAAAAAA", Simon woke up, screaming. Everyone woke up with him and ran to the living room where he had been sleeping.
"What?! What happened?"
"Kizkardes! Benim kizkardes!", Simon tried to explain. Molly had just been talking to him in Turkish because it was their native language, so he was still all in that.
"What?!", Leo demanded, panicking. Were kizkardes enemies or something?
"Sister! My sister was talking to me. Her name is Molly! She was trying to tell me everything!"
"Well, where is she?", Mike, Leo, Don and Raph asked at once. That's all they really needed to know. Once they found these mysterious siblings they could find all the answers.
"I don't know. It was too scary. She didn't know where she was. She was trying to get me to remember, but it was all too weird. There was a cat on the floor, a mutant like us, but a cat, and he was dead. She was trying to tell me who he was, and I didn't know. Aman!"
"Hey, calm down, everything's okay", Donatello soothed him. Him and Mike got on the couch with Simon, who was crying now.
"My poor sister! I can't help her! I didn't even know her name until she told me!"
Meanwhile, Molly was now passively observing through his mind. She didn't actually talk or interfere when people were awake, she had rarely tried it and was scared by what it might accomplish. But she could see through his eyes and know what he was thinking. She was amazed by what she saw, there were other turtles. All her life she thought her family was the only one. And they looked like fighters, which was good because they needed some fighters. But that was of no use if Simon couldn't tell them what happened and lead them to the rescue. He didn't even know who to rescue, and there wasn't time to try and go through his life history with him. He was already so overwhelmed with trying to learn everything. And he was injured, she realized. No, Simon was not going to be able to help them.
She watched helplessly as Simon explained the little bit he had learned from the dream to them. She realized now that, perhaps showing Akira's murdered body was not the best way to go about explaining what had happened. He was totally freaked out now, and he hadn't learned anything in the process. She felt bad scaring her brother like that. It was nice that the other turtles had taken him in and were comforting him now.
As Molly watched, she started to feel an inclination towards one of the other turtles. Something, well, special about one of them. 'Maybe he's just cute' she thought to herself, embarrassed by both seeing other boy turtles and her intuition. As Molly had no other alternative, she figured it couldn't make things any worse if she practiced her mental ability some, and followed this intuition.
Immediately she started feeling a connection between this other one. And it suddenly occurred to her, he must be psychic too, or at least had some psychic ability. She didn't dare try to talk to him, it was just too much for her right now. But after a little bit he went to sleep with his brothers (Simon absorbed himself in television for a while). She steeled her nerve and tried to contact him through a dream. Maybe she could tell him everything, and with him being a fighter and knowing this country maybe he could rescue them all.
Donatello (how many of you all guessed it was Donatello?) usually had pretty odd, abstract dreams. So, as he closed his eyes he started a dream along that path, something about the moon coming down on the Earth, and he was watching it, when suddenly all that dissipated and there was only a blank blue color. And a mutant turtle standing before him. A girl.
"Hi sorry to interrupt my names Molly can I talk to you?", she blurred out nervously, remembering that he spoke English.
"'re Simon's sister, right? Where are you?"
That was still the most important question in his mind. After all, so many different entities had introduced themselves in various ways to him that he no longer found it at all surprising. The fact that it was a girl turtle didn't faze him either.
"I don't know for sure. We were kidnapped, and I haven't seen any of my brothers in at least a day. I'm in a dark room, and my eyes were covered before so I didn't see how I got here. I can show you the last place I saw, in this country."
She flashed him a visual, the same one Simon had playing over and over in his mind. Donatello could tell they were in a harbor, and near the city because he could see the city lights. He could see that there were six turtles including Simon, and he could sort of see the capturers, but not enough to ID them.
"Thanks, that's helpful", he told her, "Do you know who kidnapped you?"
"Humans", she answered.
"There are a lot of humans. Can you be more specific?"
Her dream image shook her head.
"Where are you from, originally?"
"Turkey. It's very far from here."
"I know."
'He's so cute when he knows things', she thought, and really hoped he couldn't pick up on that.
"What's your name?", Molly asked. She was so embarrassed she could die, but she really needed to know.
"Are you psychic?"
"No. I just, I don't know, just attract metaphysics."
'You sure attracted me', she thought to herself.
"I have an idea", she said out loud, "Since I don't know where I am, I think that the only way you could find us is if you could tune in to me, like a homing beacon. I know psychics can do that with other psychics. Can you do something like that?"
"I don't know. Maybe, now that I'm aware of you, I could try. My brothers and I would sure like to help you."
"Thanks", she answered.
"Okay. I better wake up and get started on this", he said by way of saying goodbye.
"Sure. Okay. We'll keep in touch, right?"
"Right", he replied, although he did not really want to dream about her every night. It would get a bit awkward after a while.
Donatello woke everyone up, gathered them in the living room and explained the whole discussion he just had to them. Simon was relieved that Molly could contact someone besides him, because he sensed her frustration with his inability to remember anything and dreaded repeated attempts on her part to visit him right now. What was that dead cat about?! He really didn't want to ever know.
The ninja turtles quickly prepared themselves for battle with an unknown enemy. Donatello found he could indeed hone in on her, he sort of felt a pull in a certain directing. It was a faint pull, but he didn't know if that was because she was far away or because he just didn't have a strong psychic ability.
Simon started getting up to go with them too.
"Hey, Simon, you can't go with us", Leo argued. Simon could barely walk on his foot. He also had bad cuts on his arm and a small but worrisome stab in his stomach.
"I have too. I have to save my brothers."
"Well, we can do that, dude", Mike assured him.
"No, I have to be part of it. I'm sure. I need to be there."
"I will go as well", Splinter announced, ending the debate about Simon.
So they all left together, following Donatello. Simon used one of Donatello's bos as a crutch for his injured foot. Nothing would keep him from being a part of this rescue.
The turtles traveled for seven hours, headed south along the ocean. Donatello couldn't sense what obstacles were between him and Molly, so sometimes they had to back track and find another way to go in her direction. They crossed isolated wildernesses, and had to rest even though time of the essence. After that, they traveled another day or so, into another city that wasn't New York. Here Donatello finally narrowed in on a large, formable building. He circled it just to be sure. Molly was definitely in there.
They had some experience breaking into formable building like this. There were only windows on the lower floors, than the rest was all reflective steel. They scaled up a nearby high rise, and planned to skillfully jump to the roof from there. Except for Simon.
"Uh, look, Simon, I really don't think you can do this with us", Leo tried to explain delicately.
Simon didn't answer. He was too preoccupied with determination. He knew he could do this. He didn't know how he knew, but something in his brain was saying 'This is no problem. You can get there easily'. It just wouldn't tell him how. He thought of his sister, and the three or four or five brothers he had, and how they needed him. As he thought, he absently focused his eyes on a flash of light from the sun glaring off the roof of the building.
And suddenly he was there, on the roof where the sun was.
"What?!", Leo demanded.
"Simon!", Mike almost yelled to him, but quickly stopped himself. It wasn't wise to go around yelling like that when they were trying to sneak in.
Simon, for his part, quickly went about immobilizing the two cameras up there. They weren't pointed where he landed, and he had the perfect opportunity. Then the rest all jumped on the roof.
"Wow! Simon, why didn't you tell us you could-oh", Mike himself almost forgot about the whole amnesia thing.
"That's why we couldn't find in traces of you in the sewers!", Leo cheered, proud that he was right, Simon did materialize right there under the light in the sewer.
"Yeah, I guess", Simon agreed. He was amazed at his ability himself. 'That must have been how I got away from the humans', he realized.
They proceeded to breach the building through the roof, and using Donatello quickly located the rooms the other turtles were being kept. There was not so much security inside, they found they could use the staircase with no problem. But on the floor there were guards and cameras. Using all of their speed and skill, they took out the cameras at once and the guards. But the broken cameras were sure to alert more guards, so they had to act quickly. Splinter and Leo kept guard while the others worked on the locks to the rooms the other turtles were in. It took less then five minutes, but that was still more than enough time for more guards to arrive. None did though. The security arrangements of the building were not much.
The first room to be opened was Nikki, the oldest brother. Being in isolation for so long, he had no idea what was happening. He guessed that, if they were breaking down the door they were here to free him. He didn't know who would come rescue him. He didn't even know if Simon had escaped or was imprisoned with the rest of them. But he found out soon enough.
"Simon!", he gasped, "You got away! And you rescued us. Good job!"
He hugged his little brother, who returned the hug even though it felt like embracing a stranger.
"Molly helped", he explained.
"Molly? Oh, I don't believe it. Saved by my little brother and sister."
One by one the others were all released. Molly transferred all her energy and excitement to hugging Simon. She really wanted to hug Donatello.
At this point it had been almost ten minutes, and finally two more guards had wondered up to find out what was happening. Leo and Splinter immediately dealt with them. The ninja turtles thought that now they should all escape through the rooftop, but Nikki had other plans. His family was a powerful force to be reckoned with, and these humans had killed their father. They were going to pay. Besides, if they all ran away now they would have to live in fear of being caught again. All but Simon ran downstairs, towards the enemy.
"Where are you going?", Leo asked.
He didn't get an answer. Molly flashed one to Donatello, to the affect of avenging their father by destroying this building and every human in it. As an afterthought, she told him to meet them in the sewers nearby.
The ninja turtles and Simon (who besides being injured did not feel as personally involved in the revenge) decided not to partake in the chaos ensuing below, and they left out the rooftop, and over to the other building. From there they witnessed the lobby explode in a ball of fire (insert Matrix visual here). That was the only clue as to what was going on inside.
The End
I know, I know, abrupt ending. See, I get excited about these ideas like, what if the ninja turtles found another turtle that was in extreme danger and couldn't remember any of it, and I write around that idea, but then I've expressed the idea, and I can't find a decent way to close the story. I mean, obviously tons of stuff has to go on after this, the turtles have to get back home, Simon has to get his memory back, and the other turtles have to find somewhere to live, ect... I figured, I got the heart of the story down, and instead of getting bogged in these details I'll end it with a sort of sad interesting way, where their watching this destruction and wondering. I hope that's okay.
Of course, if the masses demanded it, I would find a way to elaborate on the story.