AN: Well, Hey Guys and Gals! It's me, Thewackness135 with another story for all of you to read and maybe-possibly-sorta-kinda like and not try and murder me. Fingers crossed.

Hey… guess who decided to open up a new story…. Even though he already has his hands full…. Please put the knife down.

So, yeah, this is a Crossover of Naruto and Boku No Hero Academia. Reasons as to why I'm writing this: Boku No Hero Academia is my shit. I love it, simple as that.

Plus I toyed around with the idea of a gender-bent Katsuki as a full on AngerDere if that's even a thing. Then I realized that it just felt weird and out of place and left him as a guy.

He's an Asshole. But he's the kind of guy everyone likes because he's an asshole.

Kinda like me.

A story of a kid that everyone looks down on, that soon realizes his power and goes on a journey to change everyone's views on him, while also trying to be #1. Where have I heard that before?

Time for Naruto to rock the shit out of this world.

Let's do this.

Regular text: speech, etc.

Bold: Techniques, loud yelling, and Beings of power

Italics: Thoughts, flashbacks, dreams.

Underlined: Serious/Important

DISCLAIMER: Thewackness135 doesn't own Naruto, Boku No Hero Academia, or any other Anime/Books/movies referenced throughout the course of this fic. It will never happen, no matter how many wishing stars and Pacts with Satan I form and use. Turns out he's pretty good at playing Dice. That, or his dice are weighted, but he wouldn't cheat…right?

Summary: Expectations. When you're born the son of two great heroes, expectations are thrown in your face the moment you open your eyes and no one else knows this better than Naruto Namikaze. Born with a Quirk so insignificant that he ranges on Quirkless, these expectations have been hanging over him, mocking him. But when disaster strikes, as one who was as Quirkless as him was rushing in without a second thought, all he thought at that moment was, "What excuse do I have?" Watch as he awakens his potential, as his life spirals into one crazy adventure.

Story: Spiral Legend: What Makes A Hero?

Ch.1: The Day Has Come.

-Chapter Begin-

"Let me spin a tale of a world where the supernatural became the natural".

"Where to be Normal, was to be out of the Norm"

In the late 2020's, strange occurrences began to happen. People began gaining abilities from seemingly nowhere.

The first was a baby born in China, born glowing like an incandescent sun.

Others began to develop powers soon after.

Not a single person has ever deduced as to why these abilities started manifesting. Some called it destiny. Others an act of God, a matter of Faith. Most just saw it as what it was, a random power that they had absolutely no idea how or when to use.

You can imagine the chaos that ensued.

Needless to say, with many people using their powers how they saw fit, people called 'Heroes' rose to calm the chaos that had erupted in the world, protecting the masses from those that had a power unique to them.

Those who had a Quirk.

Now, roughly 80% of the world's population had some kind of unique superpower within themselves, a world in which the evolution of the Human Race had been brought. A world where scenes from comic books and movies had become common place.

It was in this world, that Normal People had been forsaken.


"Are not all created equal"

A self-condescending smirk came into view, the owner's shoes creating the usual flopping sound of footwear smacking against concrete as he wandered around Fujiwara City. Blond, spiky strands of hair scraping the edges of their eyes, their arms reaching backwards to adjust the Orange bandanna tied around his neck. Amethyst purple eyes filled with mischief flitting back and forth between people in the crowd, before focusing on the path before him. A Strong build, walking proudly with his head held high. And lastly, three symmetrical Whisker Marks upon each of his cheeks.

Dressed in his street clothes consisting of faded grey jeans, a black shirt, the jacket that began black and faded to red flames on the bottom (His Sage Coat color scheme reversed and in jacket form), all of it topped off by the Orange bandanna currently around his neck.

This was Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto, Age 15. Son of the legendary "Yellow Flash" Namikaze Minato and "Red Chains" Uzumaki Kushina, two of the greatest heroes in the world, his father's fame often compared to that of the Legendary All Might's. His mother's fame was as equally known.

He had come to Fujiwara City Five years prior, living with his God-Father Jiraiya, otherwise known as the Toad Sage, and had attended both the latter part of elementary and was in his final year of middle school.

People had often wondered why he had moved in with Jiraiya.

His home was a comfortable one, large, and his parents had never once seriously fought and argued. His family loved him, his Father's teacher and his father's students were like family to him. When he was born, his parents and the media at large had expected great things of him, and as soon as he was able to hear, those expectations had always been known to him.

He snorted at that certain thought, here he was bitching about his perfect little life.

Or at least, it had been.

All of it changed on the day he had discovered his essentially useless Quirk.



At the age of Five years-old, Naruto ran up to a beautiful woman in her late 20's to early 30's with Crimson red hair, who was wearing a tan dress, her amethyst eyes shining as she lifted up her son, a loving parental smile on her face.

This was the world's strongest Female Hero, "Red Chains" Uzumaki Kushina.

She giggled, a simple pure laugh of joy at the simple act of holding her son, "What is it Naru-Chan?" She set him down, as he started jumping up and down. His eyes the exact same shade as hers shining as he took a hold of her hand.

"I wanna see Tou-Chan again!"

Being among the world's Top Ten Heroes, His father Minato was constantly away on work saving people's lives. He didn't mind it much though, as he just chalked it up to his dad being such a "Cool" Hero.

He could, however, witness his father through the internet.

Once again giggling, Kushina began to lead her son to their home's computer room, turning it on as a distinct whir began to thrum through the air. Finally, she logged on once it finished and typed onto the keyboard.

All the while, Naruto had been bouncing up and down in his seat, awaiting his Father's crowning achievement as a Hero.

His mother left the room, leaving him alone as the sounds of fire and panicked voices began to overtake the room.

"Oh god!"

"What is he? What is he?!"

"He's already saved like a hundred people, and he's still going out into that mess for more!"

"There he is!"

A flash of Yellow.

Wild Blond Locks floating in the wind, crouched down and setting two people on the ground, wearing a white cloak with red flames on the bottom. Strange, tri-pronged Throwing knives called kunai on his belt.

This was his Father, Namikaze Minato.

The day his father had debuted as a Hero.

Another flash of yellow, and his father was gone, the camera focusing to the right as it showed his Father flashing between buildings rescuing people and dropping them off once again.

Naruto's face lit up in a grin that only a child could muster, full of wonderment and amazement.

Setting down another person, his father said his famous line, "Don't worry. I'll rescue everyone in a flash"

Naruto leaned forward, before exploding out of his chair, jumping around the room, "Tou-Chan's the coolest! The Best! Better than All Might!"

A new voice came from the doorframe, "Well, I'm not too sure of that last one…"

The young Naruto turned his head, before his grin once again formed and was soon squished against a leg as he tackled the newcomer.

"Tou-Chan!" He looked up. "You're home!"

Putting a hand on his son's head, Minato in his Hero outfit smiled, "Yep, I got the day off and Came home right away."

"Someday, when I get my Quirk, I'm gonna be a great Hero like you Tou-Chan!"

Putting on the grin his son had inherited from him, Minato ruffled his son's hair, "Can't wait for it bud."

"Maybe I'll even give you some pointers, eh?"

At the thought of his dad, the greatest Hero (All Might was too slow in his opinion) Naruto essentially shortcircuited, his childish excitement taking over. He ran around the room, cheering.

"Tou-Chan's gonna train me! Tou-Chan's gonna train me! Tou-Chan's gonna tr-!"

He was silenced, as he hit his head on the door frame.



His parents had attempted to bandage him up. There had been a small cut on his head, blood had been present.

And yet when his parents had finally gotten a bandage, his wound had been gone, the only evidence that his injury had been there was the small blood trail from where the cut had been.

At the age of Five, he had discovered his Quirk. He healed. Simple.

If only it was actually useful.

They had taken him to the doctor after that, to see a professional's opinion of how his Quirk would develop.

He was crushed when they told him that all his healing would ever do was heal a cut the size of a thumbnail. Small bumps and bruises. That's all it was good for and would ever do. The Doctor had told him that, and yet he had hoped that it would grow into something that would make him a great Hero.

And every year nothing had changed.

Anything bigger than a small scratch wouldn't heal as fast, only at the rate of a normal person. He learned this the hard way when he broke his collarbone at age 7 in a desperate attempt on testing his limits, going against what the Doctor had said.

In societies' eyes, he was essentially Quirkless. In the Minority.


But at the same time out of place.

Over time, the media eventually found out and proclaimed his Quirk to the world. His parents had tried to ease things. They hadn't neglected him, not in the slightest, they had tried their very best to make sure that he knew that.

But being born with the expectations he had been born with, and everyone's disappointment in him had been a really big blow to his self-esteem.

The real reason he had moved in with his Godfather was his father.

That night, the night when he had been told of his son's useless Quirk, no matter how hard he had tried to hide and crush his feelings, his son had seen it.

His Son had seen the split-second feeling of disappointment in his father's eyes.

He had moved in with Jiraiya two years after that.

Although he was still boisterous and friendly, he had become a bit more reserved over the years.

He bit into his thumb, drawing blood, and watched as the small cut filled itself in an instant.

He bit a little deeper, only to get the same effect.

He bit even deeper, and made the cut wider. This time, the wound remained.

Good thing he had developed a high pain tolerance due to his "Testing" of his Quirk.

He sighed, bringing out a roll of spare bandage, muttering under his breath, "Another fail."

He brought out a small pad of paper, writing down another X on the sheet.


Naruto looked up unstartled, seeing a huge Humanoid creature bellowing at the surrounding crowd.

"A Quirk like that, and he's nothing more than a petty crook."

His Amethyst eyes wondered around, seeing many reputable Heroes in the area.

He didn't have to look closely to figure out who they were, as many of the oncoming crowd did that for him.

As a burly tan-skinned man caught a falling telephone pole, a rather plain man next to him named him, "It's the Punching Hero! Death Arms!"

A line made of water was made between Naruto and the fight, as a… Fireman(?) used his Quirk to control the crowd as well as keep them from harm. "Back away Citizens! This is a rather dangerous situation!"

"Whoa! The Rescue Hero Backdraft is here too!"

Naruto stood there calmly, as his ears twitched at the sound of air rushing by. Almost nonchalantly, he reached up, grabbing hold of a tendril of wood that had come swinging by, before being lifted up as it was retracted.

Naruto arrived on a nearby roof, landing on the roof in a crouch, looking upon the new arrival with the same look of mischief and slight boredom on his face. His lips twitched upwards as he rose, rolling his shoulders in an effort to loosen them.

"Well." He thought, his mind turning to his caretaker, "Training with the Toad Sage will definitely keep you in shape."

"Listen Gramps, I don't know why you're posing as a 'New young and hip Hero' But seriously, you gotta stop before your hips give out on you or something" He finished, pointing at a figure encased in bark and wearing a blue jumpsuit.

The Hero laughed nervously, "I haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about Citizen, I am Kamui Woods!" Kamui finished, posing with his thumb at his face.

Naruto, during Kamui's speech, strolled up to the Hero casually, before gripping the bark on the man's face and ripping it off, revealing a rather old looking face.

"Again Gramps, you're getting too old for this." Naruto ran a hand through his hair, "Seriously, Baa-Chan's gonna chew both of our ears off if she found out you're out of the house Hashirama-Jiji."

Indeed, this Hero before him was a senile old man who escaped from his retirement home and refused to retire as a hero. Small red marking under his eyes, black hair that normally would reach his lower back, now specked with grey.

This was his great-great grandfather on his mother's side, Senju Hashirama.

The Old Man growled, "I'm not too old! I'm still in my prime here!" He held a lock of hair in his hand, "See?! I'm 121 and I'm now only getting grey hairs!" Yep, still young and spry.

Naruto rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say Gramps." He gave a good natured laugh, "Ya might want to be careful though, not many Heroes can control plants, let alone wood, the Media's gonna find out you're the Plant Hero Mokuton instead of Kamui if you aren't careful."

Hashirama grumbled, but otherwise nodded, "Fine. I promise not to throw out my hip or anything." Wood reformed over his face, as Naruto let a wood tendril wrap around his waist, lifting him into the air.

With his duty done, Hashirama turned around to finally subdue the villain.


Only to see said villain getting drop-kicked by a gargantuan woman.



Back on the ground, Naruto stepped out of an alleyway, chuckling to himself, "Man, Hashirama-Jiji's still fun to mess around with once in a while." He resumed his walk, or at least he tried to.


The Whiskered Blond sidestepped as a black and green blur barreled past him, sliding to a stop before it hit some trashcans.

It was revealed to be a rather plain looking boy of 14 years. Green tinted hair that curled in every direction. Average height, average weight, average looks. Yep, Midoriya Izuku was often described as completely plain person.

Except his one eccentric obsession.

His obsession with heroes, and being one himself.

Suddenly reappearing in front of the Blond, Izuku held a notebook labeled "Hero Notes for the Future" and a pencil, smile in place, "I just saw you getting lowered to the ground! You got rescued by Kamui Woods, right?!"

If there was one thing that made his personality fiery, it was the topic of Heroes.

Amethyst eyes focused upon him, as their owner raised a hand in greeting, "Sup, Deku."

Midoriya "Deku" Izuku was just like Naruto. But while Naruto's quirk was essentially useless to the point of seeming Quirkless, Izuku was in fact Quirkless, having no talent of his own. They attended the same middle school, the same class even. In a world where everyone had superpowers, these two "Normal" people decided to stick together.

They had no real Quirks, and everyone knew it.

After a while, the other kids had found out about Naruto's status and had lumped him in with "Deku", a timid boy with low self-esteem and was always cowering in the face of his "Friend" Bakugou Katsuki.

Later. It had turned to genuine friendship when the small cowardly boy had helped him during a fight he had with Katsuki and his goons back in elementary school. It had raised him up to a good guy in his opinion.


"Bring it!"

Standing in the middle of a playground alone, we find a 9 year old Naruto, fists curled in front of him, a look of defiance proudly worn across his face. He grit his teeth, seeing those red flames escape from his opponents hands. The wings that spread from the other. The fingers that extended beyond what was humanly possible.

It was a three on one fight, but he still had to try. Especially after what they said about him and his family!

Red eyes stared mockingly at him, "Well, Quirkless thinks he can finally get some nerve after all!" Two cronies laughed behind the boy, his sandy-blond hair swaying with every laugh. Small explosions rising and bursting from his palms.

This was Bakugou Katsuki, and behind him stood his two cronies, Yumo and Jin.

"Oh wait." Bakugou brought a hand to his chin, before snapping, "That's right! You actually have a Quirk! But its useless right?! A Quirkless Quirk…" A malicious grin no child should have appeared upon his face, "Hey! That's not a bad nickname for someone like you! A Quirk so useless, yet you can't even call yourself Quirkless! Quirkless Quirk!"

Amethyst eyes shone in with rage, "Take it back!"

Red eyes stared right back, "Make me."

As soon as those words left the young Bakugou's mouth, Naruto was already charging at him, fist reared back.

Even as it was three on one, the young Namikaze gave one hell of a fight, kicking and punching, but ultimately, it was only a matter of time before he made a mistake.

Jin's fingers extended and gripped the Blond's leg, sending him to the ground, only for him to be picked up by the two goons and held before Bakugou with his arms held behind his back.

For such a one-sided fight, Bakugou and his goons looked no better than the Namikaze they had ganged up on, even when using their Quirks.

This, of course, ultimately pissed off Bakugou more than anything.

The Explosion-Wielder socked a hapless Naruto in the gut, already rearing his fist back as Naruto gasped for air.

Another fist.


Katsuki backed off, heaving for air, expecting his victim to be a crying mess like Deku always turned into. After all, with their normalcy, how could they be any different?

"Had enough Quirkle-."

He stopped mid-speech, seeing that instead of the mess he expected his fellow Blond to be, he was greeted by defiant Amethyst eyes.

Naruto's face was set in a fierce glare, teeth grit, as defiant as he was at the beginning of the scuffle.

"Take it back."

Katsuki's cronies threw him backwards onto the sand, dust flying as he landed.

Naruto heard their footsteps getting closer, he had to move, he had to get up and make them regret everything they had said! He cleared the dust from his eyes, expecting to see Katsuki and his group looming over him.

He was greeted not by the sight of a taunting smirk like he had expected. Instead, he was greeted by the sight of a similarly aged kid with curly green hair, shaking where he stood and he could see the tears that were already welling up in his eyes, standing in front of him with his arms curled into tiny fists.

"Stop it Ka-Chan!"

"Ka-Chan?" Naruto thought, "That sounds like a nickname? They know each other?"

Katsuki's face had turned sour at the new arrival, "Get out of the way Deku! Unless you wanna be like him!"

Even though the kid in front of him starting shaking even more, he still refused to move out of the way. He could practically hear his teeth chattering.

The kid, Deku as Katsuki had called him, tightened his fists, "This is really cruel Ka-Chan!" His voice wavered, "If you keep doing this, I'll-I-I'll never forgive you! I won't let you do this without doing anything to stop it!"

By the end of the newcomer's speech, Naruto had already risen to his feet, standing beside Deku as Katsuki began to approach them, goons close behind.

"You don't even have a Quirk, Deku!" Katsuki chortled, punching one hand into the other, a small explosion emanating from the point of contact. "You're just as bad as Quirkless Quirk here! Someone as useless as you shouldn't try and act like a Hero!"

Once again forming fists from his hands, Naruto prepared for a fight, this time with an ally, even if it seemed like he wouldn't be able to do much.

Still, better to go down swinging.



Laying on his back, face and body covered in bruises of varying sizes, Naruto Namikaze gasped for breath, trying to recover from his melee with Katsuki and his cronies.

Not far away, also on his back in the same fashion, was the mysterious "Deku".

The scuffle had finished up two minutes ago, with Katsuki and his followers leaving after it became apparent that the fight wouldn't be as quick as they imagined.

"Hey." He began, "Deku."

He saw the other child visibly flinch at the name.

"My name…." The rather plain looking of the two said, "My name isn't Deku…. It's Izuku."

Still breathing harshly, Naruto arched an eyebrow, "Then why did that Teme call you that?"

"…sult" Izuku mumbled.

"What?" The Namikaze asked, not quite hearing the other boy.

"It's what Ka-Chan calls me when he wants to insult me. Says that a Deku is someone who's useless at everything they try." Izuku responded, eyes becoming downcast as he once again became depressed.

"Well, That ain't true." Naruto rasped, receiving a shocked noise from his companion. "Well, we didn't lose this time, and they didn't win. That's a tie." He elaborated, before turning his head sideways to look at the now shocked Izuku, "Why'd ya help me anyway?"

"You just looked like you needed someone to help you." Came the green haired boy's response.

"Kay then, Deku." Naruto spoke, rising into a sitting position, even as his body protested him doing so, eventually standing up and dusting himself off, stumbling up to the remaining child on the ground and sitting near him.

"Ya'know….. That sounded like something a Hero would've said." Naruto continued, placing his palms next to his hips on the ground.

Izuku gasped, and remained silent after that.

Soon, Naruto heard the sounds of sniffling and stifled tears. He looked over, only to be surprised when he saw that Izuku was holding back tears.

All the while in Naruto's confusion, Izuku's thoughts were racing in his head. Why?

Not even his own mother had said anything like that, ever since he was found to be Quirkless. After all this time, why was someone saying stuff like that?

"Yosh!" The Namikaze exclaimed, bopping a fist onto his outstretched palms, "From now on, a Deku isn't a completely useless person!" He pumped his fist into the air, "Now, a Deku is a Hero that helps others, even when no one thinks he can win!"

A Hero.


Someone called him a Hero!

This was the key that led to Izuku Midoriya's tears, as he let them fall unbidden to the ground.

His classmates.

His teachers.

His own Mother.

No one else had ever called him a Hero before.

Izuku's tears finally stopped after a while, ceasing as he wiped them on his sleeves, only to find a hand outstretched in front of his face, it's owner smiling despite the injuries on his person.

"The name's Namikaze Naruto, wanna be friends?"


The Blond grit his teeth a bit when he had thought of Bakugou.


Once he had gotten home after that, he had to quickly explain to Jiraiya what had happened. After he had told him, Jiraiya had begun to train him to defend himself, taking him on as an apprentice of sorts (All the while secretly hoping the Gaki would still try and attempt the path of a Hero, despite what others and Naruto himself told him).

Naruto cracked his knuckles.

Izuku laughed nervously at his nickname, "You know how I feel when I hear that…" Noticing Naruto's look, he quickly began stuttering, "But if y-y-you wanna k-keep calling methatthenyoucantotallycallmeDekuifyou-"

He was cut off as Naruto put him in a headlock, speaking in a reprimanding matter, "And how many times do I have to tell you, Deku ain't an insult" He released Izuku, then pumping his fist up and down, "Deku is the guy that backed me up in a losing fight, like a real Hero would've!"

He turned, Izuku joining him as they settled onto the path to school.

Izuku blushed a bit from the praise, before a look of realization appeared, "Oh yeah! Remember what we were talking about earlier?" He held up his notebook, "Mind telling me about Kamui's personality, his moves, his outfit, his stance, his eye color, his bark's color, his helmet, hi-"

Naruto sighed, tuning out the excited Izuku, before once again having his signature grin in place.

It certainly was never dull with the Hero-excitable Deku around.


"Ok class! You're all in the final year of middle-school!"
A middle-aged man's voice boomed throughout a silent classroom, students listening in rapt attention.

Naruto was sitting in the 2nd seat of the 3rd row, two rows ahead of his friends seat.

It was also unfortunately one seat away from Bakugou's seat.

Juuuuuuuussst greeeeat.

He had changed into the black school uniform in the bathroom before class, putting his clothes inside of his backpack. He leaned back in his seat, listening to his teacher.

"Now is the time that all of you youths are deciding your futures! And you very well should be planning ahead! Think carefully!" The teacher was a balding man with hair still clinging for dear life on the sides of his head.

His face was serious…. For about three seconds.

He burst into laughter, as he threw up papers marked "Admission" on them into the air, "But all of you are just going to go into the Hero business, right?!"

At this, all of the class burst into an uproar, unleashing and using their various Quirks inside of the classroom. One controlled the wind, while another turned his entire hand into stone.

One kid, interestingly enough, pulled his eyeballs and made the nerves stretch far outside of his skull.

Useful, right?

The teacher raised his arms up and down in an effort to calm the class and gain their attention, "Now, Now, I'm sure that a lot of you here have amazing and useful Quirks, but please remember that class is in session and Quirk usage is prohibited on school grounds."

Naruto just closed his eyes and tried to blot out everyone.

Until a loud and obnoxious voice boomed over everyone and everything else.

"Oi, Teach! Don't lump me in the same bag as these others!"

The Blond's face scrunched up in irritation as he recognized who had spoken, "Damnit, not another "Elitist" Speech from the Bastard King himself."

Explosively spiky Sandy-Blond hair, unpleasant smirk on his face, feet on the desk, this was Bakugou Katsuki. "I'm not all that interested in making friends with losers with weak Quirks, got it?"

Most of the guys in the class had gotten up, "Bastard King! Fuck you!"
Bakugou sneered, "Shut the fuck up, you secondary filler characters! Behave like the one scene people you are!" He finished, taunting sneer still in place.

He tilted his head, hands in a taunting gesture, "And I bet you all know that I'm applying to U.A. High School! The one with an acceptance rate of less than 2%!"

He jumped onto his desk, stomping loudly, "I aced all the mock tests! I placed first in every other subject! I'm going to be the only one in this entire shitty school that goes to U.A. ME!"

"Of course al you secondary characters would be quaking in your boots!" He raised his hands before thrusting them to his sides, fully yelling. "I'm gonna be even bigger than ALL MIGHT! I'll be the highest ranked Hero in the entire world!"

He trailed off in laughter, not stopping even as the Teacher read a piece of paper.

"But it also seems that both Midoriya and Namikaze are also applying to enter U.A."

Naruto could practically hear Bakugou's world shattering, his lips twitching upwards in amusement. Of course Deku was applying to U.A. It was his dream. His eyes widened, "Wait, I never applied to U.A…." His face turned blank, "Ero-Sennin… You bloody Bastard."

He was going to tell his teacher, but Bakugou's voice interrupted him.

But not before the entire class erupted into laughter.

"Seriously?! Quirkless Deku and Quirkless Quirk?!"


The Whiskered Blond opened his eyes, only to see Bakugou with his hand smoking, his desk in shambles from an explosion that the Bastard King had made with his Quirk.

"You….. YOU'RE EVEN WORSE THEN DEKU OVER THERE!" Bakugou laughed a bit, "Your Quirks so weak you're basically Quirkless!" He got into Naruto's face.

"You think you can stand in the same arena as me even if you learned some things from that old bag of warts you call a God-father, Quirkless Quirk?!"

The Blond stood up, matching Bakugou's height, "Could you please back off? The only thing that's as bad as your looks is your breath." He fanned his face, "Seriously, is your Quirk melting your brain or something? Is that what that smell is?"

Bakugou saw red, "What the HELL DID YOU SAY! SAY YOUR PRAYERS!"
Naruto raised his fists, as Bakugou's hands sporadically combusted.

Izuku chose this moment to intervene, "WAIT!"


Izuku flinched at his "Friends" words.


Immediately, order was restored.

You didn't fuck with Mr. Banner, he'd smash you if you tried.

No one liked him when he was angry.


"Deku, you sure you're gonna be fine by yourself, right?" Naruto asked. He wasn't so sure about his friend's safety after Bakugou's latest stunt. He had blatantly and openly used his Quirk to destroy his desk.

"I'll be fine." Izuku said, "It's not like he's going to attack me like some villain, right?"

The Whiskered Student tried to argue, but nodded. If Deku thought he could take care of himself, he wasn't going to believe otherwise.

"Kay then, see ya tomorrow."

"See ya"


Surprisingly, Katsuki hadn't tried to do anything to him after school, despite what Naruto had thought. He was sure the Asshole would wait at the street with his goons, but to his surprise, it seemed like they weren't here.

He began to walk, back in his street clothes as he had changed after class had ended. He adjusted his Orange bandanna once again, before resuming walking.

He turned a corner, stopping by the local koi-fish pond outside the school, taking a shortcut.


He held his head, as something heavy and warm had landed on his head. He reached up, grabbing whatever had landed on him, before moving it in front of his face.

"Isn't this Deku's Hero Notes?" He opened the pages, confirming the book to be his friends, "Its all…..charred…"

His fists clenched, as he grit his teeth.

He saw the Bastard, grinning and laughing at what he had done.

He took a step, and another, and another.

Before he knew it, he was running.


The Quirk user turned, only to be met with a fist to his face. His friends too stunned to respond as Naruto descended upon their leader, raining another fist down.


Another fist.



He was being pulled off, Bakugou's goons holding his arms, as the Explosion user rose.

He could hear the goons laughing. "Give 'em hell Katsuki! Show 'em his place!"
Just as they said, Bakugou had a vein popping in his forehead, fist reared back, "YOU FUCKING NER-!"

He stopped at the glare the Blond sent his way, his fist dropping, silent.

Naruto's glare…..Was primal. Intense.

So absolutely pissed off.


Just like all those years ago.

"Let's go."

Bakugou put his hands in his pockets. Seeing the others not following, he turned his head, his face furious, "I SAID LET'S GO!"

They did as he said, letting Naruto go and following him. Soon, they were figures on the horizon.

Naruto was left standing there, still holding the charred remains of what he considered his friends dreams.

This note book was his friends vision for his future. A sign he still hadn't given up on his dream of being a Hero.

A dream he himself had given up on.

He breathed in deep, calming himself, but not before letting out one final burst of anger.

"Fucking Asshole."

He turned, walking back to the school, seeing his friend Izuku searching desperately around the koi pond.

"Its not here… Why isn't it here….."

"Yo, Deku!"

Izuku raised his head, seeing his Whiskered friend, holding his note book.

"You found it…" He hung his head a little, there was no doubt in his mind that his notes were unsalvageable, burnt and unreadable. He felt a hand on his shoulder, stifling his sniffling. He looked up to see that Naruto had his signature mischievous grin.


Naruto closed his eyes, breathing in deeply, before gripping the Notebook hard in his hand. Izuku only stared. For a couple of seconds, nothing happened. Until a soft green glow enveloped the Notebook, and he could only watch on in amazement as his Notebook began to reform itself.

The letters and words were once again legible, the pages weren't burnt away. It still look like it had been charred on the edges, but it was in better condition than it was. It was salvageable.

"Na-Naruto…. How…"

Said person released his breath, laughing lightly, "Apparently, I can heal items and other things a little as well. Discovered it when I broke a vase in Ero-Sennin's house." He gestured to the Notebook, "Just like my healing, it isn't perfect. Notice how it's still damaged. Ero-Sennin's vase was like that as well, it was still chipped in certain places." He shrugged his shoulders, "I also can't heal other people or even animals. So it isn't much better than what I already could do. Not really combat efficient, ya know?"

Izuku stared at the Notebook, "….."


"…..Thank you…"

He raised his head to meet Naruto's, "Thank you…" His face lit up, "Hey, if your Quirk keeps developing like this, maybe you could become a Hero!"

He regretted his words almost immediately, as his friend's face became cloudy and unreadable. Naruto seemed to notice that he was put off by this and quickly recovered, "Oh, uh, sorry. I just don't think being a Hero is what's best for me."


Naruto chuckled, "I mean, what could I do?" He gestured to Izuku's Notebook, "Even with my Quirk, it still can't do its job properly. Ya think someone's gonna be alright with a weird-fixed vase or paper? It'd probably be worse than before."

"I just gotta face facts; I ain't going to be a Hero, even if I wanted to be."

He didn't let Izuku respond, as he began to walk away. He even missed what his friend said.

"You helped me. You didn't have to."

"That's what makes you one of my Heroes."


"Damnit, now I feel like a piece of crap."

We find our whiskered friend plugging along back to his house, alone, cutting through the local park. He scratched the back of his neck, "What if he thinks I hate him now? Or even worse? That I'm Emo like that Teme back home?!"

Oh Kami, that thought alone made him want to hurl.

No way, not a chance in hell.

During his internal debate, he rummaged through his pockets, eventually finding what he was fumbling around for. He pulled out his hand, and with it was a single object. That object, was a single solitary spinning top, with nothing decorating it other than the symbol of his mother's family.

He had been given this top by his mother when he was a boy by his mother, as a member of the Uzumaki lineage had something on their person at all times that depicted their uncontrollable personalities. His mother's item had been a pocket windmill made of plastic.

His mother had given him this Spinning Top because "Just like him, the top will keep on spinning and spiraling for as long as it can, despite the numerous adversities it faces."

In fact, the only other thing he was talented at besides his physical prowess and singing (Yes, he could sing, and wasn't ashamed of it) was that he prided himself on making the Top he always carried spin for long durations. It calmed him down, and helped clear his head.

It comforted him.

He squatted down, placing the Top onto the concrete, searching for the right time to spin it as he pinched it between his fingers.

A slight gust of wind flowed across his palms. This was always the same feeling he would get when it would optimize the spin.

He let it rip. And for the next two minutes or so, sat there enjoying his handiwork that was the Top spinning.

Although, eventually it stopped. He picked it up, put it back in his pocket, stood up straight, and continued walking.

"Still…" He thought, "I still have to talk to Ero-Sennin about that Application to U.A… I never filled any paperwork out."

It was true, while he did want to be a Hero, his Quirk wasn't good enough to help him in this endeavor. Others, like Jiraiya, had kept telling him to keep trying and that one day he'll get there.

But he had to face facts.

"Jeez, I really am becoming Emo like the Teme…" He hung his head, before snapping it back up, "Still! I'll be the best damn…" He trailed off in thought.

What did he want to be, if he couldn't be a Hero?

"A Ramen Connoisseur maybe…?" He wondered aloud, "Nah, maybe an actor? A singer?" His eyes squinted in confusion, making him miss the shadow looming over him.

"Maaaaaybeeeee I can be a-" The Namikaze was cut short as he bumped into a larger frame, stepping back and rubbing his forehead in irritation.

"Oh, just the Gaki I was looking for!" Came the voice of an older man.

The jovial tone at which the voice spoke. The frame the man had. The way of addressing him. Naruto opened his eyes to clarify if it really was who he thought it was.

Long white hair done in a spiky ponytail. Check,

Red lines under his eyes. Check.

Strange, Kabuki-esque clothes. Check.

Yep, it was Ero-Sennin alright.

Said Pervert snapped his fingers in front of the Whiskered Youth's face, "Oi, Gaki! You in there? I got a surprise for you!"
Moving his hands from his forehead to rub his eyes in irritation, Naruto grumbled, "I swear, if its anything like the last surprise you had, I'm going to turn you into the police."

You don't bring a hooker to your house, especially if there so happened to be a young, impressionable kid around and living there. Well, in hindsight, it seemed to Naruto that that might have been intentional, as Jiraiya had tried multiple schemes to try and turn him into a lecher. The old Perv certainly didn't seem to have any sense of shame.

While he hadn't succeeded, Jiraiya certainly hadn't failed in his quest either.

"Nope." Was Jiraiya's reply, his tone never shifting from its usual pitch, "Nothing as sweet and sexy as the last one…. But, I'm sure you'll be amazed, as it was I, the Toad Sage, who has thought of this great gift!"

Shifting back to Naruto, said person put on a blank face, "Is it about my apparent 'Application' to U.A. Academy?"

Against all societal standards of what men at his age should do, Jiraiya pouted like a child who had been scolded, "Well, ain't you just no fun." He finished by crossing his arms for effect.

"Well, yeah…. Surpriiiiiiiise" The Sage finished lamely, waving his hands a little in an effort to save the grand unveiling he had planned. He placed his hands in his pocket, "So yes my apprentice, no doubt you're excited, ne?"

Over the past couple of years, Jiraiya had been trying to get this kid to rekindle that flame of desire to be a great Hero ever since the Gaki had given up on it. He constantly told him that it didn't matter, as long as he went for it, but his words would always be answered with the usual "Yeah" or "Sure".

It saddened the Toad Sage greatly to see the kid so down after he discovered his Quirk. Especially after what he had seen. To this day, he was sure that he was the only one Naruto had ever told him about that night he had seen his father's eyes.

Not a single other soul knew the reason why Naruto had left to live with him all those years ago.

"Ero-Sennin…." Jiraiya was ripped out of his thoughts by his charge's voice.

Naruto took a deep breath, "You know how I feel about the whole Hero thing."

"Doesn't mean that you can't try."

At the sudden words from his teacher and God-father, Naruto nodded, "Yeah, I know that… But seriously? U.A. Academy? What makes you think I'll make it in, even if I agree to go in the first place?" The Blond finished, an eyebrow arched.

"Fine then." Jiraiya placed his hands in the air like he was surrendering, "Let's make a deal." He looked at the young Namikaze, before smiling when he received a nod, "If by three weeks time you still don't want to go to U.A. I'll stop and let you do what you want."

Again, he received a nod from Naruto.


Naruto groaned, there was always a catch.

"If you do decide to attend U.A." Jiraiya's smirk enlarged, "I get to train you like I do right now, but even harsher for the next 10 months until the opening exams. I'll even bring over Sarutobi-Sensei to help." His grin became lecherous, giggles no man should ever make escaping his lips, "Also, if I win, you have to help me peek one time, at any time and place of my choosing."

His face returned to its normal state, becoming once again a grin, "Deal?" He stretched out his hand.

Naruto, for the most part, didn't understand what the Ol' Perv was getting at. There was no way he was going to lose in a bet like this, after all, why would he try to enter U.A. in the first place? Fine then, at least he would finally be left to his own devices after the bet was over.

He firmly gripped the hand offered to him and shook it, "Deal"

Only to suddenly be pulled close.


He freed himself from Jiraiya, only to find that he had been dropped off a few feet from where they had been a few seconds ago, a crater where they had once been.

What created that crater was a club of solid metal, but if you looked closer, you would see that the slab of metal wasn't a club, but an arm attached to a large, troll-like figure made of what appeared to be steel.

"Damnit!" The creauture turned, its eyes becoming enraged as it spotted Jiraiya, "YOU!"

"Me?" The Sage said, pointing to himself. "What about me?"

"You're the Hero that put me behind bars years back!"

Jiraiya shrugged, "So? I do that to a lot of people like you. I can't exactly remember all the two-bit thieves and criminals I've locked up."

His answer was met with a hail of shrap metal being sent at both him, and his charge. He grabbed the young Namikaze by his collar, before quickly jumping away.

They landed soundly, Naruto looking at Jiraiya and seeing the changes that came with the uses of his Quirk.

Gone was the human nose, instead being replaced by a bulbous one covered in warts. His body becoming stocky and slightly hunched, as more warts formed on his faceHis fingers and feet stretched, becoming more and more amphibian. Lastly, the red marking around his eyed formed rectangles, and his hair was freed from it's prison, turning into what resembled a spiky mouth.

He saw the grin on his God-father's face, "Well, Naruto-Boyo."

Great, now he was starting to sound like Fukusaku-Jiji.

"I'll use this opportunity to show you just how amazing heroes are!" The Toad Sage exclaimed, before launching forward with a great leap. Air rippling from his departure.

Naruto didn't expect the fight to last very long, as his God-father was still at the top end of the Hero spectrum even in his old age.

True enough, Naruto looked to the battle, seeing Jiraiya easily slipping around his opponent's clumsy swings.

The Metal-Man swung downwards, his club-arm whistling as it descended.


Once more, a crater was created, leaving Jiraiya nowhere to be found. At least, until the oil started getting sprayed everywhere.

"Toad Technique: Toad Slick Oil!"

From behind the villain, Jiraiya then spit a huge torrent of Toad Oil at the villain's feet, creating the set-up he needed to finish this fight.

The Whiskered Namikaze nodded, seeing what Jiraiya was doing. The villain had a hardening-type Quirk, meaning that ranged and even CQC wouldn't be all that effective, not even his God-father's sharp Hair Needle Senbon would probably be able to pierce it.

So, he had to use that same density and thickness against his opponent.

Jiraiya held up a hand-sign, his hair once again becoming a large spiky mouth, before it ripped out a nearby stone out of the ground with it's jaws and hurled it at the Metal Villain.

"Dance of the Lion's Mane: Jaw!"

These were the Quirks Jiraiya had inherited from his parents. Amphibian Transformation and hair-hardening and manipulation. He had received his Amphibian Quirk from his mother, and his Hair Manipulation Quirk from his father. He had actually taken Naruto to see his mother's side of the family on occasion, seeing how his cousins were doing while a young Naruto played with their children that were his age.

Back to the battle.

The stone hit the Metal-Villain, shattering upon impact. But it did it's intended job, and made the Quirk User's balance unsteady, the Toad Oil rendering him unable to regain his balance.

He toppled over not moments later, out cold from landing on his head.

Naruto sighed, even as Jiraiya strolled back with the same smug look, "Kinda quick, wasn't it?"

The Sage just puffed his chest, "Sure, but when you know how guys like this tick, then its easy. Plus I'm just that good." From his pocket, Naruto handed Jiraiya his phone, who in turn called in the Villain Retrieval Force.

What? His powers didn't make him Super-Strong. He wasn't All-Might.

There was no way the two of them could have carried the large Villain back to jail, so it was in times like these that they were thankful that Japan made the VRF for situations just like these.

Soon enough, Naruto's ears twitched, as the sounds of sirens and camera's were overheard.

Where the VRF went, the vultures that was the Media were never far behind.

With that in mind, Naruto let Jiraiya handle the rest, telling of the Villain's arrival and the subsequent short battle.

He just took the opportunity to walk away.


Bakugou Katsuki just couldn't believe today.

Those FUCKING NERDS! They had the nerve to come between him and his goals!

They were nothing more than steps for him to use on his stairway to success! Peons so that he would rise to his rightful place to the top!

But for DEKU of all people to start thinking he could apply to U.A….. HIS RIGHTFUL PLACE, NOT DEKU'S!

He gnashed his teeth, seething in rage. It all started when that Namikaze kid started coming to school! Deku always used to shrink away whenever he threatened him! Now the SHITBAG openly defied him, just because Namikaze….


If that pebble with the Useless Quirk had never existed, none of this would have happened!

One day… One day fucking soon….

He'd take that damn Namikaze down a peg….

Walking in a dark alley with his posse, Katsuki kicked a can in his way hard, the metallic clang echoing and reverbing off of the alley's walls.

"Seriously Katsuki, you and that Quirkless Deku are childhood friends right? That was kinda harsh, even if he had to face facts at some point."

Bakugou kept walking, kicking the can once more, "It's his fault for trying to get in my way. That loser needs to learn his place anyway."

Jin looked at the faded bruise on his leader's face, "And Namikaze… He just came right at you. Even if his Quirk is useless. He's got guts, Namikaze."

Namikaze Namikaze Namikaze….

Bakugou whirled his head around, leveling a piercing red eye at him.


Yumo chuckled at Jin's expression of fear, "Shit man, you already forgot the Cardinal Sin with Katsuki."

A boom rang through the alley, another one soon following as Bakugou once again used his Quirk, "Even when we were all kids… That Bastard didn't know when to quit and bow down to his betters…" His glare returned full force, "IT. PISSES. ME. OFF."

The glare stopped, as a slight sheen of sweat soon crept upon his form, remembering what had happened back at the playground in the fight they had as kids, and the scuffle they had just an hour or two before.

Both times that damn Step refused to give in.

But his eyes never really showed that absolute Fury that they did this last time…

Too enraptured in his thoughts to hear his companions screaming for him to move. No sooner was he choking and gasping for air as a foreign liquid invaded his body, entering his nose and mouth, suffocating him.

Enveloping him.

He watched as his followers were batted away and into the street by a giant metal arm.

A cold, calculating voice was all he heard next.

"Invisibility cloak…With a great Quirk…. I was right in freeing that muscle-head to help me."

Before the rampage that would soon start happened, Bakugou saw the rest of the Metalloid Villain, even as he was drowning, hearing mutters of revenge against some Old Toad.

He felt his arm raise against his will, fire erupting from his palms.

His arm swung down, as he watched it descend towards the civilians on the street.

Then the chaos happened.


He honestly thought that today could have been somewhat normal after all the abnormal shit that had been going on today. He just wanted to walk home calmly, make some Ramen, and go to sleep so he could rest. Simple wants, and simple desires.

But in a world where the abnormal is the normal, he supposed the world couldn't help being a troublesome pain today even if it tried not to be.


He ignored it once.



He flipped open the phone, holding against a Whiskered Cheek, "What's up Ero-Sennin?"

"Naruto, where are you?!"

"Near Tatooine Station, getting a ride home.

"Shit! Just stay put! That Villain from earlier es-"

He arched an eyebrow, "Ero-Sennin? Ero-Sennin?!" He looked to the phone, seeing that his signal had died. "Maybe someone fried the telephone poles on accident." Stranger things had happened.

He was pretty sure that Ero-Sennin was just trying to get him riled up and would try to get him to tell about his "Glorious and Heroic Deeds of Manliness"

He'd pass, thank you very much.

He bumped into another person. "Jeez…" He looked around, seeing that many of the people were looking in a singular direction, "Usually there aren't that many people heading home this time of day…."

He remained curious of what was going on.

Until he heard the explosions going off not to far from where he was.


He supposed that he had always known…

That he had always known the fact that he would never really become a Hero.

Someone as Quirkless as he was.

Even his Hero, the top Hero in the entire world, rivaled only by the Legendary "Yellow Flash", the great Hero All-Might

Even this great Hero had told him to give up on his dreams.

"I…" His eyes turned downcast, a self-deprecating smile on his features, "I suppose that I've always known…. And that I rejected reality in favor of my dream….. But…."

Unshed tears threatened to burst from his eyes, as a new wave of sadness rushed through him, "I…Just wanted to be a Hero….So… So badly… I just wanted to help people."

Even as he "Accepted" these "Facts", he couldn't help but feel ashamed of himself. Here he was, about to cry, finally giving up on his dream. He couldn't help but feel ashamed at the fact that he was stepping on the one friend who had always believed in him now.

All those words…..

"I'm going to become a Hero."

His words, "The guy who backed me up in a losing fight like a Hero would've!"




His thoughts and self-loathing were interrupted by the screams and shouts of his fellow citizens. The explosions ringing through his ears.

He turned, walking almost like a zombie towards the crowd.

"Yeah… Just watch like you always do…."

His tired eyes snapped open at what he saw.

That same liquid –like villain that had assaulted him before was free?! How?! He'd seen All-Might Capture him! It was how he had managed to talk to the Hero in the first place.

He almost vomited, his eyes wide in horror, as he came to a realization.

"This…This was all because…. Of me…?"

He saw that the villain was joined by another, a hulking troll looking creature made of steel, openly laughing as it swung it's club, smashing apart buildings with ease.

Izuku nearly cried out, as he saw someone was trapped inside the liquid-villain, just like he had almost been.

That could have been him….

He looked down, head hanging in shame, "I'm sorry… Hang on! I'm really sorry! Someone's gonna come and save you really soon!"

Still, no other Heroes were coming, the ones already present dealing with the fires and flying debris.

"Someone… A Hero will come and save you one moment or another…. Right?"


A Hero…..

Memories flashed through his brain.

Blond Hair and Amethyst eyes, cheering a name that was supposed to mean nothing more than a demeaning nickname.

"From now on, a Deku isn't a completely useless person! ".

Those words….

"Now, a Deku is a Hero that helps others, even when no one thinks he can win!"

His friend….

"I'm Namikaze Naruto, wanna be friends?!"

He had been there for him, he had met him, all because he had stepped in and helped him when no one else would.

What is a Hero?

The person trapped inside of the muddy liquid struggled once more, eyes breaking through to finally see the light of day… and the fires of destruction. Full of pain, wanting to be saved…

A Hero in this case is someone who rushes in, with no reason other than to help someone.

This time, A Hero is a Deku.



All-Might's day had been quite rough you know.

Not only did he have to use his transformation for the full three hours, he also had to bring a dreamer back to reality, and it certainly was not fun on his part. No, but it was reality.

Not only that, but the villain he had captured had escaped, as if that wasn't bad enough, it had freed another villain from the VRF and it had also joined in on the rampage it had gone on.


Steam released, reducing what was once a man made of hulking muscle, Blond hair with two long tufts that stuck out, and eyes coated in shadow, his grin ever present.

Now, he was a shadow of his former self. Emaciated. Bones. Weak. Dark yellow eyes peered through darkness caster by his head. Long, disfigured body and neck.

This had been caused by a Villain's attack all those years ago.

And now all he could do was watch as the Villains wreaked havoc upon the city.


He, the Symbol of Peace, was standing here, unable to do anything as they did as they pleased…



He drew a deep breath, calming down and observing the conversations aroun-….

Wait…. It couldn't possibly….. It… It couldn't be him, right?

That Blond in the crowd was Minato's kid…..

What in the name of all things good and justicely was he doing here? He should be with Jiraiya right? Why was he in this war-zone?!

A crash at his right answered, as a battered Jiraiya crashed into the wall next to him.

"Damnit….. I can't use my Toad Oil or else this entire block is gonna go up in flames…. Shit!"

Shit indeed.

He couldn't transform right now….. And none of the other Heroes could seem to damage either of the Villains…


Again in the crowd, he saw a familiar face….

"Midoriya…" He wondered aloud.

Why was he here?

Why was he…. Running straight towards the two Villains!



He could still hear the explosions ringing through his ears.

He could see the damage they were causing.

He could see the very same Villain he had thought his God-father Jiraiya had taken care of earlier.

So why?...

Why the hell were none of the Heroes doing anything?!

Mt. Lady, the Gargantuan Woman stood there, "I can't move unless there's at least two lanes of traffic!"

Gramps Hashirama was there, but he was focusing on saving the people from the damage and the flames.

Back-Draft was doing the same, standing there and fighting any flames that dared come too close to the crowd….

And yet there were still even more Heroes on the site…

Doing absolutely NOTHING.

"He's too slippery! I can't get a grip on him!"
"Damnit! I can't hit him!"

"That Metal one won't go down!

"We'll just have to wait until someone with a better suited Quirk comes and helps! We can only wait it out until then!"

Naruto clenched his hands.

Bullshit! There was always something you could do!

"I just have to face facts, I won't be able to become a Hero."

He stumbled forward a bit…

Those were his own words.

"I can't do it"

"Nothing I can do."

"Damnit….." His jaw was tight, as beads of sweat dripped from his brow because of the surrounding heat.

"I'm just another hypocrite!"

How many chances had he had? To try and be a Hero if he wanted to be one?

He had been trained by Jiraiya to defend himself.

He… He could've done something Damnit…


He looked up, seeing that the Liquid one was struggling to keep his victim down, when he caught a glimpse of the person inside.


His head ripped to the right upon hearing a familiar sounding voice scream.



Izuku was here?!

He looked beyond the crowd lines, seeing that his friend had just surged forward to save some asshole from his childhood. Someone who didn't even treat him with an ounce of respect, someone who honestly hated him.

What makes a Hero?

He saw Deku throw his schoolbag, and using that to his advantage, trying to free Katsuki from his imprisonment.

What makes a Hero?

In this case, A Hero was someone who was surging forward even as he was questioning himself and his friend. Who before he knew it was racing to help someone for another's sake.

His words he spoke at his first meeting with Izuku rang through his mind.

"Now, a Deku is a Hero that helps others, even when no one thinks he can win!"

Izuku didn't even have any sort of Quirk, and yet he still rushed in for someone else's sake.

What makes a Hero?

This Quirkless person was now facing death.

"What excuse do I have?"

"I guess it's time for me to be a Deku."

And so once again, this time a Hero was a Deku.

Someone who runs into the way of danger to help and protect others.


These kids….

Every single one of those kids had to be insane.

Minato's kid too?


Steam arose from his flesh, his self-loathing and hatred rising.


Muscles bulged.

The Symbol of Peace had arrived, grin and all.

But not before he witnessed what many would consider the debut of one of the strongest Heroes in history.


Death Arms couldn't believe his eyes.

Not one, but two idiots had run out there in some vain attempt!

Not even his strong fists had been able to grip the Liquid-Villain!

His Earthshattering Punches didn't even leave the tiniest of scratches on the Metal-Villain!

What did those kids think they were running into.

Then he saw it.

The Honesty in the Green-haired one's eyes.

The panic of the Blond-haired one in a desperate bid to try and save his friend.

The faint blue beginning to glow around one's palm.

He realized that he was witnessing history.

The debut of a new Hero.

But still…. These kids had run out knowing nothing of the next events to come. So, Death Arms pondered one single question that came to his mind.

What makes a Hero?


He ignored the yells of the Heroes behind him. He ignored the ringing in his ears.

He ignored everything else in order to save his friend.


Deku had gone out and rushed to save Katsuki… But for what?

To die?

That was Naruto's current train of thought as he saw the Metallic-Villain he had witnessed Jiraiya battle swinging his arm towards his friend.


He had seen how the one Hero's fists had bounced right off. How another Hero's bullets ricocheted.

How nothing seemed to work against this giant Metallic-Troll.

And yet, he still ran in a desperate bid to save his friend. No care for fame, or fortune. Just one simple, and earnest wish.

"Let me make it there on time!"

"Let me protect my friend!"


Well, three simple, earnest wishes. But that's besides the point.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion. The arm of Metal descending onto his friend.

Deku's frantic clawing at the Mud-like Villain trying to save Bakugou.

The fires around him.

And he had the strangest of feeling in his palms.

He noticed too late that the Mud-Villain was also attacking Deku. This wasn't good. He could've tackled him out of one of the attacks ways.

But both? Impossible.

He felt that itching feeling in his palms again. He needed to calm down! Make a plan! Anything! And so, he reached into his pocket mid-stride, bringing out his small, Spinning Top with the Uzumaki Crest on it.

The itching feeling was stronger this time. Becoming a torrent of nerves all trying to gain his attention.

He was almost there!

Damnit! This itching though….. It was getting bigger by the split-second. Growing. Growing. GROWING!

He saw the Mud-Villain's arm descending.

He gripped his Spinning Top in his hand, the itching feeling still there, before in a last ditch effort to stop his friend's demise, he chucked the Top at the Villains Mud-Strings attached to Bakugou's arm

Strange though, the itching in his left hand, the hand he had thrown the Top in, had stopped. That's when his eyes widened.

The Top was suspended before his eyes, twirling faster and faster and faster and faster.


It spiraled like a bullet at the Villain's arm, tearing the string-like mud attached to its captive's arm, saving his friend from being blown to smithereens.

He was almost there, 7 steps away!


The Metallic-Villain swung its Club-Arm down faster.


The itching in his right palm grew.


The arm was closer to his friend.


The Itching in his right palm turned unbearable.


So close to his friend.


He ducked under the other arm swung at him, rising in a defiant roar.


He raised his right hand, the Itching completely gone now, swinging it towards the Metallic-Villain.

A hand that contained a Spiraling Blue Maelstrom of Power and Rotation.

A Spiraling Sphere of Blue was the only way to describe it, as that was what it was.


It hit its mark, the center of the beast before it, its stomach.

The Villain thought that he would shrug it off like all the other attacks, after all, what was this tiny ball going to do to him?

A lot, apparently.

He began to double over, his stomach feeling agony as if it was being ripped to shreds. Torn Asunder.

Being Grinded away!

Naruto ignored the howls of pain coming from the Villain, instead plunging it deeper into his enemy's gut. The raw power was kicking up dust all around him, the wind spinning in a Spiral as if dancing around both him and his target.

He felt the ball go unstable, roaring once again as the Ball exploded, sending his opponent Spiraling backwards, crashing through multiple walls through buildings, before coming to a stop, a large Spiral scar-like burn on his stomach.

He was vaguely aware of Deku's stare of disbelief, and awe, as well as the happiness he felt. He was vaguely aware of Bakugou's stare to, but knew that it was mostly disbelief with anger mixed in.

He was so damn TIRED.

What happened?

What was that thing? Was that thing from him?

And what about his Top? It was sent at speeds so fast he barely saw it before it left his hand.

He was glad he didn't need to think anymore, because he moved without warning, spreading his arms out in front of his friend as the Mud-Villain who had seen his comrade get blown away attempted to end the only immediate threat.

At least he'd die a Hero.

Heh, maybe going to U.A. wouldn't have been as bad as he thought it would… Maybe he should have taken Ero-Sennin up on his offer….


He clentched his fist, preparing to swing it forward.

If he was going to go down protecting his friend….

He was going to go down swinging.

A fist caught the Villain's hand.

It wasn't his.

It belonged to the massive man at his side.

"Well done, Shonen."

That big, massive grin was the last thing he saw before the dark took over his vision.





Even before he slowly opened his eyes, Naruto knew he was in a hospital.

He hated the place. Didn't even serve Ramen, the heathens.

So, he wasn't surprised by the fact he was in a hospital.

He was surprised by the fact that there was a giant Blond man of muscle standing right above him, grinning like he had just gotten a birthday present.

"Fear not!"

He struck a pose, "For I am here!"

Due to his groggy state, Naruto was not in the mood, "Oh I fear. I fear very much the man wearing the skintight bodysuit that never stops smiling and watches boys sleep."

He wished he hadn't said that.


He held his ears, "That laugh is so loud! Wait, I only heard one person who laughs this loud… And it's the only person I know that Drops a couple hundred pounds every 3 hours…"

"All-Might, did Tou-San or Ero-Sennin make you visit?"

Yes, he was aware of All-Might's situation. All by complete and utter 'Accident' mind you. He definitely wasn't snooping around his dad's office when he was younger and saw some body-builder have an even worse changing problem than that one guy Benjamin Button.

He definitely hadn't been sworn to secrecy by his Father and All-Might either, mind you.

He looked to his left, outside of the window. Dark, so it was nighttime.

He received another rather loud , boisterous laugh, "No Shonen, I'm afraid I am here for reasons not either of your caretakers have made!" He flexed, before turning into the sickly man he usually was, speaking while coughing up blood, "I'm here because of your courageous actions, Shonen!" He finished, pointing to the teenager in the bed.

Actions? What was…..

Oh Kami.

He abruptly sat up in his bed, "Where's Deku, and the Bastard King!"

"Safe, I assure you."

At All-Might's words, Naruto sighed in relief.

"Now, Shonen, I believe it is time to talk about your Active Quirk."

The Whiskered Blond nodded, and arched an eyebrow, "Yeah, what about my Healing?"

He was soon confused by the thin man's head shaking, "No, Shonen, that would be your Passive Quirk. I'm here to talk about your Active Quirk." All-Might soon pointed to a nearby television.

Naruto's eyes widened, as he witnessed himself use the Top to stop the Mud-Villain from harming Deku.

It was spinning at intense speeds instead of still in his fingers like he had thought at the time.

Then his jaw dropped at his act of taking out the Metallic one, the Spiraling Blue Ball he had seemingly conjured out of nowhere.


All-Might Threw up his hands, taking his most dramatic pose yet, "Yes, Shonen, This is your Active Quirk!"

Once again, the Amethyst-eyed Blond's eyebrow arched.


All-Might threw his hands down, pointing his finger at Naruto as he coughed up more blood.

"Your Quirk! Your Power!"

"Your Mastery over Rotation!"

What did All-Might just say?

Quirk? Mastery of Rotation?




Kushina couldn't believe her eyes… Her son….. Their son….

He was shining so brightly on the television.

She dropped the dishes she had been doing into the sink, instead listening and watching the news anchor on the T.V. explain a dangerous situation in progress.

"Today, at around roughly 6:00 P.M. Two Villains had attacked Tatooine Station after being discovered by civilians, opting to go on a destructive rampage. We go to the on-site helicopter now."

The scene shifted to a top down view of the Villains destroying the district.

"As you can see, the Villains have been causing massive amounts of damage to Tatooine Station for quite so-."

The Anchor paused, before the Camera zoomed in closer, seeing a Green-Haired boy run towards the two rampaging monsters.

"Hold on! It appears that a Middle School Student is running into their midst! What does he think he's doing! No Heroes on site have been able to damage either one!"

The boy threw his bag at the Mud-Villain, before trying to free his captive.

That's when they saw him.

They saw their son.

Minato leaned into his Wife, as she started to shake in fear.


Blonde hair and Amethyst eyes chased after the first lad, intent on helping him. They saw as he reached into his pocket, before slinging an object faster than almost to the point where even Minato, the "Yellow Flash" himself couldn't see it! It sliced and pierced the Villain's arm.

And then came the Ball.

Naruto's…. Their Son's defiant roar. As he rose and struck the Metallic Troll-like Villain, and sending him flying after a second or two of the ball being shoved in his gut.

Tears welled in her eyes…

When had her son grown up to be so… splendid. A splendidly good young man. She sniffled, a mixture of sadness and pride, while her husband sat there in rapt attention.

The Anchor continued, but was interrupted by the female Camera Woman's voice, "Wha….WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL WAS THAT! DID YOU GET THAT ON CAMERA?! TELL ME WE DID! ZOOM IN ON 'IM! ZOOM IN!"

The Camera did just that, zooming in just after All-Might had swooped in and sent the Mud-Liquid Villain flying with a single punch.

His Blond Hair.

His distinguishable Whisker marks.

The pale shine of Amethyst before his eyelids slowly shut as unconsciousness claimed him.

"Is that… Is that Namikaze Naruto? Son of The Yellow Flash Namikaze Minato and Red Chains Uzumaki Kushina?! IT IS!"

They fell silent.

Minato stayed stoic as his wife began to openly weep. She was so happy that her son was safe. So happy he had done something so heroic. So SCARED that he had been in the way of danger.

Minato's gaze softened as the screen faded black after showing his son's face on the camera one last time.

"Naruto….Son…" He looked at his hands, before once again thinking, "I'll make it up to you….. For failing you as a father…. You shouldn't have ever seen that…. I'm sorry…"

"I'll make it up to you."

The 4th Headmaster of U.A. Academy looked at an admissions paper labeled "NAMIKAZE"

"I promise."




Well, don't say that I never do anything for my fans.

I did a thing.

Because it's true, I mainly write because I enjoy writing stories.

Shit… That made me sound like an enormous Douchebag with an Ego the size of Mt. Lady.

Still true, no matter how much I deny it.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo….. Did ya like it?


Well depending on your answer I'm either crying myself to sleep or jumping joy.

So yeah, here was my first attempt at trying to write a story that has Naruto born in that world, instead of having him crossover using some Kaguya/Sharingan/VallryOfTheEnd/BijuuChakra/TheSkyIsFalling/WATASHIGAKITA! Black sorcery and voodoo.

And I honestly hope it didn't suck too fucking hard.

A little explanation to this Naruto's backstory:

No siblings (As of yet)

Not Neglected so much as a single parental mistake.

Born with minor incomplete healing of himself and objects.

Born with a yet unused Quirk: Master of Rotation: Basically any Non-living thing he touches with his hands, he can manipulate its rotation. So he could speed up a fast-ball using his power. I plan on explaining it in depth next chapter, so hang on until whenever that comes!

Had expectations of his prowess up the hoosegow, and then had basically everyone saying "Well ain't that a disappointment."

Lives with Jiraiya.

Konoha does exist within Japan. No chakra, just Quirks.

Now for some shit that will happen later in the story:

Kids and some age changed adults will attend U.A.

Might or might not be sub-teams within the school

Hiruzen returned as Hokage of Konoha so Minato could teach and lead U.A.

Pairings are a thing, but I have no idea what they are gonna be, Just that I don't write Yaoi, because I just don't. I love the ladies too much. 3d ladies.

Now I'm gonna be called a Normie.

Pairing will probably be 2 girls because almost every Naruto story ever has him be a Pimp God descended from Snoop Dogg himself because we want to see the Whiskered Juggernaut get the love he deserves.

Why does he have a spinning Top? Because I was playing with the idea and this story happened

Well, Like it? Love it? Hate it? Wish that both this story and I would return from the dark pits of Hell from whence we came and died there?

Leave me a review and let me know on how I can make the story better. Because Constructive Criticism helps us all, as it gets rid of your anger, and makes me a better writer! Remember, leave a favorite, a follow, and if you want to a Review on the way out, thanks!

This is Thewackness135, signing off.



"Please stop laughing, the audience doesn't like the author as it is….."


"Deku, why am I here again"

"To help me and All-Might perform a NEXT TIME for the story."

"Wait, so there' going to be a next time? Damnit I just want to sleep"


"All-Might, that really sounded ominous. Can I just learn about my Quirk and go home already."

"Crap, So we're stuck here until the Big guy typing puts us out of our misery?"


"Wait, I never said tha-"






"Sure it is."

"Who else forgot that I was here?"

"Not me Deku, but now we've actually stalled just long enough to hit 13,000 words! Good Job!"