Chapter 3: Memories
Hey guys, how has your week been? Sorry for the delay, don't you just love finals? Anyway, you'll never believe what happened, FireHero followed my story. Isn't that crazy, also, I haven't been able to read any comments from beyond May 11th so sorry about that. Plus, on regards to some of the first comments saying it was like FireHero's, I did not know. I honestly thought that I was making an original story. I in no way shape or for tried to rip them off. Any who, there shall be more regular updates and ill try to make longer chapters, but sometimes I just have a hard time to decide witch way I want the story to go, cause I believe that I can take it many different ways. Also, many of you kept telling me that his reptile eyes were a bit too cringe, so they're more like a bears dark drown. However, just imagine him with whatever eyes you fell are a good fit. Anyway, now that my rant is over, onto the real reason you are here.
Miura POV
The first time I saw him, I dismissed him as a creep and delinquent, I mean, how comes to school two weeks after it started anyway? I didn't think about him later till we ended up in the same class. Even then, I never really paid much attention to him. Though, can you blame me, he just seems to fade into the background every time, not like I was looking for him or anything. Anyway, my opinion on him didn't change until he stood up to Hayato and me when we wanted to use the tennis court. He was such a prick, making me fall and beating Hayato. The nerve. After that, I kept an eye on him, I mean, its not everyday that someone does anything to go against Hayato. Plus Yui was hanging out with him and that bitch Yukinoshita, I got to to look out for my friends after all.
Then there was the time we meet on the bridge. Close to home, there this old style bridge that goes over a small stream that separates neighborhoods, and sometimes when I need a place to think, I go there and just, well, think. So it was there that I was just sitting, when out of the blue, there he is, the source of my problems. So I was just a little annoyed that he appeared, how did he even know where I was? Is he, like, some kind of stalker?
"No, I don't stalk you. I live a few blocks from here."
Ehh, how did he know what I was thinking, is he some kind of mind reader, like in the anime I watch?
"No, you just keep talking out loud." I blushed as I realized my mistake, and he had this look on his face, I could tell that he was making fun of me. So we sat there and had a little heart to heart. Well, more like I outright blamed him for why Yui was behaving differently the last few weeks. All of it, every single last piece of anger and frustration I had, I let it out on him, and he just stood there, blank face and all, like he wasn't even affected by what I was saying, and that just pissed me off more.
"Are you done now?" he asked, the audacity, can't he see that I'm raving here. Well, he went on this whole shpell that if I couldn't accept that Yui was different then a few weeks ago, then what kind of friend was I. That just made me so mad, that I walked, more like stormed, away from him. Still over the next few days, his words just kept buzzing around my head, and anytime I tried to get rid of them, the sound logic of his words kept coming back and biting me in the ass until I finally accepted that he was right and I was wrong. That was a big pill for me to swallow. So when I went back to the bridge that night, I was surprised that he was there again, almost like he was expecting me. Apparently he was just as surprised that I had come back.
After that, every other night or so, I became an unspoken rule that we were to meet there to talk about, well, anything really. We even talked about the effects that were suffered from his "confession" to Ebina. At some point, he just kind of became the brother I never had. Plus, I'm sure that he felt that kind of way towards me as well, maybe? I could never tell with him, so stoic and stuff all the time. It was one night that he came to meet that I found out just how broken he was. It started normal enough, but then we slipped into territory that we both kind of knew not to mention. It happened so suddenly, that I didn't even realize just how, deep, I guess the word is, how our conversations went.
So when he just up and told me that he hated himself, I was unprepared, you know. So was shocked, I never would have guessed that he would be the kind of person to think like that. I mean sure, the guy had a way of being a downer and depressing and stuff, to for me to see how deep it ran, it was scary. He told me about the real reason he came to the bridge. Every night, he would come past and think about jumping over, ending his life. He told me that it was the night that he saw me that he was actually thinking of going through with it.
After, we just kind of sat there, like, what was I supposed to say to that? Eventually, I managed to pull the words outta my mouth, "I'm glad you didn't. I've gotten used to these meetings, and you don't change what I'm used to got it?" I said with a mean face. Inside, I was surprised at what I said, I never normally would say these kinds of things. Plus, this was the first time that I verbalized my liking of meeting with him. He also looked surprised, then, I swear it was just because it was light, I swear, because he gave me this little, almost not even existent smile. It was the kind of smile that screamed that he was broken, but I could see in his eyes that there was hope in them, it was almost as if his eyes came to life. My breath was taken away, without those dead eyes of his, he looked almost, cute, and I couldn't help but blush. Like I said, it must have been the lighting or something, cause in the next moment, it was back to his normal self. It was then however, that I decided, even if it was just a play on the light that I wanted to see that look on his face again. So if I have to drag his ass here and make him talk with me to make it happen, then so be it.
After School
In the Service Club Room
Hikigaya POV
I stood in front of the doorway to that place. The one that I had previously thought was a safe heaven for me. A place where I thought I had found people that would accept me as I was. The place where I stood was none other than the Service clubroom. I entered, and there they were, the two people that so cruelly stabbed me in the back. So lost in there own little world that they thought I couldn't reach, that I didn't belong to, that I was going to destroy.
"Hikki, you came today. We had a request yesterday, but you decided not to come, so we pushed it off till today."
"Yes, Hikigaya so glad you could join us today, we know how busy your schedule is."
I grunted and took my seat on the other end of the table, as far as possible from those two. I would have left this club already if I didn't know that Hiratsuka-sensei would force me to come still. As I pulled my book out, the door opened again, and walked in that foxy kōhai of mine, Isshiki Iroha skipped right up to the seat set out for her. I sighed; of course she would be the one to need help. Can't seem to do anything without my help it seems.
"Senpai you're here, I need your help with something. That is if Yukinoshita-Senpai is ok with it that is."
What am I, some kind of dog that others need permission to pet? Anger flashed through me, I am my own person; I can do what I want without the need to ask others, besides Mom, I always need to ask Mom. Anyway, I stood up before Yukinoshita could say anything. Damn my big brother instincts, I need to raise my special defense against the attacks of this despicable fairy type. It's too effective against my dark nature.
"Hikigaya, I did not say that you could go with her." Yukinoshita spoke with a cold tone to her voice. What, don't like it when your dog doesn't follow your orders? Well, better get used to it, cause thing dog just got a whole lot more bark to back up it's bite.
"I'm sorry, but when did I need your permission to help my underclassmen out?" I asked, my eyes narrowing as I looked at her. It seems she didn't expect that form me, cause it took her a couple seconds to respond. "I am this clubs president, you will follow my instructions or I will refer you to Hiratsuka sensei for discipline." She sounded so damn proud of herself, thinking that she won. Oh Yukino-chan, I'm far from done here.
"While it's true that you have control of the club's actions" here I could see her smirk a bit, bet you she thought that I was going to give into her. I got a surprise for then. "However, I do not recall Isshiki asking the club for help, she was asking me. Since it is a personal favor, you have no right to butt into this, Yukinoshita." I said as I tuned towards the door, motioning Isshiki with me. I planned on getting out before she could get out a rebuttal, but I was too late.
"That may be true, but you are still a member of this club, and any request, be it made to the whole club or a single member must be brought to me, personal or otherwise incase they are in need of assistance. So either you stay here and we hear the request together or you are here by suspended from the club." The tone she said that with was frigid, even my anger, hot as it may be, was having a hard time to withstand that icy blast. Her words however gave me the extra boost to shove away the cold feeling. Maybe a week or hell, even a day ago I would have given up this little personal rebellion that was going on. Her words though, gave me the extra heat to push aside the chill I was feeling and pushed on with my quest.
"Alright then, Isshiki" my eyes were closed as I spoke, refusing to give away any feelings going on. Isshiki looked defeated, and those two, pricks, looked so self-satisfied. "Let's go, you have need for my help don't you?" She looked up at me so suddenly, you would have thought that she broke her neck with how fast she did it. Yukinoshita and Yuigahama looked startled.
"Hikki, didn't you hear what Yukinon said, you'll be suspended if you go!"
"I heard perfectly fine what she said, but that is not going to stop me. You think you have power over me, Yukinoshita? Well heads up, there is nothing that you can do to make me do anything at all. So go ahead, refer me to sensei, suspended me, but get the thought that you can make do things out of your head. Come on, Isshiki, we're going."
With that, we left the room; leaving those two in shocked suspension we walked to library in silence, the sound of our footsteps the only thing that was heard in the hall. When we reached our destination, she just stood there with her head down.
"Well, what did you need me for?" I asked. She kept her head down, and when I was about to repeat my question, she mumbled something under her breath. " What was that? Say it louder." Again she just muttered something incoherent to me. "What are you saying, Isshiki" I said, raising my voice a bit.
"I said, did I just ruin you relationship with the club?" she shouted at me, tears in the corners of her eyes. My eyes widened, that's what she thinks went on there. I have to defuse this situation right here, before it gets further out of hand. So I bonked her on the head with my knuckles, making her look up at me with a pouting look on her face.
" Look Isshiki, what happened was building up for a long time now. This had nothing to do with you or your request, got it." She nodded. "Now then, what's that request you had for me, and after, we can go get some ice cream if you want." I said, looking the other way as I spoke. Jeez, I suck at comforting crying girls.
"Are you perhaps thinking of getting to my heart by getting me food, Senpai, I apologize but I'm just not looking for a relationship right now. Thank you but try again some other time." I shook my head; of course she would make that same joke, though I suppose that it's better than the alternative.
"Yeah yeah, so what do you need me to do this time?" She went on to talk about the insane work that she wanted me to do, but whatever, she gave me an excuse to talk down Yukinoshita, so I guess that I can do all of this for her, just this once. Inside, I could feel the beast smile inside of me, it had gotten its first taste of payback, and it was hungry for more, and honestly, so was I. So as we walked to the student council room, a sinister smile worked it's way on to my face. Yes, I thought, this is just the beginning of what is to come.
Boom, look at that chapter, and tell me that is was not worth the wait. Anyway, thank you all so much for the awesome reviews that I've gotten on this story. So like I said, more frequent and maybe longer chapters are ahead. Maybe. Possibly. Depends. Thanks to all you dudes, and I'll see all you, at the next chapter. Peace