Emily's POV:


Two years of living in Gotham City. Two years of being known as 'Gotham's Darling' because I was Bruce Wayne's little cousin and was apparently one of the most beautiful girls living in Gotham. Of course, I also was said to be one of the most beautiful orphans, which the orphan part is true. Like Bruce, I was orphaned at a young age, though my parents weren't murdered by some mugger in the alley behind an opera house. I was just a baby when my parents were killed in a car crash. I never knew them, but I did know one thing and that was that I wasn't supposed to leave Gotham in the wake of some unseen tragedy. I was supposed to stay with my aunt and uncle with my cousin, but instead I was taken away and raised in a different city for twenty years.

Now, twenty years later, here I am in Gotham again looking for my cousin, Bruce. It came as no surprise to me that everyone knew who Bruce was. Our family was basically one of the richest families in Gotham because of Wayne Enterprises. I didn't care about the money one bit. All I wanted was to find the last of my family and let him know that he's not alone in the world. I knew Bruce probably felt that way since his parents were murdered and covered it up from everyone else.

It was easy enough to get to Gotham, but the hard part would be to get to Wayne Manor without attracting too much attention to myself. I knew better than anyone that Bruce was a celebrity of Gotham and that basically anyone associated with him would be stalked by the paparazzi. Thankfully, I was certain that no one would know who I was until news came out that I was Bruce Wayne's last living family member. Of course, from the looks of my casual clothing and nature, I probably wasn't going to be what the press would be expecting at all.

Walking the streets of Gotham at night in the rain, I kept my hood up and my head low to avoid attention from any possible muggers. Still, if anyone did try to jump me, they wouldn't get any money because of my unique hacking skills that kept my money safe. As I kept walking, I thought I heard something past the pouring rain nearby. I stopped to listen, concentrating past the rain until I heard the unmistakable scream of a woman crying out for help. Thoughts of what it must've been like for Bruce running through my head, I ran through the rain to the alley I heard the scream come from.

Not two seconds later, I was standing at the edge of the alley. Inside, I could see two men trying to mug a woman and get her purse away from her. She looked utterly helpless, her shirt torn from struggling and what I thought was blood running from her nose from a possible punch to the face. Gritting my teeth together, I grabbed a nearby trashcan lid and charged at one of the men, smacking him over the head with it. I would've laughed if the situation wasn't so serious with the way he fell over like a ton of bricks, but there was still the matter of the other mugger.

I looked up quickly and saw the other mugger distracted with his friend. Seeing my chance, I grabbed the woman's arm, pulling her towards the entrance of the alley. "Run!" I shouted at her, shoving her. She made some sort of noise that sounded like a squeak, but obeyed nonetheless, scurrying out of the alley. Having saved the woman, I started to run after her out of the alley when strong arms quickly grabbed me, pulling me back in. A cry wrenched its way out of my lips when the man I'd distracted pinned my arms behind my back, leaving me vulnerable. "Mike, get up! I got the little bitch! I got her!" the guy holding me shouted past the rain.

The guy I'd hit, Mike, slowly got up and rubbed the back of his head, malice shining in his dark eyes. Fear sprouted in the pit of my stomach as I saw no way out. I didn't have a weapon to defend myself with and my arms were pinned too tightly behind my back to break free. I struggled frantically as Mike rolled his shoulders before saying, "I'm gonna enjoy this." Then, without any hesitation, he pulled his fist back and sent a hard punch into my gut. I grunted, trying to fight past the pain. Mike delivered more blows to my stomach, ribs, and face until I finally tasted blood in my mouth. My body too weak to fight anymore, I felt myself slump in the other guy's arms before he dropped me to the wet ground. I barely heard them speaking to one another above me before I saw their blurry images running off into the rain.

Hours seemed to pass before I even managed to get close to the alley entrance by crawling painfully. The whole time I wanted to scream, but my ribs wouldn't let me. I feared that if I tried, I wouldn't be able to breathe. Minutes passed with me lying in the alley entrance until I saw the blurred figure of someone cautiously walking towards me in front of some car's headlights. The figure, an old man, spoke to me in a British accent and asked if I was alright, but I couldn't answer. However, before I passed out, I could've sworn I heard him call me Mistress Wayne.

Waking up hours later in the comfiest bed I'd ever been in, I could hardly believe it when the two men standing over me revealed themselves to be my cousin and the family butler, Alfred. Alfred revealed to me that he was the one who found me beaten half to death in the alley and somehow recognized me to be a Wayne. I had no idea how he knew, but I was grateful. Bruce could hardly believe me being there either, but brought me in all the same.