Eobard rubbed his forehead and winced. The Allen house had a goddamned force-field! He ran a hand through his… blonde hair?

He blinked. When Eobard had first arrived in what he later dubbed as the "Speedforce nexus", he had the appearance of the late Harrison Wells, despite changing back to his original appearance at the time of his temporal erasure. For the gods know how long he had cursed and screamed at and about everything, from his worthless yet underestimated ancestor Eddie, to the idea of never returning home.

"Oh GOD! Make me pregnant!"

Ripples in the air seemed to pulse outwards from the Allen house which – although unseen by Eobard – the speed warrior felt with a shudder. This was then immediately followed by a partly-exasperated sigh from Eobard, once he realized the identity of the voice.

It seems as if The Flash cannot help himself from fucking with the timeline and reality itself.

Suddenly, a massive shockwave erupted outwards from the Allen house and knocked Eobard sailing into the air. Luckily, as a speedster with enhanced perception, Eobard managed to quickly regain his footing whilst simultaneously noticing that the force-field was down. Now was his chance!

In a flash of red lightning, Eobard Thawne raced into the Allen house.

The first thing that Barry expected to feel when he woke up from his short (from his point of view) nap was guilt. After all, he had just slept with his mother. He had inserted himself into the woman who had birthed him – the place where was conceived was now flooded with his own seed! Yet, as he gazed down at his sleeping mother curled up against his chest, Barry did not feel guilt or any negative feelings that modern society would say he should be feeling. Instead, Barry felt something he had not truly felt for a long time, ever since he had lost his mother so many years ago: peace.

Of course, the sex was unbelievably amazing, but it was not the sole reason for his newfound peace. For sixteen years Barry had felt a missing part of himself. Some of the damage had been healed with time and the support of his surrogate family, but it was always there. Now, as he lovingly stroked his mother's hair, Barry felt the missing piece fit back into his heart as both his mother and soulmate. It had just been the two of them – a single mother and her son – for eleven years before disaster had struck, before Nora Allen had been stripped away from him.

Yes, Barry still loved Iris and would continue to do so for as long as he lived, but they were not meant to be. Iris was his best friend, and he would tell her absolutely anything, but Barry knew that his heart belonged to his mother. Plus, judging by some of the looks Joe had been giving Iris when she was not looking, maybe Barry needed to do some match-making.

"Morning, sweetheart."

Barry smiled gently down at the nude goddess that was curled against him. Even in the "morning" - he could not really tell in the Speedforce – she was still beautiful.

"Hey, mom." He kissed her forehead, to which Nora smiled with a serene look on her face.

"God, you came so much inside of me. When we go back to home I am definitely going to be pregnant," Nora said, with the smile never leaving her face.

At this remark, Barry's face broke out in a massive grin. His mother was coming back with him! At first, Barry was afraid that he would have to leave her behind in the Speedforce. He knew that Zoom was still a threat, and he cared about his friends and family 'on the other side'. There was no chance in Hell that he would leave them to Zoom's mercy. However, as Barry now knew that his mother was coming back with him, the tough choice had been made easy. On the other hand, the thought of becoming a father were popping up with the typical doubts and fears – not to say that he was not overjoyed at the prospect. But before Barry could start fantasizing a life with his mother/hopefully-soon-to-be-wife and child, he felt something change in the atmosphere.

"Someone's downstairs," Barry said, before he rapidly got up from the bed wearing his Flash costume. As he stared incredulously at the costume, Barry looked over to his mother for an explanation, to which Nora shrugged.


If the situation was not potentially serious, Barry would have joked back. Instead, Barry raced downstairs, only to face the one person he never expected.

"Eobard Thawne," Barry breathed out before getting into a fighting stance.

The Reverse-Flash was currently unmasked in front of him wearing his original face, but it did nothing to make the evil speedster seem friendlier. Neither did the shark-like smile hiding the raging pool of emotions.

"Barry, Barry, Barry." Eobard chided, waggling his finger from side-to-side. "The Flash could not resist messing with timeline, or with his own mother."

Faster than Eobard had expected, much to his consternation and slightly pride, Barry had him by the neck against the wall with a look of murderous intent on the younger speedster's face.

"You say anything about her or I will end you, Thawne!"

"Mr. Allen, it seems as if you need a better handle on your emotions," Eobard taunted, almost reminiscent of the Harrison Wells that Barry had known. "Now, if you could…"

Barry slowly and carefully released his hold on Eobard whilst never leaving him out of his sight.

"What do you want, Thawne? And how are you still alive?"

Eobard smirked.

"Always asking the right questions, Flash. When Eddie had killed himself – quite heroically, I might add – and erased me from existence, I ended up here in the Speedforce nexus. I have been in this torturous dimension for gods know how long which brings me to answering your first question: I want to go home."

Barry laughed before sobering and giving Eobard a look that the evil speedster would know meant that he would not be fooled again.

"And then what? Terrorize my friends and family, along with lives of the innocent! No way in Hell, Thawne."

Eobard smirk never left his face, as he put on his mask and his eyes glowed red with corrupted Speedforce. Then, with his distorted voice, he said:

"I wasn't asking."

Unfortunately for Eobard, attacking the chosen of the Speedforce WITHIN the Speedforce was not a smart move as far as understatements go. Before Eobard had even begun running towards Barry, Nora had appeared out of nowhere – fully clothed in the same clothes as before the sex – but shining bright like a beacon and threw the Reverse-Flash to the other end of the sitting room.

"Mom, stay back!"

"Listen to your son, Nora Allen." Eobard growled, as he carefully got back up again. "I wouldn't want to kill you… again."

Eobard sped straight towards Nora with his right arm vibrating at the right frequency to stab, but before Barry could even react, she had grabbed onto Eobard's neck and lifted him a few inches off the ground.

"The Speedforce has been merciful with you, Eobard Thawne." The voice coming out of Nora was ethereal yet also overwhelming in its power, as the light around "Nora" intensified in brightness. "But that ends now."

For many years Barry had often imagined getting his revenge on the Man in Yellow. Most of his rational mind wanted justice for his mother's murder, but a small part wanted the Man in Yellow to suffer for what he had done. Yet, as Eobard screamed in agony as the red electricity around his body turned yellow before entering into "Nora", Barry could not help but feel the slightest bit of pity for the Reverse-Flash (slightest being the key word).

All of this happened in the span of less than thirty seconds, before "Nora" dropped the semi-conscious and now also powerless Eobard onto the floor. She then turned to Barry who was paying no heed to the evil ex-speedster and was worrying about his mother.

"Nora Allen is fine, Barry. The Speedforce protects the loved ones of those we care about," The Speedforce reassured gently, to which Barry sighed in relief. "You have done so much for us, sacrificed so much and been through so much. This is your reward, Barry Allen."

Suddenly, a swirling blue vortex of lightning opened in the sitting room. The Speedforce smiled.

"Protect and cherish those you love. Run, Barry, run."

In a flash of light, Nora Allen was back. However, yellow electricity occasionally sparked from her body. Additionally, instead of the clothes she was wearing pre-sex, Nora was now wearing her own version of the Flash costume – the only difference was a domino mask similar to that worn by Trajectory.

"Ready, sweetie?"

Barry kissed her tenderly before they linked hands.


Both of their eyes sparked with yellow electricity before the two speedsters sped into the swirling vortex and back home.

Cisco did not expect it to work. After all, even with technology to back him up, his powers were still in the beta stage of testing. So when a swirling blue vortex with lightning opened up next to where the dimensional breach used to be, Cisco's first response was to "scream like a little girl", as Harry would have commented. Next thing he knew, Barry and another speedster came out of the portal in a flash of yellow lightning.



They ran up to each other and 'bro-hugged', whilst the other speedster – who Cisco internally remarked was "damn fine!" – waiting patiently at the side.

"Are you okay? Where is everybody?" Barry asked hastily, seeing that no-one was around.

"Am I okay? Dude, you just got disintegrated! Everyone else is off home slee-ping." The last word was affected by Cisco's yawn.

"Cisco, you need to rest," Barry chided gently. His friend looked unkempt and there were dark bags under his eyes from a lack of proper sleep. "I'll send you home."

For a minute, Cisco looked as if he was going to argue that he was absolutely peachy, but instead he simply nodded with a yawn.

"Thanks, bro. Who's the other speedster?"

Barry and Nora exchanged smirks.

"This is my mother, Nora Allen."

Cisco's eyes widened and energy briefly flooded back into his system at this bombshell, before the fatigue won over and he nodded sleepily.

"That's cool."

Before Cisco could hit the floor, Barry scooped him up and dropped him off back home. He then sped back to Star Labs, to find his mother without her domino mask but with a mischievous grin on her face.

"You know, Barry." Nora began saucily, which made Barry's dick harden. "I don't think we know for sure if I'm pregnant. Why don't make sure that I am?"

In a flurry of yellow lightning, a naked Barry found himself on top of an equally naked Nora and passionately making out with each other on the cool floor. Hands were everywhere as they re-explored each other's bodies.

"Then let us make sure," Barry said with a smile.

For the next few hours all that could be heard throughout Star Labs was the sound of moans and sex. Luckily for them, Jesse and Wally were currently in a coma and thus unaffected by the taboo love-making, whilst Harry slept like a log. By sunrise, Don and Dawn Allen were conceived in the very place their father was twenty-seven or so years ago.

Joe West woke with a start in his bed, as the morning light seeped in to his room. He cursed internally when he noticed the messy bed sheets dripping with his cum.

For the past few years, his dreams were filled with a woman – a beautiful seductress who would beckon him closer. At first, he had no idea who she was, but eventually – with his cock in her mouth – her identity became clear.

Joe pictured her in his head, as he removed his cum-stained boxers and began stroking his dick. He envisioned her bouncing on it, a look of pure ecstasy on her face, as he felt himself approaching an orgasm. God, he shouldn't, but he needed her so bad! He could hear her beg for his seed, beg for it to impregnate her. God, he was gonna cum!


A/N: What a cliff-hanger! If you want me to continue this series, feel free to say so. Thanks for all the support!