A/N This is my first attempt at fanfiction. I have written other things, but fanfic is all new to me. To be honest I am really new to "Chuck". I discovered it about 3 months ago (Thank you Netflix!) and have watched the entire series at least 3 times, some of my favorite episodes a few more times than that. I was not excited as to how the series ended, so here is what I think could have happened. Again I am really, really late to the alternate ending party and there have been some great stories already written, but here ya go. Please leave reviews, opinions are welcome. Oh yeah, I think I am supposed to say this I DO NOT OWN CHUCK, if I did there would already be 2 T.V. specials and 3 movies, oh well.

"Hi I'm Chuck. Here are a few things that you may need to know."

"You know Morgan… has this crazy idea." Chuck said

"What is it?" Sarah asked.

"He thinks that, with one kiss, you'll remember everything."

"One Magical kiss?"

"Yeah, I know it's…"



"Kiss me"

And now…

Chuck vs Rivers and Roads

Chapter 1 - Oh my God, we're back again

The Kiss had been sweet, tinder, and somewhat passionate, and maybe just a little familiar but it had not been "magical", and as they slowly separated Chuck could see it in her eyes. As his head dropped in defeat, Sarah placed her hands on each side of his face raising it so she could look into his eyes. "I see why I would have fallen for you" she said quietly, "you're a great kisser" Chuck smiled a sad smile and shrugged "So I guess you are leaving?" he asked not wanting to hear the answer, but needing to know all the same.


Chuck sat up straighter, still looking into her intoxicating eyes and began to smile. "I want to stay, at least for a while. I want to be that person in your stories, she seems like the person I have always wanted to be; I want to be the woman you loved." Sarah let at a big sigh and grabbed Chuck's hands and continued "Chuck, you do realize it may never happen, I don't want to hurt you anymore… and to be honest, I don't want to be hurt either. Chuck I just ask that you don't rush this if it happens, then it will happen, but I am willing to try." Chuck pulled her in for a hug; he found it a little stiff but waved it off. "That is all I am asking is that we just try." He said.

They both rose to their feet and started walking back to their cars. "Chuck, I need to run by your apartment, I believe most of my clothes are there" Sarah said as they reached the parking area of the beach. "Where are you going to stay? We… ah… I… have the extra room, you can stay there." He said almost pleading, he coughed I little to try and hide the emotion in his voice. "Chuck," Sarah began with a sympathizing voice, "I just can't, not right now."

He slowly nodded his head to show he understood, and simply said "OK" and he got in his car and she followed him back to the apartment.

Echo Park

Burbank, California

As Chuck and Sarah entered the courtyard of the place she once called home, she was searching for anything that may cause a spark in her memory, unfortunately there was nothing. She slowly walked to the fountain and stared at the water, looking deep, hoping for anything. She so desperately wanted to be that woman Chuck had told her so much about, but she could not grasp it, it seemed like she was hanging off a cliff by her finger tips and the rope to save her was just out of her reach. As they both stood in the court yard not talking, they heard a door open and looked up to see Devon and Ellie step out of their apartment. Their hands were full of boxes to load on the moving van. As Sarah stepped up quickly to help, Ellie remembered how ruthless Sarah had treated her just a few days ago, and she ducked behind Devon. Sarah saw the look of fear on Ellie's face; she took another step toward them and opened her mouth to say something, when Devon cut her off. "Stay right there" he said holding out his hand as to signal her to stop, "I don't want you near my wife, and I don't want you talking to her."

"Devon!" Chuck yelled with aggravation.

"Chuck, how could you bring her here Bro? You know what she did. She pulled a gun on Ellie… that is YOUR sister." Devon was confused to how Chuck was so easy to forgive that. "Devon, you know it was all Quinn, you know all of this, and I have told you and told you. For a smart guy you can be so dumb." Chuck had never said anything like this to Devon, but his emotions were on edge, his filter was gone and everything was starting to come out.

"Stop" Sarah said, "I'm just here to pick up a few things and then I am gone, I will not allow myself to be the reason for grief in this family." She turned to Chuck and said "You will not fight with your family over me, you understand. So just give me a minute and I will be out of here." Sarah turned to walk to the apartment when she heard Ellie tell her to wait. Sarah turned and Ellie walked up to her, she was getting so close that out of instinct Sarah almost went into a defensive stance.

"What do you remember?" Ellie asked as she got closer.

"She is remembering some things." Chuck interjected in attempt defuse the situation he had created.

"Nothing," Sarah said "I have feelings, a little like déjà vu, but nothing more than that."

"What are your plans?"

"For now I am going to stay in Burbank, at my hotel room, that is why I need my things." Sarah answered. Then Ellie did something that no one standing in that courtyard expected, she reached out and hugged Sarah. Sarah was stiff at first but then she let herself relax and hugged Ellie back. "Sarah," Ellie said "I forgive you." Ellie then pulled back and looked Sarah in the eyes and said "Don't hurt him again." Sarah gave a weak grin and nodded. Ellie turned to Devon and said "we got to finish if we are ever going to get out of here." And she picked up her boxes and headed for the van.

Chuck and Sarah headed into what use to be their apartment, as she stepped in she got that déjà vu feeling again. She just stood at the door looking around; she saw glimpses of something in her mind of items flying at her and her knocking them back at Chuck. "Did we every fight right here?" she asked. Chuck got a small smile on his face and told her about how she had tried to steal his computer, before she knew he had the intersect in his head. "Sarah," he said while grabbing her shoulders "this is a real memory, a memory of us." She gave a weak smile and shrugged and walked to Chuck's room. "How are you not more enthusiastic, Sarah?" Chuck asked. "I know you are remembering."

"Chuck, don't get so excited. I have had one… ONE, memory and it is of us fighting." Sarah was sounding aggravated, so Chuck eased off.

"I'm sorry; I know I am trying to rush things. I will not do it again. I didn't mean to upset you" Chuck sat on the edge of the bed and watched Sarah pack her suitcase. "I got what I need for now I will get the rest later." Chuck started to say something, but thought better of it and just nodded.

Chuck sat on his couch; in front of him on the coffee table was an unopen bottle of Johnny Walker Black that Casey had given him before he had left. Chuck was so conflicted, he was happy Sarah had decided to stay, he was happy she was remembering some small memories, but he wanted HIS Sarah back and he wanted it right now. He reached forward and broke the seal on the bottle and began to pour.

"Good afternoon Agent Bartowski." A man's voice said. Chuck looked up at the T.V. monitor and saw a dashing man in a black suit. His brown hair was cut short, almost in a military cut. The man looked young, but Chuck could see the age in his blue eyes. At that moment Chuck flashed.

David Webb newly appointed director of the CIA. Assigned to Operation Treadstone, and Operation Blackbriar. Alias redacted all other information redacted.

Chuck did not know what to think he had never seen this much information redacted from the Intersect, but at this moment in time he really didn't care.

"Didn't you get the memo Director Webb; I haven't been an agent for a while now." Chuck said. He put down the bottle and turned his full attention to the T.V. screen, thinking to himself I know I disabled all those monitors.

"Hmmm" the man was in deep thought "I see the Intersect is working fine. Is this 2.0 or another version?"

Chuck looked down at his hands in his lap, "It is basically 2.0 but with a few tweaks here and there."

"Such as?" The man asked with genuine interest.

Chuck wasn't sure if he should give up any information on the Intersect, but this was the director of the CIA, what was the worst thing they could do, lock him up in a hole, take the intersect out of him, maybe kill him? The way Chuck was felling right now, all of those would be an improvement.

"The flashes are smoother, it is like bringing up a memory, and I don't look like I am having a seizure anymore. Plus there are a few more skills that were added into this one, but other than that it is just like the 2.0" with that Chuck sat back and waited for the man on the screen to speak.

"Agent Bartowski, may I call you Chuck?" the man asked. Chuck just nodded and made a gesture with his hand indicating that it would be okay. "Chuck, my name is David Webb as I sure you know" the man continued, "and I am the new director of the CIA." Even though he already knew, those words made Chuck sigh and sink deeper into his couch. The man gave a weak, but knowing grin to Chuck's reaction. "Chuck, believe me when I say, I know what it is like to be chased by the CIA. I, like you, was set up by them, but now I am the director and we… I… need your help. Some things have come up and I need you, I need the intersect. We are in more peril, then Quinn ever brought… than Shaw ever brought." He said. Chuck just sat there not knowing what to say, his mouth had gone dry and the words just stuck. After a few very uncomfortable moments Chuck finally found his voice.

"Director Webb, I have given everything to the CIA, I have been kidnapped, tortured, I have been shot, shot at some more, and now I may have lost the only woman I have ever truly loved. And you want me to go back to that!" Chuck felt the anguish of the past few days coming out, he needed to vent and Director Webb, was as good a target as anyone.

"SPIES!" he screamed "Cost me my childhood, they took my mother, killed my father. Spies have tried to take my sister, my brother-in-law, and even my best friend away from me. They ruined my college career. I lost my first girlfriend, my chance for a normal life and it was all because of spies. Forgive me Director, but I have given enough." He picked up the bottle of Johnny Walker, looked at it in his hand then threw it across the room, smashing it against the wall. He calmed himself as he stared at the spot where the bottle hit, and as he watched the brown liquid flow down his wall he said "And now they have cost me a real good bottle of whiskey."

Chuck let himself just fall back down on the couch and put his face in his hands, "What about Carmichael Industries? I want to get that up and running again as an electronic security company. I can't do that and be a spy." Chuck was using every excuse he could think of not to be drag back into the spy life.

"We will back Carmichael Industries, which will be your new cover. The CIA will get it up and going and even staff it for you. There is just one thing; you can't tell anyone you are back, not your family, not Grimms, and especially not Agent Walker. All of these people are in danger and only you I fear can stop it." David Webb, who had been leaning back in his desk chair, leaned forward, and look directly into the monitor, "Chuck", the Director said in a soft understanding voice. A voice that Chuck was almost shocked to hear coming from a man in his position, "I understand the sacrifices your family has made for this country. I understand the sacrifices you yourself have made, and if I had any other way I would do it, but we need you. Chuck we know who has been pulling all the strings, the one who has been behind it all, behind Fulcrum, behind The Ring. He was behind Shaw, Decker, Roark and he is the one who sent Quinn after the Intersect with the instructions to destroy you. Chuck believe me when I tell you that everyone you know is in danger, Ellie and Devon in Chicago, your mother in Detroit, Col. Casey and Ms. Verbanski in Dresden, even Morgan Grimms and Alex McHugh and… Agent Walker… Chuck, Sarah is in grave danger.

Chuck looked at the man on the T.V. screen and sighed, "I guess I have no choice then do I?"

"Welcome back Agent Bartowski."


Room 832

Sarah walked slowly toward her bed and fell face first on to it. It had been a very long emotional day, a day she just wanted to end. She rolled over on her back and stared at the ceiling, contemplating her next move. She had promised Chuck she would stay in Burbank, but is that really the smart move. She had loved hearing all the stories of their missions and adventures, but she could not remember them. Sure some things sounded vaguely familiar, but was that enough to hang her hopes on? The one thing she knew that she needed was time. Time to think, time to get her life in some type of order; but more than anything she needed time to just be alone. Just as that thought had gone through her mind, there was a knock on the door. "Damn it Chuck" she thought as she walked to the door. Sarah swung the door open and with a very angry tone said "Chuck I said I needed…" Sarah came to a quick halt when she saw the person at her door.

"Hello Agent Walker" The short red headed General said.

"Sorry General Beckman, I thought you were someone else." The general smiled as she stepped into the hotel room, "He won't let you rest huh?"

"No nothing like that, he has actually been very understanding," Sarah admitted "So what can I do for you General?" Beckman knew Walker wasn't one to mince words so she got right to the point. "We know who has been behind it all, Sarah. From the day Larkin stole the intersect to the day you killed Quinn, it has been one person. I need you back in the field." Sarah stumbled back and sat on the edge of her bed and whispered "one person" so softly Beckman had trouble hearing it. Sarah regained her composure and said "The CIA has burned me, I can't go back."

"CIA, no, but the NSA, you have a place with us." The General said. Sarah was torn, she had promised Chuck to stay and try, but this could be what she needs. "Sarah, Chuck… Chuck is in real danger here. They will be coming for him like they never have before." Sarah looked up and said "I'm in. I will work alone on this. I don't want an asset or partner, this is just me."

The General nodded in agreement and said "Since Sarah Walker is burned with the CIA, should you use another name?" Sarah thought "I could be Sam again, or maybe Lisa for a change I guess, no… I am not going to be Jenny ever again… No, I will keep Sarah, it just seems right."

"Sarah Bartowski?" The General asked. Sarah blushed when she heard that name. Why does people calling me that affect me so much, she thought to herself.

Sarah looked at the General and said "No… ah… maybe… ah… no no, not yet."

The general gave a sad smile "You leave in two hours Sarah, and you will be briefed on the plane."

"General, who is it, who is the one person?"

"You will be briefed on the plane."

Echo Park

Burbank, California

Chuck was still staring at the man on his T.V. letting everything that just happened to him settle in. "Chuck. I need you in France, your plane leaves in two hours; you will be briefed on all the operational aspects in the air."

"Director, who is it?"

"On the plane Chuck, Oh there is one thing, I understand that you do lack the killer instinct, for lack of a better phrase. Is there any one that you trust that you can partner with?"

Chucked smirked at the Director's less than subtle way of saying that he will not kill, "Other than my regular team? There is one, but trust is a strong word for our relationship. Carina Miller is the only one I can think of. Please don't tell Sarah, when she gets her memory back, she would kill me." Webb smiled and checked his files and said, "She is still attached to the CIA, she will meet you in France. Good luck Chuck!" And with that the screen went black.


Outside Room 832

Chuck stood at Sarah's door, going over in his mind what he was going to say to her. Here he was preparing to leave after he had begged her to stay. As he raised his hand to knock on the door, his phone began to ring. He looked and saw the beautiful smile of Sarah on his phone.

"Hey, believe it or not I am standing right outside your door."

"I'm not there Chuck, that is what I am calling to tell you, I need to leave for a while. Please don't get upset, I will be back soon I promise, please believe me, I just need to go away for a week or so." Sarah said all of that in one breath so Chuck would not interrupt her. She needed him to know she was coming back, before he broke down.

"Well actually that was why I was coming over, to tell you that I needed to leave for a few days." With those words Sarah exploded. "Where do you think you are going? You can't leave. You need to stay here." Sarah surprised herself at the volume of her words. But she was worried about him, he was in danger. Why does this matter so much to her, she thought to herself. "Chuck, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell, I am just worried I guess."

"It's ok Sarah; I just need to fly to the east coast to meet with potential clients for Carmichael Industries. I am still going to make that work."

"Just be careful Chuck. Watch your back ok?"

"I will Sarah, I promise. So where are you headed?"

"Ah… Carina called and wants me to meet her in Cabo. I think that the relaxation will be good for me. It might help my memory." She threw that last bit in, to help sell Chuck on the idea.

"Yeah, that will be nice… Carina asked you to come?" Chuck asked.

"Yep… she thought it would be a good idea." Sarah said trying to sound chipper.

"Ok then, would you like to have dinner when we both get back." Chuck asked, his mind racing a mile a minute, trying to figure out what she was up to.

"That would be great." This time she wasn't lying, for the first time in this whole phone conversation she told the truth. "Bye Chuck, please be careful."

"Just going to see clients, but I will. Bye Sarah, hurry home. Chuck hated lying to Sarah about seeing clients, but hearing her reaction to telling her he was just going to see clients, he now saw it was a good idea. His only worry now was what she was up to.

Bob Hope Airport

Burbank, California

Chuck walked up the steps of the Gulfstream G600, he was headed to his seat when he saw her setting there. A look of surprise came to his face, and then he smiled.

"Hey Chuckles!"

"I thought we were meeting in France." Chuck said as he sat down next to Carina.

"I was already in California, so here I am, I hear you asked for me personally. Am I finally getting to you" She said in a sexy voice.

"Yep, just like poison ivy. What do you know about all of this?"

"Not much, but I am tired of this. Chuck… they hurt my friend, so one way or another it all ends."

"I agree."

Next: Two teams, two planes, two briefings, one name.