A/N: So, a lot of people liked Pain and it's prequel, Retribution. My friends gave me a lot of great feedback. (this is for you, Lilly!) Pain took place in between httyd and httyd2. Grief is taking place after httyd2. I'll try to come up with original plots, and stay away from the overused ones!

Matching Set

There was the helmet. It was so problematic. Hiccup liked to call it "Mom's Helmet" on good days, and "Breast Hat" the rest of the time. Dad had made it from half of Mom's breastplate, and his helmet from the other half. Gross. Kinda sweet, but gross. Stoick had made Hiccup wear it every year at Snoggletog, and Hiccup had hated it. Now that Dad was… Gone… he didn't have to wear it. On the other hand, Hiccup wanted to honor his father. Oh, what a dilemma.

"Hey Hiccup! Why're you wearing your helmet? I thought you hated it." It was Astrid. Hiccup grimaced. He had worn the helmet. At least he was the only one who knew the story behind it… "Yeah, well, I wanted to honor Dad. I don't look too stupid, do I?" Astrid smiled. "Nah, it's cute!"

Just then, Valka walked up. "Hello Hiccup. The Snoggletog preparations are- hey! That helmet looks familiar." Hiccup thought some very inappropriate choice words. He was so dead if Mom found out where the helmet had come from. "Um, I-I bet it's just a design Dad had been working on before you- left. Yeah!That's it! Anyway, what were you saying about-" Hiccup was cut off by Valka. "Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, you answer me! Is that half of my breastplate?!" Uh oh. Where was Toothless when you needed him?!

"It was Dad! Not my fault! Don't kill me! Sorry! I really thought it was weird, but the breast hat was all Dad!" Astrid stared at him as if he had grown a tail. Just then, Toothless came bounding up and saw Valka's murderous look. He knew Hiccup was in trouble. Toothless knew Hiccup could get grounded. Stoick did it sometimes, why wouldn't Valka? No flying?! The horror! It was pure torture! He had to save Hiccup before he died or was maimed!

Hiccup felt Toothless slide his head in between Hiccup's legs and Hiccup landed in the saddle. They took off in a flash of black. Hiccup grinned and had the nerve to call back to his shocked girlfriend and stuttering Mom, "Dad had the other half! Matching set!"