Hello, everyone!
This is the first chapter of several for this fanfiction, so it is not going to sound completely right in the first chapter.
Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note or the geniuses who exist within the Death Note universe (I wish I did, though...).
It had been one week. One long, painful week.
With no Death Note around to kill people, yet his memories of it still intact, the pain was working its way up to the level of excruciating. It was while he was talking to Ryuzaki that he realized just how badly he needed to forget it, how bad the pain could get; he knew that he had told Ryuzaki not to release him until the detective was completely convinced that he, Light, was not Kira- and that could take all of eternity. But he would be dead before that time came.
"Light, you've only been here for one week; I'm sure it can't be easy. Are you feeling alright?"
I've got to get rid of my memories, or the pain will get too bad, Light thought, biting back a yell. "… Yeah. I must look pretty bad in here. But this useless pride... I suppose I'll have to… get rid of it." He grunted the last few words as a new spark of pain made its way down his chest. He listened as Ryuk stood and left with a simple "Later."
And then it was gone: his memories, pain, everything.
He blinked rapidly and looked around at his surroundings. He began to try to reason with L, but to no avail.
Light did not know why he had asked to be put in solitary confinement in the first place. Here he was in the cell, with nothing to do, except think, sleep, and sit. He felt like a naughty child put in time-out.
He assumed it had been about three weeks since his imprisonment started, but he had no way of knowing for sure, outside of asking Ryuzaki. But at the moment, he did not feel much like having a conversation with the paranoid detective.
According to Ryuzaki, the killings had not yet resumed. Ryuzaki would talk to Light several times a day, checking on him to see how he was doing, and then question him about Kira. These inquiries angered Light greatly. No matter how many times he yelled up at the video camera that he was "NOT KIRA!" Ryuzaki still held onto his lingering doubt.
As expected, Ryuzaki began speaking over the comn at that moment, breaking through his thoughts as he stared through the metal bars, at the wall opposite him.
"Light-kun? How are you feeling?"
"Fine," Light replied shortly. He couldn't help but wonder is the long confinement period would somehow affect his social skills.
"Are you sure?" L pestered.
Light nodded, not in the mood to speak any more than he had to.
"Very well. So, have you changed your mind about your answer?"
Light shook his head again before glancing towards the camera, which was in the corner of the room, pointed directly at him.
"Do you still believe that I am Kira?" he asked quietly.
There was a moment of quiet on Ryuzaki's end and Light could have sworn that he heard a small sigh.
"… Yes, Light, I do; there have been no killings and it has been twenty-three days. I'm afraid things are not looking very good for you and Misa-san."
He blinked in surprise as Ryuzaki mentioned the blonde-haired girl who was blatantly infatuated with him, remembering that he was not the only one locked away.
"How is she doing so far?"
"… Not the best," Ryuzaki replied truthfully. "But I believe she will be alright."
"And what about my father? Is he doing okay?"
There was silence for a moment as- he presumed- Ryuzaki spoke to Light's father.
"Yagami-san says that he is doing well and tells you 'hang on. It will only be a matter of time before Ryuzaki changes his mind and ends the surveillance.' Though, personally," the older male added," I disagree with the latter of the statement."
With that, the comn went dead again and their conversation was over.
Light shifted on the cold, concrete ground, leaning forward somewhat in order to stretch out his back.
This is such a waste of time! He complained mentally. If only Ryuzaki released me, then when could go and hunt down the real Kira. This killer must be trying to frame me. That has got to be it.
He leaned back against the frame of the cot as he thought.
But who would hate me enough to do this to me? He wondered. It isn't like I have a lot of enemies- and none of those people know anything about the Kira case or my location.
So what is going on?
He had no clue.
Ryuzaki sighed. It had been a couple of days- eight, to be exact- since the Kira killings had started again; Light had yet to admit to being Kira.
But Ryuzaki was starting to believe him, especially now that the murders were once again occurring on a daily basis.
He frowned as Watari set a plate of strawberry cake before him, mumbling a thanks.
Watari nodded and left.
The ex-police officers had left hours ago to follow up on a possible lead, leaving L alone in the control room.
Ryuzaki still suspected that Light used to be Kira, but had a doubt that he still was now.
Could it be possible that he lost his memory? Or perhaps the power somehow left him as soon as he was placed under surveillance?
He considered this speculation. There was about a 24% possibility of both. It was still far more likely that Light was Kira and merely bluffing so that he could be cleared of suspicion quicker.
But there was something… Light seemed genuinely positive that he was not Kira.
Ryuzaki's frown deepened as he lifted a forkful of cake to his mouth.
What was going on?
As I said above, there will be more chapters for this story. The next one will be up on this Friday.
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. If you have any comments/complaints/compliments, please feel free to let me know.
Thanks for reading!