Two days later, Jack was overheard by one of the guards muttering something about a magical door that could send people to Earth that was located in Zinnia. The guard ran to tell the news to his Chief, the first real smile spreading on Jack's face since the wedding. The couple were elated at the news, there was a way to get Mary Katherine to Earth! They just had to find it, Zinnia wasn't exactly the smallest of countries. With Merida and the unborn Mary Katherine staying with the Dunbrochs and Valka taking charge of Berk, Hiccup and Toothless left for Zinnia to see if they could find it, Prince Antonio eagerly joining them. When they arrived, they found that they weren't the only ones looking for it. Apparently King Daniel and Queen Odette of Enchantia and King Eric and Queen Clara of Parthenia wanted to send their daughters through the door as well. With the extra eyes, Hiccup figured that they should split up, he and Antonio would head to the southern border of Zinna while Eric and Daniel would head to the northern border, starting at the capital in the middle. They found it the day they started their search, it was tucked away in a little tunnel not far from the castle. The four were ecstatic at their good luck and separated to return home to prepare for the trip through the door.

Meanwhile, back on Berk, a dark figure flitted through the dungeons, stopping at the cell where a pale figure laid.

"Where have you been? Your year is almost up," Jack stated, not even glancing at the figure peering through the bars.

"Well, it wasn't my fault you got caught. Whose side are you on anyway? Mine or theirs?"

Jack heaved a sigh as he rose, "Looks like nobody's at the moment, except maybe the highest bidder. You gonna get me out?"

Mavis shook her head, "Just hand over those last ingredients, and I promise you that you'll be the richest man in the whole town."

"Is that the best you can offer?"

"Yes, what more could you want?"

"My family back."

Mavis' eyes widened for a second before she answered coolly, "I'll see what I can do about that. Now, hand them over." Jack scanned her face before reluctantly slipping the dreamsand and the feather through the bar and into her hands. "Nice doing business with you, Jack Frost, I hope you'll like your new life." She turned and walked out, disappearing into the night wind.

"I kept them from her as long as I could, the rest is up to you now."

Merida went into labor the next day, giving birth to a healthy, baby girl. They waited two days before the young family took off for Zinnia, knowing their time was running short. Some of the riders went with them a ways, among them Eret, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, and Heather. The riders were to hold back Mavis as long as they could, hopefully giving Hiccup, Merida, and Mary Katherine time to get through to Earth. But even the best plans go awry.

The Nighfuries landed in the field just outside of the door, two other families already there, waiting.

"There you are, we were beginning to worry about you!" Odette exclaimed. Introductions were made, Hiccup seeing the two princesses for the first time, and getting introduced to Clara's Aunt Elizabeth.

"Aunt Elizabeth has traveled all over the world! She would be the best person to help us adjust to the new world."

Hiccup looked at the older woman with admiration, "I would like to hear some of your stories, if you don't mind."

Elizabeth shook her head, smiling, "Not at all, I wouldn't mind a few extra members to my audience."

Hiccup grinned, "Great, thanks!"

"Hiccup, Merida, get through the door, now!" yelled a voice. The group spun to see Eret disappear as a blanket of deep, dark blue-green clouds with shimmering, golden lighting rumbled forward, Mavis racing forward on Windshear, monsters flanking her on other dragons.

"Toothless!" called out Hiccup as he unsheathed his sword.

"Hiccup, no!" Hiccup pulled Merida's face closer with his free hand.

"I'm sorry, but we have to have time to get everyone through." He closed his mouth, he couldn't say another word, he didn't know if he would come back. He kissed her and Mary Katherine instead before climbing onto Toothless. "Come on bud, let's buy them some time!" He took off as some of the monsters dismounted their dragons. Daniel and Eric unsheathed their swords and met the onslaught head-on, Toothless' fireballs giving them a bit of an advantage. Elizabeth rushed to the magic door and opened it, a book falling at her feet as she stepped through.

"Odette, Clara, Merida, come on, quickly!" Merida was the first to respond, turning and rushing towards Elizabeth. She handed her Mary Katherine, tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, please take care of her." She planted a kiss on her daughter's head before turning back around and jumping on Morrigan's back, readying her bow and arrows. Morrigan shot a few fireballs at the monsters on the ground, helping out Daniel and Eric, before rushing to Hiccup's and Toothless' sides.

"Merida, what are you doing?"

"For better or for worse, you idiot!"

"But . . ."

"Mary Katherine's already through." Merida glanced at Hiccup, "I-I don't want her to lose her father, nor I my husband." Hiccup gave a slight nod, and the two plunged at Mavis. They twisted and swerved, the dragons firing at Windshear's saddle to topple Mavis. But Mavis deflected each one with red lightning bolts. Hiccup let out a yelp, one had hit him, sending him and Toothless to the ground.

"No! Hiccup!" screamed Merida as she and Morrigan shot off after them. Toothless managed to catch his unconscious rider, rolling with him on the ground. Merida alighted as soon as Morrigan landed, rushing to the two. Toothless revealed Hiccup's body as she got close, Merida instantly checking for vital signs. She let out a shaky sigh of relief, "He's still alive." Two screams attracted her attention. She glanced up, Clara and Odette were in the arms of their husbands as the clouds engulfed them. Merida glanced through the tunnel where the magical door was hidden, Elizabeth still had it open. Merida shook her head, her eyes finding her child lying on the ground among the other two, and waved goodbye. Elizabeth caught the hint, nodded sadly, and closed the door. Merida rushed back to her husband as soon as the door was closed, the dark clouds mere seconds away. "Hiccup, wake up! Hiccup!"

"What's the use? You won't remember him, nor he you."

Merida glanced up, Hiccup's head in her lap, Toothless and Morrigan standing by defensively, "Why are you doing this Mavis? Why did you have to do this?"

"How else could I get my happy ending?" Mavis smiled before disappearing into the clouds. Merida placed her forehead against Hiccup's, holding to him tight as the clouds swirled around, the seconds ticking down to when the gap closed.

Merida kissed him, tears trickling down her face, "I'll find you and Mary Katherine. I love you, Hiccup."

(To be continued . . . s/11430569/1/A-Faraway-Land-1-The-Spell)