A/N: I'm really, really as in really sorry for thr super late update! This is kind of short sorry about that also. So here you go. Enjoy~ I really want to thank those who keeps reading this as well as my other stories and to those who keeps waiting for the update. The wait is over. Here you go enjoy~ this is dedicated to those who requested some MidoKuro~ ? Kudos



Chapter 5

It has been a week and precisely 4 days when Tetsuya and Daiki grew closer and closer. You would see them playing badketball (more likely with Daiki still teaching Tetsuya the basics) almost everyday or just lazing around in Tetsuya's room or Daiki's room, with Tetsuya reading his books and Daiki reading manga, or just bothering Tetsuya to play with him. Expectedly, their parents were very much happy with this progress, save for their other brothers especially Ryouta, and Seijuro was still analyzing why Daiki is so caught up with their new younger brother since he wad never like that towards Ryouta and Atsushi who were his younger brothers before Tetsuya even came to their lives

It was supposed to be another same day for a certain green haired young master of the Akashi family Well it was what he expected, but it must have been that he had done something to anger the goddess of luck because in front of him, flashing on the screen of the television inside his bedroom, on his favorite television show. It showed that Cancer, his zodiac sign came last in the ranking of the "luckiest zodiac sign of the day". A scowl could be seen in his young face, a puff on his chubby cheeks and an annoyed aura was emitting around him which will tell you not to go closer or even talk to him which will also wouldn't enter Ryouta's little head who had annoyed the irrotated green haired monster and now in their parents room bawling on their mother after a certain object was thrown directly towards his face. Yes, Akashi-Midorima Shintaro is indeed in a very foul mood, after he "accidentally" stepped on his eyeglasses which "accidentally" slipped from his eyes and fell on the floor, or when Ryota and Daiki were bickering at the dining table and Daiki threw a spoonfull of yogurt towards Ryouta, who dodged it by crouching down and directly hitting Shintaro on the face earning a loud laugh from Daiki and Ryota. Yes, Shintaro is indeed in a foul mood. So after looking at the lower part of the screen where the lucky items were listed to prevent the horrible luck of Cancerians and memorizing them, he turned off the tv and headed to search his lucky item. Anything that is the color of cerulean blue or someone who is an Aquarian. After an hour or so of searching his room and couldn't find any, he then headed to the library with even worser aura around him.

'Maybe there is a book with a cover of cerulean blue in the library'

Frustrated in not finding the right color of what he wanted he unconsciouly sat on the couch positioned on the corner near the giant window of the library of their mansion. There are still stack of books with different shades of blue cover on the table.

"This is not the color either"

He groans softly as he picked up another book and examining the color of its cover, just then that he heard rustling of paper next to him. A yelp almost came out of his mouth when he saw someone comfortably sitting next to him. It was their youngest little brother.

"When were you here?!"

He exclaimed, shock evident on his face. Tetsuya looked at his big brother and placed the book he is reading on his lap.

"I have been here the whole time"

He said softly while eyeing Shintaro. Shintaro's eyes twitched, he never even noticed him since he came to tje library nor when he sat on the couch. Just then when he's about to leave the matter be and went back to searching for his lucky item, he saw the color of Tetsuya's hair. It was the color that he was looking for. And then, thr clouds that were hiding the sun disappeared and the sunlight hit Tetsuya's figure through the glass window, casting a surreal image in front of him. Next to him, his younger brother looked so angelic with the ray of sunshine around him. He looked so perfect.

In a closer look, jut then that he realized how Tetsuya's skin looked so white, how thicj his eyelashes were, the faint flush on his chubby cheeks, how pink and how pink and plump his lips were, the cute structure of his nose and jaw and how fluffy and soft his hair looked like. But then, he just realized how dull and empty? His eyes when he locked eyes with him.

"Is there something wrong Shintaro onii-san?"

He asked as he tilted his head to the side, Shintaro blinked. Once, twice. After a few more seconds just then he realized what Tetsuya said and shook his head.

"You are alone, where is that bodyguard of yours?"

Shintaro changed the subject, seeing that normally that other idiotic brother of theirs is always with Tetsuya. Now, that intrigued him. Well of course, he wouldn't say that aloud so he oppened the book he is holding and trying to read it to look more casual.


Tetsuta asked confusedly. Well, he was sure that he doesn't have a bodyguard or anything like that. Shintaro looked up from the book and shifted his gaze towards his younger brother.

"That Daiki, he was always with you like a dog guarding his owner"

Tetsuya blinked for a few before muttering an "oh" before a soft smile formed on his soft and plump lips. Shintaro once again blinked. Once, twice, thrice. The empty and dull eyes for a moment there was something in there, something that only appeared when that ganguro's name was mentioned, before Tetsuya turned to fave him and the same dull and eyes were there once again.

"He went out with Akira Otou-san. They went out after breakfast"

He explained shortly, an there was it again. The hint of emotion on his emotionless tone. Sadness, and once again because of that stupid ganguro. Shintaro just stared at the book he was supposed to be reading. The room was filled with silence only the cicadas and the rustling of the leaves outside could be heard."

That was good"

Tetsuya surprisingly was the one to break the silence between them, making Shintaro to look uo at his younger brother with confusion in his face.

"What is?"

He asked ad he studied the movements of Tetsuya, who looked at the book he was readung then shifted back to lock eyes with Shintaro before shifting back to the book on his big brother's hands.

"That book you are reading. It was one of my favorites"

He simoly said before going back to reading his forgotten book. Shintaro then shifted his gaze from Tetsuya to the book he was holding. Closing it to look at the title. "THE FROG AND THE LONELY WOLF". He once again opened the book and started reading from the very start.

Peaceful and calm atmosphere surrounded them. Even though they didn't exchanged any words and just immersed themselves on their novels they found comfort in each other's company. This was not a bad day at all Shintaro discreetly took a glance on his younger brother then went back to reading the story.

Meanwhile, Akira Akashi and a young boy, Akashi-Aomine Daiki, were standing in front of a building. Akira's hand was resting on Daiki's shoulder as he looked down on his son, an indifferent expression on his face. He squeezes his hand on his shoulder, but just enough not to hurt him but get his attention and give him his support.

"If you're not yet ready, we could always come again another time"

Akira said in his best comforting voice, making Daiki to look up at his step-father and before shaking his head.

"It's fine"

Akira sighed before leading Daiki inside the building. Just then his phone rang, he grabbed it from inside his pocket and looked at the caller. His beloved wife. He slide the answer button.

"Hello Anata. How was Daiki-kun doing?"

The other side asked, worry was very visible on his voice making Akira smile softly, he was just glad that Tsukimi came to love the kids as her own even though not all of them were theirs. But then his soft smile was replaced by tight lipped and stern feature.

"We just got inside and Daiki is on the psychiatrist's office. He was talking with him about the matter. I'm heading now to the office to get the papers done"

He sighed as he knocked on the door three times and was answered by a faint "please come in".

"I hope everything turned alright"

Akira looked up at the ceiling as he sighed, and the indifferent face of Daiki flashed through his memory as well as that day.

"I hope so too. I have to go now love. I love you"

Akira opened the door and enter the room after he heard his wife's reply

"I love you too. Be careful to the both of you"

He then hang up the phone and headed to the doctor's table.

"I hope everything turned alright too"