It took everything in me to keep from blowing my load inside of her as she rode me. I didn't understand how she could be so into it when she's never even seen my face. Her body was perfect. Creamy white skin, double D breast, cushioned tummy, voluptuous hips... I closed my eyes and tried to imagine something..., anything besides her bouncing on top of me. I paid a lot of money for her and I didn't want it to end so quickly. I've been part of the swinging scene for awhile now. Venus and Club Lion were a few of my favorites. I always had good time. But my all time favorite club was Seduction. I was a Loyal customer with them. To many, I was considered the proverbial social butterfly. I knew all the regulars. I fucked most of the popular females a time or two, while most people only got to fantasize of hitting it. I was cool with all the bartenders, waitresses and even the owners of the different clubs I attended. So when the owner of Club Seduction, David Rossi, invited me to a special event he was having at his house, I was all in. He told me it was a charity event, so I figured it would probably be low key. Nothing too crazy.

Man, was I completely wrong.

"Morgan." Said the older Italian man as he waved for him to come over.

Morgan put down his second glass of Hennessy and walked over to join the club owner.

"Mr. Rossi." He gave the man a firm shake of the hand. "What have I told you about addressing me by my last name."

Dave shook his head with a smirk. "And how many times do I have to tell you that I give the utmost respect to my loyal customers." He gave him a pat on the back before motioning for him to sit.

He smiled and took a seat in the leather sofa chair across from Rossi.

Derek sat slouched back in his seat with his arm bent on the arm rest to prop his head up, while Mr. Rossi sat straight up with one leg crossed.

"No Savannah this evening?"

"Nah she cut out. Had some emergency at the hospital."


A waitress walked by carrying a platter of shots. Derek waved his hand to get her attention and she glided right over to him handing him the glass filled with Hennessy.

"How are things at work at the BAU."

Derek chuckled and took a swig from his glass.

"The usual. These damn unsubs just never stop. The other day one of them outran me. Can you believe that?

Rossi let out a hearty laugh while Derek continued.

"I'm beginning to think maybe I'm getting too old for this shit." He smirked and put his glass down.

"Got any plans this weekend?"

Derek shook his head. "Not that I'm aware of... unless Hotch calls me in for a case."

"I'm having an event at my home Saturday evening."

Derek looked the man in the face.

"You should drop by."

Derek went mute. To say he was stunned was an understatement. He tried to keep the expression off his face. The relaxing sound of a piano playing crept upon his ears, along with the sound of chatter and glasses clinking in the bar area.



"The event at my home. It's going to be to be an auction. Are you in?"

I didn't understand why he wanted me there for that. I didn't need anything he had.

I probably couldn't afford it anyway.

But I agreed to come.

Rossi stood from his seat and walked around to the back of him. "Good. I'll email you the address." He went to walk away but stopped. "Oh and Morgan, make sure to leave your wife at home."

Derek drove down the street in his black Audi. He was a little worried about driving to this particular area of town at this time of night.

Black man, in this white of a neighborhood? Seems like a setup.

But he had no problems.

When he received the email from Rossi with the address, he just knew the house was going to be lavish. Anybody that lived on that side out town had to have tons of money!

After leaving his car with the valet, Derek began the long walk up the palm lined drive, past landscaped lawns, to the circular driveway. Black wrought iron lanterns illuminated the entry to the three story mansion.

"Nice place." He muttered.

Derek jogged up the steps and knocked on the huge oak door. He looked back at the circular driveway which was full of Bentley's and other high end luxury cars. He assumed some of the people attending the event were driven in limousines because drivers were sitting and waiting for their passengers to return.

Fancy. He continued to wait for someone to answer the door.

Finally he was invited in by what looked to be a maid, but she definitely had to be hired for the event. She wore a French maid outfit; the kind that women wore during Halloween parties that were a little more sexy than functional. Majority of her face was covered by a phantom of the opera style mask but from the glimpse of her hazel eyes, Derek could tell she was beautiful.

He was slightly confused about her appearance, but he couldn't keep his eyes off the rest of her body long enough to focus on the mask.

Her breasts were so full and ripe, they were spilling out the top of her blouse!

The maid welcomed Derek into the home that wasn't hers and silently offered to take his coat.

"No thanks." He told her.

The maid turned her back to him and began walking down the hall. She motioned for him to follow.

Derek followed behind the woman and noticed that she was carrying a feather duster in one hand and a silver briefcase in the other.

Strange combo.

His curiosity about the briefcase was short lived once he noticed the shortness of her skirt that barely covered her assets. He internally groaned as he felt the stirrings of a hard on coming along.

He couldn't keep his eyes off of it as she led him through the house. The way it swayed and jiggled to the perfect rhythm of her stiletto pumps hitting the tile floor. He figured she knew that he was staring, so he didn't feel all that bad. This girl had it going on and he hoped maybe he could flirt with her later. He was interested.

Derek briefly found inner strength and was able to peel his eyes away from her swaying butt to look around and take in his surroundings. He hoped he wouldn't need to find his way out of Rossi's house because after a few turns and hallways, he was completely lost. Being an FBI agent, it was in his nature to always pay attention to direction, but his eyes were to busy focused on that ass.

The rumbling sound of music and voices were heard as they got closer to their destination. Before they stepped around the final corner, the ass stopped. Derek looked up to make eye contact with her as the maid turned around and presented him briefcase. She held it up with her hands underneath and just smiled without saying a word.

Derek wasn't quite sure what she wanted at first but he guessed she wanted him to open it, so he reached out to click the buttons. She didn't stop him, so he continued to opened the case.

Inside the briefcase were six different color masquerade masks.

"My master requests that you please choose a mask that is to your liking before entering. Everyone is to remain completely anonymous tonight."

This was strange, Derek thought. He never had to hide his face at any of Rossi's events before. He contemplated for a moment if he should go through with the rules or not. It was still early, so he could easily turn around and go home. But after coming this far curiosity was locked in and he needed to know what was happening at this event.

Shrugging his shoulders, Derek grabbed a mask that matched his maroon muscled shirt.

Miss Maid purred in appreciation and nibbled at her bottom lip. She slowly reached up her hands to adjust his mask to make sure he could see.

"All set handsome." She caressed his cheek then turned around motioning for him to follow her once again.

Derek playfully swatted at the air pretending it were her assets he was hitting. He made a mental note, that if he got the chance tonight he was definitely gonna give that ass a smack.

Stopping briefly, the maid turned back around to the guest. Derek snaked his arm behind his back and had the look of the cat that ate the canary on his face. The woman wondered what this handsome man was up too but she needed to keep it professional and do her job.

"Welcome to The Masquerade Event ...mon cher" she ended in a seductive tone that made his prick twitch in his pants.

Who would have knew the maid spoke French!

Derek threw her a saucy grin, before walking through the velvet curtain she had pulled to the side.

On the other side of the curtain, the house turned into Vegas. There were craps tables, black jack, a roulette wheel spin in one corner and people everywhere. The waitresses were walking around topless and the drinks were strong as hell.

Everybody seemed to be having a great time.

Derek jumped right on in like he had been there all night. He tossed a few hey's to the bartenders and whispered a few naughty comments to the waitresses. Regardless of everyone wearing masks, with his profiling skills his friends didn't go unrecognized.

Sneaking up behind one of his coworkers, Derek leaned in to speak,

"Hey kid, I see you got a special invite too."

Spencer's eyes nearly popped out of his head. He was embarrassed to be caught at one of these events, but it wasn't the first time he and Morgan had crossed paths.

"You didn't see me here tonight. If JJ asks I was at the 24 hour library. And I better not hear any jokes about this at work next week."

Spencer downed the rest of his drink and hurried from his seat to get lost in the crowd of people.

Oh I'm definitely going to crack jokes next week.

Derek was up $9,000 at the black jack table, trying his best not to piss off the older white men who kept shooting him death glares because he was easily taking their money. His dear friend Spencer was a genius, and had taught him the 'proper' way to play a couple of years back. Was he cheating? No. Was his friend Reid banned from all the casinos in the country because he was too smart for his own good? Yes.

But Derek wasn't...

"Come on boys, tonight is just my lucky night. Tomorrow will be yours." He joked.

The men around the table complained.

As if on cue, the sexy maid that welcomed him into the mansion stepped through a door in the corner of the room.

"May I have your attention please. The auction is about to begin, so I ask that everybody follows me to the main event."

All of the men immediately stopped their games, collected their winnings and began walking towards her. The workers that ran the tables began shutting down shop as if that was the off duty whistle at a factory.

Derek quickly grabbed his little bit of winnings and followed behind the other masked men. He shoved chips into his jacket and pants pockets as he tried to keep up with the fast moving crowd.

Eventually everybody wound up in a room with seats lined up around a makeshift stage.

This was getting stranger and stranger.

Derek took a seat in the second row from the back as he saw Mr. Rossi emerge from a door at the front of the room. Dave welcomed everyone to the event and got straight to it.

I finally understood what kind of auction this was.

He was selling women.

Not literally.

But ease dropping on the whispered conversation behind me, the gentlemen cleared everything up.

The women here had agreed to be auctioned off. They were willing to have sex with whoever was willing to pay the most money for them.

I wasn't entirely sure where the money was going or if there really was even a charity.

But what I did know is that Rossi sure knew how to have a fundraiser.

"Rule #1" Rossi began, "You must remain anonymous. The men have on their masquerade masks and the women will be blindfolded. Neither of which are to be removed. Do I make myself clear?"

Majority of the men said their "Yeah's" while a few groans of disappointment was heard. Before Rossi started with Rule #2, the same men that groaned in disappointment were being snatched up from their seats by security and escorted out of the room.

Wow! Rossi ain't playing tonight. I'm impressed.

Rossi cleared his throat. "Okay! Where were we? Oh yes, Rule #2. You may not leave with the ladies. I have multiple rooms that will be used for as long as the ladies desire to stay with you but remember they are not allowed to be taken from the property. Kapeesh?"

Again, majority of the men made noises in approval while a few slipped up with their groans of disapproval and were once again removed from the party.

David Rossi smirked at the men that were left attending his charity. It was the outcome he had hoped for, between the filthy rich, and his loyal customers who he's grown friendships with. He spotted his favorite customer Derek Morgan just then and raised his glass of scotch to him.

Derek gave his friend a mirrored smirk.

I guess my choice of mask isn't so anonymous.

"Last we have Rule #3 which is the highest bidder wins the prize!"

The men cheered and the auction began.

The first woman was brought out. She was completely naked, except for her blindfold. The gentleman started bidding immediately. Derek sat back and watched. He was waiting for the one he wanted. He would every now an then place a small bet on a female so it seemed as if he were interested but nevertheless, he knew who he wanted.

Once all the heavy hitters were gone, he was almost positive that the woman he wanted was probably not up for sale tonight.

Sighing in disappointment, Derek pulled out the last of his cash ready to make a bid on whomever was next up for grabs. He refused to go home unsatisfied.

The next lady that came out looked familiar. When Rossi spun her around he knew exactly who she was. It was the French maid that brought him in. The one he wanted.

The bidding started and Derek raised his hand every time. There was an asian man to the left of him that kept raising his hand every time also. The men were going neck and neck for what seemed like forever before the bidding came to a halt.

"Seven thousand dollars, going once, going twice... SOLD! to the man on the right."

Finally Derek had won his prize. It took a little more than he would have liked, but he knew she was worth it.

A grin spread across his lips as the Maid and Derek were led down a hallway towards their private room. Rossi slipped a room key into Derek's hand and gave him a wink. He pointed him in the direction of the door and turned on his heel to leave his two favorite customers.

A/N: Hi, I usualy write my message in the beginning but decided to leave it for the end. This is a small tribute to my previous readers of Club Lion.. This isn't nearly as long or descriptive as that amazing story, but a 2 shot came to mind so I ran with it :) Next chapter is pure smut! You have been warned.