A/N: I'm not dead! Or giving up. So with that, here's the next chapter! I was really excited for this one because...Flashback! Well, dream past thingy. So tell me what you think of the first flashback dream thingy. Sadly (but fortunately for me) that means you have to review. Speaking of:

Mathew5641- Thank you so much for the review and here you go!

Also, thanks to all of you who still follow, favorite, and read this story. So, please, read, review, and ENJOY!

Disclaimer: I'm too poor to own Zootopia or The Mummy (1999)

Chapter 6- Chance Encounters and Forgotten Dreams

Judith always prided herself on not getting into trouble. Despite being a bit odd, according to her parents, she was level headed and made sure no one else got into trouble. Then she was sold to become a prey consort for the pharaoh. The money was needed to get the medicine to help the little ones, so she didn't mind being sold. It was just hard to deal with the fancy caretaking, the stifling riches, and the suffocating reminder that despite how well she was treated, she would always be the Pharoah's toy. She had to escape, for just a minute. Now, here she is running from a furious rhino guard for defending a hungry boy.

"Stop!" Judith looked back to see the rhino chasing after her. This caused Judith to trip over a rock and hit the floor. Judith groaned and picked herself up. She gave a sigh of relief when she felt the hood still on her head, granted she was having a hard time balancing keeping her ears back. She felt something wet on her leg and looked back to see her left knee was scratched. She also noticed that the rhino was much closer than before. Judith quickly turned back around and stood up. She limped run till she saw an entrance to an alleyway. Judith skidded into the turn and ran forward, into a dead end. Judith gasped and turned around, but the rhino stood in front of the entrance. "You, can't go anywhere thief!" The rhino panted. Judith looked around to see a box angled upward towards the entrance. "You, will pay, the thief's price." The rhino panted.

"It was a kit fennec fox!" Judith yelled as she ran and jumped onto the box, but her hurt knee made her jump weak and she wasn't able to get far enough away from the rhino. The rhino grabbed her and pulled her to the ground. Judith yelped in pain.

"And you must be its prey servant." Instead of being afraid of the large rhino holding her down, Judith became angry. Yes she was actually a prey slave, but she was not going to let just anyone treat her like that.

"And you are a heartless greedy mammal that lets kids starve!" Judith spat in the Rhino's face. The rhino growled and pulled his sword out. Judith eyes widened at the shining metal. Then there was a loud thwack, and Judith saw a rock fall next to her. The rhino teetered until it fell to the side unconscious and letting her go. Judith sat up quickly and scooted back a bit. She stared at the rhino in fear and awe, wondering if he was going to wake up.

"I'd hurry princess." A smooth accented voice made Judith jolt up to a stand. She turned to see a red fox wearing a black bottom wrap, standing on the box she attempted her jump on, leaning casually against the wall.

"Princess?" Judith said, shaking her head. The fox pointed to her hooded head.

"Isn't that what the golden ear cuff and the black markings under your eyes mean?" Judith gasped and pulled her hood over head more. The fox chuckled. "No one saw it princess. I just have good eyes. Plus, I think you have more pressing matters. He will wake up soon." The fox pointed to the rhino. Judith decided to observe her savior. He had a leather bracelet on his right wrist and a red cloth wrapped around his upper left arm. Judith couldn't help but note his strong lean stature. "Hey princess!" Judith shook her head and looked up, into electric lime green eyes. "I know you must be one of the pharoah's pretty new toys from the country, but you should never leave your little play room." The fox leaned close to Judith, a smug look in his eye. Judith felt the anger and sadness she held back, come forward full force. Judith went towards the fox.

"I am not a plaything! I am not a princess! And I am not some country prey slave! My name is Judith, daughter of Allmech." Judith poked the fox's chest with each word, trying to ignore the hardness of it. "I will not let you see me as anything else." Judith put her hand on her cocked hip, foot thumping. Judith felt the fox's eyes observe her from top to bottom. Judith held in a shiver, but knew by the growing smirk he had, that she was not successful in hiding her blush.

"But which one of us is right?" The fox sneered. Judith stumbled back like she had been slapped. The fox's eyes widened slightly and he looked away. "Well Judith," Judith squirmed as she wiped watery eyes. His sarcastic tone became a bit more gentle saying her name. She ignored the warm feeling that wanted to rise and replaced it with her previous anger.

"Yes, thief?" Judith taunted. The fox glared back at Judith. "That is what you are, right?" Judith crossed her arms, ready for the attack she knew was coming. The fox smiled slyly.

"Yeah, and I simply came to repay you for helping my partner." Judith's eyebrow rose a bit at the fox's comment.

"Partner?" The fox let out a low chuckle at Judith's question.

"Well, princess, since that is what you are, that full grown fennec fox you helped was my partner." Judy froze and looked back at the unconscious rhino guard. He had been right, she had help a thief, not a starving child."Why the guilty face?" The fox came up to her and tilted her face towards him, letting her hood fall back. Judith noticed that his wide electric eyes flickered to her scarred cheek. Judith bared her teeth at the wide eyed fox.

"You, trickster. You, thief!" Judith yelled at him. She punched his gut, knocking him backward. The fox landed on his butt, laughing and gasping for air.

"Not quite, princess. Nima." The fox, Nima, stood and bowed deeply. "Salam." He got up and quickly climbed up the wall behind him. Judith blinked and followed after him.

"Hey!" Judith called after him once he was on the roof. Nima didn't look back and kept running across the rooftops. Judith bounded after him. Even with her injured leg, she was still faster than most animals. She saw an angle to where she could jump off and be ahead of him. She took the angle, and landed right in front of him. "Ha! Got you, thief." Judith proudly stood in front of Nima, on the roof's edge. Nima glanced behind her, and smirked.

"Really?" Nima kicked the roof's edge lightly and the part Judith was standing on gave away. She fell into a mound of hay.

"See you around princess!" Nima lept onto the next roof, leaving Judith in the hay. Judith growled as she stood up and cleaned herself off. The journey back to the palace was uneventful, which just let Judith's anger fester even more. She climbed the window to her room, and was surprised to see someone already there.

"Varvara. What are you doing out?" Varvara stood tapping her hoof as she glared at Judith.

"Judith! Why did you go out this time? Was it another mistreated slave?" Varvara asked sharply. Judith entered the room, her back to Varvara.

"No, I had a perfectly good reason this time." Judith took of her cloak, and looked at herself in the small mirror that hung on the wall. She was covered in hay like she was when she was little, and free. The golden cuff pierced in her ear glinted brightly, making her stomach drop. "I wanted to be free." Judith sighed and sat on her cot. Varvara sat next to her and put a hoof on her shoulder.

"It will get better. Just think, if you become one of his favorites, you'll be able to do whatever you want." Varvara chided hopefully.

"On his terms." Judith scoffed, but she looked to Varvara, who was gazing at her in understanding. Judith was the most recent concubine, she couldn't imagine being the first like Varvara. Judith sighed and gave Varvara a smile. "Thanks, I'll do that." Varvara smiled at Judith and gave her a new outfit.
"You better take a bath. He wants to see all of us tonight." Varvara ordered lightly. Judith nodded and headed to the washroom. Judith took a lavish bath and made sure that she adorned herself with everything to make herself look presentable and smell delectable. She got out in time to join the other consorts as they walked to the main hall. Judith got behind Varvara and put her head down like the rest. They entered the main hall and a feast was being held. The hall was lit with the golden glow of firelight bouncing off of the marble walls and stone pillars. All kinds of different mammals were laughing and drinking boisterously. The grandeur of it all still impressed Judith just a bit. The pharaoh, King Gamal, was a big majestic lion with golden fur and a fiery auburn mane. He was laughing at a joke his jaguar advisor, Imhotep as Judith recalled, had said. A trumpet announced their arrival. Judith bowed with the rest of the consorts.

"Ah! Here they are Imhotep." Gamal's loud slurred voice made Judith fist her hands to contain her nose twitching in disgust. "Our entertainment!" Gamal roared and everyone cheered, except for Imhotep. He glanced at each consort sadly. The understanding in his blazing orange eyes frightened Judith. "Come prey! Show us a good time!" Gamal laughed as the consorts and Judith stepped up. "Not you Varvara," Gamal gestured to Varvara. "Sit next to me." Gamal purred, his sharp teeth showing. Judith glanced at her to see her walk shakily to Gamal. Judith's fists grew tighter as she resisted the urge to jump in front of Varvara. Varvara sat next to Gamal, and he began running his claws through her wool. "Now, we can begin!" Music began playing as the next few consorts after Varvara stepped up and began dancing. They dance calmly and sensually, their fear that was so apparent only moments ago was gone. Judith jumped as something touched her shoulder.

"Where were you this morning?" Samma, a shaved pure white fox with sky blue eyes, signed to her. Judith's eyes widened. Her trip this morning took longer than expected, so she missed her and Samma's tutoring session. Guilt weighed Judith's aching heart.

"I went out and got caught by some bandits." Judith whispered. Samma's stared at Judith in concern.

"Did they hurt you? Do I need to stop our fight?" Samma gestured wildly and crudely. Judith placed her paws on Samma's to stop her from gaining any other mammal's attention. Judith stared at Samma. She was very different from the red fox, Nima. For one, Samma's eyes were kinder, and full concern. There was also the different coats. Samma's thin shaved white coat, allowed the scars she gained in servitude to show. Judith wondered if Nima's fur had any scars. Judith was surprised that Nima still had his tongue. Since Samma was sold by slave dealers from her homeland up North, they cut out her tongue because she was a rebellious youth. Granted, Judith knew that if Samma could talk, she would probably be running her mouth like Nima. Judith shook her, trying to clear her head.

"I'm not hurt so we're good." Judith gave Samma's paws a little squeeze, assuring Samma. Although, concern still shone in her eyes. Samma pulled her paws out of Judith's

"But you are not okay." Samma signed. Judith opened her mouth to argue, but she knew Samma was right. Judith closed her mouth tightly and looked away. Judith watched the tiny otters in front of her, one whom she knew was married before she was taken, perform a seductive and erotic play. Nima's words rang in her head. She could tell herself that she was was still free, but deep down she knew the truth. She was just a country slave, an item. Judith was brought out of her thoughts when the gong sounded. Samma and her were up.

The floor cleared as everyone began to mummer excitedly. The most disgusting thing to Judith was Gamal's pure lust as he watched her. Judith roughly grabbed the dual axes and faced Samma. Samma was already on the other side of the room, sais in hand. The gong sounded again and they circled each other. Judith let Samma go for the first hit since she missed their session that morning. Samma pounced at her, sais going for her scarred cheek. Judith dodge, barely escaping the blow. She landed a few feet away from Samma. Samma quickly redirected her attack, stabbing the ground with her sai and using it to turn towards Judith. She pulled her sai out of the ground and threw the dirt in Judith's eyes. Judith covered her eyes but it was in vain, a bit got into her right eye, making her sight blurry. This let Samma in, nicking Judith on her arm with the first swing, but on her second Judith blocked the hit. Her ears standing up rigidly, eyes closed. Judith had caught the sai with one of her dual axes and butted Samma in the gut with the other. She heard Samma grunt and used that to push them to the floor, hard. She heard the wind leave Samma as they landed on the floor, but Judith didn't hear Samma move her hand to smack Judith in the head. Samma growled as she hit Judith in the head. Judith closed herself tighter onto Samma, and moved the axe she used to knock Samma down, to Samma's throat. Samma stopped slamming Judith's head and dropped her sai struggling for air. Judith pushed harder, hoping Samma would concede but in true Samma fashion, she didn't. Judith yelped as Samma pulled Judith's ears to the side, pulling Judith off too. Judith slammed into the ground, but before she could get up, Samma's foot was in her gut, kicking her back. Judith slid across the floor till she hit a pillar. Judith gasped, finally opening her eyes. She was glad she did, because Samma had retrieved her sais and was aiming one to throw at her head. Judith stood up, but on her hurt leg this morning. She fell back a bit, narrowly missing the sai. Judith noticed Samma's eyes flash with concern, before they turned hard again and she was charging. Judith ignored the pain in her eyes and leg. She counted the beats in her head, and right as Samma started to swing, Judith stepped forward, throwing Samma off, and backflipped over Samma. Judith landed on her good leg, but she cringed as her bad knee became more bruised. She didn't focus on that though. Judith went straight for her dual axes. She quickly grabbed one and turned to throw it. Samma, who had resumed her charging, had to duck into a roll, to continue forward. Samma stood up and swung at Judith with her sias. Judith used her remaining axe horizontally for defense, not allowing her to go on the offense. Samma's swings were relentless and fast. Judith was glad that her dodges were faster. During what Judith figured was about the sixth swing, Judith noticed Gamal staring at her, as he licked his lips. This allowed Samma to hit her, adding a good scratch along Judith's cheek, accompanying the other three scars she had. Samma paused for a second. Judith used that to knock Samma in the face, using the butt of the dual ase and swinging upward. Samma stumbled backward, but she still stood. They glared at each other, panting. Then the doors burst open.

"Sire, thieves!" A soldier yelled as he burst into the hall. Gamal immediately sobered.

"Take Varvara to my room!" Judith heard him growl to Imhotep. Imhotep bowed and gently carried her away. Something in Judith squirmed at seeing the concern and loving glance in Imhotep's eyes as he carried Varvara. She couldn't analyze her feelings further, because Samma had pulled her across the floor and behind a pillar as Gamal ordered Soldiers to venture through the palace.

"Find them!" Samma signed excitedly.

"Find the thieves?" Judith asked incredulously. Samma nodded wildly. "Are you crazy?"

"We find, we get praise." Samma signed. Judith's eyes widened, the hope of being free lit within.

"Okay. How do we find them?" Samma smirked and motioned to follow her as she went through the secret passage in the hall. Judith followed, avoiding the guards. The guards hurried along the corridors, their rattling armor echoing through the thin walls of the passageway. The passageway was a narrow hallway, it was just a bit wider than the width of Samma's shoulders. The soldiers, which were bigger mammals such as elephants, rhinos, lions, tigers, and bears. Judith was proud that her small stature allowed her to go through the corridors. Which made her think. "How do we know that the thieves will be able to fit in the corridors?" Samma froze and glanced at Judith sheepishly. Judith's eyes widened. "Do you know the thieves?" Samma lifted one digit up. "You know one!" Judith yelled. Samma quickly turned around and put a finger over her mouth. "Oh, you do not want to shush me! You want us to find these thieves so you don't get into trouble! You are all," Judith stopped, she was sure she just heard voices.

"I told you that skunk was trouble." A deep rough gravelly voice spoke.

"And we never agree. That should've told you something idiot." Another voice with a thick country accent growled. Judith grabbed Samma's arm and pulled her towards the voices. They got close to a fork in the passageway, when she heard the voices again. "Now you're bleeding." The thick country voice panted.

"Keeps, you guys, on, your toes." A smooth voice that Judith recognized, panted quietly. There was a light tone to his words but Judith knew the situation was more dire than he let on. Samma couldn't stop Judith as she turned to the right, right into the group of thieves. Shrouded in darkness was three pairs of eyes: one a bright amber, another a dark blue, and the ones in the middle she knew too well. A pair of dull electric green eyes stared at her. "Princess?" Nima spoke, before he fell forward.

"Nima!" Judy yelled as she jumped up, arms out. Time froze as Judy panted, holding her arms out. Nothing moved and nothing made a sound. It was a little after dawn, and she was alone in her room. Judy dropped her arms, and flopped back onto the bed. She put an arm over head as she looked at the barren ceiling. She was glad she was alone. While she had to deal with the feeling of deep loss and forgetfulness by herself, at least no one was asking her about Nima. Her parents worried for her sanity, since she had been talking to or about Nima ever since she was little, but her sisters had started rumours and gossip about her mysterious Nima. Judy remembered when they asked her if Nima was her secret lover she called out for. Judy was beyond grateful to be alone.

"Keep it down, bunny!" She heard a male voice yell. If she remembered correctly it was an oryx.

"Why don't you keep it down?" Judy noted that it was two oryx's. She shook her head, clearing her head and her heavy heart. Judy quickly got ready, excited to finally be getting somewhere. Today was the second day of her stay at the Oasis, and she had a good feeling. Judy hopped out of her room, and to the front of the other room next to hers. Judy knocked on the door loudly.

"Mister Wilde and Mister Sly," Judy smirked to herself. She was proud of her impromptu nickname for the red fox that was so familiar. "It's time to," Judy stopped when the door swung open. Finnick stood in the doorway, baggy amber eyes glaring up at Judy.

"Shut up." Finnick growled, before he slammed the door in her face. Judy huffed, holding back from trying again. She attempted to wake them up early yesterday, trying to get their help on planning for supplies, but both foxes were snippy with her and were no help at all. So instead of trying again, Judy just went her way, and bumped into a bright hawaiian shirt.

"Do you always crash into things?" Nick smirked. Judy froze. She always hoped to hear the smooth voice she remembered in her dreams. To put a face to the blankness. To fill the pang of loneliness she felt every morning. She never expected that face to be that of a red fox she was sure she hated. "Not a morning person carrots." Nick said smugly, his sunglasses glinting at her. Yep, Judy hated him.

"No, I like mornings, but I don't do jerks, ever." Judy walked past Nick defiantly.

"Jerk, really? What are you, a five year old?" Nick came up next to Judy, easily matching her stride. Judy held in an eye roll at Nick's baiting. Judy glanced sideways at him, still reeling a bit from the sound of his voice compared to Nima's voice in her dreams. She saw that his clothes were a bit disheveled, and under his sunglasses, his eyes kept squinting.

"No, I'm an adult who can admit she's wrong." Judy said strongly, but there was a nervous pit in her gut.

"Really?" Nick's disbelief made her feel worse. Judy nodded.

"Um, yeah. I'm sorry for bothering you guys so early. I'll let you guys sleep in from now on. I'm just used to early rising because I lived on a farm, so early rising wasn't an option." Judy resisted the urge to pull her ear down over her burning face.

"You're cute." Nick chuckled. Judy whipped her head to look at Nick.

"I am not cute. I am determined and independent, but not cute." Judy flipped her head forward and began walking faster.

"Maybe you're those things, but mainly you're cute." Nick was still keeping up with her, irritating her further.

"I will not let just anyone say I am cute. I'm Judy Hopps, not cute." Judy stated fiercely.

"But which one of us is right?" Judy froze. Nick walked ahead of her, but Judy couldn't move. She could never remember her dreams, not even a little bit. But with Nick's one saying, she could see flashes. Flashes of her fighting, of grand halls, and mainly a sly handsome red fox in black garb. "Hey carrots, I think I found our guy." Judy shook her head. She was fine before the dreams, and she didn't need them now. Judy ran to Nick, leaving everything else behind.

"Where?" Judy almost bumped into Nick, excited to do something.

"He has a guest." Nick's jaw went slack a bit. Judy peered around him, to see a naked black jaguar with a swollen right eye talking with a familiar snow white arctic fox.