Princess of the Rowan Lands

The Gentry. The Faye. The sidhe.

All names referring to beings living in a plane that exists parallel to our own. The gentry are mysterious and fickle creatures. Known for their generosity and hostile temperament when dealing with humans. Their world is nothing like humans. Where humans seek to build their civilizations with machines and technology, making and building from things that exist without, the gentry live life in a simpler way. Living by using what they have within.


Many creatures use the name gentry. They themselves have a kind of hierarchy, dividing themselves into two main courts. The light and the dark. Many kingdoms exist within their world, with nearly all pledging allegiance to one court or the other.

In the lands governed by the Seelie court the thundering of hooves echoes through the forest. On a great clydesdale a young gentry princess rode hard through the forest. She was a beauty, even among the gentry, who prided themselves on their perfection. With lily white skin and cherry lips, a heart shaped face, a mane of wild red curls that flowed down to her lower back like flames, and eyes as clear and blue as the sky.

Merida was her name. Princess of the Rowan lands. Daughter to it's ruler Queen Elinor.

Merida was young. Only just over a century old. Which by the standards of the gentry, who were immortal beings, was very young. She smiled as she breathed in the fresh and clean air of the land, savoring the smell of the trees and feeling the magic and hearing the whispers from the trees around her.

She was excited. It was the first of the month. Which meant there was a surprise waiting for her in the forest. She rode her mount hard over a trail she knew by heart until she veered left. She stayed on a small trail hidden by the foliage and underbrush until she came to a small clearing. A babbling brook ran through it and it was covered by a blanket of soft grass. She leapt off her horse, patting him down and leading him to the brook so he could drink before looking around excitedly.

She soon found what she was looking for. She smiled to herself as she rushed over to a quiver of new arrows leaning against a tree. Like always there was a parchment on it. She read it. They never said much. And today was the usual, 'enjoy Milady'. She blushed and smiled to herself as she picked up the quiver and pulled an arrow out of it. The arrows were tipped with a broad head, sharpened to a deadly point, and attached to a wooden shaft that had been well carved.

She smiled before running back to Angus, grabbing her bow from his saddle and pulling an arrow. She turned, taking aim at a hanging target she'd hung beforehand. Quick and smooth she raised her bow, notched the arrow and fired. The arrows sailed through the air, right on point before sinking into the bull's eye with a satisfying thunk!

Merida's smile grew as she saw the arrow had pierced right through the wooden target.

She lowered her bow, placing her hands on her hips in satisfaction before brushing some hair behind her pointed ears. It was too bad she didn't know who the craftsman was. She'd give him her compliments on the quality of his arrows.

This had been happening for quite some time. One day she just found a quiver of arrows in her secret place, addressed to her with a parchment. And every first of the month a new quiver with new arrows appeared. All of the finest quality she'd ever encountered and made especially for her.

Her horse suddenly bumped his nose against her. She teetered forward before laughing and turning to give him her attention.

From the treeline the young princess was being watched. Forest green eyes watched her closely from behind a tree as she picked up her latest set of arrows. A young gentry man, tall, with auburn hair, and a lithe build remained in hiding, waiting and watching in anticipation as the princess drew her arrow and fired. Like always she'd hit the target dead center.

Then he waited. And waited. Heart thrumming anxiously before it finally happened.

She smiled.

She smiled as she obviously enjoyed his work. And it was beautiful. Radiant even.

Perhaps even divine.

And it made him smile too. The young gentry held affection for the princess. But this was not strange as there were many that did. All knew of Princess Merida. Noble of the light Summer Court and capturer of countless hearts. Wild, strong, and dangerous.

He let out a sigh before backing away to leave the Princess to enjoy her new arrows.

Yes, he was in love with the Princess. But even if she wasn't so obviously above him, even if she didn't have countless suitors...he knew he could never win her heart.

And the small squeak with every step was a constant reminder of why.

He knew he would never have her heart. But that's why he made her arrows. Because he liked to think that maybe, just maybe, somewhere deep in her heart she held a sliver of affection for the nameless and faceless smith who crafted her such fine arrows.

And that was enough.

He cleared the trees and took a breath.

And in the next moment he was in the sky, flying away from the Rowan lands and back to his life of solitude to begin constructing her newer arrows.

All so he could see her smile.

new fanfic idea

will be short

will be lemony