I know this is quick. I just HAD to write the next chapter, it was impossible not to. This chapter contains slight sexual content. Slight! The real action will be soon. But not right now. Thanks to Hattie! Thanks to Jennifer! Please R&R. I don't mind constructive crit, but please no flames because this is my first WWF fic. (please ignore the mistakes)

Dedicated to : Harriet, my best friend, I really hope she enjoys this. Oh and get better soon, Hattie!

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the WWF people. If I did, I wouldn't share. And I wouldn't be writing about them, either! (hehe) And THIS FIC DID NOT HAPPEN AND IT NEVER WILL! IT IS PURE FICTION! However, I own Nemony and Robin.

Chapter 2 Love's Got A Hold On My Heart

I saw fireworks behind my eyes as Jeff kissed me. He was the most amazing kisser; he took it slow, it felt like he knew I wasn't sure. My mind was still taunting me, making horrible remarks.

He'll break your heart again...

I tried not to care. I lost myself in Jeff's arms, I now understood the meaning of bliss and rapture and the phrase "I've died and gone to Heaven"

He'll only hurt you, don't fall for him, he'll....

"Oh Robin..." Jeff groaned against my throat. My breath was coming in small gasps. I couldn't remember ever feeling so good.

One of his hands was still tangled in my hair, the other had moved down to my shoulder and it was still moving down onto my chest. He pulled away and looked at me.

"Can I?" he whispered.

I nodded apprehensively. I couldn't help it. I had no control over my body. Jeff slowly unbuttoned my shirt and pushed it off my shoulders. Thank god I was wearing my best underwear.

Jeff looked at my chest as if it was a wonderful piece of art. He slowly brought his hand upwards and placed it on my left breast.

"Your skin's beautiful, it's soft...." he whispered. He kissed me again. I was trying to forget how my mind was screaming at me to stop.


He was hyperventilating. His hands were moving everywhere, trying to touch me. "Robin, I want you...." he groaned, trying to undo my jeans.

Can't I just let him make love to me? There was nothing wrong with it, really no harm in it, really no harm in it, so what if he hurts you, you can survive, who cares, time will heal, who cares? There's really no harm in it and it feels so good....



He groaned in reply.

"Jeff, stop..."

"Why?" He carried on kissing my neck.

"No, stop!"

"Don't you want to?"

"I want to, there's nothing I want more, but I - I'm sorry Jeff I just can't."

I pushed him away and ran into the suite.

WHY? Why did I tell him to stop? Why am I so stupid? If I hadn't got so badly hurt by that IDIOT Scott, I could be making love with Jeff Hardy. I could be, I COULD be.


Jeff sat down on my bed and put his arm around me.

"You do want to, don't you?"

"Yes." I sniffled.

"Then why not? I want it, you want it, why don't we do it?"

"I really do want to. I just got so badly hurt. I'm sorry, you don't want to hear this."

"Tell me, Robin."

"I was sixteen. I had a boyfriend called Scott. He was lovely to me at first. He told me he loved me. Then he turned on me. I loved him so much and he decided that he hated me. He hurt me physically, he punched me, and he tried to kill me once. Then he was off with this dizzy blonde. I considered killing myself."

"Oh Robin."

"And I have this kind of reflex that kicks in whenever I start to fall for someone. I haven't been able to get close to anyone for two years."

"Poor Robin, you've had a hard time of it."

"Mhm." I muttered, tears spurting down my cheeks.

He pulled me into his arms again, kissing my neck.

"I would never hurt you, Robin. I swear by my own life. Please. It doesn't matter what you do. Just let me love you." Jeff whispered.

And so, I did.....

Please review! It gets steamy next chapter, I promise! I hope you enjoyed it. Please express your opinion of it. What do you want to happen? Detail? Tell me and I'll do my best.