Disclaimer: I do not own Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir

Master Fu closed the book and placed it back on the shelf. "Now do you see how important being a member of Miraculous is? For thousands of years we have protected the good people of Earth from threats of all kind."

"Yeah, yeah," Plagg commented, "do have to read the same story to every new Miraculous member that comes in. I've heard it so much I can practically act out the scenes."

"Now Plagg," Master Fu reminded as he stood, "you know as well as I do that past affects us today. In the past people have abused their gifted powers because they made the same grave mistakes Tai did, with a miraculous or not."

"It's true Plagg," Wayzz agreed, "Our origin story allows us to learn from our ancestors. Even as recently as today there are people misusing their powers and other who are making the same mistakes that brought major consequences to the world."

"Well maybe I want to hear a different than that one the old book has plenty of stories in it besides that one. They're also much better reads. "

"Plagg you can read." Wayzz smirked at his comment as Plagg scowled at him.

"Master Fu I have question," Adrien said, "What happened to Tai after his first confrontation with Ladybug and Chat Noir."

"A very good question indeed. It was in the final battle between the two sides. Volpina decided to chase the two heroes to a cliff side. He even planned it during a dangrous storm. The battle went normally for the battles between them. But then a bolt of lightning struck the cliff causing where Volpina was standing to break. He died from his injuries."

"I remember that day," Plagg said between bites of cheese, "Mao and Jie were in such a hurry to get down there that Tikki and I had to carry them down. When Mao got down there and saw that Volpina was Tai he sobbed for days."

"Do you remember every Chat Noir you've trained?" Adrien asked Plagg out of curiosity.

"Why would I forget," Plagg answered as if it were obvious, "I may have forgotten about former Miraculous members, well at least until they're brought up again, but I never forget someone who was Chat Noir."

"It helps that we also have this," Wayzz pulled out a golden book. "Here there is information on every single Miraculous member from Mao and Jie to today's members, including you."

"Me really." Wayzz passed the booked to Adrien opened it to the last page. On it was the name Adrien Agreste with his age, birthday, and his hero name Chat Noir.

"Sorry about the lack of information," Wayzz said as Adrien looked at the page, "we weren't able to fill out most of the information but you can fill it out when you find the time."

Over the next few days Adrien got use to his life at the Miraculous hide out. Even though it was much smaller than the mansion he grew up in, Adrien felt like this was his home. Plagg even became like an older brother to him. The two would play video games and go shopping together, mostly for camembert. The days went by so fast Adrien had to blink twice when he saw it was Thursday.

"So what's in this thing?" Plagg asked holding up Adrien's messenger bag.

"And good morning to you too," Adrien greeted the spirit, "also don't go through my stuff please."

"I'm not I'm just curious," Plagg defended. "When you arrived here nearly a week ago all you had were the clothes on your back and this thing."

"It's my school bag," Adrien retorted as Plagg dumped the contents on the table much to Adrien's annoyance.

"Guys!" Nino interrupted as he entered the hideout. "You'd never believed what just happened."

"You finally decided to ditch school," Plagg celebrated, "congratulations!"

"No the Akumatized broke the school water pines last night," Nino answered as Alya and Marinette enter. "School's closed until repairs are finished."

"Alright man!" Plagg and Nino high fived each other.

"Adrien!" Marinette called giving him a quick hug, "thank goodness you're alright. I'm sorry we come sooner, school was going on and I had to help my parents my parents with the bakery so that took up all my time. Not that I wasn't thinking about you, I mean when you're teammate gets injured it's always." Alya covered Marinette's mouth resulting in the latter glaring at her teammate but Adrien couldn't help but smile.

"So do guys now who caused the flooding," Adrien asked trying to stick to his new duties.

"We don't know," Alya answered upsettingly, "the attacks happened when the school was closed and security camera's only showed a few sillolettes."

"But I believe Stormy Weather has something to do with it," Marinette added, "she is the only one of the Akumitized, that we know of who can control water. Though Evilillitsture could also be a suspect."

"Well they could be our class did you see how much it was filled up?" Nino asked. "It was practically a swimming pool."

"Do you have any ideas who the Akumitized might be?" Adrien asked as they sat down.

"No," Marinette responded sadly as she looked down, "even when used for wrong Nooroo's magic still conceals their identities."

"Not to mention that they also look completely different when Akumitized and we look almost exactly same."

"The worst part is it was a stealth attack," Ayla complained. "We didn't get a chance to even try and fight them."

"Would you want to fight at 2 a. m.?"

"It's our job Nino!" Alya stood up from the couch. "Our classmates deserve their education and to be safe. What if it happened during the school day and they could have been killed. Not to mention the teachers and other staff."

"But they could be members of the Akumitized."

"We were once Akumitized!"

"I know that!"

Adrien watched the argument with intense curiosity. Nino and Alya had few arguments back when he attended school or maybe not a single one at all. Adrien would have stared at it more if Marinette hadn't grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into his room.

"Sorry about that," Marinette apologized as Adrien closed the curtain that separated his room from the main part, "they tend to argue about that a lot. Honestly it's probably been going on since Nino joined Miraculous."

"So how's life outside the hideout?" Adrien asked awkwardly sitting on his bed.

"It's as normal as it can be." Marinette answered it just as awkwardly. The two just stayed quiet for a while before Adrien motioned for Marinette to sit next to him.

The two just sat there for a few minutes pretty quietly. Nino and Alya's argument could be heard but really muffled in the room. It was like the two didn't notice that Adrien and Marinette had even left.

"What was it like living on the streets?" Marinette asked, breaking the silence, but covered her mouth quickly.

"Honestly, the toughest part of my life so far," Adrien answered. "I had to walk around in a hoodie 24/7, just so people wouldn't recognize me. When Plagg found me I had spent almost all of the money I had on me or found on food. I didn't know if I was going to make it."

"You had to spend many days in the rain," Marinette recalled, "every time I saw it was starting to rain I couldn't help think of you, all alone out there. There was always this fear in the back of my mind that something happened to you."

"You actually thought of me?" Adrien asked without thinking.

"Oh, well it's just that we were friends in school and so of course I didn't want you to be hurt or anything like that. It didn't help that I was part of the reason you were in this situation, being Ladybug and all."

"No, I was worried everyone forgot about me." Adrien stood up and walked to the other side of the room. "I may have been at the top but once something happens they forgot about you or all they see is your mistake. That's what my father would always tell me."

"Hypocrite," Marinette heard Adrien whisper to himself before walking over to him and hugging him. "It's alright you're safe now."

"I know," Adrien sighed, "I remember when my father got arrested. When the limo didn't arrive at school to be me up I was surprised but I took the opportunity walk home. When I got home I couldn't believe the number of police cars that were there. Before I knew it I saw my father being escorted out in handcuffs and police officers closing the house down. I still don't know how no one noticed I was there."

"What did you do after that?" Marinette asked.

"The only thing I could do run away," Adrien look down at the floor, "from that day until Plagg found me I lived on the streets." At that moment Adrien could feel Marinette's arms embrace him with constant whispers of "I'm sorry." Adrien placed his hand on hers and they stood there for a while.

"Miraculous members I would like you all to come out here," Master Fu requested as all the members gathered in the main room. "We have a special mission complete today."

"Are we going into Hawkmoth's lair and beat him to a pulp?" Nino asked excitedly.

"No but it is similar. We're going into the Agreste mansion to see if we can get any information on Hawkmoth."

At that moment Adrien nearly fainted.

AN: Wow this got done faster than expected. I've just been writing and writing when I can. Hope you enjoy and see you next chapter.