A/N: Hi there! As promised, here is my new fic! It's slightly AU, where Hotch and Emily had a relationship before they met at the BAU. I'm very happy to say that this is my first fic with a BETA and I really hope you guys enjoy it. Thank you so much for your help, Christina. Again, it's very good to see someone thinking that your work it's worth it of some of their time. I'm very grateful for the good people in this world... Unfortunately there's still those who just want to hurt, sending awful reviews, some of them even wishing my death. It's sad to know that there is someone so lost and without God in their hearts. I really hope you find your peace and happiness.

Anyway, this is the Prologue. The next chapter will be up in two or three days. Maybe faster if you guys make me happy with your reviews :)

Disclaimer: I do not own CM.


September, 2006. Quantico, Virginia.

Emily Prentiss entered the bullpen with shaky legs, nervous as hell. She still couldn't believe that she had finally got here. After eight years in the CIA and five more working in the FBI's Seattle Office she had made into her dream job. Three weeks ago she packed her things and moved to a two-bedroom apartment in Quantico and today she was starting to work as a profiler to the Behavior Analysis Unit. She walked nervous towards her superior's office with a box filled with her things, excited to be directed to her new desk. She found the door with SSA Jason Gideon's name and knocked.

"Come in". A voice called from inside.

She took a deep breath and opened the door, poking her head inside. "Excuse me? Agent Gideon?" She asked and opened the door more to step inside when he motioned her to come in. "Agent Emily Prentiss. I was directed to you about my transference to the BAU…" She said as she held her hand to him.

He shook her hand firmly nodding. "Of course, I was waiting for you". He said friendly. "I have to say your resume is pretty impressive. Into the CIA at twenty-three years old and all your missions are very well evaluated. Your job at the Seattle's Office is very good too". He said looking through the pages.

"Thank you, sir…" She said smiling.

"May I ask why you choose us?" He asked curious.

"I always enjoyed criminology and psychology and the BAU's job is very impressive. It's not everyone's dream job because you guys face the worst and the hours are absurd but since I don't have family and already live for my job I think I'm up for the challenge". She said smiling.

Before he could respond to her there was a knock on the door. "Sir, everyone is ready". A young blonde said and he nodded.

"We'll be right there". He said. "We have a debriefing now about a case we finished last night. It will be a good opportunity to meet the team and get familiar with the job. Leave your box here and we'll see facilities about a desk later…"

She nodded and they left the office and walked towards the conference room. She looked at the agents inside and smiled slightly at them. There was a dark-skinned man, a young skinny man with brown hair, a blonde girl who was too much bright and colorful to fit there and the other blonde who knocked on Gideon's door.

"Guys, this is Agent Prentiss. She will be joining our team to replace Agent Greenaway. Agent Prentiss, these are Agent Derek Morgan, Dr. Spencer Reid, TA Penelope Garcia and Agent Jennifer Jareau". He introduced them and she proceeded to shake their hands. "There's one missing…" Gideon pointed out. "Where is… Oh, there he is. And this is our second in command, Agent…"

"Aaron?" Emily gasped with wide eyes. God, no. This couldn't be happening.

The dark-haired agent frozen on the door, his jaw dropped and his eyes wide. "My God. Emily?" He managed to choke. The room fell in complete silence while everyone watched curiously at the exchange between the two agents. Hotch seemed to be the first one to react, blinking and approaching her. "What… what are you doing here?" He asked taking a double look on her. "God, you look… beautiful…"

Emily looked down, avoiding the intense stare of the other agent. "I… do you work here?" She asked already knowing the answer. God, what were the chances of this happening?

"Yes, I…"

"You two know each other?" Gideon asked interrupting them and voicing the whole team's thoughts.

Emily looked at him and nodded slowly. "Yeah, kinda…"

He looked between them and suddenly his eyes widened in realization and he turned to Hotch who was still staring at Emily. "Oh my God, she's Emily!" He stated perplexed and Hotch nodded. "The Emily?" He asked just to confirm.

"Yes…" Hotch nodded slowly. He looked at Emily for a few seconds before turning to Gideon. This couldn't be happening. "Can we talk?"

Before Gideon could respond they heard Emily's hard voice and saw her looking at Hotch with fire in her eyes. "Don't". She said forcefully and he focused on her again, looking at her questionably. "I know that look. It's your 'running look'. Don't you dare trying to get rid of me, Aaron. I fought tooth and nail to get here and I won't let you ruin it. You already broke my heart and all my dreams once because you were a weak coward. Don't do it again because you're scared".

"Emily… we need to talk…" Hotch said, his voice thick with emotion.

"No, we don't. Everything that needed to be said was said fifteen years ago. You made your decision and I had to move on". She said shaking her head. "We're both professionals and I think we're quite capable of letting everything behind us and be civil with each other. I won't let what happened between us destroy what I work so hard to conquer".

He looked at her in silence for a few seconds before nodding his head slowly. "Okay, I'm sorry" He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that she was actually there, in front of him after so many years. And she was even more stunning and strong than he remembered. Her dark hair was shorter and curlier but it just framed her beautiful face. God, how was he supposed to survive this? He turned to Gideon. "Can I take the day off? I need some time to… adjust…" He said quietly.

"Of course". Gideon nodded understanding. "And I'm sorry, Aaron. I really didn't know".

"That's okay. I'm pretty sure we're gaining a fantastic agent". He said. It was true. She had always been incredible intelligent and determined and he was completely sure that she had built an impressive career, especially if she had managed to get in the BAU, seeing that Gideon was very selective about his agents. He took a deep breath and turned to the team. "See you all tomorrow". He said acknowledging them for the first time.

As he turned to walk away Emily's voice stopped him. "Aaron?"

"Yeah?" He said looking at her and trying to ignore the urge to take her in his arms and feel her lips and her skin again.

"If Haley has a problem with this just tell her one thing. I am not her…" She said firmly. He winced slightly at this before nodding and leaving. Emily breathed heavily and held the nearest chair to brace herself. "I'm sorry…" She said looking at the team that was watching her curiously. She turned to Gideon. "So… you know about me?"

"I do. He talked a lot about you. Especially when he was drunk". He said and she chuckled humorlessly. "Just so you know, he's an idiot". He added.

"Thanks". She smiled at him.

"Look, you're probably just as much of a mess as him. Why don't you go to the facilities and ask for your desk, get yourself situated then take the rest of the day off too?" He suggested. When she opened her mouth to protest he dismissed her. "You're obviously not fine. I know I wouldn't be. That's really okay. You go, clear your head and get yourself together and we'll start again tomorrow".

She nodded slowly. "Thank you sir, and I'm sorry again for all of this… I promise you that this won't compromise my work. Like I said to Aaron, I really believe we can remain objectives and forget about the past…" She said and he nodded.

After she left Gideon ran his head through his hair and sighed. "Man, what the hell was that?" Morgan asked.

Gideon sighed and motioned for them to sit. "Well… that's a really long story…"

A/N: Should I go on? Curious? Let me know!