Sorry for the really late update. I was on a school trip. So here's a sweet chapter. You get crushes and kisses and blushing idiots. Lots and lots of blushing

So I saw something like this a while ago and decided to write this… Enjoy!

AU: Reverse Crush

Pairing: Marichat, Adrinette, Ladynoir

Summary: Adrien can't get a word out in Marinette's presence. Ladybug can't help but be charmed by Chat Noir's harmless flirting. So when Ladybug tells him to keep an eye on Marinette during an akuma attack, he is more than ecstatic. (So is she, really)

"Oh my god, Nino, she's coming!" Adrien hissed, gripping at his best friend's shoulder. "She's coming, what do I do?" he groaned, running a hand through his hair.

Nino laughed. "Dude, it's fine. Just be yourself and everything will be fine. Just calm down, relax. Chill, dude," he added when Adrien gripped his arm, hard.

"Hey, Adrien. Hey, Nino." Marinette greeted as she walked past with Alya, who waved. Adrien made a weird noise at the back of his throat, before he straightened slightly and managed to force out, "H-hey, Marinette." He met her eyes for a second, a captivating sky blue, and he tore his gaze away. A hot blush crept up his neck.

Damn it, Adrien. Where's all that Agreste poise?

Nino elbowed him. "Hey, Marinette, what's up? And Alya, hey!"

Damnit, didn't Nino have a crush on Alya? How was he acting so cool? Adrien was still trying to force down the blush that threatened to burst, so to avoid (further) embarrassment, he took out his phone and stared at it as though it was the most interesting thing in the world.

(Though really, that would be Marinette.)

"See you in class!" Marinette said, throwing him and Nino a bright smile. She walked away with Alya, and Adrien finally lifted his head from his phone, staring dreamily after her retreating form.

"Dude, you've got it way too bad," Nino commented, slapping him on the back. "Though, it's an improvement from last time, I suppose. At least you only stuttered a bit. And you got her name right."

Adrien groaned.

"Hey, Chat." Ladybug landed lightly next to her partner, where he was lounging on a platform at the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Chat turned. "Hello, my lady." Walking over to her, he took her hand and brought it to his lips. Ladybug fought down her blush as he peered up at her with his burning green eyes, with her hand still pressed to his lips. Fantasies swirled wildly in her head at the touch of his lip. Oh, how she wanted those exquisite lips on her own…

Ladybug allowed herself to enjoy her hand in his for a moment before gently pulling away, smiling. "Now, now, kitty." She chided gently, though her heart wasn't in it. "Any news on the latest akuma?"

Chat dropped his head slightly. "Unfortunately not." He sighed, walking to the railing and leant on it. He gazed out at the city, glowing with lights and a twisting maze of buildings. "He's been awfully quiet."

Ladybug joined him. "I need you to do something." Chat turned his gaze towards her, head cocked curiously. She struggled not to turn red under his gaze. "Our latest akuma, the Evillustrator, has found a target. Earlier today, he found a girl, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and asked her on a date." Next to her, she felt Chat stiffen, but she thought nothing of it and continued. "He's in love with her, and wants her to celebrate his birthday with him. She agreed, and contacted me afterwards. I need you to watch over her."

Chat was silent for a moment. She glanced at her partner, worried that he wouldn't be willing to do so, but was surprised to see that he had a dazed look on his face.

The look was really cute, honestly.

She waved a hand in front of him. "Chat? Hey, Chat?"

He jolted, blinking at her. "What? Wait, you want me to protect Marinette?"

"Yes," Ladybug replied, a slight blush spreading over her face. She dismissed the way he said her civilian name with such familiarity. "Her date is tonight. You'll be there, right?"

"Uh, y-yeah!" he stammered, somewhat excitedly. "Of course!"

"Great!" Ladybug was relieved. She had been worried that he would question her motives.

"I'm really sorry though, I won't be there with you," she told him, trying to sound as honest as possible. "I have… a secret mission to attend to."

'Uh, yeah, okay." Chat replied, lost in thought. "Sure, no problem. I'll handle everything."

"That's great, chaton!" She pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before withdrawing, a furious blush creeping onto her face. "Well, I gotta go on that mission now. Top secret, sorry Chat. I'll hopefully be back in time to purify the akuma!"

Taking her yoyo, she latched it onto the nearest building. "See you later, kitty!"

… Chat was too lost in his thoughts about Marinette to respond.

Chat Noir slowly lowered himself in front of the back door of the bakery, where Marinette stood. She jumped back in surprise when he landed in front of her.

"What –oh, Chat Noir!" She exclaimed, hands flying to her chest. "You startled me."

He chuckled. "Sorry for that." Trying to ignore his thundering heart, he bent down on one knee and took her hand, bringing it to his lips. His cheeks flushed at giving such an intimate gesture to his crush. Unbeknownst to him, Marinette was busy fighting down a furious blush of her own when her partner kissed her hand even more tenderly than he did to Ladybug.

"I'm Chat Noir, but I presume you already know that." Chat glanced up at Marinette, and was pleasantly surprised to see her cheeks dusted pink. "And you are Marinette, correct?"

"Y-yes! That's me!" She stammered, nervously (and quite reluctantly) yanking her hand back, still blushing, "So, what brings one half of Paris' superhero duo to my humble home?"

"I believe you know, Princess." Princess? Chat could not believe what had come out of his mouth. Did he just call Marinette princess?

Meanwhile, Marinette was freaking out over the sweet nickname as well. His nickname for her as Ladybug was enough to make her blush up a storm, but now, as Marinette, princess? This could not be happening. It was either a dream come true, or a nightmare that he probably gave every girl he met an endearing nickname.

"W-well, I'm honoured." She managed to say, "The great Chat Noir, hero of Paris, here to protect me? Amazing!"

Marinette mentally berated herself. She knew Chat Noir disliked blind flattery. What was she thinking? He probably thought that she was a complete idiot now.

To her infinite surprise, instead of getting irritated, Chat Noir blushed. He blushed. Chat Noir, the Casanova of the city, Paris' bad boy superhero, who hated blind flattery, was blushing. Because of her.

And that made Marinette very, very happy.

"I know this is a bit too much to ask of you," Chat began hesitantly, "but aside from going on a date with him, I need you to get his possessed item away from him. It's his pen, you'll see that later. I'll be there, and all you need is to get the pen away from him. I'll be nearby, so just give it to me and I'll take care of the rest."

"No, no, it's not too much!" She hoped that she didn't sound too desperate. "I'll do it."

"Great!" he beamed at her, and her cheeks flared again. God, why was he so damn attractive? What right did he have, smiling at her like that? He made her want to melt into a puddle on the ground.

She managed a wobbly smile at him, and, like hers had just then, his cheeks reddened.

"S-so, I gotta go!" he stuttered out, grabbing his baton. "I'll see you later, Marinette!"

Sending her one last smile, he extended his baton, and vaulted away.

Marinette waited until he was out of sight. She groaned, hiding her face in her hands. That stupid cat and his effect on her was even stronger when she was in civilian form. She could resist his charms more easily as Ladybug, but as a civilian and without the anonymity of a mask, she felt bared to him.

Chat leapt away, stopping on a nearby rooftop just out of sight and leant against a small wall. Sighing, he slid the down the wall and landed with a thump on the ground.

"Why does she have to be so damn adorable?" He groaned, the blush that he had been trying to repress for so long blooming on his cheeks.

"That girl is going to be the death of me."

Glancing to the side, Marinette spotted a shadow leaping from building to building, following the ship's course. She smiled to herself, a renewed sense of reassurance washing over her.

She'd be fine, even without her suit.

Tearing her gaze from her partner, she turned to meet Nathanael –no, the Evillustrator's eyes.

"So, why would you use your powers for evil?" she asked, trying to sound as genuine as possible. "You're a really nice person."

As he replied, she felt something jolt the boat. She whipped around, realizing that Chat Noir had landed on the back of the boat.

"Marinette, what's wrong?" the Evillustrator asked, turning around as well. Chat ducked out of sight.

"Oh, nothing!" Marinette fibbed, hoping that he had dismissed Chat's landing as the boat's rocking. "Just thought I saw a bird."

"Do you want to see a bird?" he asked, smiling at her. "I can make you one. I can create anything that you please."

"Can I try?" she questioned, "I'm an artist too, though not as good as you are. I can draw you a birthday gift!"

The Evillustrator looked hesitant, but at her pleading eyes, he handed over his tablet and stylus. Score! She felt bad for tricking her classmate, but she had to do what needed to be done.

Next to her, the Evillustrator suddenly tensed. "I need this back, Marinette," he told her, eyes hard.

Crap. He must have had noticed Chat Noir.

The Evillustrator reached for the pen. "I need to draw something real quick."

"No," she said firmly, snatching the pen away, and leapt off the bench to the far side of the boat, stylus clutched tightly in her hand.

The Evillustrator cried out angrily, poised to go after her, but Chat Noir leapt in front of her. The Evillustrator's cry turned into a snarl.

"Chat Noir." His eyes flicked to Marinette. "You! I trusted you! But you were in league with him all along!" He attempted to leap for her, but Chat extended his staff, blocking the akuma.

The Evillustrator snarled again, and kicked the staff through the air. It shot straight towards her, knocking the pen out of her hand. She cried out, glaring daggers at the akuma.

The Evillustrator darted forward, grabbing the pen. Quickly, he drew something on his tablet, and a transparent box formed around Marinette and Chat Noir.

"Good luck trying to get out," he snarled at them. He scribbled something on his tablet, and Marinette's eyes widened as she felt the boat sink slowly. The Evillustrator leapt off the boat and ran off to the direction of Chloe's house.

"Crap," Chat hissed, sending a hard kick to the glass. It shuddered but didn't budge. "Now how the hell are we going to get out?"

She glanced around, ignoring the fact that she was trapped in an enclosed space with Chat Noir and he was so close to her oh my god. Spotting Chat's staff, she picked it up and handed it to him.

"Use your staff and extend it!" she told him, "You can lift us out!"

He smirked at her, leaning close, so close that their noses were touching, and her face heated up. "Brilliant idea, Princess." He purred out, tail flicking.

She flushed even more, but somehow mustered the strength to push him away weakly. "Y-yeah, I'm brilliant. Now get us out of here!"

Chat wrapped his arm around her waist and she knew her face had probably gone redder than a tomato. Damnit what's he going to think of me now?

A moment later, she felt herself being lifted higher and higher. They fell through the air, and Marinette felt naked without the suit. Thankfully, Chat's arm was steady and reassuring around her waist, and she leaned slightly into his touch, enjoying the comfort he offered.

Unfortunately for Marinette (and for Chat, but she didn't know that), the moment was over all too soon. Chat landed them on the nearest bridge, and for a moment, they stared at each other awkwardly.

"Um, thanks for protecting me," she said bashfully, breaking the awkward silence.

"No problem," he replied, smiling at her softly, feline eyes full of fondness.

… and god, that look, that sweet look he was giving her, was enough to make her grab his bell and slam her mouth onto his with a courage she didn't know that she possessed.

He jerked in surprise against her, but she refused to let go, knowing that this was probably the only chance she would ever get to kiss him. Surprisingly, however, he returned the kiss, cupping her face in his hands with such gentleness that Marinette wanted to melt.

All too soon, Chat broke the kiss gently, still gazing at her with utmost adoration.

"I'm sorry, Marinette," he murmured, "I'd love to continue this, but I have to go. Akumas to defeat, cities to save, you know?" But she could hear the reluctance in his voice.

"Yeah," she breathed. She pushed him gently. "Go."

He looked crestfallen, and she leaned forward, pressing another gentle kiss to his lips. "Go, kitten. It's your duty."

Chat straightened, picking up his staff. His eyes never left hers.

"Will there be a next time?" he asked. Though his tone was flirty, she could hear the longing underneath, and her heart pounded to know that Chat longed for her. Not Ladybug her, but Marinette her.

"We'll see. Now, go." He smiled at her, not one of his Cheshire cat grins, or the polite smile he gave fans, but a soft, sweet smile she had never seen before, and it made Marinette's heart pound so hard that it almost seemed to burst out of her chest. The way he made her feel was completely and utterly unfair. Then, he vaulted away, leaving her with his lingering warmth and the feeling of his kiss, like a gentle caress on her lips. She lifted a hand to her lips, the feeling of Chat's lips still lingering there.

Dazedly, she wondered how Chat Noir had built up so much affection for her in short time.

Maybe he didn't, a part of her thought. Maybe he knows me in real life. Maybe we know each other. Maybe we go to the same school.

She jerked out of her daze.

What if they knew each other? What if they went to the same school?

He had to know her, at least, even if she didn't know him, she decided. The amount of fondness she had seen in his eyes was far too strong for someone who he had just met.

Then the realization of what she had just done fully hit her, and she sank to her knees, shock and joy overtaking her.

I kissed Chat Noir.

He kissed back.

He has feelings for me, too.

And we might know each other in real life.

"Marinette?" a sweet voice asked. Tikki hovered next to her face, looking concerned. "Are you alright? You know we can't leave Chat to fight on his own."

Marinette swallowed. Right. There was still the akuma to deal with.

Still, how was she going to face Chat, knowing that she had kissed him and he had kissed back, but he didn't know that it was her?

Ugh. It was so confusing.

"I'll cross that bridge when I get to it." She grumbled. Akumas came first.

"Tikki, spots on!"

This is too similar to canon for my tastes. Not AU enough. But oh well, I can't really rewrite it. The next one will be even more AU, I promise. Send me prompts and suggestions anytime! My tumblr is fireheartgalaxy
