Update lol

Since I see a lot of people who are guests questioning Naruto's ownage by Ophis, I decided to make a chapter answering some questions.

No. Naruto is NOT weak. Not by any means. Ophis did simply NOT hold back. Naruto was at 25% power and there's a reason for that that will be revealed later, like, next chapter.

The reason Naruto had such a strong reaction to Ophis' attack, wasn't because he was afraid for himself. He was afraid for his people against a being of such power, and that's why the end shaped out like it did. He could care less about getting owned, in fact, Naruto half expected it. It was the attack on the Grigori Headquarters that left that angered state. He was angry that the fallen were just fodder to her as a means of getting to him. Its also why I referenced the attack the old Satan faction made on Fallen troops after a statement of neutral stance after gods death, the same one I mentioned in chapter 1.

All I ask is that you don't take this fight as an example of Naruto's strength. Leave that to later chapters.

I also was reminded that Issei did not know draig so early on in the story, but I remedy that. I would place it in that Issei had faced a lot of stress in the church and draig had to give him some pep talk, and Issei simply used a reaaaally weakened version of the dragon shot. The main reason I even put it in was so that I could have Naruto pick up on Issei's potential. Since something crazy is coming on that front, but it might have to wait a chapter or two.

Anyway, I hope this clears some stuff up.

Happy reading. Now on to other stories.