A/N: And so it ends! I really, truly cannot believe the support I've received from this project- all of you are so sweet and encouraging and I don't even have words to express how sincerely thankful I am. Thank you all for sticking out this project with me and cheering me on- this wouldn't have been possible without you!

Because I just love to torture myself with new projects, I'm publishing the first chapter of my Glimmer-centric drabble series under the title "Make Me Your Queen". It will have 50 drabbles, each 100 words, updated daily.

Thank you all again so much! It's been a wild journey, but you all made it worth it.

Yes, you. The reader. You've followed along with these stories for a lifetime, finding yourself in Rue's vibrancy and Peeta's kindness and Katniss's courage. Perhaps you took sides in the unfolding love triangle, or maybe your thoughts never left the Careers. Maybe you delved deeper into the influences that underlaid the villains' actions. Maybe you mourned Prim's death or rebuilt yourself alongside Katniss. These stories were written for you. Claim them.

You are every bit as important as all of the other characters, for they can only tell the story. You are the one who makes it come to life.