Hey guys, heres the last chapter of Bestial Rage.

Edit: i have added a new chapter between this and chapter 3, to add a missing part to the story.

Hope you enjoy it.

Overwatch H.Q

No pov

The tv flickered to life and showed the news channel.

"Good evening" the host began. "Our top story, after a succesful operation agenst a terrorist force in Egypt, a horrific event took place. During the attack, Overwatch agent Lena Oxton, also known as Tracer, went into a wild bloodlust" a picture of normal Tracer apeared beside him "murdering the terrorist commander in the most horrific way possible. Her behavior apeared to be more like a wild animal than human" he said as the picture disapeared.

"We do have some footage of the event, veiwer discrection is adviced" he said.

The picture shifted to the recorded footage of the soldier.

It showed Tracer ripping apart Widowmaker, the gore flying everywhere. She then reached the ribcase and punched it, breaking it and impaling her inner organs.

Widowmaker was screaming the entire time.

Tracer covered Widowmakers mouth with her hand and descended her head towards her neck.

Tracer bit down and tore the throat off, brutally killing Widowmaker.

She then looked up at the camera, the burning red eyes glowing with hate, growling like a beast.

The picture shook a little as the guy holding the camera, took at step back.

Tracer lunged at the camera with a bestial roar. The phone fell to the ground with the lens facing the sky.

Screams could be heard as blood and guts went flying over the camera, small drops of blood landed on the lens.

The footage ended and the screen showed the host again.

"Lena Oxton has been acussed for murder and psycopathic behavior and is currently locked up in high security prison untill her trail next week"

"In other news we hav-"

Winston turned off the tv.

He looked at the ground while putting a hand on his forehead. Mercy was able to heal his arm and nose when she woke up from passing out, but Tracer had left a massive wound in his heart that would never heal.

"How? How could she? What happened to her" he had so many questions. "She used to be the cheerful girl we all knew and loved. How could she do such things? She was never like that. She was not a heartless killer, she never had red eyes"

He turned the tv on again and replayed the footage of the event. He froze the picture just as Tracer was lunging at the camera.

Winston looked into the red eyes of Tracer. He felt like they were peircing his very soul.

"She never had those before. Why does she have them now" he thought confused. "Some kind of sickness? A malfunction of her chronal accelerator?"

He got out of the couch and walked towards the door. He walked past Mercy without looking at her. "Where are you going, Winston" she asked.

"I'm going to visit an old friend" he said.

High security prison. A cell

No pov

The cell was small with no windows. It only had a bed and a toilet.

The only entrance was blocked by a static field. If you touched it, massive static eletricity would course through your body and you would most likely be killed.

She was allowed to keep her chronal accelerator, but that could hardly do anything right now.

She sat there, up agenst the wall facing the entrance, in her cell. her head buried in her knees, crying.

For how long, she did not know. She had woken up in here and slowly she remembered what had happened in Egypt.

Her outfit was gone. Instead she was wearing simple orange prisoner clothes.

"How could they" *sob* "How could they" she cried. "I was their friend *sob* and they betrayed me. How could they say such things"

"But, how could i act like such an animal, a wild beast" *sobbing*.

"And worse, it felt so good doing it" *sobbing*.

"Im a monster. Noone is ever going to like me again" *sobbing*

"I warned you, Lena, but you did not listen" a deep harsh voice said in her head.

She stopped crying, her eyes wide. She had heard that voice before.

"Sa-saldrok?" she thought, surprised and confused.

"Yes, Lena, its me"

She looked around the cell, but didnt see anyone. Only her bed , the toilet and the grey steel walls.

"Wh-where? H-How?" she thought.

"Im near. As to how im talking to you, by mastering the bestial rage for many years, i have learned to telepathicly communicate with others who also have the bestial rage inside them" he said.

"Can you remove it" she desperately asked. "Can you take it away"

"No i cant. And why would i? Look at how strong you were using it. No weapon could harm you" he said encouraging.

"You were there" she thought surprised.

"Yes i was. I saw the whole thing. How you slaughtered everything in your way and how you took care of Widowmaker. And i must admit, it was quite...Beautiful"

Tracer thought back again. He was right. Now when she thought about it, she was incredibly strong, no weapon could even lay a scrath on her and it felt so good.

"Y-you think i was beautiful" she though, removing her tears and beginning to have some hope.

"Yes, very few show such remarkable savagery when their power first awakens"

A weak smile apeared on her face. "Th-thank you." She thought back to the events again. She started to see it in a new light now. Maybe this rage wasnt so bad. Maybe.

But then her thoughts turned to her friends. Or former friends. "They betrayed me" she thought angrily.


"My friends, they betrayed me. They hate me now" she thought with hatred.

She thought of how Winston held her in a bear hug. "He was trying to deny me my kill. I should have killed him when i had the chance" she thought as her anger grew. She thought of how Mercy shot her. How Torbjorn called her a demon. "They are my friends NO MORE. THEY DESERVE TO DIE"

"Maybe, Lena, but right now we need to-"

"How do i activate it" she thought-yelled.


"How do i activate the rage"?

"Look deep within yourself, focus your anger, rage and your hate"

Tracer took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She focused her thoughts around her anger. She thought of everything that had ever angered her in her life. From when she was a little girl, up until now.

Her face twisted in hatred and she clenched her teeths.

She heard the door, on the other side of the static field, open.

"And then, embrace it"

Her eyelids shot open, revealing the burning red eyes once more.

"I did it"


Winston was standing in the elevator in the high security prison.

He was going up to some of the higher floors.

The doors opened, showing a small room with two guards standing beside a large metal door at the end.

Winston approached them. "Im here to see Lena Oxton" he said.

The guard said nothing as he turned around and pressed some numbers in the doors control panel.

The door slowly opened revealing a short hallway, a static field at the end of it.

Winston hesitated for a moment, but eventually walked through.

He heard the doors close behind him, but he ignored it.

He walked up to the static field and looked into the cell. He could see Tracer sitting up agenst the wall, her knees to her stomach.

Winston looked at her for a moment, trying to remind himself that this was his old friend.

Her eyes shot open and the burning red eyes had returned.

They fixated on Winston. He could almost feel the anger coming from them.

"Lena, what happened" he asked.

She slowly stood up and walked towards the static field. She stopped infront of it, an angry look on her face.

If Winston was scared, he did not show it.

"What happened to you" he asked again.

This brought a smirk on her face. "What was meant to happen" she answered.

Winston was confused. "Meant to happen? What do you mean by that" he asked.

She just chuckled and kept silent.

"Tracer, you remember back in the old days. You were always the energetic one, who saw the best in people. You were always the one to never give up. What happened to you tha-"

"You're not really listening to anything he says, are you" Tracer heard Saldrok in her head again.

"No. That monkey deserves to die" She thought to him.

"So if i let you free, what will you do"?

"Kill him"

"-And why did you do such a horrible thing" Winston ended.

Suddenly the static field flickered and died down.

Winstons eyes widened with fear. "What the-"

"Because i loved it" Tracer answered his question and lunged at him.

If the metal door had been open, agonizing screams would have filled the prison.

After about five minutes, what was left of Winston was barely recognizable.

He was laying in a pool of blood.

He had been ripped in two. His lower body laid shredded across the cell. His stomach had been forcefully pried open and his vital organs were missing.

His arms had been twisted in unusual angles.

His armor had been flayed away.

His head had been ripped off his shoulders. Tracer had broken off his ribs and used them to impale Winstons head from almost every angle.

Tracer stood overlooking her kill, covered in blood. "Never thought killing could be so enjoyable" she thought, smirking.

She heard a sound comming from the door, it was being opened.

She was prepared to jump at whoever would enter, but she soon saw that it was being opened by force.

Two green hands in brown steel gauntlets appeared. The doors flew to the sides and Saldroks face apeared.

"I said i was near" he said smirking.

Tracer smiled and walked towards him. "I didnt think you would be tha' close" she said.

She looked at the wall on the right to see a giant hole in it, leading to a free fall down. She looked to the left and saw a completly smashed control panel.

Saldrok looked at her clothes. "I think you need to change" he said, throwing her normal outfit and guns at her feet.

Tracer's eyes widened. "How the bloody hell did you get tha'" she asked surprised.

Saldrok smirked again. "I 'found' it" he said.

Tracer recovered from her surprise and took the clothes up in her hands.

Saldrok turned around and looked the other way as she was changing.

When she had changed her chronal accelerator glowed again. "Alright, im ready" she said.

"Good follow me" he said, ran to the hole and jumped out. Tracer followed not far behind.

They were fastly approaching the ground. Tracer was abit unsure, but that disapeared when she heard a bestial roar to her right.

Saldroks beast, Kragosh, was diving towards them.

He flew under them and they landed on his back, Saldrok in the saddle and Tracer behind him.

"Talk about escaping" she joked.

They flew north, away from the city. Tracer got an idea. "Hey can we go back the Overwatch H.Q" she asked.

"Why" Saldrok responded curious.

"I want to leave a proper...Goodbye" she said making an evil grin.

Saldrok saw it and laughed. "Sure"

Saldrok turned the beast and directed it towards the H.Q.

Overwatch H.Q.

No pov.

Torbjorn was sitting in his workshop in the basement, welding two pieces of metal together.

"When im done with this opgrades, my machines armoring should be twice as hard" he thought.

The lights began to flicker in the room. Torbjorn stopped welding, took off his welding goggles and looked up in confusion.

"What the hell"?

The light went out, surrounding him in complete darkness. He was forced to use his welder as light sorce, but he could only see a couple of centimeters away from him.

he heard the doors open and then close shortly after. "Hello? Whos there" he asked, but got no answer.

He heard someone step on a piece of metal.

Torbjorn turned in the direction he heard it, but couldnt see anything.

He then heard the sound of something heavy falling on the ground. He turned around again, but still couldnt see it.

"I better go" he thought, starting to get scared. He walked towards where he thought the doors were.

But he stopped to see someone had blocked it with a very large piece of metal.

"What in the-" Suddenly, someone grabbed his machine back from behind and threw him across the room.

He hit the wall at the end very hard. He sat up with closed eyes because of the pain, holding his head with one hand and the welder in the other.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw two red eyes staring back at him in the darkness.

"Wha- what are you" Torbjorn asked, scared to hell.

The eyes moved closer, revealing a familiar face.

"Dont worry, love, your death's 'ere"

Sometime later.

No pov.

Saldrok was leaning agenst a wall near the entrance to the H.Q.

He heard the doors open and saw Tracer walking out, blood stained her outfit.

"Alright, all done" she said smiling.

"What exactly did you do" he asked.

"Just left a goodbye present" she answered grinning.

That seemed to be enough for the orc.

Tracer walked closer to him. "Tell me, is your offer still avalable" she asked.

"It always is" he answered.

"Good, then i accept" she leaned in, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and walked over to Kragosh.

Saldroks eyes widened in surprise. He raised an eyebrow and watched Tracer walk to Kragosh.

"Are you coming or wha'" she asked.

He recovered from the suprise walked up and mounted Kragosh.

The beast took to the sky. Saldrok reached into his pocket, taking out a small blue crystal and threw it some distance in front of them.

It exploded and a swirling vortex of blue energi apeared.

They flew throught it and disapeared from the face of that world.

And that was Bestial Rage. It was fun to write since i had a cool idea of Tracer as a bloodthirsty killer. If you liked it then make sure to leave a review.

And theres a little more:

Overwatch H.Q.

No pov.

Mercy was walking down the stairs to the basement. Some of her equipment was malfunctioning and she thought Torbjorn might be able to fix it.

She knocked on the doors. "Are you in there Torbjorn" she asked.

She didnt get and answer. "Hello, Torbjorn" she asked a little louder.

Still no answer. She pressed the button and the door and i opened revealing a large metal piece, blocking most of the entrance space. It was completly dark inside.

"Why is it dark inside" she thought. She reached inside for the light switch.

Se found it and turned it on, but the light didnt come on.

"Strange, why is the light not working" she thought confused.

She took out her phone, pressed the flashlight app and walked inside.

"Torbjorn, are you in he-" she stopped as she stepped in a pool of some liquid and a drop landed on her nose. Then another drop.

She looked down to see a small pool of blood.

A feeling of dread filled her as she looked up.

Torbjorn was impaled into the celling by countless sharp metal pieces. The blood slowly dripping down on the floor.

Mercy's scream of horror could be heard across the streets.